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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 146 KB, 1280x720, kid meal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14692939 No.14692939 [Reply] [Original]

>old roommate, an adult male, would only eat shit like chicken nuggets, hot dogs, and frozen pizzas.

why do some adults have the palate of a child?

>> No.14692961

Ever consider the reason is not about palate, but low cost, time efficiency, and lack of interest in being a "foodie"?
Its not about lack of maturity in all cases, its just we don't fucking care, and pursue other interests.
Eating simple shit in general makes a really well cooked plate or restaurant visit something special. In the same way having drinks on a weekend or special occasion only is more fun than getting drunk every goddamn day.
Take your pretentious opinions and shove them way up your asshole, you arrogant obnoxious piece of shit human.

>> No.14692962

Share some of your thoughts on it. Maybe with some critical thinking, you'll come up with the answer.

>> No.14692969

Modern parenting.

>> No.14693097

My 65 year old dad eats this way. It’s because he’s an alcoholic and three quarters of his ‘food budget’ is spent on alcohol. Maybe ur room mate is a heavy drinker?

>> No.14693103
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They lack ambition.

>> No.14693104
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Holy fucking triggered

>> No.14693195


>> No.14693263

My 70 year old roommate eats this way. It's because he was married for 50 years and his wife always cooked for him and then he got divorced. Also must have done all the housework because he's a slob who can't clean for shit.

>> No.14693266

>then he got divorced

>> No.14693271

Found the tastelet.

>> No.14693282

>is on a cooking forum

>> No.14693288


>> No.14693291

It is almost definitely this. source: I'm unironically an alcoholic (although not currently in a state of active addiction, so what some might call a "dry alcoholic"). the idea is to get something cheap (more money for booze) that fills you up (kills the munchies so you can drink more), replaces the salt/electrolytes and other shit you're literally pissing away and takes little time or effort to prepare. (more time drinking - I can throw a sad shitty frozen pizza and/or some nuggets in the oven, set a timer and go back to getting fucking wasted)

>> No.14693333

I'd feel like absolute shit eating junk food every day doesn't matter how little I care about food masturbation or what time I have. I feel like these people aren't aware of rice cookers. I had to find out myself.

>> No.14693364

>being so autistic that he cares about what other people eat
It's not your body they're using to eat, so fuck off faggot.

>> No.14693365
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>> No.14693398

I don't get it. Based on what?

>> No.14693410

>japanese dudes have black hair
yeah no shit

>> No.14693412
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i once ate frozen pizza two days in a row and felt like total shit, couldn't even shit right

couple weeks later I made my own pizza from scratch and didn't even have a hint of feeling like shit

cooking is king

>> No.14693416

How the hell you end up with a 70yo roommate?

>> No.14693423

Put ad out, 70 year old responded. Simple as.

>> No.14693424

Japanese men who are go getters and have ambition style their hair, incel. I bet you still have the bowl cut your mommy gave you. lmao you're such a loser.

>> No.14693429

If their health isn't my business then why all the riots?

>> No.14693435

>Effectively cooks just for themselves
>Doesn't really know how to cook
>Doesn't want to waste money/food due to spoilage
>Cooks frozen shit cause it's easy and doesn't spoil

When I was living with family and I cooked everything was fine because I knew all the food would be eaten. Now that I love alone I struggle to use my fresh ingredients before they spoil. If I had no idea how to cook I'd probably go to frozen easy to make shit too.

>> No.14693437

Thats fucked up, he should be in a home with nurses.
at his age he can barely remember his own name.

>> No.14693449

Thats rich coming from a guy who wears virgin jeans and a fucking bicycle helmet lmfao

>> No.14693454

t. mutt genetics

>> No.14693460
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This anon is right, though. I spend most of my time reading literature or playing soccer outside. There just isn’t enough time in the day, so I sacrifice time spent cooking to pursue my other hobbies and passions. Simple as. That being said, I eat healthy and avoid processed foods like the plague.

>tfw eat chicken and broccoli for most meals

>> No.14693462 [DELETED] 

this shit tastes great, you're just a gross moron.

>> No.14693469

yeah but processed stuff kids eat kills you slowly without exception. it's like eating garbage
you're far better off investing SOME amount of time in cooking and eating properly. you need to fucking eat to live after all. so why not do it properly
what else are you doing that takes priority over eating well

>> No.14693473


>> No.14693480

Nah bro, homeboy got a memory like an Elephant and he's strong as fuck. We rassle sometimes. It's fun. Rassling then pizza, beers, and sportscenter.

>> No.14693488
File: 88 KB, 650x433, veggies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

heard that OP i have and have had roomies that just eat piles of trash constantly. door dash every day. we're all cooks but theyre always bringing home cream pastas,fried chicken, packaged food, boxed food, chips, snacks, cereal.
they look at me like i'm judging them when i walk by with a plate of veggies and fruits. i'm not. i don't give a shit. i just like raw veggies like a nerd.

>> No.14693506

Do you salt them?
I need to do this

>> No.14693507

>like an Elephant and he's strong as fuck. We rassle sometimes. It's fun. Rassling then pizza, beers, and sportscenter.
Holy shit, please continue! I have a boner

>> No.14693517

That's about it bro. Apart from 'Rasslin Wednesday' we just go about our business.

>> No.14693519

dude, weak! you cannot lead off a story like that and end it with a dull thud.
lie to me, please?

>> No.14693534

I had to rassle my hardest because if he beat me he would pin me and say 'your meat hole needs a meat pole' then do stuff to me. I didn't eat pizza, and drink beer on the days I lost.

>> No.14693631


not always. i've definately been salting this week. but i quit drinking after 10 years so i'm craving some shit.

if you eat "right" stuff like cucumbers and carrots start to taste like sweet treats to you.

just dont overload your body with packaged foods and sweets. soda is the devil. anything with a barcode has the devil in it

its summer here and i DO enjoy a good plate of salted cucumber slices.

just eat food from the earth. learn to love hummus. go raw bell peppers in hummus and shit. it's tasty. make your own everything. make hummus. want ketchup? make some ketchup. grow a garden. learn plants. forage hunt and harvest. live well.

also it's cheap af compared to eating out. lol.

>> No.14693644


>> No.14693654

I usually switch between cooking meals from scratch to making easy to make shit like chicken tenders, frozen pizza, and hot dogs on days when I am tired as fuck and don't want to deal with dishes.

On the plus side, cooking meals from scratch usually gives mean extra 2-4 days worth of food to eat for meals, so I usually cook 1-2 times a week and eat off that.

>> No.14693662

>compared to eating out

Hell yeah man. I was a fat idiot eating fast food 5 days a week, now I literally only cook. If i can incorporate raw veggies as a snack instead of processed shit I will reach god status like you.

Why did you quit drinking? How hard were you going?

>> No.14693688

>Ever consider the reason is not about palate, but low cost, time efficiency, and lack of interest in being a "foodie"?

Nah, they just have a shit palate and a kids mentality when it comes to feeding themself.

>> No.14693696


>> No.14693723

Quit polposting in every thread.

>> No.14693730

I eat like this because I'm depressed and I never have the energy to cook an actual meal. I skip meals a lot too.

>> No.14693732

It’s a valid question dweeb

>> No.14693738

You should drive your car as fast as it will go into an oncoming train

>> No.14693744

>t. Indian curry eater
Just know your preferred foods are icky and repulsive, and that the cuisine in your Picrel is peak tastiness and appealing

>> No.14693795

Some times I like pork and beans with cut up hotdogs.
I can't think of anything else in the manbaby category that I ever eat.

>> No.14693825

Oh fuck off what you think is valid. You've got pol holes in your brain.

>> No.14693831

Wouldn't be very fast bro. Ever driven on train tracks? Maybe you have and you survived and that's why you're so stupid. You were probably stupid before. Did you get stupider or are you at the same level as stupid?

>> No.14693838

Because they have an insanely low IQ to match, see >>14692961

I honestly love chicken tenders and mac, but if there's better food to be eaten, that's what I want.

>> No.14693841

Social japs, like gooks, are known for their fashion.

>> No.14693848

Because people's only ambition in life is reproducing, getting a new boyfriend, or eating basic food

>> No.14693857

You guys have weak gut flora. I've eaten everything from TV dinners to Michelin star meals, I never get sick or nauseous. If I really wanted I could eat fast food every day (done if before) for half a year

>> No.14693868

Not all old people are weak and inactive. My grandmother is 65 still cooking still moving around like she's 45

>> No.14693873

>My Grandmother is 65
What are you fuckin 10 years old?

>> No.14693874

Who gives a shit?

>> No.14693898

He means his entire family prides themselves on never using birth control and being a "family person" so all of them give birth underage mindlessly

>> No.14693904

So they might actually be fucking 10 year Olds?

>> No.14693921

K fatty

>> No.14693958

typical straw man delivery by the mentally ill leftists

>> No.14693963

You’re so goddamn fucking retarded it’s not even funny, your mother should have drowned you in a bathtub

>> No.14693967

My grandmother was married to a politician, extremely religious, so having 6-8 kids was normal at a young age... She was in her 20s early 20s when she started having children MARRIED. So please don't disrespect her.

>> No.14693973

Nah, calories in calories out.

>> No.14693976

>its just we dont fucking care
so yes your palette is shit
also this processed junk makes you fat and sick

>> No.14693980

Kk fatty

>> No.14693987

Cope, gutlet.

>> No.14693993

funny guy, even the poorest can cook, so why all of this hate?? Being interested in a good diet its not just about palate, its about kown that some food its bad for ur body

>> No.14693995

K fatty

>> No.14693999
File: 13 KB, 312x84, Screen Shot 2020-09-04 at 3.40.14 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reddit tier response, you got anything better you brain dead mong?

>> No.14694008

K fat

>> No.14694051

He's just mad we're skinny and can eat anything we want. He's got a weak gut and gets sick like a weakling.

>> No.14694053

Typical pathetic attempt at gaslighting by rightwing edgelord.

>> No.14694072

Except none of those options are cost effective, especially frozen pizzas. They're also mostly empty calories. Better off just buying a can of tuna or sardines and some lettuce and spreading them out over the day and they'd cost a fraction of what nuggets, hot dogs, frozen pizza and ketchup would over time.
>Eating simple shit in general makes a really well cooked plate or restaurant visit something special
There's a big difference between eating bland foods and eating total garbage like OPs roommate. I doubt those kind of people could even stomach a tikka masala much less anything a Michelin star restaurant would serve.

>> No.14694076

Post pics of that ripe old cherry

>> No.14694087

Stupider is literally a word you moron. Who drowns in a bath bro, like just drink your way out haha

>> No.14694237

Heh fuck this got me

>> No.14694340

>bathwater full off sperm, piss and feces
aint drinking that

>> No.14694377

based, only fatasses brag about having a better "palates", pathetic

>> No.14694380
File: 3 KB, 125x69, Mmmmm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder who could be posting this....

>> No.14694916

lmao look at these fat fucks who have weak gut flora

even Olympians eat fast food and stay in shape, what's your excuse?

>> No.14694931

>it's not normal to have children at a young age goy!
>don't get married to young females goy!
based jew

>> No.14694964

What's your favorite nug sauce?

>> No.14695532

My post was more about how people have no personality besides giving birth, but go off and go get married at 18 if you really want it so badly

>> No.14695648

Having kids is the ultimate cuckpill, don’t ever think about raising a family if you are trying to be successful financially

>> No.14697233

K fatty

>> No.14697527

they are failures doomed to follow in the footsteps of those who failed to raise them

>> No.14697560

Could he hold you down and rape you, if he wanted?

>> No.14697564

these days it's most

>> No.14697599

If you can't be financially successful and have children, you've already failed.

>> No.14697626

It's the curse of "modern" life. The young millennials and zoomers didn't spend their early life eating dirt pies and playing in the mud. They didn't get a chance to develop immune systems so any deviation from their diets throws the body into chaos. Everyone I grew up with pre internet days can eat whatever the fuck they want and there are no "vinegar shits" or any of the other meme shit people claim happens if you touch any food besides plain chicken blessed by the prophet muhammad and a rabbi.

>> No.14697874


>> No.14698079
File: 29 KB, 263x343, 1594032653632.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If that's all someone ate growing up then that's all they know. Not everyone had good parents who actually cooked good meals for their children

>> No.14698103

My mom couldn't cook for shit but I developed the taste for cooking and eat anything by my own I been cooking for the family (because I knew more recipes than my mom) in my house since I was 14. If they eat like that is not because their parents but because they are almost retarded

>> No.14698108

you are mentally ill

>> No.14698109

>even people who literally work out every minute of their waking life don't get fat from eating junk food.

I feel like you fucking retards are just being so fucking retarded to infuriate me specifically.

>> No.14698139

I knew a guy once who'd only eat chicken nuggets as well. He refused to even try anything else on the McDonalds menu, he'd only get the McNuggets, wouldn't attempt a Big Mac. Maybe he'd treat himself to some tendies if it's a special day

>> No.14698603

>cucumbers and carrots start to taste like sweet treats to you
Can confirm; my sugar tolerance is now super low after training myself to eat healthy. Feels good man

>> No.14698978
File: 1.05 MB, 1174x1120, 10525-Wheels_SRP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you me?


be me, beginning of 2k20
>longtime gf and I breakup, staying together for the kid blah blah
>big sad
>she moves out and I can't pay for the place myself after losing my job in the same month and training at a new place
>gf's brother is living with their mom after his failed relationship that had him move to bumfuck montana after knowing the chick for like 2 months
>he genuinely hates his mom, like would only let her speak or be around him when she offered to drive up to montana to pick him up and move him back down
>moves in with me
>this dude is 24
He gets his EBT card after I bug him to apply since I'm mostly covering food costs for the both of us.
We go "grocery" shopping
Jesus fucking christ this dude never grew out of his picky eater phase
>chicken patties, plain
>buffalo chicken everything
>michelina's wheels and cheese, like an unreasonable amount. I remember he bought 2 CASES of them just to get through a case and a half in one day.
A case is 8 trays of wheels and cheese.
>Delimex Chicken rolled tacos. ONLY CHICKEN
>dollar menu chicken grillers at taco bell ONLY IF it's diced chicken. NO SHREDDED CHICKEN
like seriously he's thrown close to a hissy when we go through taco bell drive through until I turn around and make another pass
>Cheese Pizza
>just cheese
>even if any topping BUT cheese touches the pizza he will not eat it. No picking off the topping, nope. Full send will not eat it.
>unholy amounts of mountain dew
>24 packs on 24 packs

thank god he ND'ed into his hand with a hollow point and finally learned some kind of lesson.

>> No.14698996
File: 14 KB, 257x325, We+all+lose+_238c04c22f728af58dc18462f6a71851.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more on this dude.
>hated hot dogs
>loved frozen pizzas, again, cheese only
>hated chicken nuggets
Once I went to his job after clocking out of mine, dude works at a Savers and I asked around where he is and one of his coworkers said
>probably at Arby's stuffing his face with buffalo chicken sliders

>> No.14699241

You sound like you want to bounce on his bbc.
That's normal for a white boy like you though.

>> No.14699341

back to /b/

>> No.14699380

my roomates MICOWAVES hot dogs every single day for lunch and dinner. everyday..

I ask him how he does that and he says "i like the way they taste"

>> No.14699381

Anybody too lazy and apathetic to a healthy diet has no interests other than vidya

>> No.14699479

I had a coworker that exclusively hate baloney sandwiches, big macs and calzone pizzas. Every single day. He was obviously a fat fuck.

>> No.14699583

Does he eat anything else or you have only seen him eating that? That looks like an 50 y/o life spawn

>> No.14699659

My cousin is 27 and asks for plain cheeseburgers at McDonalds, if they fuck up and accidentally leave a pickle on or those tiny cuts of onion he won't eat it cause "even if he takes them off he could still taste them"
He also likes what he calls steak, absolutely no seasoning, not even a slight dash of salt, fried to way beyond well done, like eating a fucking tire and he calls it delicious, don't forget the side of frozen french fries heated in a microwave without anything on.

>> No.14699701

based on cocaine-freebase is where the term came from
meant some-crackheadass-tomfoolery until LilB The Based God reclaimed its meaning for positivity and love to all BasedWorld

>> No.14699720

>current roommate
>at the gym nearly 10 hours a day
>every night he prepares his meals for the next day
>always a mix of chicken, broccoli, mashed potatoes, peppers, and green beans
>eats the same shit everyday since i've been roommates with him

>> No.14699736

>getting divorced after 50 years of marriage
just Anglosphere things

>> No.14699740

made me laugh
pretty tragic though, right? like eugh what could have POSSIBLY broken that camel's back

>> No.14699756
File: 91 KB, 200x200, 1324182733369.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>don't forget the side of frozen french fries heated in a microwave without anything on.
So..h-he doesn't even cook them?

>> No.14699770

Did they have children?

>> No.14699783

had a hard time comprehending that kek. it's frozen fries meant to be fried or baked and he doesn't put anything on the fries like ketchup or salt

>> No.14699925

Sorry if that sentence had fucked up grammar, I meant they are store-bought frozen fries where he just takes a handful out of the bag they come in, put them on a plate and throws them in the microwave to heat up

>> No.14699963

So already fried and freezed or only the sliced ones that you still have to fry once defrost?

>> No.14699972

Either way your cousin is disgusting and it tells he never get a beating for being such a shit eater

>> No.14700034

The ones that are only cut, no coloration indication any previous cooking, puts them on a plate, sets the plate in the microwave while they are still frozen, straight from the freezer, and blasts them on whatever the max setting is.
So you just know they are a soggy mess when they come out of the microwave and goes hard as soon as they start cooling

Couldn't agree more, I get physically ill whenever I watch him eat.

>> No.14700058

>if you eat "right" stuff like cucumbers and carrots start to taste like sweet treats to you.
fuck there must be something wrong with me, I hear this all the time as the number one tip to get used to healthier food but it never works for me. I don't dislike veggies if they're seasoned I just prefer meat and starches. I've made myself eat veggies every meal for a month straight several times and I still struggle.

>> No.14700085

Gross he is still eating raw potatoes that way, too bad he is too old to slap some decency on the back of his head

>> No.14700097

You're supposed to cut out the refined sugar as well, not just eat vegetables every meal which is what every normal person does anyway.

>> No.14700107

>In the same way having drinks on a weekend or special occasion only is more fun than getting drunk every goddamn day.
lol look at this faggot not being an alcoholic
awwww is someone afraid of dying of liver disease?!
boo fucking hoo you soft cunt
your ancestors would be ashamed to know you grew up to be a prissy little bitch who doesn't get wasted and fuck every girl within a 10 miles radius


>> No.14700122

But do you?
>Bragging about being a junkie
Hard pass on that anon being an alcoholic is not different from any other drug addict

>> No.14700141

>t. 500lbs

>> No.14700142

Not an alcoholic medically speaking, in that I don't go through withdrawal when I don't drink for a few days or weeks.
But if I had a lifestyle that allowed it, fuck yeah I would drink every day.
I also don't look down on people who are alcoholics, they are living the dream.

You have to take the long view of history my young faggot.
We are supposed to be irresponsible, it is in our nature, selfishness is just as responsible for the achievements of mankind as selflessness.
Perhaps more so.

>> No.14700154

>you need to work out to not get fat from junkfood
I can see why you're mad, you can't even compete in the special olympics

>> No.14700155

At home, he only eats that. He doesn’t even know how to turn on the oven or stove top

>> No.14700168

Well then tell him I say good luck on getting pass 40

>> No.14700179

He truly doesn’t care about his health. He has a history of seizures, and his doctor said that his seizures are likely triggered by alcohol. But my roommate still drinks a 12 pack of beer every other day. In the refrigerator, the only items he has in it are hot dogs, and beer. Nothing else. In the pantry? Hot dog buns

>> No.14700201

I know a 49 year old who eats like a child like OP's old roommate. His idea of actually cooking anything is tossing a can of corned beef hash into a pan, or boiling pasta only to throw a $1 can of chili on it. And yes, he is morbidly obese.

>> No.14700230

>His idea of actually cooking anything is tossing a can of corned beef hash into a pan, or boiling pasta only to throw a $1 can of chili on it.
My roommate doesn’t even know how to do that. Once I had heated up a frozen pizza and gave him a slice because I was full. He loved it, so I said to him, that those pizzas were on sale and he should go pick some boxes up. He said “yeah, maybe. Could you show me how to cook it?”. When I said the directions are right on the box, he looked discouraged, then went to the fridge and grabbed a beer.

Surprisingly he’s not obese. But he does have a little beer belly growing on him. Only 28 years old

>> No.14700261
File: 13 KB, 394x400, C20D7115-3A44-42D8-8893-855C5CDB0FCF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I try to have some chicken or turkey and veggies everyday and some fruit, but if I’m watching sports I’ll have a Red Baron Supreme pizza while shitposting in /hoc/

>> No.14700357

It's not actually about palate. In most cases these people are afraid of trying new things because of unpleasant experiences when they were children, so they don't try new things as adults.

>> No.14700387

I’m making Manwich right now with a side of corn on the cob...

Is that bad?

>> No.14700631

Do you eat that exclusively or every day? If the answer is no. Then you are fine

>> No.14700640

I had that same meal a few weeks ago

>> No.14700655

You are fine buddy, but if you start to eat that everyday and refuse to eat another shit just because, then I will see you on this thread

>> No.14701504

i eat donuts for breakfast, cheeseburgers for lunch and frozen pizza for dinner almost every day during the week

>> No.14701626

>5 hours making curry
>Friends grabs a fork and mixes it with the rice then eats it like a soup

>> No.14701688

This. Those foods are all simple and cheap foods to make.

>> No.14701755

In Finland, the average family eats 3 frozen pizzas a week. For myself, I eat a frozen pizza every other day

>> No.14701996

raw vegetables cost nearly nothing and have 0 prep time, friendo

>> No.14702223

Probably mentally ill like this anon: >>14692961

>> No.14703836

Look up what "supertasters" are
Your roommate isn't autistic, he's a textbook supertaster.

>> No.14703871

finland, the land of rotten fish and frozen pizza

god what a shit hole

>> No.14704012

I knew a guy like this. He had emotional/mental health issues from a rough childhood and was a scummy low life thug. Mainly ate fish sticks and tendies or the occasional fast-food burger.

I chalked it up to him being arrested in development due to childhood abuse and was emotionally locked into a childlike mindset. kinda sad if you ask me.

>> No.14704098

He's a religious nut which is probably why it took so long. He retired a few years ago so perhaps she couldn't stand him being around all the time. Old couples can be like that - fine when the husband is out of the house most of the day; not so great when they're constantly around each other.

Got got fucking wrecked by his old bitch though from what I can tell. He was a professional before he retired. Seems he's taken their house and now he's living in a share house with people a third of his age eating frozen pizzas and barely able to look after himself. I swear he's losing his mind too because he forgets to turn the stove off before going to bed and leaves the door unlocked all the time.

>> No.14704287

Really rustled some jimmies lol

>> No.14704969

What if my parents never taught me how to cook because they never loved me and now I am a 30 year old manchild that doesn't know how to take care of myself?

>> No.14706834

"triggered!" Says the wall of replies.

>> No.14707285

>5 hours making a curry
Are you retarded?

>> No.14708804

/fit/ here
Quality still matters for how you feel, you lardass. CICO is just for barebbones weightgain and loss. If you eat shit you'll feel shittier and do worse than when you get it from proper sources. You'd know if you actually had a healthy streak in your life you fat cunt.

>> No.14708859
File: 12 KB, 300x200, chigyu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cheese bowl tastelet

>> No.14708875

Poor, weak, stupid and neurodivergence from bad parenting.

>> No.14708882

This mf probably smells horrible

>> No.14708910

what type of faggot makes an effort to change his hairstyle anyway it's just hair

>> No.14709178

Any men whose hairstyles is not 5mm with machine is a faggot aspiring to be a woman.
Same goes for the pigs who don't maintain beard and don't have decency to clean shave looking like glued pubes on face.

>> No.14709538

Its pretty great honestly, we drink heapsof coffee as well

>> No.14709545

>claims to not care
>but cares enough to post all this seethe
Might wanna vary your diet a bit cause you're a fuckin idiot

>> No.14709547

/ck/ - food and cooking

>> No.14709555

>encouraging dating minors
Not fooling anyone, Muhammad

>> No.14709582
File: 112 KB, 495x391, helga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most likely one or all of these
>don't care about their health
>are poor
>lack of decent parents
I ate shit when I was a teenager, but there are so many resources online that there are no excuses for an adult to continue to eat like that.

>> No.14709590

did he also eat that at restaurants?
otherwise you are conflating palette with just being lazy.

>> No.14709624

Gtfo rediturd

>> No.14709634

>18 is underage
Fucking americans I swear, no surprise why there are so many manchild who cry with a star wars trailer

>> No.14709645

It's common for older people to start becoming unhinged after a massive stress. Commonly the death of a long term partner but I imagine a divorce can be as rough.

>> No.14709692

I fucking hate that I look almost exactly like that.

>> No.14709706

I have a 33 year old cousin that stays at home and is literally a neet. It’s actually kind of sad as he was smart with computers and stuff but he just got lazy and depressed. I fear for the future what’ll he do without my aunt and uncle.

>> No.14709833

He raped you didnt he anon?

>> No.14711053

What veggie is good to eat raw ?

>> No.14711086


>> No.14711110

Palate doesn't matter.

>> No.14711125
File: 47 KB, 244x250, 1536596332891.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14711131


>> No.14711219

quads check'd.

>> No.14711249

Stale pasta, faggot.

>> No.14711301
