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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14684316 No.14684316 [Reply] [Original]

Have you ever had somebody you cooked for/served get pissy with you?

>> No.14684362

this happened to everyone in the food and service industry

>> No.14684385

i get pissy at my bf sometime because he gets so fucking lazy and cooks over the top serious trash
i know i'm going to get shit for this but yall don't understand how bad it can be
like just a few weeks ago he tried to serve me some rotten ass stinky potatoes that he cooked in meat juice that had been sitting on the counter for a couple days
he got all pissy when i told him it was fucking rotten and i wasn't eating that shit
and then he had food poisoning for 5 days after
he tried to blame it on too much ice cream
fuck that noise

>> No.14684402

You serious? I would end the relationship over that based on retardation

>> No.14684581

yeah he's kind of a monster
i think i just stay with him so i don't have to move to another shitty overpriced apartment

>> No.14684642

women are retarded

>> No.14684654

Yeah. I forget what I made but my alarm didn't go off, was an hour or two late to get started making dinner and my mom got pissed at me.

>> No.14684990

Good job on wasting your own time along with someone elses

>> No.14685083

it's not like I don't date other people when I get a chance
i'll probably leave him if i meet someone better

>> No.14685590


>> No.14685717

Why had there been meat juice sitting on the counter for several days

>> No.14685724

This. Clean your fucking house.

>> No.14685725

My ex husband refused to cook for himself and always put down anything I made. It got to the point where I just made chili and ramen. I remember one night giving him a bowl of ramen and him getting all pissy. I told him he could make his own food then. He threw the bowl on the floor and proceeded to mope and whine about how hungry he was.

>> No.14685736

he made meat and didn't clean it up
i'm not his maid and i don't eat his nasty food

>> No.14685779
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I never said you were a maid but that’s fucking gross. You should be ashamed for sticking around with such a fucking gross slob.

>> No.14685813

The only time anyone ever got pissy with me was one time me and some friends were on a road trip. And we were walking a main street looking for some food in a town I wont name. So the hostess of this spanish place convinces us to eat there and we say ok. We were not looking for communal table, but thats what it was. And they literally only served tapas. It was hipste3e fucking city, and this was like 15 years ago. Just endless appetizers for your 6 new friends to share.

So we got tired of that shit real quick and paid our bill, left a tip, and walked out after the first round of tapas. The god damned waiter chased us down in the street and verbally accosted us like we were hillbillies (which we probably looked like, we were on a road trip). I wanted to choke the man.

>> No.14685824
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>> No.14685831

With every passing day, my opinion that most women are beaten for a reason gets stronger.

>> No.14685835

my disdain for women is infinite

>> No.14685840

Some need a punch to the head but in this case this dude is a fucking retard. Why are you working 12 hours a day to please that. Just fucking leave you simp.

>> No.14685895

My mom, like every day. She wants dinner on the table by 4pm on nights she works. If it's not on the table by 3:45pm she's already getting pissy and does annoying shit like going in and out of the kitchen to the patio to do smoke breaks or standing behind me. She gets pissy at me when I make meals that have multiple cooking phases, and she'll start calling everyone to the dinner table when the food isn't even ready. My dad was a chef and I moved back in because he asked me to because of their age and that he has a disease that's fucking up his nervous system and can't use his limbs very well. No one wants to cook on those days because she's annoying as shit. I like cooking, but it's not my career and I don't like holding myself to things like efficiency and timing like professionals have to. Oddly enough she gets pissy at waitresses if food takes too long in her opinion. She sucks ass at cooking at just sits on her iPad browsing Facebook.

>> No.14685971

my dad
>"wheres the meat, im shit of chicken it doesnt taste lie anything"

>> No.14685997

Your ex-husband sounds like an ass and I'm glad you left him

>> No.14686041
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He is lucky as fuck to be rid of you

You are a fucking simp feminist enabler piece of hsit

>> No.14686072

have sex

>> No.14686671

You're living with someone that made meat and left the juices on the counter for DAYS??? Doesn't that shit stink? No... More than that; what the fuck is wrong with you? He must be hot as fuck or make a lot of money because it's very clear that he's an absolute idiot.

>> No.14687748

Feed your bf a big sloppa la shit

>> No.14687765

My current husband is like this, he won't let me get a divorce. I am glad you got out of that shit.