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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 91 KB, 1300x866, absolutegarbage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14682628 No.14682628 [Reply] [Original]

I hate pic related to the point I'm about to pull my old coil top out of the dump and reinstall it. Every time:
>way too fucking hot, grease splatters and burned food on the way
Fuckin thing burns food even on the lowest setting, and makes a godawful mess every time.

>> No.14682642

And yes, it splatters through my splatter shield which I do use. Not only that, but it somehow produces so much grease that it condenses on the edge of the shield, drips over the side of the pan then THAT starts splattering and making a fucking mess too! I cook the same food and use the same amount of oil as before (aka not very much).

>> No.14682648

Fuck, OP is both a faggot and fucking incompetent.

>> No.14682651
File: 935 KB, 1752x2048, DpjiHdFV4AArACl.jpg:large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cooking on a normal stove top with a cast iron vs. induction stove top with non-stick pan.
The biggest difference is in what you said: there is no inertia in the heat, it's all instant, and also mostly situated at the surface of what you are cooking.
It's much more fun to cook on a normal or gas stove top with a cast iron than cooking with an induction oven and non-stick, no matter the electrical efficiency or speed of it all.
Lifting the large ass cast iron pan is also satisfying.
Also yes, fat and oil splinter away in a very unnatural fashion, like small sprinkles. It sucks.

>> No.14682656

induction is a fucking meme and makes cooking way more of a hassle than it should be. Gas is the best, always will be.

>> No.14682715
File: 88 KB, 181x258, displeased_smoker.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Worst part is, I have a very old and well seasoned cast iron skillet that I used to use every day, which now I can't because the sides and bottom are too greasy. It pops and smokes and splatters on the induction top before it's even hot enough to cook anything with. Apparently it's possible to put it in a hot fire and burn everything off, but that would ruin the seasoning (I think?). This shit is lame bros, how is it possible that a brand new and very expensive stove cooks worse than a 35 year old shitheap?

>> No.14682721

Maybe I'll look into getting a gas line run in and a gas stove. Idk what that would cost though, probably a fucking fortune.

>> No.14682725

Cool it with those exclamation points. Some people are trying to sleep.

>> No.14682728

Eat shit nigger let's see you do a better job.

>> No.14682775
File: 14 KB, 500x649, Oekaki.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess your seasoning hasn't fully polymerized, and therefore there's fat just popping like a bitch, maybe? Never used a cast iron on an induction oven, so I have no experience with this anachronistic combo.

>> No.14682868

Bro just dig a hole and fill it with gasoline and run the pipe to your house and install the gas oven. The earths core is naturally gassy so it will replenish the fuel supply.

>> No.14682911
File: 21 KB, 550x550, gas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14682917

>waaa, waaaa, me no can cook on this newfangled contraption!

>> No.14682926
File: 30 KB, 600x522, 1285770302993.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh thanks bro, I'll try that right after driving to the gas station in pic related.

>> No.14682932
File: 315 KB, 414x410, 1597155831279.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people on this board are too retarded to even use induction
I thought it was just a meme when people said no one cooks here but this is just too far.

>> No.14682933

Not sure what your point is but keep making an ass of yourself, thnx

>> No.14682935

If you use it only to cooking I don't think it would be too expensive although I don't know how much gas cost on usa but for what I read here.. I feel you guys are getting ripped off for that service seriously... why is so expensive there?
Also >>14682911

>> No.14682937

Face it. He blew you the fuck out.

>> No.14682951

assuming you live in an area with natural gas service and aren't renting, you can probably get a professional install for under $1k, depending on how far the line is going. Some people get permits and install it themselves for cheap but fucking around with a system that will explode on you and everything you own if you fuck it up isn't wise.
The gas stove itself is going to be more expensive than getting a line in.

>> No.14682954

Have you people ever used a stove before? Cast Iron works on induction.
>The biggest difference is in what you said: there is no inertia in the heat, it's all instant,
So is gas, turn the flame down or off and it immediately does it. If you heated your cast iron it's not going to magically drop in temp immediately. It's going to cool down over time regardless of what the flame is at until they reach equilibrium.
>and also mostly situated at the surface of what you are cooking.
This is a result of not letting the pan heat up and the same applies to gas or coils.

Honestly do you guys even cook?

>> No.14682955

>literally can't even fucking cooking on an induction range

>> No.14682956
File: 62 KB, 500x318, Rebel_dookie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whatever fag I was just trying to help a bro out.

>> No.14682959

induction is utter shit bro
enjoy fiddling about with knobs and buttons and squinting at numbers on a digital display when a gas stove is intuitive AF. You literally feel the heat as you cook and its enjoyable

humans have cooked with fire for hundreds of thousands of years
technology is supposed to make life easier not harder

>> No.14682960

Natural gas itself is cheap where I am, it's getting the line run into the house from the road that's very expensive, as I understand it.
If you smug faggots know so much then help me out. Also very obvious samefag.

>> No.14682963

So you're actually retarded. Got it.

>> No.14682969
File: 5 KB, 498x79, Screenshot_2020-09-04 ck - I hate pic related to the point I'm about to pull - Food Cooking - 4chan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Also very obvious samefag.
Whatever, bitchboy. Enjoy cleaning up your tardrage mess.

>> No.14682973

Maybe, I'll have to look into it. My understanding is it's crazy expensive, i.e. I know of people who've had their entire home building situation fucked because of how expensive the gas line was going to be.

>> No.14682984

Yea, go ahead and fuck right off, useless cunt.

>> No.14682986

>It pops and smokes and splatters on the induction top before it's even hot enough to cook anything with.
>pan at least over 350 degrees to make oil/grease smoke
>not hot enough to cook anything
This has to be a bait or troll thread.

>> No.14682997

I was talking about grease on the bottom of the pan. It does do that because it's in direct contact with the stove top. Learn to read, brainlet.

>> No.14683004

Induction tops do not heat the surface it heats the pan retard. If the bottom of your pan is hot enough to smoke any oils or greases on it then the top surface is plenty hot to cook unless you have some kind of 10in thick pan.

>> No.14683020
File: 222 KB, 600x598, fcd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just lol @ the soy goys ITT rushing to the defense of a gadget that looks cool but doesn't work for shit. I bet you like robotic vacuums too.

>> No.14683022

>only reply is "U-U RETARD!!!1"
why even bother posting if you cant express opinions like an adult?

>> No.14683025

>/r/edditor that can't cook rushes to defend a fellow fast food eater like OP

>> No.14683029

It's a heavy old skillet, idk what else to tell you guy. That's what happened every time I tried to use it.

>> No.14683033

>typing out a stutter in greentext
Are you 12 or something?

>> No.14683035

I don't give a shit all cast iron is heavy. Unless it is extremely thick your you're not smoking oil on the bottom while the top is too cold to cook anything.

>> No.14683036

you know, i bet their house is filled with meme junk electronics that also have a smartphone app and connects to their phone for no reason at all

>what do you mean this juicer sucks!! it even has a smartphone app! I bought it for only $799!!

>> No.14683045

except that an induction stove is not about actual cooking but about useless tech
its like an air fryer or a halogen oven

>> No.14683047

Here you go OP, A 50-60 year old women will teach you how to cook with your induction top since you're too incompetent apparently.

>> No.14683050

how about not setting it to max all the time? adapting to the heating curve on these things isn't fucking rocket science

>> No.14683058
File: 368 KB, 1980x1445, a23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but it connects to the IoT, duuuuuude

>> No.14683060

>42 posters
>12 IPs
OP is having a meltdown

>> No.14683065

I've never once turned it past medium. It burns shit even on low, as I said earlier. Please join the other retards itt for reading class.

>> No.14683070

Post a video of you using your induction cooktop. There are hundreds of videos using them without issues and you apparently are the only retard who can't.

>> No.14683073

>all those buttons and modes to do something that a gas/electric stove with a single control could do

more like some triggered soylet defending memeduction
it doesnt work that way, have you ever used induction? 3 is too low while 4 will burn the shit out of your food in 15 seconds

>> No.14683086

Hello OP, even your own pic in OP shows an induction cooktop with just the normal knobs for people who are too retarded to set to a desired temp manually.

>> No.14683091

the fact that induction hasnt taken over every single household despite it being "old tech" by now its proof of its shortcomings. The only thing it does better is in boiling, everything else is dogshit. Cant even use a wok on these so they are worthless (no, flat bottom """woks""" arent woks)

>> No.14683093
File: 1.96 MB, 350x350, 1596677546831.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every one of those videos are deepfakes created by Big Induction to fleece the goyslaves.

>> No.14683102
File: 823 KB, 640x520, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14683115

Just turn the heat to a lower setting and wait longer for it to heat to the correct temp. It's annoying at first when you're used to immediate heat, but all you have to do is turn the burner on before you start prep or white you're prepping. Or if you just don't have enough prep to occupy yourself with, I find that there are always some dishes to clean or put away and something in the fridge to organize/clean/throw away. I have gas now though. The biggest issue with the electric stove that was already in the home I bought was uneven oven heat. It was certainly useable, but gas gives much better, faster, and more consistent and reliable results.

>> No.14683119

OP is coming from coils, he has no idea what immediate heat means kek.

>> No.14683125

>Still 12 posters
Why are you so mad at anon not liking to cock with induction? I used about 2-3 times (they are a novelty in my country and are fucking expensive) they are nice and easy to use but I would still take gas everyday is just better to cook with different pots and pans, you can use things a induction stove cant (yet)

>> No.14683129

Cook** lmaoo phone posting well I got a laugh at it

>> No.14683130

>still 13 IPs
OP is a fucking retard that's why and he's having a meltdown over it. If you can't cook on induction then you are mentally retarded and should be made fun of for it. There are women that cook better than OP. That is embarassing.

>> No.14683141

>only argument this entire thread is to call everyone you dont agree a retard, instead of taking the high road and explaining why induction is better, its merits, advantages etc

your posts are shit and you should feel like shit. There are actual cancer tripfags that make better posts than you.

>> No.14683142

>the fact that induction hasnt taken over every single household despite it being "old tech" by now its proof of its shortcomings.
Being incompatible with nearly every copper, non-stick and aluminum based cookware doesn't help. I went shopping for a new oven a few weeks back and 90% are gas tops. Not a single Induction was shown in stores at Home Depot/Lowes where most people buy stoves and the clerk told me it's because most pans don't work on them. Went to a specialty kitchen shop afterwares and the guy told me stories of people complaining and wanting refunds because they bought them without knowing their pans wouldn't work.

>> No.14683145

>still 13 posters
KYS OP you fucking retarded mutt that can't cook.

>> No.14683149
File: 36 KB, 400x460, 1598641089238.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for being on this thread dude I'm having a blast, I hope you are just not this mad irl

>> No.14683157

I'm still waiting on that video OP.

>> No.14683158

im not OP and you are clearly underaged or have the mentality of one. Many people dislike induction. You have not convinced me that induction is any good and my opinion of it has dropped even further thanks to you.

>> No.14683171

Oh man i'm so hurt. A retard that can't use induction feels less about it. Go cry in a river retard. You're on a cooking board and can't even operate induction.

>> No.14683184

>even more sperging out
>even more insults

the induction must be melting the plastic off the teflon pans and destroying your brain cells. Maybe lay off the fucking caffeine, dude. There are at least 4-5 different posters here and they have been more than cordial.

>> No.14683187
File: 8 KB, 215x234, dummy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's the >>14683020 leddit mentality of "it's newer so it must be better". Also the leddit mentality of "can you believe that guy doesn't agree with me, what a fuckin retard!". Combined with people who literally can't read and contrarian fags who are just here to be as obnoxious as possible. The absolute state of this board desu

>> No.14683189

What brand do you have? I have a GE and have no issues with it. Do you own a infrared meter? The 1-10 settings should increase at a even pace and you can measure it with the meter to see what temperature each setting corresponds to. If you came from coil it should be no different other than how fast the changes are compared to coil.

>> No.14683194

Retard, induction is not new. The absolute state of this board where wojak /r/edditors can't even use induction is sad.
Take your own advice retard.

>> No.14683200

Still waiting on that video OP.

>> No.14683203

he literally cant read nor cant explain why induction is better. He literally has zero legit arguments. Fucking zoomer tier posting

>> No.14683209

Newer than coils, you absolute fucking idiot! Once again, I admonish you to complete a basic reading course before posting further.

>> No.14683210

Keep it up OP. If you call them retarded enough you'll win the argument even tho you can't cook for shit lmao.

>> No.14683221

>having such a lonely existence your source of entertainment is intentionally shitting up a cooking board of all things
whatever, Im going to sleep here. Maybe look at your life and where it went wrong.

>> No.14683223

Look at yourself lmao. You made a thread about being too retarded to use induction and then you have the gall to call others stupid and shitting up the board.

>> No.14683243
File: 36 KB, 137x205, zz0wdce5dhb51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>still thinking im OP when there are 14 different IPs in this thread

it has been 70 posts and you still cant eloquently explain why induction is better. You 110% deserve to be called stupid. At least several anons have chimed in on the drawbacks on induction or helpful ways OP can adapt to it. But you, oh no you have to act like a toddler and throw shit everywhere.

>> No.14683258

You've been moving goalposts for over 30 posts now, congrats. Not once did anyone say induction is better. In fact you're the only one to bring that argument up. Induction works and there are plenty of examples and videos showing that. The fact that OP can't figure it out shows he is fucking retard and deserves no respect. Especially after having a tantrum and spamming Wojaks and IOT shit.

>> No.14683272

>ask legitimate question to OP
>ignores me and argues with shitposters instead
I'm leaving. Shitty bait thread.

>> No.14683280

>Not once did anyone say induction is better.
so you also admit its not better and there is no need at all to use it. Thanks~

>saying OP is throwing a tantrum when you have literally called almost everyone in this thread a retard and used that word like 50 times already
i dont think OP needs or wants your "respect"

>> No.14683281

You realize you've contributed absolutely nothing to the thread, right? Just get the fuck outta here dipshit.

>> No.14683287

Same to you :) Thanks~

>> No.14683296

What was your question boyo? Thread went to shit and I got busy doing some other stuff.

>> No.14683297

now thats a tumblr tier reply....complete with a passive aggressive smiley women love to use

no wonder you love induction so much

>> No.14683310

Notice he gets very defensive about being called a soy goy, lel

>> No.14683335

What is the minimum power setting on your stove OP? Most poertbale tops have a 300-400W minimum, that is too high for a simmer but it wont burn anything except the most sensitive stuff like flan.

>> No.14683341

>poertbale tops
portable, damn it

>> No.14683345


>> No.14683346

>Notice he gets very defensive about being called a soy goy, lel
probably gets picked on IRL and uses /ck/ as a way to be "badass" or to blow off stress
if you are OP, well have fun with the induction. I've used one for an extensive period when my kitchen was being renovated and hated every second of it. Maybe read through some of the comments made by other far more helpful anons on how to improve the experience of cooking on one. I wouldnt touch it if i had other choices.
going to sleep now, byebye

>> No.14683358

Not sure, I'll have to see if I can find a manual for it somewhere. Now that you mention it though, I think it must be something to do with what you've mentioned. I have noticed other funky electrical stuff in this house. My dryer is running hot as fuck since moving here, I set it to the shortest cycle it has, and my clothes come out too hot to even touch for awhile. Also upstairs/downstairs switches to the same overhead light don't seem to work right. Maybe the wiring is fucked up and too much power is going into the appliances.

>> No.14683375

Well then you should check the electric connection before changing back to gas then, you could save money that way and even more save the life utility of yours electronics on general (and even save your house from some major issue)

>> No.14683380

You can use induction just like coil by putting a metal plate on top to eat up. The major difference between coil and induction is how it transfers the heat. Coil tops heat a dedicated element as the current flows within it. The element slowly heats up or cools down to a given temperate based off the power of the current typically given by how many watts its pulling. As you heat it up you use more watts to get the required heat. Induction is no different except that it's using electromagnets to directly transfer to a magnetic surface above it. The heat it produces should directly correlate to the wattage used. Unless you bought some shitty chinese cooktop it should rise at a rate that is on par with coils, just "quicker" because you aren't relying on radiant heat from the coil to then heat your pan. The physics behind induction are pretty straight forward and it goes back several hundred years now: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pQp6bmJPU_0 & https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nGQbA2jwkWI

>> No.14683413

it's very responsive heat, I loved my gas range at the last place (it was nice and had a variety of burner-sizes) but here I got a countertop induction double-burner. For the most part I use cast-iron, because the thickness seems to heat more evenly across-time (although space-wise, there's a noticeable hotspot that I wish was a bit bigger, it might heat the whole surface of an 8" skillet but I use a 10.25"), whereas my tripoly stainless steel does zap hot a little too responsively, although this isn't too big an issue as I really only use it when I want a fond to deglaze. For a cast-iron though I'll put it on 10 (full-1800w) for a short amount of time just to get it started and quickly mod down to 3-4-5, I might bump to 6 or 7 around the end just to round out the browning, but be mindful that there, you are running the risk of overcooking.
I like that with no open flame, the room doesn't heat up the same way (I genuinely don't get that "slaving over a hot stove" feeling) although on the other hand, it can sometimes feel like the contents of the (uncovered) pan are more easily influenced by the temperature of the room, without the heatwave "barrier" surrounding the pan.
Overall, knowing how strong the top modes are, I tend to be a bit more delicate with what I'm cooking, and in contrast to the gas, I almost never find myself scrubbing tough-cooked-on-material. With silicone utensils my cast iron actually feels a lot more "non-sticky" than it did over gas. The enameled-cast-iron cookware I have also works like a CHARM, whereas I never trusted them over an open flame and previously only used them in the oven.

>> No.14683502

Why wouldnt the magnet thing work?

>> No.14683511

If you have pans with convex bottoms these glass ranges work like shit. They just heat the air space and turn off and air is a pretty shit conductor of heat so you end up waiting forever for heat and its a bitch to control how hot your pan gets.

>> No.14683512

Two equal magnets cancel themselves out. Ditch the left magnet and replace it with an iron plate. The right magnet would have to be powerful enough to pull the weight, which is almost impossible for the size shown and the magnet's power will drain over time.

>> No.14683524

So a big electromagnetic thing can do it. I seen them lift cars

>> No.14683538

That's coils. Induction won't heat air. Convex can work on induction but it won't be as strong as gas because the further the metal gets the less effective induction is at heating it. The bottom of the pan would be very hot compared to the sides basically. Much more so than gas.

>> No.14683553
File: 320 KB, 512x331, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah it only takes a crane to hold it. It's not practical like >>14682926 showed.

>> No.14683557

to continue,
yes it's true that you can get splatter on the cooktop, same as with any stove, but I find that wiping down a single thermal-glass surface is a fraction of a fraction of the effort of cleaning a full 4burner gas range, no crumbs or stickybits. If the complaint is that splatters get between the heated pan and the surface and bake on, actually very often I'll use a silicone potholder or just a clean dry handtowel underneath the pan, the induction works right through it with no loss in efficiency, and it keeps the cooktop surface very notably cooler than direct-on-the-glass, nothing gets baked on, and I stress a little less about potentially scraping up the glass surface (according to the manual, sugars and starches like flour are The Very Big Oh-No-No's that can cause real problems for the surface, grease isn't a real concern, and tends to wipe clean without much fuss. but I haven't had issues regardless). The silicone is better for insulating the glass from the pan, and holding the pan in place (more noticeable for the lighter stainless steel) while the teatowel makes the heavier pans glide a bit easier without fear of scuffing.
I'd say probably what I DO miss most about a gas range was the ability to jump it around over the heat, like with that sautee-pan-or-wok-kind-of-flick-of-the-wrist, you know that one. Whereas with this, if there's even a splitsecond break in connection with the pan, the power flicks off instantaneously and beeps loudly. If the pan is reset (perfectly flat against the surface, not held at any angle whatsoever for the tiniest fraction of time) before three beeps, the power will flick back on where it was set to, otherwise it will shut off. With the cast iron's mass it's not usually a problem to slide it around (on the towel!) a bit with a jerky motion to unstick whatever's in the pan, maybe it'll flicker once or twice, not a problem, but the SS pan loses connection much easier, I do dearly miss sauteeing with it.

>> No.14683606

So put a crane in front of the car problem solved

>> No.14683660

don't do that, it usually takes a crane to get it out

>> No.14683679

who are you the science police?

>> No.14684130

I manage just fine with the one I have.
Any decent cook should be able to get by with less than perfect gear and which those electric hobs definitely aren't the best, you can cook most things just as well on them once you get the hang of it.

>> No.14684499

heh, what a bunch of blue pilled beta cucks - using technology - I only post on 4chan from a fax machine

>> No.14684522

Just get a propane tank and a gas cooktop.

>> No.14684560

Brand matters ...

>> No.14685174

what brands do you see a distinction between? what would be the difference between them?

>> No.14685432
File: 81 KB, 822x594, Frigidaire_FFEC3005L_Blk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really like electric cooktops. Haters will say they're shit, but they're just bad at cooking.

>> No.14685450

beep beep

>> No.14685456

>using a fax """machine"""
I hand-deliver all my posts in writing to 4chan's office in LA, then have them verbally recite back the thread replies and describe the pictures.

>> No.14686166

Clean your pans, and the cooking surface and the hood. It sounds like your cooking station has reached critical mass on dirtyness. It is entirely possible the new stove because of how it works will require you to truly clean the area and it's parts so as not to create a rain cycle-esque system of grease and grime. The coil cooking stoves tolerate grimy because the heating element is above the surface of grime, or burns it and it falls down. Your new stove..
The heat source is surface of grime.

>> No.14686274

Why do some Americans often confuse vitroceramic with induction?

>> No.14687031

One of those does me around 10 months for around €25.

>> No.14687115

ever tried to use a wok on induction plate ?
well you cant.

>> No.14687130

I've tried and it works.

>> No.14687145
File: 575 KB, 2048x1362, IMGP0764.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

as a lifelong gasfag who hates electric stovetops i absolutely love my induction cooktop. boils a pot of water 3x faster than any of the others and gets at least twice as hot as a normal home gas range. searing beef for my soup takes like 3 seconds and leaves the meat perfectly cold and raw inside so it doesn't go tough before it simmers. it's fucking glorious for the right purpose

>> No.14687175

why do you have a separate portable burner when you have a cooktop right there on the left?

>> No.14687248

I use the gas for most things, but for certain things the induction cooktop is much better - like boiling water faster and when I have to sear meat. It's also an old gas stove and at least with my induction cooker (unlike OPs) i can precisely control temperature. If I'm making a soup or stew and have a few things going at one (stock simmering, noodles cooking, braising veg, searing meat, etc) I need the extra space.

But to be honest the reason I bought it was for awhile I lived in a place without a proper kitchen, but now that I have a proper kitchen I still use it because it's fucking heroic. I should make a video of how well it sears meat with my cast iron, waaaay superior to the gas range

>> No.14687387

It was a bait thread.

>> No.14687879

>so it doesn't go tough before it simmers
It will still go tough in the soup if you simmer it, sous vide it at 60°C

>> No.14687893
File: 160 KB, 508x363, wtf copy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I simmer at 60º, as best I can, after searing

I ain't buying a fucking water chef to incubate my meat for me, I live alone in a humble apartment and cook for my own nourishment and enjoyment

>> No.14689421

Heh I should probably go to bed indeed

>> No.14689632

Those tops do suck to cook on. Op is right, they fucking go from room temp. to lava in 5 secs. Not to mention, if your pan is the bitest of used it will wobble and slide everywhere. Those stove tops are anti-/ck/.

>> No.14689637 [DELETED] 


>> No.14689664
File: 73 KB, 500x500, 61o8yc8bs7L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you guys

>> No.14689702

thought so

>> No.14689711

Why not use the cast iron pan on the induction stove?

>> No.14689718

This. Another former gasfag here. Induction is great.

>> No.14689998

good idea, gas still is definitely the best way to cook in your kitchen

>> No.14690907

>they fucking go from room temp. to lava in 5 secs
that's the whole point of induction. heat is spread evenly and quickly compared to a flame. if you're blasting it on the highest setting and then lowering it like you would with gas, it's gonna get hot fast and have a hard time cooling down to the temp that you want.

>> No.14692297
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>Gas is the best, always will b-

>> No.14692307

Maybe because they look exactly the same?!

>> No.14694161

>cooking with gas
>turn flame barely on
>not hot enough for anything
>crank it up to max
>food is immediately burning
FUCK gas is so fucking hard. I'm going back to SLOW AND STEADY coils.

>> No.14694171

Yeah nah

>> No.14694242

retard just wait more than 2 seconds before turning up the gas. low and slow