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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14676358 No.14676358 [Reply] [Original]

>anime and nips make it out to be the best thing ever
>actually tastes like cardboard and water

>> No.14676372

I am sorry you either

>eat ass
>shit tastes

if you think rice taste like cardboard

>> No.14676389


>> No.14676399

rice makes you gay if you do not eat a healthy portion of meat with it. that is why asians hate women so much.

it also make women crave cock so that only fuels the gay asian hate for women.

>> No.14676443

I'm not asian but I eat rice everyday, ironically enough I am fat and rice isn't a fat people food

>> No.14676452

Rice is delicious

>> No.14676480

are you gay?

>> No.14676496

You think that sumo wrestlers don't eat rice?
With a big enough spoon, all food is fat people food.

>> No.14676501

>rice isn't a fat people food
That's because polished white rice is such a nutritional void that it usually causes widespread malnutrition (particularly beriberi) due to overreliance and a lack of diet variation. As long as you get your vitamins elsewhere, you can crunch those empty carbs into body fat.

>> No.14676512

nigga if you cook it like BBC told you to cook then ofc it'll taste like cardboard. Get a fucking rice cooker, 1 rice 0.7 water and set it to cook. There, enjoy your dinner.

>> No.14676900

Add rice vinegar and sesame oil

>> No.14676942

Thats because plain rice IS fucking boring, it's meant to carry other flavors, even just rice vinegar and furikake make it taste good, never mind a thai curry or a paella.

>> No.14677016

Rice is amazing if you eat it with some kind of stew or a curry

>> No.14677025

rice is there as a sauce absorber

>> No.14677038

rice is the best side dish in the world, i'll never buy a potato in my life, and i'm Norwegian so i'm a cultural outcast, then again i drown my rice in so much soy sauce that i'd be a cultural outcast in asia as well

>> No.14677046

People who don't often eat rice often aren't aware how to cook it and often buy very poor quality rice.

In Iran and East India they have beautiful rice varieties, the best red rice they often keep for themselves, broken red rice makes very interesting beer.
Iranian long rice I think is serves cold in green salad, Thais have a good short grain glutinous rice that it often steamed

>> No.14677056

>drown my rice in so much soy sauce that i'd be a cultural outcast in asia as well
You deserve a beer.

>> No.14677621

Enjoy your arsenic anon

>> No.14677626
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By that logic
>italians make it out to be the best thing ever
>literally tastes like flour and oil

>> No.14677635

Fucking love rice. I prefer short grain, so it's nice and sticky. Never was a fan of the long grain shit, or jasmine, or basmati or wild rice. Short white grains all the way.

>> No.14677650

Rice absorbs the flavor of what it’s cooked in. So if you use just plain water it’s going to taste plain. Try chicken broth.

>> No.14678049

>rice makes you gay if you do not eat a healthy portion of meat with it.
>it also make women crave cock
Sounds like the perfect food for Americans and other people able to cram beef into every meal. I can't imagine being filtered by such a grain.

>> No.14678262

rice is shit
eat buckwheat

>> No.14678278

Juden detected

>> No.14678290

Personally i put a tsp of soy sauce and a tsp of yuzu in my rice

>> No.14678295

Use Japonica rice
Wash rice first
Soak for an hour
Add small sheet of Kombu while cooking
Add some sugar while cooking

>> No.14678302

This, but needs to be in the form of Soba

>> No.14678490

Filipino here, ate rice everyday for 20 years. Rice is overrated and is disgusting on its own. It's literally just filler for smaller meals like fish or meat.

>> No.14678496

Fuck you, ass tastes amazing.

>> No.14678924

They don't eat it bland

>> No.14678977

In Japan they put kewpie mayo on rice, but thick ass layers that I assume is a gaijin filter, fucking nips. Nothing wrong with soy sauce

>> No.14679037

It's meant to compliment dishes, it's a vehicle. People don't just ate plain fucking noodles. Though I rather eat straight plain rice then noodles if it's cooked correctly. Most cumskins fuck it up though.

>> No.14679046

he's probably eating insteant rice
that shit legit tastes like the box it's stored in

>> No.14679109

White rice tastes sweet to me, and it's not satiating. It's junk food.

>> No.14679586

i mean, you fuckin salt and pepper the damn thing. i hope you're not just eating rice as is

>> No.14679637
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I love rice.

It's one of my favorite foods.

I could eat it cooked with just water, without any salt.

I just love rice SO MUCH.

>> No.14679945


>> No.14679995
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Superior tasting rice coming through

>> No.14680004

i always put sugar in my white rice and nothing else. if you think it sucks then you are a nigger

>> No.14680050

wild rice is actually a type of grass.

>> No.14680058

I really like eating it seasoned like you would use it for sushi. Salt, sugar, rice vinegar.

>> No.14680071



>> No.14680106

But rice doesn't have flavor on its own. It just absorbs whatever meat/sauce/veggie flavor you pair along with it.

>> No.14680112

I've tried this so many times because the prairie-coons I've run across always insist I've just had it wrong.
Still don't care for it.

>> No.14680138

you dont salt your rice

>> No.14680163

If eating ass makes my pipi hard, it must be right

>> No.14680278

Instant rice is honestly and abomination. Get a rice cooker and a bag of jasmine.

>> No.14680319
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>i always put sugar in my white rice and nothing else

>> No.14681061

Man if you use a decent rice and you cook it properly, it's gonna taste pretty good even on its own. Of course it doesn't compare. by itself, to an actual complete dish.

But if you're hungry and you're handed a steaming bowl of perfectly cooked, fresh-smelling rice, that shit will go down sweet and fragrant. Not to mention what sesame seeds, soy sauce, lard, or toasted sesame oil would do to enhance the flavor.

Like other anons are saying, it's eaten with other stuff. But if you're tasting cardboard and water, you're doing it wrong, using bad rice, too used to processed-food-tier seasoning, or expecting too much from a basic ingredient.

>> No.14681814

It's not Japanese rice.
Each person has his own taste. Of course, some people find Japanese rice to be unpleasant.
However, in the photographs of rice from other countries, the fact that Japanese rice is bad is an unfair evaluation.

>> No.14682841
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>> No.14683163

have you tried putting egg yolk in it? the rice cooks the egg

>> No.14683168

same with white rice

>> No.14683173

I've always liked the texture of wild rice. I don't think it tastes any better and it's also not as good at absorbing flavors