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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14677860 No.14677860 [Reply] [Original]

I finally turned 18 yesterday so I’m ready to make some changes now that’s I’m finally grown up. What is the best pizza topping now that pepperoni is out of the question?

>> No.14677865

human feces

>> No.14677886

Green bell peppers

>> No.14677895


>> No.14677896

tomatoes and garlic

>> No.14677898


>> No.14677899

Sardines and Anchovies

>> No.14677903

Imagine the smell

>> No.14677905

pepperoni and cheese

>> No.14677906

>What is the best pizza topping

>> No.14677910

>deep dish/pan
>dense, slightly chewy crust
>tomato sauce
>small garlic chunks in the sauce and on the pizza
>banana peppers
>ranch for dipping

>> No.14677912
File: 157 KB, 1262x592, embarrassing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What I find humorous about this (besides op being stupid) is that children usually don't like pepperoni pizza and instead eat plain cheese pizza.

So in fact it is adults that like pepperoni pizza and children who do not.

1/10 got me to post.

>> No.14677913

oatmeal raisin (done right)

>> No.14677915

Sardines, anchovies, jalapeno & gorgonzola.

Trust me.

>> No.14677917

true, but rating threads is for fags

>> No.14677918

>that weird kid in class who doesn’t talk and holds fringe opinions

>> No.14677927

No seriously it's great. WAY better than pepperoni that obviously, only a child would eat. That is a real grown up adult pizza, right there. If I was being silly I'd have said something like "Goat meat & cabbage" which is a real pizza that existed in a pizza place I was sadly in and tasted about as much like you'd expect goat & cabbage pizza to taste.

>> No.14677933

>rating threads is for fags
when in rome...

>> No.14677936

Yeah I guess that's one food habit I never grew out of. I fucking love a pep za. But I add jalapenos

>> No.14677937

Imagine a pizza where the crust is stuffed cabbage rolls

>> No.14677945

Mushrooms and anchovies. The mushrooms tone down the saltiness of the anchovies, but there is still enough that you can enjoy it without having it overwhelm the sauce, cheese and herbs.

I also like BBQ chicken but that is somewhat juvenile.

>> No.14677958


What kind of madman would put sardines on pizza?

>> No.14677996

Anchovies and onions.

>> No.14678013

Italian sausage, pepperoni but for adults

>> No.14678042

Ham master race.

>> No.14678071


>> No.14678123
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Chicken, garlic and spinach with white sauce is the adult pizza of choice. Thin crust is best crust. Trust me on this. Pair with wine or dirty martini.

>> No.14678137
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Why TUNA of course.

>> No.14678145


>> No.14678158

Also, correct ratio of anchovies to mushrooms is 2:5

>> No.14678177

based deenz poster

>> No.14678190
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Plain cheese with circles of ketchup on it.

>> No.14678220

>children usually don't like pepperoni pizza and instead eat plain cheese pizza.
What a coincidence, I also enjoy cheeze pizza ;)

>> No.14678258
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>undercover pepperoni seethe thread
seek help for you trauma

>> No.14678417

My 5 go-to toppings are:

>> No.14678426
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Black olives, anchovies, fresh tomato slices.

>> No.14678558

One that has gazed into the salty abyss and had it gaze back at us

>> No.14678703
File: 42 KB, 450x450, 3E020C02-B72C-4306-B024-4536C1958D81.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sausage > pepperoni

>> No.14678707

Pepperoni is sausage, dumbass

>> No.14678741

Delete this NOW!!!

>> No.14678754

No matter how much I learn to cook, I will always love and cherish pepperoni pizza. Sometimes I'll toss salami and bacon on that bitch, but those two toppings make it cost more at places that can do it better, and make more work for me.
Pepperoni pizza is life.

>> No.14678756


>> No.14678759


>> No.14678760

I'm like 90% sure that's hamburger.

>> No.14678779

A real man orders what he wants.

>> No.14678796

This is true, but no real man happens to enjoy pepperoni

>> No.14678838
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Say that to my face fucker.

>> No.14678858

go back to your glory hole, fag

>> No.14678876

Nothing more adult than a pizza with sausage extra cheese, tomatoes, stuffed crust and accompanied with BBQ chicken.

And a good beer or soda.

>> No.14678999


>> No.14679081

>imagine enjoying flavors

>> No.14679086

The only one who can truly enjoy a cheese pizza is an adult.

>> No.14679091


Ur a sausage

>> No.14679111
File: 21 KB, 260x195, 04184F2C-5D63-42D6-8A62-468BDDE720DD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pepperoni is sausage
When you order a pizza and you want pepperoni do you say you want sausage? After all pepperoni is sausage. Don’t complain when you get this instead of a pepperoni pizza

>> No.14679114

Why is pepperoni out of the question?

>> No.14679155
File: 46 KB, 700x473, B76E6A2F-9162-46E4-AB45-0E70467976C6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hawaiian pizza with red pepper flakes

>> No.14679183
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he makes these anti-pepperoni/they're only for kids treads all the time, at first it was just bait but with this level of reposting he clearly a obsessed autist that was abused by a parent for liking pepperoni pizza as a kid

>> No.14679187

Your faggot spam thread is gay fag

>> No.14679190


>> No.14679194

sausage is a good option if you have a local pizzeria.

the sausage at papa johns/pizza hut/dominos is all fucking terrible.

i swear the reason pepperoni is so popular is because it's the only ingredient that tastes decent at the chains - everything else is pretty much low quality flavorless crap that isnt worth the calories

>> No.14679198
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you keep trying to force the meme that only children like pepperoni pizza, it's never going to take dick weed.

>> No.14679207

That shitty ass hormel pepperoni is for kids, but that expensive shit, the one with natural casings that cups up - that's the patrician stuff. It actually has flavor beyond salty and greasy. It also takes on a little crisp in the oven unlike that hormel shit, but that may be because lesser pizzerias use that stuff and they have shitty ovens as it is.

>> No.14679212


>> No.14679224

hmmm so the pizza I am making right now with hormel pepperoni isn't curling up and getting crispy? because it sure looks like it is.

>> No.14679430

>Chicken, garlic and spinach with white sauce is the adult pizza of choice.
throw in some mushrooms and now we're talking

>> No.14679448

Pineapples garlic a meat of some kind and cayenne pepper

>> No.14679454

Pepperoni is for assholes and idiots. | Maddox


>> No.14679458

Chicken, bacon, chopped garlic. You can also dip each slice in ranch dressing.

Chicken parmesan pizza is also good.

Malnatti's sausage pizza in chicago is the best pizza I've ever had.

>> No.14679459

>ham, pineapple, mushrooms, black olives, feta cheese

Simply The Best.

>> No.14679480

I'd have bought you a couple cigars until I found out recently you need to be 21 to smoke now.

>> No.14679521

Artichoke heart and parmesan cheese.

>> No.14679758

Correct. Honestly, I wouldn't mind onions on my half too.

>> No.14680060


>> No.14680130

I sincerely don't understand why people dislike Hawaiian pizza. Maybe it's the way it looks? Either way it's underrated and needlessly gets hated on. Probably the best pizza you can ever have in my opinion.

>> No.14680152
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sausage. mushrooms is a close second

>> No.14680168
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Margherita Pizza if you're a patrician

>> No.14680193
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In Ottawa people put gravy on pizza

>> No.14680442

All italian food is for children.

>> No.14680451


>> No.14680452

Sardines aren't particularly salty though.

Ottawa needs to be scrubbed off the planet.

>> No.14680457

Garlic, oil, basil, and kalmata olives.

>> No.14680672

Sounds good, nice dubs, Bro.

>> No.14681552

Sausage and Mushrooms

Mushrooms and olives



If you can find it, try Mozzarella Di Bufala
That shit is a game changer on a Neapolitana the Basil only compliments.
Try it and refine your palette.

>> No.14681635
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Baked bean pizza

>> No.14682130

>green olives

the best

>> No.14682134

tomatoes mushrooms black olives and spinach. meat on pizza is for children.

>> No.14682143

I like the blue cheese and walnuts one
Arugula and raw ham (cured) is a heavenly topping too
Mushroom is a classic
Anchovies are good too
Fugazzeta is one of my favorite pizzas
Tomatoes, garlic and basil is a classic too

>> No.14682150
File: 118 KB, 1280x720, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just turned 52. I'm officially a boomer.
Celebrate me

>> No.14682160

Congrats anon does your back hurts a lot? Do you enjoy cutting the grass of you backyard?

>> No.14682166

are you gonna visit your grandchildren on thanksgiving?

>> No.14682167

no and yes

>> No.14682172

we will have a litlle thing going, boomer style.

>> No.14682177

Don't forget to order a little feda cheese on it

>> No.14682184
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Die pedo!

>> No.14682192

Chicken, the thinking man's choice

>> No.14682198
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delete this

>> No.14682421

liver and gorgonzola

>> No.14682431

Based pepperoni autist
For me, it’s chicken, green olives, and tomatoes

>> No.14682437

dont forget the onions

>> No.14682443

>green olives
underrated on pizza