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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 450 KB, 1500x1500, americone-dream.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14675877 No.14675877 [Reply] [Original]

This is ice cream, /ck/ (and what I'm currently eating).

You have fifteen seconds to comment, or the gods will never ree at you again.

>> No.14675887

cherry garcia is the only worthwhile ben and jerry's flavor

>> No.14675889

None of the flavors are worthwhile because they’re owned by a certain group of people I won’t mention.

>> No.14675894

strawberry cheesecakechads get in here

>> No.14675892

i thought ben and jerry had nothing to do with ben and jerry's anymore

>> No.14675898

I mean apart from that it's just mediocre ice cream all around.

>> No.14675903

Yeah. I’m not a big fan of giant chunks of shit in my ice cream.

>> No.14675907

>because they’re owned by a certain group of people I won’t mention
*darts eyes left and right* Americans?

>> No.14676402

this. I get ice cream for the ice cream, not for half a roll of cookie dough and sprinkles in it

>> No.14676439

I checked Wikipedia and it's always been this way.
> Ben (((Cohen))) (Co-founder)
> Jerry Greenfield (Co-founder)

>> No.14676446

For me its the vegan sunflower butter version

>> No.14676683

That ice cream gives you ass cancer

>> No.14676767

why would you get such a basic flavor

>> No.14677005
File: 13 KB, 247x280, PLEASE COME BACK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Zoomers live in ignorance of this forgotten pleasure.

>> No.14677949

Häagen-Dazs GOAT

>> No.14677954

No that’s a bucket of frozen sugar, Tillamook is the only ice cream worth mentioning, creamy goodness

>> No.14677960

how do i eat ice cream without gaining weight?

>> No.14677966

havent thought of Doonesberry in over 15 years. I remember as a kid hating it but my mom always loved it. Maybe as an adult i should go back and read some strips to see what it was all about

>> No.14677984

Burn more calories than you eat in ice cream per day.

>> No.14678449

I've seen some body builders make a low calorie imitation with xanthan gum and powdered peanut butter. No idea if it's any good though.

>> No.14678556

Tastes good

>> No.14680110
File: 44 KB, 321x456, 2f5749f5e38bf6a38c3f496d30aad319.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the best shit ever

>> No.14680121
File: 198 KB, 500x500, chunky monkey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wrong. Chunky Monkey is the only worthwhile Ben and Jerry's Ice cream flavor. It's absolutely based.

>> No.14680125

Not only that but if you read the ingredient list for the ice cream it has a bunch of water and thickeners added, it's just poor quality.

>> No.14680137
File: 124 KB, 1280x720, resist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's all starting to make sense...

>> No.14680140

theyre pretty good but i prefer soft serve

>> No.14680150

best flavor

>> No.14680181

>convince people they're making a political statement when they buy your overpriced processed junk food

>> No.14680196

Consume the resistance, goy. It's like people who listen to Rage Against the Machine and think they're actually anti-establishment when they're signed to Epic records which is a subsidiary of Sony.

>> No.14680499

See this over priced shit in the freezer isle and remember I just made a nice homemade batch of raspberry swirl that beats this fake and Gay shit.

>> No.14680513

No, they're owned by a foreign company called Unilever who are some of the world's biggest polluters. They dump chemicals in factories all over the world and ship chemicals into the US. Ben and Jerrys is literally a money laundering vehicle for their political ops in the US. Not even trolling they are a fucked up company.
>ben and jerry's is hippies guys we swear

Tillamook is incredible, try it.

>> No.14680533

I like making my own ice cream. It is dead easy to make and you can control exactly what is in it. Can make it lactose free, low fat, low sugar, low calorie, super sugary, whatever!

>> No.14680544

Serious, non-shit post answer; by having a physical labor job so you burn so much calories your weight stays the same

>> No.14680551

>draw POCs looking like ayylmaos and with the stereotypical fat nose

what did they mean by this

>> No.14680553

this is true. Everything else can be bought from other brands at better taste. Cherry Garcia is the best cherry ice cream on the planet

>> No.14680563

get a cycling bike and use it for an hour at a moderate pace 3 days a week

>> No.14680607

Won't even look at it unless it's got peanut butter

>> No.14681371

i never knew it had dough the picture made me think ther were cookies in there. so i always passed

>> No.14681649

Vegetables > ice cream

>> No.14681683

stop using newspeak