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File: 43 KB, 1200x1051, -McDonald's_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14673227 No.14673227 [Reply] [Original]

Why doesn’t McDonald’s just spend more for quality ingredients and pass the cost on to the public?

>> No.14673234

Why the fuck would they when you fat fucks make them trillions already?

>> No.14673239

First answer, best answer.

>> No.14673242

Americans still eat it up like crazy and US healthcare profits from diseases like diabetus

>> No.14673587

Because they're corporate which means they're cheap as fuck and only care about profit. Wendy's and Burger King both use way better products. Burger King can get pricey, but Wendy's burgers aren't over priced which is a shock because of the quality you get. I try to stay away from fast food, but I'll crack if it's Wendy's or chinese takeout.

>> No.14673671
File: 121 KB, 1280x720, addicts lean.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because McDonalds is where junkies go to get food when they have enough money left over after buying dope. If it were any more expensive they'd lose like 75% of their customer base.

>craving Filet-o-fish, Big Mac, and large fry for some reason
>head to local McDicks
>they had just implemented those tall ordering kiosks
>two addicts operating at 15% mental and physical capacity were wobbling beside the kiosk, slurring back and forth to each other the extremely complicated process of ordering a fucking cheeseburger
>only one kiosk, so a cashiers take orders and rings people up while the braindead zombie retards try to remember what button they just pushed
>minutes pass, and at least 15 customers get their shit and leave, including myself
>get food, go to leave, junkies still haven't passed the screen they were on when I entered
>food tasted ok but made me slightly nauseous because I usually don't eat shit food

>> No.14673703

As a vegan, I don't eat McDonald's.

>> No.14673707

hhey already got the best fries, the best burger, the best chicken sandwich what wlse uw ll wany bitch

>> No.14674047

Because that isn't their market niche

>> No.14674170

They do, that's the angus range.

>> No.14674466
File: 142 KB, 1160x652, gotveganaswell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're welcome to the superior Swedish MAX where all burgers come with plantbased patties and Halloumi as well, with a whole lot of vegetarian and vegan options

>> No.14674493

Sorry I'm a real vegan not some fag that eats fake burgers. Literally worse than actual meat eaters. Fucking half ass vegans

>> No.14674524

yea seriously ... mcdicks last 'cut back' was their whole 'juicer, fresher' bullshit.

Advertising a more fresh product. No they took the gamble, by lower the cost a bit, cutting down on meat, and bun, and increasing sauces.


I'm pretty blown away that if I eat a burger at mcdicks and then wendys the quality is rather noticeable.

>> No.14674536

Huh, I get that it's twofaced and ridiculous to eat anything named or shaped like meat if you say you are a vegan or vegetarian but what does it really matter isn't it all about what's in the food and the fact that it needs to be soy that destroys the planet more than livestock for the lulz

>> No.14674558

This post is bizarre to me because it's wrong on every count, BK is the cheapest of those three in general and tastes like it too, while Wendy's is the priciest out of this tier of fast food burgers, unless you're ordering off the dollar menu you can expect any kind of meal there to be upwards of 9 dollars

>> No.14674607

I ordered a double quarter pounder with cheese like 3 weeks ago from DoorDash and the fucking burger literally tasted like rubber. I've heard that rubber bullshit meme like a million times but this was the first time in my 28 years of living that I ever tasted a burger that literally tasted like rubber. I mean I've had public school lunch that tasted more like a burger than that shit from McDonalds. If it isn't Wendy's I'm not really willing to eat it. Maybe White Castle if I'm drunk and kinda craving it. McDonalds and Taco Bell is easily the worst fast food right now.

Well that's bizzare to me too because Burger King has always had the best burgers. You always get your bang for your buck with Whoopers vs Quarter Pounders/Big Macs. With that being said: there's no fucking way you think Wendy's is more expensive lol. a Baconator combo meal will run you about $11. That's literally on par with any Double/Triple Whooper Meal or Big Mac/Double Quarter Pounder meal. This is excluding delivery fee and service fee of course it'll be cheaper buying in person but the point still stands, Wendy's isn't more expensive and the quality is 100x better. Seriously, buy a Double Stack or Baconator and then buy LITERALLY any burger from McDonalds and tell me that the Wendy's burger isn't better by a mile.

>> No.14674617

see >>14674607 I accidentally responded to my own post like a brainlet.

>> No.14674635


>> No.14674651

because literally the only appeal of McDonalds is it is extremely cheap and very convenient/always the same in different cities

If they wanted better quality and higher prices they would have to compete with In and Out and Culvers, things that are just much better than them, at their current low tier they have no competition because Burger King is so much worse and not cheaper

>> No.14674678
File: 77 KB, 500x750, TeriyakiBurger_MosBurger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go Try Teriyaki Burger by Mos Burger in Japan, the best shit ever

t. Michigander that travels to Japan with car business frequently

>> No.14674691

I feel like they must, McDonald's tastes much better than Burger King and Wendy's and is more expensive in the same proportion

>> No.14674699
File: 238 KB, 587x709, burfg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>14673227 but the travis scott burger

>> No.14674702
File: 9 KB, 150x150, 0874_-_4OfqbxR-150x150.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I quoted the wrong post. I'm retarded. I'm just gonna leave the thread now.

>> No.14674706

why the fuck would you do that when you can have TWO drive thru lanes with large TV displays

>> No.14674710

Sounds and looks interesting, could you bring me one as well as a Toyota Caldina when you're over there ;)

>> No.14674821
File: 30 KB, 539x552, 1595552555679.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get your shit together, anon.

>> No.14674934

>why not make mcdonalds taste different?

>> No.14674952

Why doesn’t McDonalds pay to have more workers on the floor?

>> No.14674966

i know one ghetto burger left selling $1.25 burgers in my gentried area

>> No.14675264

Cuz we're already paying $14 for a Big Mac meal that's neither big nor delicious.

>> No.14675388

McDonald's isn't even cheap anymore
It'll cost you more than $10 to get full
>inb4 fatass
I weigh 120 pounds

>> No.14675394

They have been. They've been consistently improving their food over the last, like, 10 fucking years. Ever saw their artisanal menu? It's pretty damn good and definitely not cheap.

>> No.14675423

Because you can already eat at a real restaurant for damn near the same price.

>> No.14675468

it doesnt appeal to its consumer base
mcdicks is for poor people who have no time to make food and dont want to starve, they dont care for quality and couldnt bear the costs

>> No.14675472

They do, but only in Europe and Asia, where they market themselves as a mid range fast food restaurant. While Amerilads are being feed literal cattle feed by their jewish overlords.

>> No.14675488

travis scott burger

>> No.14675490
File: 40 KB, 600x360, mcdonalds mcspicy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

American mcdonalds is shit, actually not just mcdonalds. KFC as well. I dont know why the fuck are these 2 franchise better in asia

>> No.14675539

I swear we need to trademark hamburgers and derivatives as American only. You fuckers keep making random crap like this and it needs to stop.

>> No.14675563

Californians started this shit

>> No.14675934

Burgers used to be tasier, shit used to be more 'rigid' and the price better. They are literal junk now.

>> No.14676152

I miss CoCos...

>> No.14676502

Damn, I want to try that so fucking bad! I'm looking forward to the spicy nuggets coming out later this month. That's all I fucking want out of fast food is some cheap spicy food to make me have flamin' hot shits.

>> No.14677085

They failed in countries like Vietnam though.

>> No.14677187

They're there to feed you. Not satisfy you. Not satisfy, because your bowels most times feel worse after you consume the garbage.

>> No.14677214

i go to mcdonald's when i'm broke as fuck and depressed and don't want to cook. that's why i'm willing to eat a $1.25 cheeseburger and not think about why it's that cheap.

>> No.14677224

a BigMac is already 5 euros here, and they're tiny as fuck (tinier than in the states). Any worse value and you might as well go eat in a low-end restaurant instead

>> No.14677265
File: 1.67 MB, 3264x2448, 20200903_090552.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm eating cheeseburgers right now that cost about $1 each to make but unlike McDonald's they actually taste like a cheeseburger

>> No.14677321
File: 416 KB, 1160x652, deluxecheesenbacon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just because Americans can't handle competition without being left in the dirt because their products can't even compete doesn't mean we will stop innovating, MAX has been around since late 1960 (McD came 5years later and BK was even later than that) but now they mainly buy up failed McDs and BKs to expand and it's glorious plus they must be doing something right since they have won Swedens most satisfied customers award now every year for almost 20years in a row which is unheard of (McD and BK have of course never won)

>> No.14677340

Plant beef sounds as disgusting as an Arbys AKA a roastie

>> No.14677385

It's kinda the same as impossible rebel whopper. Imagine the seared bite from this bad boy.

>> No.14677396

So.. being a vegan means you can't eat soy/pea protein between two buns with condements?

Imagine living your life, such an easy one that you impose random restrictions just to make it harder. Good on you.

>> No.14677402

You ever wonder why all the big global chains are trashy fast food, while actual decent burger joints will be lucky to have 2 locations?
Obviously McDonalds has the game figuered out.

>> No.14677432

I was talking to a buzzed McD supply chain engineer and he told me they run into shit like this a lot:
>culinary dev says a peach cobbler mc flurry has a 97% positive rating
Supply chain: to roll this out across N. America would deplete the supply of GA peaches in 6-7 days and cause a peach crisis.

This is why they always buy the glut. Ex: too much pork (low prices) = McRib is coming back

>> No.14677447

If you get higher quality ingredients, odds are they need more skill to prepare properly generally speaking which means they can't just hire high schoolers / criminals.

>> No.14677564

Nah that was just beef but it actually feels like and tastes like meat not like american chains

>> No.14677579

Wait what!? Higher quality ingredients require more skill to make a good meal O.o

No it's quite the opposite, high quality requires less skill to make a tasty meal just look at that bumbling fool Ramsey who can't even make a grilled cheese but he still got michelin stars, it's the meat and other high quality produce anon

>> No.14677630

Because most places in America lacks availablity of cheap street food, so McDonald they'll make more profit by taking up the cheap food market

>> No.14677736
File: 263 KB, 480x480, Generous-Jack-1_iu55cz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it has. where have you been the last twenty years?

I dont understand what the difference is between a hipster burger snd mcdonalds other than a flame grill.

Mc Generous Jack pictured.

>> No.14677780

I would argue they do have quality ingredients. When you have to buy that much bulk and remain consistent taste across 10s of thousands of locations around the world, you probably have to sacrifice some qualities found in more regional chains/single restaurants to ensure consistency and food safety.

>> No.14677820
File: 32 KB, 800x533, travis-scott-mcdonals-happy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bet this will make blm happy

>> No.14677844
File: 83 KB, 1080x1079, literally who.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who here hype?