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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14671548 No.14671548 [Reply] [Original]

I have decided to stop eating bread and pasta

Is this going to help me lose my fat or should I stop eating rice too ?

>> No.14671562
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>>>/fit/ you fat fucker

>> No.14671567

Try eating under 1500 Cal's a day for 2 weeks. See if u lose weight

>> No.14671573
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sure everyone in /ck/ except the fastfood shill posters knows what's healthy but we don't give a single fuck
this is the fat boy board

>> No.14671598

Its as simple as burning more calories than you consume.

>> No.14671607

try giving birth first

>> No.14671626 [DELETED] 

reported for nudity, nice tits though

>> No.14671635
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Why does OP have no legs

>> No.14671644

If you're not a pussy, you'd do Intermittent Fasting and have OMAD. You'll literally melt away the fat away.

>> No.14671665

It's a nice body, not gonna lie.

I gain weight on my hips.

>> No.14671672

Why do you treat fasting as if it's some brave accomplishment that only non-pussies can do?

One only needs to get more zen about being uncomfortable. Understand and savor your hunger, do not fear it.

>> No.14671674

Your brain LITERALLY runs on sugar. To fast is to give yourself mild brain damage.

>> No.14671744


Your brain actually preforms better during intermittent fasting.

>> No.14671749

>the American

>> No.14671751

just exercise bitch

>> No.14671752

Wtf how are you standing on the ceiling

>> No.14671762

Eating less refined carbs can help you lose some extra weight. You'd be better off switching to whole grain products that don't have added sugar instead of cutting them out completely though, whole grains are more satiating and nutritious and can help control hunger and blood sugar better.

>> No.14671771

Not American, just had two semesters of Biochemistry in college.

I'm not saying you should eat cakes everyday, but sugar is the fuel for our brain and our entire body. What type of sugar is irrelevant, because the body converts everything we eat into sugar, but eating is important for cognitive function.

If you want to lose weight, eat less and move more. Fasting will give you a quick weight loss that will be hard to maintain if you're obese and used to eating a lot. In that case, you need to re-educate your body, and that takes a few years of eating correctly.

>> No.14671780

I find it so disgusting that men get these huge round pot bellies. One thing is some chub but this is so disgusting.

>> No.14671790

drop all carbs and sugar. you'll feel like shit for the first couple of days but that's just withdrawals from a lifelong addiction, after that period you'll fell better than ever and burn fat like jet fuel

>> No.14671796

your body actually produces all the glucose you need if you stop eating sugar, sugar is poison

>> No.14671798

Is that a watermark in the corner from your phone?.....that’s so trashy, why can’t everyone else in the world afford an iPhone?

>> No.14671799

Do you just mean actual sugar or are you including all carbs? Your body can produce cholesterol too if you stop eating it.

>> No.14671803

You better be a girl because you actually sound like one.

>> No.14671804

>i eat these things
>no mention of portion sizes or the rest of your daily diet or any of the other factors involved in weight loss
Is there a board or site that doesn't have lazy, retarded posters like you?

>> No.14671830

nice tummy cutie

>> No.14671844
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Very nice.

>> No.14671848

stop eating fat. you can eat as much bread and pasta as you want, as long as you don't eat fat. You will find that these foods are hard to over eat without the fat.
For example: A plain baked potato is hard to finish, but an entire bag of potato chips is easy to eat

>> No.14671853

Exercising is far more effective at losing weight than dieting.

>> No.14671854

>One only needs to get more zen about being uncomfortable.
t. lost 50% of body weight

>> No.14671862

Do the exact opposite of what this guy says

>> No.14671867

>Do the exact opposite of what this guy says
don't listen to this ketarded idiot. I eat nothing but healthy starches and I'm thin and honestly Im pretty lazy too, I spend most of my time sitting at my computer. I do exercise every day though, but not much. and I am thin so there.

>> No.14671872

No it isn't, you have to run a mile and a half just to burn off the calories from a soda. It's easier to not drink the soda in the first place. Exercise should mainly be done to stay fit and healthy, fixing your diet should be the main focus of losing weight.

>> No.14671874

pick one
there's not a single thing in them that your body needs

>> No.14671892

>No it isn't
Agreed. It is way easier to stuff yourself than it is to burn it off. Hence don't stuff yourself to begin with.

That said of course you should work out as well. Increasing your muscle mass will increase resting calories burned and also make you not look like crap.

>> No.14671899

I've only really seen studies saying unprocessed starchy foods offer health benefits when consumed in a balanced diet. It's only when they're processed that they really start to become unhealthy. Studies say they help control blood sugar, reduce the risk of cancer and some other diseases, etc. Just because something isn't 100% necessary to live doesn't mean it offers no benefits or is unhealthy though. You don't need meat to live but it still has benefits that we can take advantage of and miss out on if we don't ever eat it.

>> No.14671902

when you only eat starches, the blood sugar spikes very quickly, which is a key way to make the body feel satiated, which in turn will signal to the body to stop eating. Fat interferes with this, delaying the blood sugar spike, which causes over eating.

>> No.14671904

You'd be surprised how many people think that it's bordering an eating disorder. Especially in America where the staple is having three to four meals a day with snacks and constantly stuffing your hole with sugar water. He can definitely do it, but as you said, he has to be able to deal with being uncomfortable. Which sadly isn't usually the case.

>> No.14671918

Look at this fucking retard. Your body can run off it's fat reserves alone healthily so long as you're above 8% bodyfat. Countless people have done it and maintained it. In fact, after 18 hours if fasting, your brain can quite literally repair itself from all the damage you've out it through. That would help you in your case specifically, but by all means, consume as much sugar as you can because it's "brain food" lol

>> No.14671936

Cut carbs as much as you can, that means the rice too. Cut sugar, also fruits. Eat more healthy fats. You will lose weight, it's a guarantee. You won't get hungry in the same way, no cravings. It will be easy to maintain a calorie deficit and you will melt that extra fat away

>> No.14671969

if it damages your brain its probably not a healthy thing to do in the first place

>> No.14671979

>Cut sugar, also fruits.
>also fruits
Fruit is actually pretty satiating for the amount of calories it has. Telling someone to cut out added sugars is fine but there's really no reason to cut out fruit, more people would be better off if they ate more unprocessed fruit.

>> No.14672011

lmaoing at your reading comprehension, it's probably too much to ask of a brainlate but do you have a single piece of scientific proof that not eating sugar damages your brain?

>> No.14672040

>In fact, after 18 hours if fasting, your brain can quite literally repair itself from all the damage you've out it through
you said it yourself. still not fasting imir mohammed imam

>> No.14672118

>there's really no reason to cut out fruit
That's exactly what there is. I'm not saying you should never eat fruit again, but if you want to kick a sugar/carb addiction, and get your body used to slow energy you need to cut out even fructose for a while. If you don't you can never get rid of the cravings for fast energy. If you're too used to sugar fruit won't even satisfy you

>> No.14672179

You look like a butternut squash

>> No.14672182

How much beer have you been drinking?

>> No.14672210

Why are you hairless? Do you take HRT?

>> No.14672220

some people just naturally have little to no body hair anon

>> No.14672233

sure, twinks and trannies

>> No.14672292


>how to get diabetes: the posts

Do you retards have any idea what insulin resistance is and what causes it? Heres a hint: constantly elevated blood sugar and constantly elevated insulin levels in blood.

Do you like having arterial plaque? Sugary blood is like thick soup but instead of soup its microscopic razors (sugar) that damage arterial lining. The body produces arterial plaque to repair the damage.

Yall are some dumb, dumb folks. Id bet the average BMI of the posters here is over 30.

>implying /fit/ is any better

>> No.14672299


Your body releases growth hormone and does all kinds of cool regenerative shit in a fasted state. Pick up up a book, retard

>> No.14672323


Whens the due date? Its always impressive to see a pregnant FtM. Ill het the testosterone does some freaky shit to baby.

Lol i hate the world

>> No.14672333


>> No.14672351

Stop drinking alcohol

>> No.14672379
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Listen to me buddy. Its all CICO. Fasting just makes CICO easier for some people. Eating certain macro nutrients more than others makes CICO easier for some people. But in the end if you eat few calories than your body uses then you will lose weight. Simple as.
Find your tdee (sedentary exercise to be safe). Then do a reasonable cut. Not one that is too big so you feel like shit and binge but not one that is too small unless you are ok with it taking much longer. Usually a 500-600 deficit is pretty okay but if you need to start out with a 300-400 to build self discipline then its not the end of the world. Eventually once the self discipline is built it becomes ez mode and you just go on auto pilot living your life and losing weight without even trying.

>> No.14672388

pretty based physique ngl

>> No.14672390

bread, pasta, rice, potatoes, pastries, cakes, pies, pizza being cut out should be a gigantic help.

also soda, sugar, and even most of the fruit you eat should be cut out.

>> No.14672398

>Its all CICO

the body is a machine and it is not as simple as energy going in vs energy going out. it is more involved than just this.

>> No.14672477
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says the fatfuck.. it's really not more involved than eating less and moving more. it looks like there's something actually wrong with OP because he's not fat everywhere, just in his belly.

people fail diets because they get caught up in the minutiae.

>keep daily food log for a week, weigh everything, count every calorie
>determine average daily caloric intake
>cut all calories from beverages, water only
>cut all refined sugars, fruit is fine, increase protein
>maintain a 500 calorie deficit from where you were
>30 mins cardio daily at 120-140bpm heart rate
>track weight loss over a month
>adjust at end of month

its THAT FUCKING EASY, dude. gaining lean mass via weight training helps because the more lean mass, the higher your BMR but that's even too complicated for a noob.

>> No.14672478

For overall health it's a bit more complicated but for weight it's pretty simple.

>> No.14672500

It's why its proponents so steadfastly defend fasting.

>> No.14672571

that's soild beer chonk

>> No.14672678


>> No.14672690
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This is the only smart guy in the thread

>> No.14672702
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>> No.14672737

still not fasting osama

>> No.14672814

I've lost 40 lbs. with OMAD
haven't really had to think a lot about it
just prepare yourself to be patient for results
also allow yourself a few weeks where you maintain your new weight and eat whatever you want
seemed to help me when i was feeling tempted near the beginning

>> No.14672815

Just stop eating

>> No.14672821

RIP your muscles.

>> No.14672838


>> No.14672934
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you look pregnant op

>> No.14672943

OMAD is for people who hate themselves. Just eat lower calorie, dense food you retards.

>> No.14672951

>OMAD is for people who hate themselves.
It's not like you're starving or anything. Sometimes I just have a really big dinner and I'm not hungry until dinnertime the next day anyway. You can still eat a lot to keep yourself full for a long time, it's just almost impossible to overeat when you're only eating one meal.

>> No.14672967

you don't understand.
over eating and obesity cause insulin resistance. high fat diets also put strain on the pancreas and cause inflammation of the pancreas and actually inflammation all over the body. obesity leads to high levels of intramuscular fat, which is a contributor to insulin resistance.
fruitarians eat sugar all day, they are rail thin, sugar will not do anything to you. it's the fat.

>> No.14673218

>American education.txt

>> No.14673370
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no.. YOU don't understand. you have zero clue as to what the fuck you're talking about. even my layman understanding is vastly superior to yours. sugar causes inflammation, btw. not fat. where are you getting this trash from?

insulin resistance has nothing to do with the pancreas; that's generally type 1 diabetics that have pancreatic issues. when your blood sugar spikes, it causes an insulin spike. think of insulin as the key that unlocks your cells and allows sugar/nutrients in. it's the single most anabolic compound known to man, bar none. it's why bodybuilders inject insulin.

the problem arises because your body is always trying to achieve homeostasis, and if your blood sugar is constantly high and you're constantly cranking out insulin, the locks on your cells start to wear out and become RESISTANT to INSULIN (i.e., INSULIN RESISTANCE). so this causes excess buildup of sugar in the blood stream because it has nowhere to go. here's the best two parts: you still feel hungry because your cells are still all like "HEY DUDE, FEED ME YOU FAT RETARD!", so you get intense sugar cravings despite your blood sugar being high. so you go blast a 64oz fountain cola because "man, i am just CRAVING some sugar!". due to the fact that your poor body does everything it can to keep your stupid self alive, it starts to blow sugar out through your kidneys. as i stated earlier, dissolved sugar is like tiny, microscopic razorblades and your kidney tissue is this delicate, beautiful work of evolution designed to filter things out of your blood.

well, your body says HOLY FUCK, we are fucked, and begins blasting sugar out through your kidneys. it's why diabetics piss so much at night time, and it's why their toilet seats are always sticky.

the real fun begins when your kidneys fail and you need dialysis, the liquid sugar soup that used to be called blood lacerates the teeeny tiny little capillaries in your eyes and you go blind, and then you lose your feet.


>> No.14673379

such is natural selection. bye fatties

>> No.14673387

stop eating any kind of carbs for a week and only have chicken and vegetables with just water for drinking. if you can keep it up try going for an entire month and watch the water weight drop off. if you really want to try walking for like 30 min every day and gradually ramp up the time you spend doing it until youre at an hour. its easy anon

>> No.14673420

Shocked you had to write all this out. Thought people knew more about diabetes Type 2 in this day and age. This insulin resistance is reversible if you stop flooding your body with sugar and let it recover.

>> No.14673426
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you don't even have to be fat to be diabetic, bro. that's my point. skinny people end up with type 2 beetus just from drinking sugary drinks all day. fruitarians are skinny because, guess what, it's REALLY hard to eat over 2,000 calories/day of fruit. REAL real difficult.

fat is metabolically active tissue and fucks your health in many ways, but fat itself does not cause insulin resistance. period. full stop. negress claps between words.

>> No.14673440
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people are so ignorant in the age of information, and especially so when it comes to nutrition and basic bodily functions/biochemistry.

diabetes is absolutely terrifying stuff. but as you said, it's reversible.

>mfw i hit text limit for the first time in my 4chan career and had to edit

>> No.14673479

you are a clown. your body runs on sugar, you ketotard. you prevent diabetes by not over eating. Fat is 9 calories per gram and does not raise blood sugar, so it doesn't cause satiety as much as starch does. That's why most snack food is loaded with fat - to trick people into over eating it.
Also, I used to eat fat and my knuckles would get all inflamed and sore from computer use. Ever since I adopted a very low fat diet my knuckles and wrists have been pain free. fat does something to the body. it causes inflammation all over the body.

>> No.14673536
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no, nigger. i ate a 1/3 of a pack of oreos in one sitting last night after eating a beef stew with potatoes and flour roux.

>your body runs on sugar

yes. when you're in ketosis, your liver is able to convert fats into sugar. keto is bad for your liver and makes your hair fall out, but for some people with certain conditions, it's a good diet under medical supervision.

anyway, my special friend, sugar is 4 calories per gram meaning you need to eat a lot more of it for the same feeling of satiety. twice as much by weight, as a matter of fact. mono/polysaccharides as well as refined flour is easily broken down to glucose/sucrose and absorbed by the body and into the blood stream. this spikes your blood sugar, and then your sugar crashes, making you HUNGRY AGAIN.

fats and complex, low glycemic index carbs require more complicated bodily processes to break down into forms suitable for the blood stream thus making fats and low GI carbs sources of slow-releasing energy. this means your blood sugar raises incrementally (no spike) and lowers incrementally (no crash) over a longer period of time.

tl:dr, fats will keep you full longer and won't give you type 2 diabetes.

and which snack food? chips? chips are absolute carb and salt bombs that are also loaded with hydrogenated oils and trans fats. they are SCIENTIFICALLY designed to be as delicious as possible which is why people can crush snack food.

you're so fucking stupid and i hate you so god damn much i am actually getting mad over here

>> No.14673933

How does it feel to know those stretchmarks will never go away

>> No.14673989

post bush

>> No.14674034

Then you didn't pay attention very well. The brain also runs on ketone bodies if glucose levels are low or if the glucose mechanism is impaired from oxidative stress. Ketone bodies themselves are neuroprotective as well. Newborns, for example, spend a lot of time in mild ketosis (and are therefore keto-adapted) since breast-milk tends to be high in fat and relatively low in glucose and this actually helps to grow their brains as they're able to more easily convert ketone bodies into myelin and acetyl coenzyme A. Additionally most people will enter ketosis during their nightly sleep if they didn't eat too much prior anyway but extending that time via fasting is generally a decent way to lose weight without forcing a particular diet. Eat less move more on its own completely misses the hormonal element of weight loss which intermittent fasting helps to regulate.

>> No.14674045

He's not technically wrong, if you eat literally zero fat, it's almost impossible to gain weight.
(You won't lose any at a caloric surplus either though)

>> No.14674053

mfw I already do OMAD without thinking about it. In fact I had to google it.

>> No.14674335

Exercise you fat fuck

>> No.14674428

>anyway, my special friend, sugar is 4 calories per gram meaning you need to eat a lot more of it for the same feeling of satiety. twice as much by weight, as a matter of fact
yes, and? do you not understand how that is better? it is more filling, but also less calorie dense, so that helps with satiety. boy o boy.

and get this through your head = you want a blood sugar spike. the problem is the 'fat spike' from eating fat. remove the fat, and the metabolism will work smoothly. it won't matter how much sugar you eat, the body will absorb it just fine, without fat getting in the way. low fat diet + low BMI helps keep insulin sensitivity high.

potato chips are deep fried in oil. they are a high fat food. we modern humans eat way too much oil. it should never be added to food, period.

>> No.14674610


Okay, well have fun with your type 2 diabetes.


Okay, youre obviously playing me at this point but i would absolutely murder you if given the opportunity. Eat a sticky bun and a coke for breakfast, see how shit you feel an hour later. Seriously, you should die.

>being skinny means you wont
get diabetes

Im-fuckin-plying. Jesus dude. Can you source any of your nonsense?

>> No.14674614

>stupid low IQ thinks bread and pasta = rice
neck yourself

>> No.14674621


>fat spike

Doesnt exist. Sugar spike causes release of insulin, raised insulin leads to insulin resistance.

Post body. Please, im dying to know what im speaking to

>> No.14674632

>That bulging stomach
That's not how fat works, you drink a lot of alcohol OP? Because it looks like ascites

>> No.14674731

>sticky bun
... is loaded with fat. you still don't get it. my god what is wrong with you. you can't bring yourself to say... I dunno, bowl of oatmeal? or a potato? all the food you are talking about is loaded with fat. you are a moron when it comes to nutrition, you got no clue. Most fat you eat is stored as body fat. the fatter you get, the greater risk of insulin resistance.

>Sugar spike causes release of insulin, raised insulin leads to insulin resistance.
You are wrong. sugar does not cause insulin resistance. high blood sugar is a symptom of insulin resistance, but insulin resistance is caused by over eating and being fat, and a high fat diet will make you fat because it is very east to over eat fatty foods.

>> No.14674754

do janitors just do fuck all these days? go to fit, you pasty gross queer

>> No.14674790

wow TWO (2) semesters!
you didn't learn that fats are broken into ketones?

>> No.14674814
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We were talking about high GI carbs like sugar. Oatmeal and sweet potatoes are great. They DO NOT spike sugar.

Eating excess calories causes weight gain, carbs or fats. You need both. Turns out we are both right and both misinformed. Its processed carbs and fats that cause insulin spikes and resistance. Polyunsaturated fats from fish, nuts and nut oils, avocado, etc raise insulin sensitivity. Telling people to avoid fats is still retarded. If all you drink is sugar water, you will probably get diabetes.


>> No.14674868

keto + fasting yeah look up snake diet

>> No.14674876

Tell to a bunch of boomers or normals that you only eat a meal a day and watch the absolute terror and incomprehension flood their faces.

>> No.14674884

Exercise and eat less, problem solved

>> No.14674894

damn i thought this was a preggo chick and i was gonna fap to it

>> No.14676162

>Oatmeal and sweet potatoes are great. They DO NOT spike sugar.
again, you are clueless.
starchy foods spike blood sugar, and are also less calorie dense, so they fill up your stomach more easily.
this is good, because it prevents over eating. starchy food coated in fat will not spike blood sugar fast enough to prevent over eating, and is also calorie dense, causing obesity.
Fat does not spike blood sugar, therefore it leads to over eating, because spiking blood sugar signals to the body to stop eating.
What part of this don't you understand?
insulin resistance is caused by a malfunctioning metabolism, not eating carbs. the metabolism malfunctions from over eating, primarily fats, because of their chemical properties, cause inflammation in the pancreas and all over the body and massive weight gain and a build up of intramuscular fat, which leads to metabolic disorder.

>> No.14676522

Yeah, and then what?
That's always the end of it.
>also it's silent generation people who react like that. Boomers usually seem to get it.

>> No.14676563

>All these retards arguing about muh essential sugars or muh superior ketones
>Not cutting sugar so that you never have to brush your teeth again

>> No.14678124


so you can't get fat or get diabetes from eating just carbs is what you're saying?

you're just spouting momscience lol

>As blood sugar levels rise, the pancreas produces insulin, a hormone that prompts cells to absorb blood sugar for energy or storage. As cells absorb blood sugar, levels in the bloodstream begin to fall.

do you know what intramuscular fat is? why do you think eating fats causes pancreatic inflammation, and can you provide a source?


Eat 500 calories of almonds and 500 calories of coke. See which one has you hungry first. Jesus dude seriously, kill yourself.

>> No.14678221

Nice tits anon