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14669083 No.14669083[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How do we feel about arrows at the grocery store?

>> No.14669085

yeah i go outside my house.. heh yeah

>> No.14669086
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It triggers chuds so it's based

>> No.14669092

I don't shop at walmart

>> No.14669097

they make sense
why would you need to meander around aimlessly anyway. youre just wasting time

>> No.14669102

I've never seen anyone intentionally following them, and all but one store near my has removed them.

>> No.14669108

I Guess I ignore them. My boobs r big and I legit don’t even notice them unless it’s pointed out. I’m not paying attention to the floor.

>> No.14669116

don't lump me in with you

>> No.14669132

literally no one pays attention to them

>> No.14669163
File: 7 KB, 210x230, st,small,215x235-pad,210x230,f8f8f8.lite-1u1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


how do they know where i wanna go, though?

>> No.14669173

My store has yellow arrows on a white floor and i legit did not see them for 90% of my trip due to the lighting. Boobs are small tho so I did end up seeing them.

>> No.14669187

sup babey

>> No.14669453

I ignore them. I also ignore people that give me dirty looks or try to tell me "Sir? Sir! Please stop, this is a one-way aisle!"

>> No.14669513


>> No.14669520

Lose some weight fatty.

>> No.14669525

This. Why are people on this site faking outrage over something that isn't an issue anymore?

>> No.14669547
File: 2.23 MB, 3447x3231, SUPPORT BLACK BREASTFEEDING.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I generally do not follow them. I'll wear the mask, but if I have to walk all the way around the aisle to enter from the "correct side" to get an item in the middle or opposite end then you can fuck off.

I've never had an associate confront me and I suspect that they never will.

>> No.14669552

damn... you're so cool...

>> No.14669554

>oh no i need to go around to get to the one item i want instead of just going through the correct aisle.

>> No.14669556


>> No.14669558

No one even keeps social distancing, there like the one weirdo and she gives you looks then does the same shit you did.

>> No.14669584

Yeah honestly if you're someone who gives that much of a shit about going in only one direction down the aisle because you're scared of getting the hoaxvirus then you should just stay home and buy Prime groceries or pay for the service where an associate buys your groceries for you and then drops it in your trunk when you show up.

>> No.14669610

I know.

>> No.14669641

This, it pisses off the karens and chuds, so it is pretty good. There are lots of entertaining videos of Karens freaking out over masks and shit.

>> No.14669656

Doesn't make a difference too me. If I need something in an aisle, I go down it, some tape on the floor doesn't do anything

>> No.14669776

If the store isn't busy I ignore them, no reason for it.

>> No.14669804

Way to out yourselves as chapotrannies.

>> No.14669823

Where I live, very few people still follow them. Everyone still wears masks and sanitizes their hands fairly regularly, though.
Silence, trannies.

>> No.14669825
File: 327 KB, 1500x1045, original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

remember when people actually made sacrifices for their country rather than just bitching?

>> No.14669828

Cali here, never seen them

>> No.14669837

Remember when countries were actually intended to represent and protect their specific ethnic groups, and weren't just demoralized, mulattoized Commerce Zones for global capital?

>> No.14669838
File: 94 KB, 696x699, 7C8E05EB-9938-4980-B1E2-974DBFD94FFD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This country is fucking shit though so I dont care about killing some oldfags.

>> No.14669839

Nobody follows them, the associates don't care to enforce them, and the only ones who reee over them are wine aunts and autists on 4chins.

>> No.14669843

I didn't realize there were so many NPC libcuck soyboy numales back then.

>> No.14669855

It doesn't make much sense when people are walking past other people anyway, which is always going to happen unless you want a traffic jam all the way out the store whenever grandma has trouble deciding which flavor catfood she wants this week.

>> No.14669857

Haha, you're very epic and funny. It would be great if you slit a hole in your abdomen and pulled out your intestines until you lost consciousness from blood loss.

>> No.14669861

Yeah dont let him speak for us

>> No.14669865
File: 32 KB, 243x234, 1587020317812.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Haha, you're very epic and funny. It would be great if you slit a hole in your abdomen and pulled out your intestines until you lost consciousness from blood loss.

>> No.14669871

USA never had a specific ethnic group, and no ethnic group in history has remained stable for more than a few centuries. So, no. Nobody does.

>> No.14669876

You have never increased the quality of a thread by being in it.
You have never increased the quality of a room by being in it.
You have never increased the quality of a society by being in it.
You have never increased the quality of existence by being in it.
Kill yourself. Your family will be happier within weeks, and I will be happier within moments.

>> No.14669879

>So, no. Nobody does
Why do you type like a redditor?

>> No.14669885

>USA never had a specific ethnic group
>no ethnic group in history has ever remained stable for more than a few centuries
Nice tactical nihilism, you retarded leftist faggot. Please overdose on sleeping pills.

>> No.14669886

Science has already proven that masks make the virus worse, so I'm assuming the same thing with arrows.

>> No.14669890
File: 15 KB, 644x800, c61.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You have never increased the quality of a thread by being in it.
>You have never increased the quality of a room by being in it.
>You have never increased the quality of a society by being in it.
>You have never increased the quality of existence by being in it.
>Kill yourself. Your family will be happier within weeks, and I will be happier within moments.

>> No.14669891

>science is a deity that issues infallible decrees
Reddit moment

>> No.14669892

Id honestly like to see that research.

>> No.14669899

I don't owe my country shit.

>> No.14669900

Reddit post.

>> No.14669902

I didn't say 'post another soyjak.' I said 'kill yourself.' Kill yourself.

>> No.14669906

Lmao when have you ever cared about the national good except as a twofaced argument point?

>> No.14669908

You mean diverse groups of natives who were constantly warring over the land with their enemies and intermarrying with their allies. Also, those anglos immediately imported niggers, many of whom were Muslims.

>> No.14669911
File: 65 KB, 785x731, f1076f182f1b8f5af1818afc296676ce.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I didn't say 'post another soyjak.' I said 'kill yourself.' Kill yourself.

>> No.14669914

Actually I like islam. It throws fags like you off of rooftops.

>> No.14669916
File: 11 KB, 600x800, 1587085033030.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14669918

I didn't say 'post another soyjak.' I said 'kill yourself.' Kill yourself.
Yeah, those stone-age savages were well known to have organized themselves into a coalition of United States and called themselves that. Shut the fuck up, you disingenuous retard.

>> No.14669920

The Dutch, French, Spanish, and natives were here at the same time among other ethic groups you drooling mongoloid

>> No.14669922

I shop at off hours and tend to be the only person in the store other than the workers and some graveyard shift workers.

>> No.14669923
File: 180 KB, 860x838, 296-2965378_crying-wojak-png-download-crying-angry-rage-face.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I didn't say 'post another soyjak.' I said 'kill yourself.' Kill yourself.

>> No.14669929

You think they didn't have tribes and cultures?

>> No.14669931
File: 59 KB, 247x329, 07FB5D22-7AFF-4A57-850C-4F703504E3DA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>stone-age savages
Actually based though

>> No.14669932

Yeah, those Dutch, French, Spanish, and stone-age fauna were definitely intended to be part of the Anglo-Saxon-colonized United States, you double-drooling triple-mongoloid

>> No.14669933

Nobody follows them here and never did anyway except for the one week stores tried to enforce store limits only for the wagecucks to realize they don't get paid enough for that shit.

>> No.14669938

You think they all came together and created the country we're fucking talking about here, the United States, as created by English Anglo-Saxons, you disingenuous fucking pilpul-spitting faggot?
>based le epic ted man
Practice what you fucking preach so I never again need to see your meaningless grugposts.

>> No.14669944

No you retard, I said that they were warring over who owned which land.

>> No.14669947
File: 8 KB, 218x231, FCF40463-D0F5-41F3-9FE8-1ACA806FD219.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Practice what you fucking preach so I never again need to see your meaningless grugposts.
Blackout is coming. You wont last a day, city slicker.

>> No.14669951

The US was colonized by at least half a dozen different ethnic groups by 1776. Does that make you upset?

>> No.14669955

And none of them owned the land. Instead, the Anglo-Saxons that make up what we now call the early United States took hold of that land, and they are understood by the non-retarded to be the ethnic group intended to be represented by that nation, you dimwitted fuck.

>> No.14669957

Intended by whom exactly?

>> No.14669965

>the retarded siegefag is a soyjakposter
Your kind have been LARPing since 1986. You won't do shit now, and you won't do shit ever, you fat suburbanite fuck.

>> No.14669969

Intended by them, the Anglo-Saxon population. This question serves only to obfuscate the flow of the conversation, and you know that, yet you ask it anyway, because you are a waste of electricity, water, and flesh.

>> No.14669975

>Gets digitally buttraped for a decade in the Gates family virtual rape dungeon before his techno-psyche is sent to the testing lab for virus experimentation