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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14664124 No.14664124 [Reply] [Original]

Cuisine tier list thread
Not listed because they didn't have it on the site but Ethiopian food is a sleeper top tier

>> No.14664138

>Usually good

>> No.14664139


>> No.14664142

They have a lot of good fish dishes but I wouldn't be opposed to dropping it to edible
I will fight anyone who disagrees on this one tho

>> No.14664148
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Can you post your Anime figurines and your Hot-glue pics.

>> No.14664154

You can make a case for France and maybe Italy but Japanese is shit. Uses the same flavors for 99% of dishes and Chinese food has everything Japanese has and more

>> No.14664156
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>> No.14664190

It's true that s oy sauce, dashi, miso, rice, and tofu are used as the base for most of the dishes but you could make the same argument about almost any cuisine. There's enough variety within those base ingredients and the various things which they're combined with (soba, udon, various meats and vegetables) to create consistently unique and delicious dishes. Chinese cuisine has nothing like Hoto, soba, or tempura udon for example.

>> No.14664205

>simple = bad

>> No.14664210

>would eat
I love the same poopaloo curry mix 1,000 times over slightly differently cut rice and cheese, very epic

>> No.14664217

>could make the same argument about almost any cuisine.
Nah. Look at thai food for example. some dishes will have tamarind, different types of peppers, and herbs, while others will have coconut milk, soy sauce, fish sauce different spices etc etc. Chinese food regions such as cantonese will be different to szechuan and the such. While if we use Japanese seafood as an example, 99% will have the same soy, sake, dashi and sometimes miso marinade.

>> No.14664223

>Peruvian food
>God tier
Do you eat hamsters and guinea pigs?

>> No.14664825
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I left off the ones that I haven't tried. I'm not really picky, I like most food, but whatever the UK is doing, that is unholy.

>> No.14664858
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This was really hard but something like this I guess but I would like to add that I don't consider okay bad it's just okay and bad is not necessarily horrible it's just the first thing that comes to mind when I hear it but it doesn't mean that there aren't okay and maybe even good dishes.

>> No.14664869

Not him but it's Argentinian and I was considering them for god tier without even trying their food they are more or less honorary germans with some sweetass grillmagic going on, had an argentinian anon showing off some local cuisine the other day

>> No.14664880

is this another burgers think that outback whatever is legit aus food thread?

>> No.14664892

>They have a lot of good fish dishes
stop eating sushit you fucking weeb

>> No.14664913

They have Scandinavian countries on bad or worse so I suspect trolling I feel for you ausbro

>> No.14664917

Nordic food is bland, also Surströmming alone is a justification for their rank.

>> No.14664926

Fellow ausbro here, I legit cant think of any unique cuisine we have thats worth mentioning.

>> No.14664932

Keep working on the English, Chang.

>> No.14664934

That's just the thing it isn't in any way bland, sure we don't over season everything with chili 'cause we don't have chili but we also don't need to hide our great meatflavor because it isn't spoiled and when it is then it's simply a feature such as Surströmming which is just one small part of basically a large buffé table of all sorts of different food that you eat at Swedens most sacred holiday and isn't a fair representation of our whole cuisine (doesn't taste bad either just smells a bit)

>> No.14665033
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>> No.14665054

This was clearly made by some nordic faggot. No your food isn't that good.
It's all potatoes, bland sauces and fish.
>"b-but we used r-rye in this dish"
>"a-and theres a pepper/salt shaker on the table if it's not spicy enough"

>> No.14665058

You're danish, aren't you.

>> No.14665093

As someone who has lived in Japan for over 4 years now, I am not sure why you retard weebs rank Japanese food so high.

>> No.14665109

Japanese food is much blander than nordic stuff.

>> No.14665123
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>> No.14665127
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italy and japan are top tier
check digits

>> No.14665138

I did have Thai as godly as well so it's not like I don't like spicy food and a lot of potatoes/pasta as opposed to what exactly, rice?

If you have quality products that aren't spoiled then you can have milder spices and herbs that blend together but lets you taste all the nuances and you do know we eat a whole lot of pork, beef, elk/moose, deer, chicken and so on as well right..?

Caviar is mainly something you have for breakfast or with eggs.

>> No.14665146

Sweden at the bottom with Best Korea, Ethiopia and Finland but Italy and Japan at the top, surely you jist.

>> No.14665149
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>> No.14665168

No but I've been to Copenhagen

>> No.14665226

Wait what, Monaco has authentic cuisine? What are the most popular ones?

>> No.14665238


Enjoy your memes

>> No.14665256

Caviar with gold flakes and wine from 1870.

>> No.14665266

>german slop that high
>literally curry sausages and sub-par alsatian

>> No.14665268

>can't handle French food
You're like a little british baby

>> No.14665289
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actual nippon cooking is very mild and lacking of excitement

>> No.14665327
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>> No.14665374

>Germany that high
>Spain that low

>> No.14665384
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but that quote was about british fish dishes

>> No.14665486

English "cuisine" should be on the bottom of every list

>> No.14665786

>This was clearly made by some nordic faggot. No your food isn't that good.
>It's all potatoes, bland sauces and fish.

Literally ALL real food is potatoes, sauce and meat/fish. Everything else is shitty gimmicks.

>> No.14665792


I like fish and chips, and I don't think any cuisine that includes even one really delish dish can be on the bottom of the list when 90% of the world's food is edible only technically.

>> No.14665801


Food should not be "exciting", food should be reliable, comforting and safe. Knife fights and cocaine are exciting.

>> No.14666105

>Japan that high

Nigger, pls. Real jap food is almost inedible.

>> No.14666113


Japanese food is fucking great as long as you never eat any type of sushi. Sushi is fucking disgusting.

>> No.14666237

>putting british on the same tier as polish


>> No.14666298

>honorary germans
south americans are delusional. absolutely delusional

>> No.14666713

That's Indonesia you dumbfuck.

>> No.14666942
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>for everyone confused as to why italy and japan are at the top of every list
those two countries are the most autistic with their product.
the insane amount of detail and effort that is given to so many products in italy and japan is leaps and bounds ahead of any country. if you were to ask
>"where can i find the best of X ingredient"
it is extremely common for the answer to be in italy or japan, and if not, it's because that product simply can't grow in that country or italy and japan may not have the best but they have a close second or third.
>"there's no technique for raw fish!"
yes exactly. that's because the japanese have the highest quality seafood across the board. so high quality that it doesn't even need to be fucking cooked. and when something does need to be cooked in japan like fucking noodles you know that some guy who's was forced to run the family business instead of going to harvard is in the back cranking out the most perfect autistic machine-like noodles that exists.
>a chef is only as good as the product they cooking with
italy has this same mentality of keeping recipes super fucking simple to reflect the insane quality of the product. no reason of learning a million french techniques and using tweezers to make a visual piece of art that doesn't hold up in your mouth. it starts with farmers and their dedication to making things to insane taste rather than producing for bulk (and there's nothing wrong with the latter because it does save people from starvation)

>> No.14666971

Sushi is very subjective, you either absolutely love it or you completely fucking hate it. I can see which side you are on

>> No.14666991

Thanks for the explanation Bling Bling

>> No.14667026

China needs to be bumped way the hell down with the fuck shit they be eating.

>> No.14667039

The average food is as shit as everywhere else

>> No.14667110
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The only good list itt

>> No.14667116

What is an interesting argie dish other than empanadas?

>> No.14667131


>> No.14667264
File: 9 KB, 259x195, blingpostin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're missing the point. the effort isn't coming from the chefs its coming from the farmers.
lets talk about beef
here are some links on beef grading and how wagyu compares to the highest quality beef in the US and australia

>layman's terms
the quality is so fucking high that the effort the chef puts in really doesn't fucking matter