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14659265 No.14659265 [Reply] [Original]

>whole chickens are on sale for like 3.50 a bird, buy a few
>Get home, realize I'm out of salt
>Remember the Marco stock cube meme
>Too lazy to go all the way back to the store, try seasoning a chicken with a stock cube based paste w fresh garlic and herbs
>Best roast chicken I've ever made

Wtf I thought he was just shilling but it was really good. The pan sauce was a little too salty, but good. Just a half cube next time. I'm sorry for doubting you, Marco

>> No.14659290

There is no recipe, really

>> No.14659517

It's more a philosophy

>> No.14659537

>Wtf I thought he was just shilling but it was really good.
My thoughts exactly whenever I've tried one of his Knorr shill videos, with or without the Knorr products.

>> No.14659548

How's the weather in Wiltshire today, Marco?

>> No.14659909

I also took the Knorr pill and was pleasantly surprised. I basically use knorr in place of salt.

>> No.14659916

You're not fooling anyone Knorr shills

>> No.14659919

But does it give it that oomph???
Asking for a friend

>> No.14659959

Do you mind your lamb chops well done?

>> No.14659963

Take the knor pill!

>> No.14659966

Did you then make Gordon Ramsey cry, OP?

>> No.14661103

gordon chose to cry

>> No.14661134

Salt and MSG, it works.

>> No.14661187

it is good but it's impossible to say so without sounding like a shill or consoomer

>> No.14661213

Only here, nobody else gives a fuck. I mean it's pretty obvious that flavored salt and msg is going to get a tastier result than just salt.

>> No.14661430

>little too salty
Knorr stock cubes are literally just sodium cubes

>> No.14661476

Stop. STOP! The underaged b& will start arguing about sodium vs. sodium chloride. Oh shit. HERE THEY COME!

>> No.14661482

how the fuck do you run out of salt?

>> No.14661818

based, welcome my friend,i also was an ignorant but ever since i saw Marco i decided to try it, and oh boy was i blind all this time, the beauty of Knorr® stock cubes, is not just the product is what it does for you is how it assist you at home, now my dishes have that real umph which salt cant provide, now everytime that i cook my meals have that proper sense of occation it truly feels like a special moment

>> No.14662151

Took the Knorrpill years ago, a full one is a little too salty so I reserve some to add to gravy.

The next level to the Knorrpill is marmite on roast chicken. I don't usually like the stuff but on a roast chicken it's incredible.

>> No.14663508


Wtf are you telling me this world famous cook actually knows how to cook?

>> No.14663519

>Wtf are you telling me this world famous cook actually knows how to shill?
FTFY. They all know how to shill.

>> No.14663558

Who tf "runs out of salt" ???

>> No.14663572


I'd figure everyone does occasionally, it's not like those boxes are infinite.

>> No.14663581

>I'm out of salt
how does this even happen?

>> No.14663583

You used as little or as much as you wanted. It was really your choice.

>> No.14663603


The fuck is wrong with you? You run out of salt the same way you run out of everything else. You use it and one day you realize you've got none left. I've had the same box of salt for five years, but five years isn't forever.

>> No.14663636

Different anon here, but I feel like it's pretty normal to buy more of something so shelf-stable when you notice you're getting low.

Like if my salt box has 5% left, and I noticed this because I have senses, I typically buy more in the month(s) I have before I run out of salt.

I imagine this pattern is what the other bloke is referring to.

>> No.14663690

I own like 4 different types of salt if i ran out of one I'd just use another. these people must run out of gas regularly.

>> No.14663727

Good point. I have table salt (rarely used), kosher, and coarse sea salt.

What are your four salts? I think about buying some flaky stuff for finishing baked goods but never get around to it.

>> No.14663755
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I went to my kitchen and took a picture. I just don't understand how anyone could run out of salt

>> No.14663775

That's way too much salt. The fuck is wrong with you? That mortons and Himalayan can last YEARS. Quit collecting salt you dipshit.

>> No.14663785

>here's my salt collection, please upvote and subscribe

>> No.14663787

which mortons? the canning salt? I own more than one box of that. the nearly empty cylinder of salt? the nearly empty kosher salt? the morton season all is nearly empty too. it's salt. I could shove it in a box for a decade and it would work the same except maybe some of the spiced stuff, and the canning salt is just table salt with no anti-caking stuff so it might cake up but it's still just salt.

it all has its uses.

>> No.14663805


I'm looking at this guy's shill videos and I really don't get the hate. All the recipes seem practical and look great, the advice is solid. Is it really just people being mad that he's advertising bouillon cubes? When almost all of us use bouillon cubes anyway?


>> No.14663817

yeah there's so much fake bullshit online about cooking now it's honestly pretty annoying to pretend someone who obviously is quite knowledgable is a total hack out of pretension

>> No.14663822

It's people being pretentious. Marco is a master class chef who quit the industry because it was a bunch of autistic and pretentious bullshit built on superstition and dick-stroking. Can you imagine if the michelin people knew he used knorr shit in his recipes?

>> No.14663823

I hate that I've had multiple people irl tell me "just go to allrecipes" when I bring up finding recipes online. I have a lot of books because I find digging around online really terrible

>> No.14663836

raw shallots? why wouldn't he toss it in the sauce?

>> No.14663838
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>all that salt
>still don't have the correct salt

my dude anytime you ever get a recipe from a "celebrity" or "professional" chef this is the kosher salt they are referring to and you don't have it.

>> No.14663847

I keep 2-3 boxes of salt in my cupboard. If I'm down to one box, I buy at least another. I do this with all my spices and ingredients.

>> No.14663850
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the 16oz jars of this from Costco are a mainstay in my kitchen. It's really versatile and way better than keeping boxes of chicken stock in the cupboard. Haven't tried the MPW method of rubbing it directly on chicken skin though

>> No.14663857

they are really fucking good
getting the reduced sodium versions are definitely necessary though, they're completely loaded with salt

>> No.14663882
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I'm still mad that the last time I bought a box of salt I settled for Morton kosher. The flakes are way too large and I have to constantly adjust the measurements in recipes. I should just buy a box of diamond crystal and use the morton only for things like making brines and salting pasta water but I'm too stubborn to buy two of the same thing

>> No.14663888

Love better than bouillon. I always have jars of chicken, beef, vegetable, and lobster in the fridge. So much better than having to go through cans and cartons when a recipe calls for like 1 cup of chicken broth.

>> No.14663902

i keep 2-3 of each flavor of this stuff at all times it fuckin rules

>> No.14663908

The expiration date on the bottle of my Himalayan pink salt was last month so I needed some new salt.

>> No.14663927
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technically not the same

>> No.14663933
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>> No.14663938

quality shitpost

>> No.14663945

I really like kosher salt for steaks and stuff it just melts right in

>> No.14663963

kosher salt is great for a 1-2 hour season to let it come up to temp before you put it on the grill, but if you want something really special coat it in soy sauce and let it sit in the fridge on a rack uncovered for 24 hours.

>> No.14664031

you might as well marinate at that point. I don't buy cheap meat so I don't bother with marinades

>> No.14664080

naw, soy sauce is salty but it also adds a little bit of sweetness and a nice under flavor which is why it works, throw a little worcestershire sauce on it and pepper while grilling and it comes out better than just salt, marinades are for flank steak.

>> No.14664109

you're describing one of my marinades... soy, worchester, garlic powder...

>> No.14664141

it's not the same, you're not drowning it in a ziploc, you're letting it dry out and pull the flavor in.

>> No.14664160

yeah it's how I do jerky. just add the amount of cayenne pepper you want for spicyness

>> No.14664248
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