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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 174 KB, 1078x1202, eating beef.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14661502 No.14661502 [Reply] [Original]

is it true?

>> No.14661529
File: 76 KB, 900x1350, moooooooooooooooo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14661539

100%. Same goes for sheep and goats. Ruminants are wonderful members of a healthy ecosystem.

>> No.14661542

nope for me it's the field pea, nature's cow

>> No.14661546

>swallowing an ad hook, line, and sinker

>> No.14661547

Argument on the website seems to be that cattle farmers preserve grasslands which is good for the environment.
Sounds good but I know nothing of environmental science.

>> No.14661552
File: 451 KB, 890x1173, 7Ds56ey.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It can be sustainable if managed well but South America is busy razing the entire Amazon for cattle production.

>> No.14661553

There's a weird trend of advertisements that appeal to "Counter-culture conservatives" i.e. retards. These ads advocate for environmental destruction, global warming denial, soft racism, and even flat-eartherism with the kind of "You're a fucking loser if you don't agree with me" attitude that cigarette ads used to have. You're going to see a lot more of them soon.

>> No.14661557
File: 18 KB, 540x427, abacus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>literally questioning an ad
>"hurr swallowing yikes!!!"

>> No.14661560
File: 9 KB, 284x177, 22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Absolutely not, beef should only go to starving third world nations really. People in first world nations have so many more options for protein, especially some of these from time to time ;)

>> No.14661568

3rd world countries already eat insects for proteins.
An estimated 2 billion of the worlds population eats insects guess where most of them are from?

>> No.14661573

>being this dense

>> No.14661574


>> No.14661580

>being this much of a thoughtless bot

>> No.14661585

>saying yikes earnestly

>> No.14661590

>Ruminants are wonderful members of a healthy ecosystem.
Yes, when they roam the plains. Not when they're shot full of antibiotics just to keep them alive long enough to get to the desired weight.

>> No.14661598

>being this much of a thoughtless bot

>saying yikes sarcastically

>> No.14661599

>cattle farmers preserve grasslands
Nah, most cows spend their whole lives in barns.

>> No.14661600

*soy production

>> No.14661615

You do realize that that only represents a small fraction of total ruminant production correct? And that even commercial animals that end up on a feed lot are only there for 3-6 months of their total 2-3 year life?

>> No.14661619

Lmao not even close

>> No.14661621

Not if you fat murrilards eat like a thousand lbs of it with every meal.

>> No.14661636

No. Vegetarianism should literally be government mandated. Meat is unsustainable and so many government subsidies go into them that could be reallocated for better causes such as healthcare, education, tech, art, etc.

>> No.14661662
File: 132 KB, 680x899, 1f8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Cattle rancher
I feel that any woman named nicolette needs to be much smaller than a normal Nicole

>> No.14662243

I bet you've never been to a cattle ranch

>> No.14662250

I don't visit death camps

>> No.14662255

> such as healthcare, education, tech, art,
bombing brown people halfway across the world from us, vanity projects for politician's friends, healthcare (for our elected officials for the rest of their natural life), shooting brown people across the street from us, etc. So many other useful ways to spend our money than keeping the people who keep us fed in the black.
I mean, talk about wasting taxpayer money! What will they think of next, fixing our crumbling roads, maintaining our powerlines so that we don't have to endure outages every few weeks, repairs for bridges that have been out of commission for years because no one can be bothered to allocate the budget for it, and useless things like that? Thankfully, we have our priorities straight. Take from those evil cow farmers and give it to "art, etc."

>> No.14662258

You will, just once

>> No.14662268
File: 154 KB, 992x940, 1553952870002.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>important to floss