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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14650234 No.14650234 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Foods you HATE

>> No.14650237


>> No.14650249

pickles. absolutely disgusting.

>> No.14650269

green olives

>> No.14650316

Chesnuts, mom tried to roast them once when i was a kid and the smell was straight from a jontron skit about the damned things smelling like the hamptons in january. Cant stand them since.
Peppers, not from the heat since I am 100% fine with that but just there waxy repugnant taste. I can stand them mixed with other stuff and if they are diced small enough but god I just cant stand them.
Uncooked onions, the taste and texture again. I can stand them when they are mixed with other food but by themselves its just awful.

>> No.14650321
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>> No.14650416
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I don't hate any food, because I'm not 5 years-old.

>> No.14650421

That's a shame. Working taste buds add an enormous amount to quality of life.

>> No.14650655

Guava smells and tastes like fresh, clean teenage pussy. I suspect you have the gay OP

>> No.14650661


>> No.14650697

What does that have to do with not hating food

>> No.14650840
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>> No.14650858

Black olives. I take them off whatever's being served to me if I find them, but the taste lingers. It's annoying.
His head is shaped exactly like a thumb

>> No.14651015
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I actively avoid drumsticks. I think it is the shittiest part of the chicken.

>> No.14651046

I just ate 3 for lunch, my favorite part

>> No.14651057
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Mangos. They taste like cat piss

>> No.14652265


>> No.14652272

Same, also olives.

>> No.14652539

>taste like cat piss

>> No.14652543

I hate fried chicken in general.

>> No.14652611

More for me.

>> No.14652757

same. idg why people are all about them.

>> No.14652793
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Anything in vinegar

>> No.14652809
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It just tastes like worse water. Also any sort of vinegar/wine based foods.

>> No.14652814

Me too. Skin-on chicken on the bone that's fried is too greasy for me.

>> No.14652823

I agree.

>> No.14652827
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>> No.14652852

sour cream

>> No.14652863

Leftover chicken

>> No.14652903

Why specifically leftover chicken?

>> No.14652924

Any food that isn't a hearty plate of bones

>> No.14652943

It gets a funky weird taste

>> No.14652953

olives of any kind

>> No.14652975

FUCK capers.

>> No.14652990

>all the hate for olives itt
Why? They barely taste like anything.

>> No.14653032

They haven't had castlevania olive

>> No.14653038


>> No.14653123
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I wish it weren't so but I have the curse.

>> No.14653151

why do so many people hate olives, is it the briny taste? have you tasted more than one type before?

i only hate textures, not taste necessarily
for ex. mushy food is gross

>> No.14653164

They're the best part besides thighs

>> No.14653173

nothing. not a picky bitch.

>> No.14653211
File: 299 KB, 1280x851, 1280px-Fairy_Bread.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maybe this is more your speed

>> No.14653231

They have literally zero taste except for sugar and a hint of cocoa. That's why "everyone" loves them: There is no taste to not like in them. They are completely boring. Basically sweetened bread. No taste on its own, so you can't really dislike it.

>> No.14653269

How do you feel about tomatoes?

>> No.14653272

The cookie part is okay for me but I hate the filling

>> No.14653493
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I think thighs are the best.

>> No.14653550


>> No.14653563

Why are you juicing it retard

>> No.14653576
File: 37 KB, 1200x628, bland-chicken-breast.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bet this more speed huh. It most suck to be a tastelet.

>> No.14653592

Because they usually are for most chicken dishes.

>> No.14653605

processed cheese
macaroni and cheese
Delissio pizza: crust tastes like cardboard

animals that shouldn't be used for meat by civilized people, eg. cats, dogs, monkeys, bats

fluffy pancakes

spaghetti- cause it was the only pasta my parents made as a kid other than kraft dinner

fake meat shit; eg. vegan stuff that s designed to look like meat

canned tuna
sourdough bread

those disgusting doughy bean buns you find in asian "bakeries"

bad bread in general
low quality hot dogs
buttemilk pancakes

>> No.14653619

Breast are the worst. They're such a pain in the ass to eat.

>> No.14653660
File: 413 KB, 2060x2097, Esquema_pollastre_ANGLES.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that a thigh retardo poster

>> No.14653679

Not really dude

>> No.14653687

They're only good fresh.

>> No.14653706

Boiled potatoes. I had a really bad illness that had me vomiting and shitting my brains out for a whole day after I ate a bunch of boiled potatoes my grandmother made.

>> No.14653709

I hate olives AND feta
fuck greece

>> No.14653714


>> No.14653763


Agree with everything except the sourdough bread, best bread for BLT's

>> No.14653764


>> No.14653770

that's because your grandma spread her fecal matter all over the water and taters.

>> No.14653858
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I'll see your guava and raise you a passion fruit. This shit smells and tastes like vomit.

>> No.14653864

How do you even eat this? It's all seeds.

>> No.14653882


>> No.14653903

They're literally the easiest part to eat, what are you on about?

You eat the seeds without chewing.

>> No.14653946

There are very few things I'll refuse to eat under normal circumstances. Any kind of sweet pickled anything, cantaloupe/honeydew melon and fake watermelon, like watermelon Jolly Ranchers.

>> No.14653963

Why do you hate guava?

>> No.14653973
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>> No.14653993

-white condiments like ranch mayo sour cream tartar sauce blue cheese cottage cheese.
-Mac and cheese

>> No.14654042
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most useless, disgusting, overpriced piece of shit out there. if we all looked down on the avocado as the trash it is i wouldn't have a problem, but instead it's worshiped like some kind of posh miracle food. it's fucking green mushy poop and frankly it needs to be put in its place.

>> No.14654239

Raw tomatoes

>> No.14654249


>> No.14654274


>> No.14654318


>> No.14654324

The Boiled New England Dinner.

>> No.14654332
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There are some people whose genes make orange (central asian) mangoes taste like soap.
The same gene, together with another gene, makes coriander and to some extent parsley taste like rancid grass mixed with fabric softener.

Sometimes you can't help it.

>> No.14654336
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>> No.14654342

I genuinely really like avocado. I love the fattiness, I love the mushiness, and I like how easy it is to peel/prepare.

>> No.14654346

it has no flavor and the texture is ghastly

>> No.14654365

can't stand spaghetti bolongaise, it makes me gag.
beef stroganoff.

>> No.14654373
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Corn is fucking vile. They’re like little pimples full of sweet puke. Corn chips and tortillas are fine, but people always tell me they taste just like regular corn. Pretty sure they’re retarded.

>> No.14654388


>> No.14654392

Sushi fucking blows.

>> No.14654407

Mac and cheese... especially homemade. I can do boxed or whatever and it’s fine but whenever someone makes a big ass baked mac and cheese with “fancy” cheese and bread crumbs and shit I have to cringe, it tastes awful and greasy, the cheese isn’t emulsified, and in general is just fucking terrible. Fuck all Mac and cheese that isn’t from a box.

>> No.14654533

I don't like dark chocolate, the bitter taste lingers on my tongue for hours

>> No.14654586

>posts on food board
>hates food

>> No.14654599

Autist detected

>> No.14654636


>> No.14654773

drumsticks are only good if they're cooked long enough for all the cartilage to melt.
they never are.

>> No.14654804

t. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v1TWvXwgKr0

>> No.14654818

celery and olives. yuck

>> No.14654819

thats not a watermelon

>> No.14654824

The only things I actively dislike when it comes to food, are cooked carrots and tripe.

>> No.14655087

i've heard some people say it tastes like soap

>> No.14655091

Why do you hate mushrooms? Do they taste like dirt to you?

>> No.14655592

very ironic post

>> No.14655683

Passion fruit is god tier. Tastes almost as good as your moms pussy

>> No.14655692

Only someone that doesn't have to eat that shit all the time because it's one of the cheapest fruits around would say that.

>> No.14655910

This. I can eat anything except for pickles.

>> No.14655996

Passion fruit is relatively expensive here and I live in the tropics. It's less expensive than your moms pussy because that's free. Further, you're the fruit that's likely passionate about being fucked in the ass, just like your mom

>> No.14656023


Fuck quebecois food

>> No.14656049

f u anglo scum

>> No.14656770

This is a thing that happens, I think. I threw up after eating some peppers and eggs and ever since I can't stand bell peppers. My dad had the same thing with seafood.

>> No.14656791
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These little shits. I like every other root vegetable, I cannot fucking stand these little dirt discs

>> No.14656792

try them roasted. it's crazy how delicious they are.

>> No.14656803

Hate olives
Hate strawberries
Hate pickles
Hate mushrooms
Simple as

>> No.14656822

Just ate a bunch of raw ones earlier. Fucking delicious.

>> No.14657633

I used to "hate" olives too. A few years ago I recognized that I don't actually hate them for this exact reason.

>> No.14657713

Your mom didn't hit you enough

>> No.14657744

Not him but I like the taste of onions, while I fucking hate the texture especially raw. I am better with them now than I was as a kid, but it's still a problem. I use the minimum amount I can get away with when a recipe has them, I dice them up as finely as possible and take a cleaver to them until they are like a paste, and I cook them thoroughly before adding anything else. The flavor is imparted, but I never feel them.

>> No.14657751

Both guava and passion fruit smell heavenly.

You people have bad taste.

>> No.14657761

i’m gonna try some raw radishes for the first time, really hope i like them. what kinda flavour/texture should i expect when i bite into them? is there anything you can compare them to? i don’t want an unexpected taste to ruin my first experience with them

>> No.14657777

Truffle oil and truffle salt. I'd rather eat roadkill

>> No.14657830

Imagine horseraddish but sweeter and more onion kind of aftertaste.
This, truffle taste like car tires.

>> No.14657850

honestly it's entirely possible that you've only had bad ones. The difference between a prime mango and any other is night and day, it's like with pears.

>> No.14657856

I don't hate it, but if there's any basic food ingredient or fruit/veg that I will avoid no matter what it's corn. I think I just associate it with gross people eating off the cob, spraying the juice everywhere and getting it caught in their teeth.

>> No.14657861

>taste like car tires.
that has always kind of been my feeling on this one. I imagine that if you licked the asphalt immediately after someone does a burnout, it would resemble the taste of truffle oil and salt. Terrible stuff

>> No.14658125

Break out of your vlasic prison, you uncultured swine.

>> No.14658128


>> No.14658130

I hate most fresh fruits dipped in chocolate. Chocolate fountains are nasty. That said, I did enjoy some prime rib that I dipped in the chocolate fountain at my brothers wedding. I knew it wouldn't last, so I didn't care about the dirty looks I got from the bride.

>> No.14658140

i hate mac and cheese, it tastes like plastic

>> No.14658144
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This post is a rollercoaster of cringe to based to cringe to based.

>> No.14658149

Agreed. I like pickled other veggies and I like cucumbers but for some reason (probably dill?) I don't like pickles.

>> No.14658153

Do you even english?

>> No.14658160

No flavor?


>> No.14658164

... I don't think you've ever had radishes, have you?

>> No.14658168

These are so fresh and crisp!
Make sure they are not old - you can tell by squeezing them and if they are hard and do not give in to your fingers they should be good.

>> No.14658169

>How do you feel about tomatoes?
same anon, forgot to check
i hate them usually,but if they are very finely diced they are okay.

>> No.14658175

Do you? How do you read that and not feel the emotional ups and downs of his incredible tale?

>> No.14658194
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>> No.14658216

guava is frustrating. smells better than sex, but i cant eat it. dont know how. but lovely when prepared with sugar. foods i dont like: limburger cheese. canned black olives with ferrous gluconate (tastes like blood/iron). runny scrambled eggs. tripe cause i have too often smelled shit on them. sausages of low quality where you can feel gristly bits in them. too much fish sauce in a dish (a lot, had it once at a burmese restaurant). very sweet tomato sauce/simple, uncomplex tomato sauce (hard to eat a lot of it). honestly not much.

>> No.14658233

corn fritters are literally the best food on the planet

>> No.14658238


>> No.14658266

Tomatoes. Just tastes like sour water, fucking disgusting. I also pretty much eat no fresh whole fruit because I dislike the textures though.

>> No.14658285

wtf i thought i was the only one, everyone looked at me like a weirdo all my life...give me a hug please

>> No.14658352
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The texture of roe/caviar popping in your mouth makes me want to fucking puke

>> No.14658372

Have you only had fruit from a grocery store?

>> No.14658377
File: 304 KB, 1500x1500, 91LNZ6EOKuL._SL1500_[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's what unripe tomatoes taste like, and 99.99% of the fresh tomatoes you'll come across are unripe, red or not. If you ever get a chance to eat a genuinely ripe one off the vine, take it. Like an entirely different food.

Try these (or whatever they brand them as near you, pearls or whatever). They're black olives without the ferrous gluconate and unlike any other green olive, no fucking vinegar.

>> No.14658379

Garbage disposals don't have taste buds either.

>> No.14658388

I've had plenty of fruit, I just don't buy it for myself. I'll eat it if someone serves it to me. Apples are fine I guess but seeds and pulp and just gooeyness of berries and stuff puts me off. It's hard to describe.

>> No.14658677

what is this?

>> No.14658728

I love olives, and saying they don’t taste like anything doesn’t make any sense. What in the hell do you mean?

>> No.14658736
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>> No.14658833

Fuck persimmon, it’s too damn sweet

>> No.14658843

>Guava smells and tastes like fresh, clean teenage pussy
ok, virgy

>> No.14658861


>> No.14658869

let me guess it tastes like soap.

>> No.14658955

it doesn't taste like soap to me but i still hate it. to be honest i'm not sure if i have the gene or not

>> No.14658961

Out of all the fruits you think persimmons are too sweet?

>> No.14659032

I do trust me you will know if you have it but it can be lessened overtime with enough exposure to it but not by a lot. Funnily enough it only happens with cilantro for me.

>> No.14659167
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>they don't know what the oysters are on a chicken
also, >>>/fit/ and tits>asses

>> No.14659423

interesting, that sounds like something i might like. i love the flavour of onions (have always disliked the texture though) and i’ve never had horseradish but if it’s sweeter then that should be a good sign. people have described the texture like a denser apple, as long as they don’t have an onion or carrot texture i’ll be fine with it. thanks anon!

>> No.14659472


>> No.14659504

meme science

>> No.14659515

Die please, your taste buds are broken.

>> No.14659520

Can't stand cantaloupe or honeydew. Or blue cheese.

>> No.14659696

I hate mayonnaise, ketchup, and ranch with a passion. If I see any of them I start gagging a little bit and if I smell them I might vomit. My kid loves ketchup though so whenever I give him some i have to hold my breath.

>> No.14659922

i love when newfags like (You) try to fit in and fall for the memes

>> No.14660095

Any fruit besides cherry and raspberry. I get a gag reflex just by looking at them being eaten, though the smells and juices are alright for me

>> No.14660099

is this a meme? i for one find avocado off putting

>> No.14660108

This. I like cornbread, corn ships, and corn tortillas but any time the whole kernels are used it’s vile. I can tolerate it in cowboy caviar to an extend but on the Cobb or as a side it’s just gross

>> No.14660118
File: 977 KB, 1024x748, atris-golden-corn-1-e9170af4-j1ev.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>corn ships

>> No.14660123

But the flavor is divine, salty and oily with that fish flavor. Yum

>> No.14660129

Kek, source?

>> No.14660135

no idea, i just google corn ships banking that i would find something

>> No.14660166


>> No.14660193

Nice, reminds me of those I Spy books

>> No.14660606

Blue cheese. Too sour.

>> No.14660622

weak genes