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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14648325 No.14648325 [Reply] [Original]

What's the worst street food you ever got tricked into eating while traveling abroad?

>> No.14648332
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acarege in brazil. Shits just vile

>> No.14648363

Transsexual penis

>> No.14648373


>> No.14648374

I said worst.

>> No.14648377

>traveling abroad
I simply don't care about other cultures. They should all burn in nuclear fire in Pax Americana to be honest.

>> No.14648383

Do you often travel with your mother?

>> No.14648384

I gave pig blood on a stick a try in Taiwan. It just wasn't good.

>> No.14648385

Says that while eating a pizza slice.

>> No.14648422

Pizza is an American invention. Always has been.

>> No.14648502
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A cold spicy snail dish in chengdu. I was very drunk. Just slimy cold mush.

Everything else was great. rabbits head, duck and chicken feet. Also ate pigeons britain. very good. Pigs brain in hot pot was just bland.

>> No.14648551
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>kind veggie burrito, man

Grateful Dead concert parking lot fare. Just corn and beans in a tortilla. The most low effort food imaginable. God damn dirty hippies.

>> No.14648558

Why does he look like a goat?

>> No.14648575

I really REALLY didn't like stinky tofu in Taiwan. Probably my least favorite thing I ate in all of East Asia. The Taiwanese girl I was with was like "oh it won't be bad at all! It used to be way stronger, they make it easier for the tourists" but it fucking sucked.

>> No.14648591
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The sad untold truth is a lot of these hippies, SJWs, and just general left wing extremists are products of FAS or accumulated brain damage from booze and drugs.

>> No.14648622
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Pickled herring in Amsterdam. Awful going down. Worse coming back up.

>> No.14649153

Once I was a teenager on a touristy beach in Spain and this guy showed up with a watermelon and a big knife and started speaking really quickly in his ayaya arroz con pollo oyoyo language while gesturing at the melon and I didn't really understand so I looked at the girl I was with and I wasn't really actively trying to fuck her because I had a gf at the time but it also wasn't completely off my mind so I thought eh why not and I tried to ask him in broken spanish how much it was and he pretended to not understand me but just kinda gestured at my wallet so I thought we can make this work he'll just give me the change so I handed him a 10 euro bill and he gave me a decent slice of watermelon but by the time I gave it to the girl and looked back he was nowhere to be found. I have no idea how good the watermelon was but I do remember a distinct bitter taste in my mouth from the whole interaction

>> No.14649239


Solomon gundy is great. I down jars of it in a sitting

>> No.14649372

That was the king of Spain. He goes around and does that to 30 tourists a day.

>> No.14649405

didn't notice the crown, must've taken it off. How nice of him though, to teach the up and coming youth of other countries: know the terms of the transaction you're getting into before you get into it. I am now extremely wary of fast talking men I don't understand. Also buying girls stuff might, maybe, earn you points; getting swindled for fruit absolutely does not.

>> No.14649444
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Mochi skewers, and mochi in general.
They're not that bad, they're just too bland. It's like eating gum.

>> No.14649480

>too bland
Describes my experience with Japanese cuisine in general. I understand this whole tasting the original ingredients concept but sometimes the original ingredients don't really taste like much and need some spice.

>> No.14649493

The thing I disliked the most with Japanese food was how everything is made soft, like baby food. Nothing really has a crunch to it. What a shame. Loved my time in Japan, but the food really wasn’t all that great, apart from the ramen and sushi.

>> No.14649502

What the fuck is fried pork

>> No.14649506

>Nothing really has crunch
Did you just go out of your way to avoid tempura?

>> No.14649511

>this one dish that isn’t even all that common out of the thousands proves you’re wrong haha
Wow, you really got me there you fucking spastic. Meanwhile everything else is bubbly soft, eggs are made fluffy or soft boiled, raw fish, soups, candies, tokyo banana, tokyo strawberry, steamed buns, and the list goes on and on. Congrats on finding one rule to the exception, but that’s the whole point. Most of the food is made soft like baby food. You fucking retard.

>> No.14649516
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Tried skewered, grill silkworm pupae when I lived in Beijing. Shit was nasty.

>> No.14649567

I tried hot dogs in several places in Chicago
Sausage was disgusting, bland industrial shit, the bun was way too sweet and the topping tasted weird. Overall, a genuine introduction to american "cuisine".

>> No.14649594

''leftwing extremists''

I'd take people with green hair screaming at people over terrorists any day.

>> No.14649600
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FAS, aka "Greta face"

>> No.14649604

You sound mad, did someone hurt you?

>> No.14649612

Leftists are often terrorists. See antifa, blm, soros, kalergi. Violence always Comes from the left

>> No.14649842

>eating brains
u dumb

>> No.14649845
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>Violence always Comes from the left
Sweet millennial child

>> No.14649913

Bit of a loaded question since a lot of street food is based off niche customer base or pleases everyone.
Haven't really had anything bad that I knew would taste good to begin with.
Although I had a little sample platter of deep fried bugs before. The centipede was awful.

>> No.14650349

Suddenly Italians care about the cultural roots of Domino's Pizza? Get nuked, pastaroni.

>> No.14650365

back to /pol/, you retarded troll

>> No.14650384

Damn I love this shit.

>> No.14650395

>implying the leftist government didn't create a trained killer