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File: 13 KB, 440x351, 440px-Pizza_Hut_1967-1999_logo.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14647298 No.14647298 [Reply] [Original]

/ck/ help my small monkey brain understand why pizza hut got so shit over the years. Fucking take me back.

>> No.14647299

Everything only gets worse. You should be used to it by now.

>> No.14647301

Pizza hut always messes up my bowels for like 26 hours after eating it

>> No.14647346
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>> No.14647352

All corporate products get worse in quality, it's absolutely intentional. Not only does it save them money, but it allows them to up the quality of the product in the future as a marketing stunt, before slowly reducing the quality again. Pizza hut is still better than the competition anyway, since as it got worse the rest all got worse too.

>> No.14647359

all things go to greater chaos

>> No.14647362
File: 185 KB, 700x593, 1597828374014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is dominos better than it was 15 years ago then

>> No.14647384

they took the criticism and improved their crust and overall quality because of it

>> No.14647391

They just recently did an improved quality publicity stunt, can you read?

>> No.14647405

I mean your post would imply that it would spike in quality then go down again whereas I would argue dominoes has only continued to improve, you pedantic faggot

>> No.14647435

No fairies, no good pizza.

>> No.14647476
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The fairy dust I lost, the toppings I lost, wont stop hurting. Its like they're all still there. You feel it too, don't you?

>> No.14647487

Does anyone even make a better stuffed crust these days?

>> No.14649144


>> No.14649161

I'd agree. I grew up un the golden age of pizza hut as a sit down place. Was great for a chain (could be my childhood talking). Only had Dominos when i stayed at my friends house and it was shit. Now Dominos is pretty good for a chain and pizza hut is absolute shit.

>> No.14649797
File: 64 KB, 710x710, E7C64234-E512-480B-930E-67952E0C8898.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As American got more trashy, so did it’s cuisine

>> No.14651227

Dominos is on the "corner the market" stage of it's corporate agenda. Once they outsell all other pizza places, you'll see a decline in quality, but it wont matter for a while because of brand loyalty.

>> No.14651323

It's because Reggie Fils Aime left and went to Nintendo

>> No.14651339

>improving the quality of your food is a publicity stunt

are you a communist?

>> No.14651355

no one else makes a stuffed crust afaik. little caesars might have one now but theyre not in the same league. GOD little caesars sucks. how did they figure out how to make pizza taste bad?

>> No.14651359

rent free

>> No.14651374

Basically, as time proceeded you grew older and the world started seeming harsher and less of a wonderland. It feels like other things changed, but it's you who changed.

>> No.14651470
File: 45 KB, 600x882, 1598244186062.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean I'm pretty sure some of the seasoning/prep changed too. Was kinda hoping someone who worked at pizza hut for a long time would reply to this thread instead of all the fucking 'hur dur ur just jaded lmao :)' non-answers

>> No.14651496

That barely contained tension. Imagine the tangle of limbs and lust the moment they got some privacy.

>> No.14651499

I get the feeling 'make it great' is a double entendre

>> No.14651506
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I recently got Phut after like 2 years and it was delicious. Even the bread sticks and chicken were okay. Not even greasy.

>> No.14651555
File: 47 KB, 399x400, 1575495164926.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

at my store the dough is frozen discs and almost every other ingredient is from mclane

>> No.14651612


I worked for this company for almost a decade on its store manager and then area coach side.

Your local Pizza Hut stores are constantly pressured by outside sources (Your Store Owner & Your Corporate side, yes, they are two separate things in most district locations) to cut cut cut resources, labor and product company.

Yum!, the parent company of Pizza Hut, Long John Silvers, KFC, etc is a EU originated multi-billion dollar international grocery store company that now owns your favorite fast food market chains. They are cheap in product and only want to see increase in revenue. Pretty cliche huh?

Remember the whole "pink meat" issue with KFC? That's the same meat used in Pizza Huts Bacon. Fun fact, Bacon is the most expensive thing a store owner can buy. But its not real bacon. Order a bacon pizza and look for the "pink spots" where the meat has breathed and sizzled on your dough. Why does your bacon have a pink dye to it? Like I said, it's not "real" bacon.

When I worked as a store manager, I had a limitation of only ordering 2,500 worth of product each week for my store. It means that we had to skimp and "push" old product 2-3 days after expiration dates. Pizza Hut manually prints their own expiration stickers on their boxes when they do daily/weekly inventories.

When I became area coach it is even worse. You spend most of your time forcing people to do the most inhuman shit you can do, it's nothing but a corporate totem pole of blame-game tactics and who is going to be the fall guy if someone a rung higher than you fucks up.

In my area alone, there was inter-company drama with store managers fucking one another, racism, sexual-abuse allegations, pedophilia and a slew of other shit.

If you want a good pizza, go to a mom and pops store. Your money is better spent there.

>> No.14652506

Wow thanks for this answer better than i expected

>> No.14652971

Imagine being a YUM bagholding instead of a DPZ chad

>> No.14653079

Dominoes only got better. By a huge margin.

>> No.14653083

It's been about a decade since they started changing their recipes for the better, you literal retard

>> No.14653105

great time as a kid with all-you-can-eat at pizza hut
do ameribros still have that?

>> No.14653736

>reddit spacing
seriously tho, just go back

>> No.14653737

Pretty sure they got bought out by some chink shell company a long time ago.

>> No.14653757


>> No.14653807

decreasing quality is a good way for CEOs to increase profits and get their golden handshake

>> No.14653825

Then he leaves before it bites him in the ass and the shareholders who endorsed the behaviour sell off their holdings before the long term negative consequences show up in the company valuation. Really a beautiful system.