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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14639164 No.14639164 [Reply] [Original]

What would you say are your top 10 favorite cuisines? For reference, this is how an international poll ordered them in 2018:
1. Italian cuisine
2. Chinese cuisine
3. Japanese cuisine
4. Thai cuisine
5. French cuisine
6. Spanish cuisine
7. American cuisine
8. Mexican cuisine
9. Indian cuisine
10. Turkish cuisine

>> No.14639166

>Chinese people hate pretty much every other cuisine in the world
Guess that gutter oil really be hittin

>> No.14639197

Balkan/Slavic cuisine!

>> No.14639211

1. Japanese cuisine
2. Hawaiian (only Poke bowls tho)
3. Korean cuising
4. Chinese cuisine
5. Thai cuisine
6. Balkan cuisine
7. dunno
8. dunno
9. dunno
10. dunno

What would be american cuisine?

Our cuisine is kinda boring, I mean yeah we have some cool stuff like Cuspajz, different kinds of Varivo, Grah. But most of our other stuff is kinda meh, for me its missing flavor compared to some of the Asian stuff. For example when we cook meats its usually mostly cooked through (I have met maybe 5 people who eat their meat < medium), and just boring. Also the presentation is eh so so. I do love our cheeses though, they are amazing.

I guess it also might be nationalist reasons. But I really wouldn't eat chinese food in China, I do like it done at home tho. Right now I'm not gonna eat a lot of it cause I'm on a diet tho and that shit is full of fucking sugar.

>> No.14639216

Poke bowls aren't Hawaiian, retard.

>> No.14639241

Sorry what?


>> No.14639247

>Beginning around 2012, poke became increasingly popular in North America.[10][11] [12] From 2014 to mid-2016, "the number of Hawaiian restaurants on Foursquare, which includes those that serve poke," doubled, going from 342 to 700.[10] These restaurants serve both traditional and modern versions of the dish. The modern version is sometimes called poké bowl, and has the ingredients arranged in a grouped way rather than mixed. Variations may include avocado, ponzu sauce, teriyaki sauce, mushrooms, crispy onions, pickled jalapeño, sriracha sauce, cilantro, pineapple, or cucumber. Unlike traditional Hawaiian poke, the mainland style is typically not pre-marinated, but is instead prepared with sauces on demand. Contemporary poke restaurants are mostly—but not exclusively—fast casual style restaurants where the dish is fully customizable from the base to the marinade on the fish. They may use other seafood but ahi tuna is the most popular.
Read the fucking article before linking it next time. Poke bowls are mainland shit, and hardly resemble anything you get in Hawaii.

>> No.14639370

>Native Hawaiians would originally slice up smaller reef fish and serve them raw. But with the arrival of Japanese workers in the late 1800s, the predominant poke fish shifted to ahi tuna. Poke bowls with rice — a cultural mash-up of Hawaiian flavors and Japanese donburi — became popular in restaurants in Hawaii only in the past three decades, Losch said. They’re often served with minimal toppings from a smaller range of flavors, to let the taste of the fish come through.

From washington post
I don't like zuchini noodle crap on it, if that is what you refer with the mainland. Also the fish I get is premarinated, and the only thing that isn't traditional on it is avocado.

>> No.14639387

Poke served on a bowl of rice is not the same thing as a poke bowl. That's not Hawaiian. I don't care what articles you cite; I lived in Hawaii for nearly 20 years and saw these "poke bowl" places pop up on the mainland a few years ago. It's not Hawaiian no matter how you try to spin it. If anything it's closer to Americanized sushi/chirashi.

>> No.14639419
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So what would this be then, genuinely wondering now? This is a salmon version, I usually get tuna but they were out.

>> No.14639428

Looks like fusion-style Japanese cuisine to me.

>> No.14639431

I'll admit I haven't been back to Hawaii in over a decade and they probably sell stuff like this now in the tourist areas, but when I lived there you would never see anything like this. Again, that looks like something you'd buy in an Americanized sushi restaurant.

>> No.14639438

Ah then its that I guess, I really like it. Second to sushi its probably one of my favorite things.
I guess it ain't really hawaiian cuisine then, but I suppose its a mash of hawaiian, japanese and then "westernized"? Also sorry if I was rude, to both of you, if you aren't the same person.

>> No.14639457
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1. Mexican
2. Indian
3. Tex-Mex
4. Chinese
4. Southwest
5. Vietnamese
6. Mexican-American
7. Thai
8. New Mexican
9. Arab/Middle Eastern
10. Cowboy Chuck Wagon

>> No.14639463

Italian, Mexican, American, Chinese, Korean,
Nordic, Spanish, Russian, Czech, Japanese

>> No.14639464

What is "Australian cuisine" like?

>> No.14639473
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>> No.14639474

A drunken abo high on petrol grilling a roo while two bogans spread vegemite on fairy bread.

>> No.14639527

Hawaiian food is kind of complicated. There are traditional Hawaiian dishes and modern Hawaiian dishes. In the 19th century there was a huge influx of people from Japan, China, Korea, Philippines, and Portugal (don't ask) who came to work the sugar plantations, so there are a ton of dishes that are a mish mash of those different cultures combined with Hawaiian food and ingredients (Hawaiian pidgin is a result of all those different cultures having to communicate, and it's still what most locals speak at home). Poke is technically a traditional dish, but you're not going to see anything like that anymore. It's really a mish-mash of the Hawaiian dish (poke just means diced) and Japanese influences, like soy sauce and sesame oil/seeds. What really makes it Hawaiian, at least in my opinion, is the specific seaweed used, along with the sea salt and maui onions. I'm probably forgetting something, but there's just a few specific ingredients that make it specific to Hawaii, and not just cubed raw fish with some kind of Asian like sauce.

>> No.14640124

>this info again
The way to look at these data is not from top to bottom. Only a brianlet would do this. Different cuisines are not al represented equally in different countries. Italian food is common everywhere while Peruvian is not.
The only relatively meaningful information here is across the top of the table, which is a measure of how picky a certain country's eaters are. And some of it makes sense. Japan is a homogeneous and xenophobic country while the Philippines and Singapore are more heterogeneous

>> No.14640154

And they didn't poll any Latin American country so Latin American cuisine got worse comparative scores.

>> No.14640163
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Imma hit you with a top 5 my man:
>[1] American
>[2] Mexican
>[3] Japanese
>[4] Italian
>[5] Chinese

>> No.14640177

>Chinese above Japanese


>> No.14640249


>> No.14640397

>data is confusing
Chinese food is more common
This ranking of a cuisines popularity is worthless with these data. The only thing this describes is how picky a nation is

>> No.14640702

Chinese has everything Japanese has you mong

>> No.14640717

Based sugar addict

>> No.14640727

>data is confusing
*data are confusing

>> No.14640749

Only top 5 are ordered:
I wish I could say I like Japanese cuisine more but i'm not the biggest fan of miso+dashi and the majority of the dishes have those flavors

>> No.14640822

French cuisine is a meme outside desserts. Also can't think of a specific country that just does basic chicken, beef, pork, or whatever else that is just eaten on a daily basis. Chicken thighs and breasts are probably my second most eaten dish but I wouldn't call that American cuisine when I think American I think BBQ and burgers, hotdogs

This chart is pretty gay bros

>> No.14640940

>fucking Norwegians think they're the greatest

why? because you put bananas on a pizza you bunch of sick freaks? god I hate scandos

>> No.14640956

Russian cuisine is the best in the world, seriously, is there anything better than eating cheburek on christmas?

>> No.14640967
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wa la

>> No.14640974
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>cowboy chuck wagon
>not top 5

>> No.14640987

what is north korean cuisine

>> No.14640993

its a joke to describe how much i dislike ethiopian food

>> No.14640996

Japan TOO high

>> No.14641025

According to that chart Norwegians prefer Italian and Mexican cuisines to Norwegian.

>> No.14641034

X prefer Italian and Mexican cuisines to Xian, where X is any sane nation of right minded people

>> No.14641049
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>> No.14641575


in no order

north indian

>> No.14641658

The only two cuisines worth a damn are Classical French and Classical Chinese.
Italian gets a pass for being a prototype for French, Japan gets a pass for being a cleaner version of Chinese.

>> No.14641666
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i dont get it

>> No.14641670


>> No.14641672



>> No.14641679

Japanese does not come close to 1/8th of what Chinese offers

>> No.14641704

then couldn't one argue that Japanese is to classical Chinese as French is to Italian? moreover italian you can also argue italian is cleaner than french. if thats true, then really chinese and italian or the only two worth giving a damn.

>> No.14641718


Almost like a country 20 times larger with access to the Silk Road would have a more diverse and regional cuisine.

>> No.14641777

Why would you think that isn't the case? There were active efforts to emulate Tang Dynasty culture in Medieval Japan.
Italian cuisine is worth a look at because the influence of Roman culture on the French is immense, and a secondary reason is because the food allows you to pay attention to ingredients and what a baseline for half-decent cuisine for a sense of perspective.
Japanese is worth a look at because the actual practitioners often place a strangely high amount of effort on technical execution, and it also provides a what if scenario for Chinese cuisine.

But ultimately French and Chinese are the picks because they are the source of the majority of technical innovations and skills in cookery and have left an undeniable mark on almost every world cuisine, even if they're not detectable at first glance.

>> No.14642017

>thai ahead of french
how? thai food is cockroach tier compared to french

>> No.14642025
File: 90 KB, 640x960, check that.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

interesting perspective. nice digits too

>> No.14642079

1. Cantonese
2. Japanese
3. Sichuan
4. Shanghainese
5. Taiwanese
6. Italian
7. Korean
8. Malaysian
9. Afghan (home cooked shit, the restaurants are so inauthentic that they should just drop the facade and call themselves Greek)
10. French (loses a few points for being shit unless you have deep pockets)

>> No.14642098

>seven of my top 10 is different spices in gutter oil
fuck off

>> No.14642120

Weird how people never really actually grasp that China was a literal empire until the last century.

>> No.14642124

You're saying while Japanese is above both.

>> No.14642127

How? It's a two note show of chillis and peppercorns.

>> No.14642141

Ooh, found the retard.

Guess you don't live in a clean city with large Asian representation. That fucking sucks, man. I don't know what I would do if I couldn't get world renowned cha siu or lobster in cream sauce, and then go out for dessert and grab the best bubble tea in North America. You're fucking missing out hard, and also, you clearly aren't familiar with HK/Canto dishes

>> No.14642148

The sauce/oil is (and it doesn't even go on everything), but the dishes themselves are distinct from other Chinese cuisine. Or did you think that Sichuan was just referring to the peppercorn and not a literal Province of China?

>> No.14642177
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>clean city
>large asian representation
pick one

>> No.14642181

>Or did you think that Sichuan was just referring to the peppercorn and not a literal Province of China?
No. Who would think that?
But it is what lines the streets and supermarkets when people think of Sichuan cuisine.
What's 'real' Sichuan cuisine? Why is it unique enough to be placed so highly?

>> No.14642223

Spicy food is good

>> No.14642276


>No. Who would think that?
Me when you made the comment about the two spices, lole. You should be more clear in your writing or grow some balls and say what you mean instead of attacking what you think is the smallest possible microcosm of a concept

Not sure what you were trying to insinuate by "real" but I suggest you take to google and see for yourself. It's hilarious that people here are putting Chinese food under one category because, out of all the cuisines I can think of, it has the craziest regional variance. I'm guessing it's because they've only had western "Chinese food" at a place called Golden Dragon and they think sweet and sour pork is breddy gud. Savages.

I'm reluctant to lob together all of Italy and Japan, but at least at most respective restaurants, you can get 90% of the regional fares (in varying quality) on the menu. However, if you go to a HK style cafe and ask for baozi, you will get laughed at. If you order curry beef from a Taiwanese restaurant and you're expecting it to be at all similar to Cantonese style, you're gonna be pissed. The tea selections are different, the menus vary wildly in flavours and expansiveness (with HK cafe menus usually spanning well into the hundreds), and the desserts are anything but interchangeable.

Really, the different cuisines of ROC, HK, MO, and all the regions of PROC are only similar in a few ways, such as presentation and some shared staples. When you sit down and eat them, they're quite different--more than different enough for me to favour one over the other.

>> No.14642310

1. american
2. persian
3. mexican
4. italian
5. chinese
6. japanese
7. indian
8. turkish
9. lebanese
10. french

>> No.14642311

>two of my top 10 is different cheeses on starch
fuck off

>> No.14642313

Because that chart includes Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Malaysia. It's a shitty and incredibly biased chart, I don't know why it's posted so often. Well, I know why but it's very annoying.

>> No.14642340

I would guess that American cuisine would be things like American Chinese food, American Thai food, American Italian food, PA cheesesteaks, Hamburgers, etc.
Essentially foods that early immigrants invented or popularized in America

>> No.14642503

And why should they when their cuisine ranks second in the world? Are you an angry third worlder?

>> No.14642526

>and it also provides a what if scenario for Chinese cuisine
Weeb here, this is fairly accurate. Japanese food feels like an alternate universe if you grow up eating chinese food. I ultimately prefer chinese to japanese because the best of japanese food has chinese equivalents.
I'd consider american-chinese (food made by immigrants, not general tso) to be the peak of chinese food as it's chinese food without gutter oil memes.

>> No.14642535

Cleaner than your nigger cities that got burned down, at least. I'll take ten yellow people over one brown or black.

>> No.14642540
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>Italian cuisine


>> No.14642657

China is 3rd world too

>> No.14642666

Chinese food in general features lots of alliums, soy, and bean pastes.

>> No.14642680

Thai, Greek, Vietnamese, Argentine, Iranian, Mexican, Korean, Spanish, Italian, Indian
in no particular order, but the first three are definitely my favorite

>> No.14642730

Mexican, Italian, Cajun, Indian, and neo-British Isles food are my favorites

>> No.14642770

That's a gimme, almost every cuisine does
>soy and bean pastes
Depending on the dish, yeah, these are frequent contenders

>> No.14642787

i am going to type this with no punctuatiion and no backspaces if i make a tpo its gonna be there forever ok lets go well i see that you like spagheti and i also like pastas and i am a fan haha well also at the same time tyesterday i had a dish of pasta at a real italian restaurant and it had peas and arugula in it and i also saw that it was creamy pesto well today i tried to make it and it turned out quite good nad my girlfriend at e almost 2/3 of the huge pot i made, calorie bomb haha its a crazy world we live in where i learned to cook during corona

Anyway, I just wanted to do that. I just WANTED to DO THAT.

>> No.14642873

Western chefs are trained in French cuisine because the techniques invented there form the basis of modern Western cooking.

My order based on influence, innovation, and uniqueness.
1 French
2 Chinese
3 Indian
4 Mexican
5 MENA/Mediterranean

Honorary mention for American BBQ.

>> No.14643096

Chinese food (besides Western China) also doesn't use a lot spices, the various onion varieties and fermented stuff are the main flavor agents

>> No.14643637

Christ, the sperg.
No one's actually gonna say anything nice about Sichuan food?

>> No.14643671

Christ, the saudis have absolute shit taste. How can one country have so many hating based thai and vietnamese cuisine?

>> No.14643679

1. Deenz cuisine
2. Japanese cuisine
3. Chinese cuisine
4. Thai cuisine
5. French cuisine
6. Spanish cuisine
7. American cuisine
8. Mexican cuisine
9. Indian cuisine
10. Turkish cuisine

>> No.14643692

its excellent i just don't think it's entitled to it's own category of cuisine for op's original topic. i think theres just as much of a difference between the food in puglia and milan as there is a difference between cantonese and sichuan but i'm not about to have a reddit moment about it. i rather just point out how this american (or leaf?) feels comfy justifying how much his chink cuisines vary when he can just look in his own states and see how fucking different the cuisine is just going from louisiana to texas.

>> No.14643770


>> No.14643777

>neo-British Isles

>> No.14643782

Modern take on old British and Irish dishes

>> No.14643819

Do people really like American food? I thought everyone hated it, atleast WE’re not Finnish?? Finnish girls are hot though, I would live in Finland for a nice Finnish girl, even if the food is bad

>> No.14643863

>Weeb here
This doesn't really qualify anything and you haven't really explained how this is the case.
That said I'm curious about just how many 1 for 1 examples you have, where China just bowls it over.

>> No.14643879
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america has a lot - and i mean a LOT - of really really bad food.
everyone knows it.
that being said, if you have money and/or know where to look you can get really great produce and make really great original dishes that were invented in the states.

>> No.14643883

Not when it's just hot air in place of flavor.

>> No.14643891

Most of the foreign food I've had is Americanized versions, so I don't really know if that would count towards me liking it.
I guess I'd say I like American, Italian, Chinese, and Japanese, but I can't eat too much of the latter two without losing interest for a while.
People like Chinese food despite some of the nightmare stuff they eat, its not like all American food is tv dinners and processed cheese.

>> No.14643915

what are your recommended persian cuisine dishes?

>> No.14643924
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Why the hate for finngol food? From what I've seen dishes don't look great but they can't all taste bad as well.

>> No.14643926

I've never been to Saudi Arabia, but my guess would be that they barely even have any thai or vietnamese restaurants there, so most people probably don't even know what it is.

>> No.14644426

The farther North, the more grim the choices get.

>> No.14644433
File: 333 KB, 1400x788, Ghormeh-Sabzi-Persian-Stew-Recipe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Besides the obvious choice of kebap (they spell it kabob though), ghormeh sabzi. Stewed fresh herbs, meat, and beans over rice. Looks like a sloppa shit, but tastes amazing. It's a nightmare to source the ingredients and prepare it yourself though unless you live near an asian food store.

>> No.14646063

What I remember as chinese food growing up as a young kid in Hong Kong

>turtle/shark fin soup
>fried chicken feet
>pig uterus noodles
>fried rice with pork knuckle gristle
>unidentifed fish balls on a stick
>boiled dog meat
>one time, monkey brains

Americans have no idea how bad it really is. No one in china knows what the fuck beef and broccoli is or sweet and sour pork. Chinese food is disgusting. Literally the worst parts to eat of any animal. Makes sense because chinks are the race of humans closest to animals. They make disgusting noises when they eat, slurp everything, men in the streets lift their fucking wife beaters over their sweaty stomachs while laughing and chewing with their mouths full of food. Like what kind of idiot decided 2 sticks is the most practical way to eat grains of fucking rice. Starving Nigerians who eat grass have a better diet than the average chinese.

>> No.14646678

There is good food everywhere in the world but for me, the best are Indonesian, Italian, and Moroccan. I have a weak spot for Central European cooking as well.

>> No.14647751

how's italian food so liked by so many different races? Genetic predisposition?

>> No.14647982

drive around until you find some carrion. put some vegemite on it and you got yourself some authentic Aussie dish

>> No.14649451

pizza and pasta taste good

>> No.14649452

>Central European
Does that cover Germany as well?

>> No.14650015

>every country gives itself the highest score
>not all countries represented
this chart is biased
they should have made it without scoring themselves

>> No.14650157

Yeah, carbs, salt and fat are delicious. It's genetic in a sense that it stimulates the senses in a vast majority of people. Cheese still tastes good if you're lactose intolerant. You just don't like the after effects.

>> No.14651327
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You wanna know how this survey was made by anglos?
>Italy #1

>> No.14653222

>Yeah, carbs, salt and fat are delicious
Of two macronutrients you wrote down two.

Every food and every cuisine has those, you didn't explain anything

>> No.14653229

I never heard anyone not liking Italian cuisine, exception from americanos on /ck/ that think it's overrated because they spent a weekend in Venice and tried 15€ pizza in pizza San marco