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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 1.45 MB, 3264x2448, D7884107-50A1-453B-B1B6-5C31B631E504.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14634472 No.14634472 [Reply] [Original]

Stop going to restaurants. It literally took me 5 minutes to make this. What else do you make quickly?

>> No.14634495

Ah "Hot and Sour Soup." The go-to dish for when I would want to impress a girl with my "culinary skills."

>> No.14634498

First of all, that chicken looks dry as fuck.
Second of all, you didn't make that stock yourself.
Third, there are lots of recipes that I either can't find online or taste better at the establishment, so I go there.

>> No.14634500

It'd only take 30 seconds to put that soup in the toilet where it belongs and flush it.

>> No.14634501

If your bowel movements consistently take 5 minutes and look like that, you might want to see a gastroenterologist.

>> No.14634505

hahaa! flushing soup!

>> No.14634509

It's egg.

>> No.14634510

Find another hobby; cooking isn't your thing

>> No.14634513

>you didn't make that stock yourself.

How would you know? You thought the eggs were chicken...

>> No.14634520

That's hot and sour soup, and minus a few ingredients (depending on the restaurant) that's exactly how it looks at virtually every Chinese restaurant. In fact I've seen way worse for sale.

>> No.14634521

I don't know what the fuck you made but I probably wouldn't order it from a restaurant if I saw it at another table. Also, I go to restaurants because making my own food takes effort and makes a mess, shit I don't want to deal with because I have a job that requires all of the brainpower I can muster each day and I don't want to be bothered with doing more work when a meal costs 20% of what I make an hour.

>> No.14634534
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That's hot sour soup and it's made in so many different variations that there's really no uniform way of making it. For example this image is from wikipedia, does this look any better. It all really depends on how it tastes. A common trait in Asian cuisine.

>> No.14634549

How does it feel to make minimum wage? I can only imagine, but it sounds terrible. Oh no, wait, yeah that's right you're going to larp and say you make $100/hour and spend $20 on food a day, yet you're on here. Or is it $200/hr and $40 on food? Get the fuck outta here...

>> No.14634555


>> No.14634556

It's the presentation. It would look good if it was in a fancy bowl and there wasn't old food on paper plates around it.

>> No.14634565

Better that than the ramen bullshit. Why do you people hate chinese so much? That's actually a phillipeno dish but whatever. I'm sure if OP would've posted some raw salmon on cold rice you'd be calling him a master chef.

Oh wait, it's about noon in the UK.. You should've just posted a picture of some deep fried lard and you'd be getting standing ovations.

>> No.14634572

I make $40/hr and spending $8 for a meal sounds perfectly doable where I live.

>> No.14634577

Christ, who crawled up your ass and started tap-dancing?

>> No.14634585
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I dunno, when you google it the images that come up don't look that much different than what's in OP's bowl.

>> No.14634591

You motherfuckers man..I don't know why everyone on here has to be so mean.

>> No.14634600

I make $45 an hour. Also, there's nothing wrong with some random 4chan to waste time when I woke up early. Do you think that everyone who makes above $15 an hour wakes up and immediately gets to the grind? I don't have or want a wife and kids, so I'm gonna shitpost until 9 AM when I'll finally open my laptop for remote work while watching ESPN and drinking.

>> No.14634601

We're sick of all the Redd/int/ faggots bringing their stupid ethnic conflicts into this. You'd be mad too if you couldn't go halfway into a thread without someone getting uppity about nationality and origins.
It's fucking soup.

>> No.14634602

>That's actually a phillipeno dish but whatever.
Because clearly there can't be more than one cuisine that came up with the idea 'sour, spicy soup', you fucking simp

>> No.14634608

You could probably also google "undigested food in diarrhea" and get similar-looking results.

>> No.14634616

*running away*
*yells from a distance*
*keeps running and gets attacked by a german shepherd*

>> No.14634617
File: 497 KB, 800x600, feast.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm hear that, I'm with you anon. I just whipped this up real quick while I had a couple minutes to spare inbetween binge watching cartoons and porn, as well as cartoon porn.

>> No.14634634
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I made this light snack here for myself by making better use of the time I waste while blinking. The ingredients only cost me $0.22, plus tax and minus tip (which I gave to myself).

>> No.14634669
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Man who the fuck eats like that...

>> No.14634672

Well look it up fuck face.

>> No.14634677


>> No.14634683

Calm down, and ask the tap-dancing man to kindly vacate your rectum.

>> No.14634691

No I'm losing it. I'm sick and tired of everything. I just want this piece of shit life to end

>> No.14634710
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This is what it looks like in the restaurant tho

>> No.14634714
File: 1.56 MB, 3264x2448, 3B2C5517-42F3-430F-AABE-F4275425DBA2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My goodness what has occurred here? I’m the actual OP who posted the first pic. I was just trying to get some quick fix ideas for the kitchen. I finished my soup and got back here to find world war 3 goin on I swear this my only other post you guys are crazy

>> No.14634740

That's fucking disgusting.

Also this thread should not be as popular as it is.

>> No.14634747

It's Japanese curry with udon noodles and it's delicious. Man nothing will please you faggots.

>> No.14634751

I don't know what everyone is complaining about. That doesn't look bad to me.

>> No.14634766

That's a faggy looking bowl, OP.

>> No.14634774

Are you fucking kidding me? How is that supposed to look better than OP's pic?? Again....if it's fucking Japanese cuisine then it's the holy grail of food, but the moment you mention pretty much any other Asian dishes it's always "ew gross." Go fuck yourselves.

>> No.14634780

It was on sale and it's dishwasher safe! Even though I don't have a dishwasher.

>> No.14634789
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This thread

>> No.14635197

I think you just got absolutely embarrassed and you're too angry to admit you were wrong.

>> No.14635248

yes goy, get all your meals from blue apron or macdonald's, cooking is just a hobby and not an essential skill!

>> No.14635500

Not him but I looked it up and the Filipino hot & sour soups appear to be way different. Many have fruit bases. Seems like you're full of shit.

That's not even the same soup.

>> No.14635606

lul its amazing to see such an intellectual faceplant

>> No.14635703

Go away tourist.

>> No.14635824

fuck yourself noseberg

>> No.14636451
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>> No.14636463

give receip i never can get it right

>> No.14636475
File: 6 KB, 274x274, 5433634gd5475563.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bitch there's a motherfucking pandemic. Why the fuck would I be going to restaurants you dumb baiting OP cancerous motherfucking fuck?

>> No.14636545

not the original anon but

-spam diced in thin strips and lightly cook them for firmness if desired
-start a pot and add diced
>oyster mushroom
>wood mushrooms (these are the general brown strips you always see in it)
>shitaake or bellas
honestly which ones you use are up to you but slightly sautee them (or skip to just boiling for 10mins) and then add 5 cups of chicken stock and bring to light boil for 10 mins
-add minced tsp sesame oil
-add 1 tbsp of soy sauce
-add white vinegar to taste
-crack and egg and stir and boil for 2 more mins
-add strips of tofu if preferred
-add potato starch for desired thickness of soup
-add seasonings of white pepper to taste

>> No.14636575

i give it a try thanks fren

>> No.14636618

Food carts are perfect for quarantine outdoor eating

Got a lamb gyro today for the first time in months, can't really make em at home, totally worth it

>> No.14638156


>> No.14638163

Have you been outside lately? The riots ended the pandemic.

>> No.14638187

Never gonna make it, retard

>> No.14640141
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>> No.14640261

I havent been at a restaurant for nearly 15 years.
Why should i pay for food i can easyly and cheaper at home for my own?
These "Eating outside"-thing is so wrong to me...i dont want strangers to look at me while im eating.

>> No.14640293

Sadly more than a half of this was thrown into the dumpster.
Americans never knew the value of their foods.
Seems to be changing right now with all the Covid and warzones.

>> No.14640322

/ck/ is one of the most autistic boards here.
I think your soup looked nice and i would def try it. And yeah, it´s way easyer to cook alone and prepare your own meals than go into some restaurant.
But this thread shows again...dont fight the fatsacks who never cooked a single dish alone besides of Macncheese, Cheesesamwich,Muburgers and so on.

>> No.14640998

>he thinks a skill essential for survival is a hobby
>he thinks anything about the dish matters as long as it's tasty and healthy for you
Jesus Christ dude, at least try to hide that hooked nose

>> No.14641005

;looks like my dogs diarrhea

>> No.14641086
File: 667 KB, 1280x720, IMG_20200821_160753_rs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ceasarsalad homemade, romansalad, sardelles, prmesan, grilled chickes and the works. Not that hard todo, only thing i did not do was the garlic crutons :D also added some fusilli pasta.

Gf couldn't get enough so i am making another batch next week :D

>> No.14641223

Why the fuck is there a hole in your spoon? Only a moron would buy such a defective utensil.

>> No.14641436

How do I get that shine? I've done it before, I'm guessing it's from the protein gelatenizing.

>> No.14641451

I went to a place that has a hot bar already last baked ziti for lunch will have chicken and pepper and chicken and mushrooms for another serving...

>> No.14641471

>Stop going to restaurants.
Not really an option for me. I'm in quarantine lockdown for ten more days. I can either order delivery or starve.

>It literally took me 5 minutes to make this.
I can get my cat to barf much faster than that. You're obviously not very efficient.

>> No.14641601
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In the five minutes it took you to make that sloppa, and the 20 or so minutes of cleanup time, I can get quality chinese food made for me. tl;dr? FUCK OFF!

>> No.14641644
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>> No.14641702

>and the 20 or so minutes of cleanup time
>20 or so minutes of cleanup time
you have Alzheimer

>> No.14641844
File: 605 KB, 1757x2048, D47263D4-087C-4749-B9F6-F4EF69677E54.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just made spicy chicken sandwiches.

>> No.14641854

my parents make it. haven't eaten out since corona broke out.

>> No.14641871

Cut up some potatoes, season how you want and throw them in the air fryer!

>> No.14642369
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Lol. On ck but isn't a cook but a food cuck.

>> No.14642469

>the absolute state of this post

>> No.14642471

looks like a stool sample

>> No.14642491

Based livingwithparentschad.