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14639242 No.14639242[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How do we end the scourge of Imperial measurements in cooking resources?
Far too often US-based resources bury Imperial ones, chefs fail to consider a non-US audience or even more common to do a lazy direct conversion to metric

When you convert a recipe into Metric, you need to use a different yield so that the quantity of starting ingredients make sense- especially if the ingredients doesn't follow a linear scale (yeast for instance) or are not volumetric (eggs).
For instance converting 2 pound of sugar to KG gives 0.907185 kg and almost a hundred grams of waste when buying in 1kg increments.
And that's not even bad, the less common and more expensive the ingredient gets the worse the waste becomes.
Perhaps the worst and most frustrating for chefs is when the recipe's primary ingredient is not divisible and all the other ingredients are just relative to it's weight.

You would think with the internet making things so much easier this would have already have happened, but in fact there's just more American rubbish and people have become lazier

>> No.14639250
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First and foremost you need to czech em. Second im not bringing out a scale to make bread you fucking queer

>> No.14639261
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What makes this worse is that Americans still use metric liquid measurements like cups, so a recipe will often have both imperial and metric.
That's hard enough to scale up in imperial but very hard to scale up in metric base
Your roll was bad and you should feel bad
Some recipes are more forgiving than others, but by "forgiving" I mean that you're not wrong enough for anyone to notice.
Even with bread you have yeast which is non-linear and can't be bought in ounces outside the US.

>> No.14639269
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>> No.14639275

I have in fact lived in countries that do not use the Imperial system, and it causes a day-to-day headache for just about everyone who has serious business to do.
The only reason they don't change to metric is because so many people are illiterate to begin with, I suspect the same is true of America.

>> No.14639280 [DELETED] 
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Shrek em

>> No.14639320

That's why I just eyeball everything.

>> No.14639343
File: 231 KB, 512x422, 1592267338669.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still don't get this yuro obsession with measuring ingredients by weight. Are measuring cups too much for you? Is it autism?

>> No.14639489

We measure everything by weight because it's the most accurate way, even when measuring my eye.
It makes some procedures noticeable easier, mainly as I said when working with ratios.

Cups are incidentally a weight measure, you took them from metric.Incidentally your cups are not the same as our cups- in fact infuriatingly your Americans measurements have the same name as ours so when we see "2 cups" we have no idea if they are imperial or metric, many Americans are in fact unaware there is a difference and do not even convert them.
Generally in this case it does not matter, I did however work in sea freight and just because of the US we have to differentiate between short ton (metric) and long ton (US, 12% larger)

Why do this to us?
The last place I saw non metric measurements was in rural india where they use an indigenous measure based I think on the weight of a certain value of silver.
Even the bloody Burmese peoples are switching to metric and already use them in official business, they were as sick of buying onions in "အစိတ်သား" (aseittha) (408.233 g/14.4 oz) as I was

>> No.14639495

Fuck yourself yuropoor.

>> No.14639499

The problem with this is that without accuracy it takes a very long time to get consistency, and that makes it even harder to pass on knowledge.

My demented great grandmother tried to give me recipes for Christmas and "about this much" wasn't going to cut it. Like a champ after several days of mumbling she told me, in grams.

>> No.14639749

>We measure everything by weight because it's the most accurate way
Way to have autism. You don't have to nail down the amount of flour in your banana bread to within tenth of a gram of what the recipe calls for.

>> No.14639760

Canada should be yellow

>> No.14639770

>oh no! i have to spend 3 extra seconds to google a simple conversion! this is UNBELIEVABLE and needs to be banned to make me feel better!
imperial is inconvenient as shit, but its not like you have to remember any conversion formulas and work it out on your abacus, fucktard

>> No.14639778

We don't really care about you. Why do you think we call you obsessed? Third world has US rent free in their head 24/7

>> No.14639793
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no one is forcing you to throw the excess out, you can use it in another recipe.

>> No.14639798

A kg is about 2 lbs, a cup is about 250 mL, done.

>> No.14639811

USA also has recipes where flour is measured by volume (cups). Do you level it off? Do you pack it? Who knows? If you pack the flour you get like a 50% difference. The recipes are just worthless.

It's fine though because the only recipes from the US that are worth cooking are slow cooked meats. Everything else is trash.

>> No.14639849

I wouldn't try to cook an American recipe, the issue I'm having is that many international recipes are put online by people who immigrated to America or (more often) are only interested in the US market (because addsense/google).
I love my Korean mommyfu but making kimchi when the base weight of cabbage isn't a square kilo and other ingredients are in cups is hard

>> No.14639864

People migrating to the US is its own problem. Their lives must have been pretty dire to move to that shit hole.

>> No.14639865

The standard method is “dip and sweep”. You take the measuring cup and scoop up enough flour/whatever so that it’s heaping over the top. Then, take a knife/spoon/whatever, and drag it across the edge of the cup so that you dump the excess back into the container and the cup is full to the brim.

>> No.14639868

The US should be conquered by France.

>> No.14639876

I havent encountered an issue with consistency with eye balling it. Havent attempted to teach.

>> No.14639877

To be honest though, I don't really mind imperial units for weights. It's usually easy enough to switch your digital scale.

What I find batshit is how all measurements are by volume. I guess I can sort of understand flour or rice (although it means you have to sift your flour to get consistent measurements) but measuring butter or chopped vegetables in cups just seems crazy to me. Just get a fucking scale. To be honest I even weigh liquids these days.

>> No.14639881

I think what happens is the highest performing people in the world move to America to compete with the lowest performing Americans; The result is there's no room for poor illiterate Americans in their own country and a lack of capable people in the developing world.

France was the center of the culinary world for some time, and it wasn't so much that the French could cook as that they valued cooking, the result was that chefs from around the world moved to France where their skills were valued.
Americans will never learn to cook well because they do not care enough about what they eat

>> No.14639884

>still use metric liquid measurements like cups
what? cups are not metric

>> No.14639887

Its on the viewer to do the metric conversion if he wants to make it not the chef. Calling him lazy because youre too lazy to do it is retarded. Youre retarded.

>> No.14639899
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Well some people have pretty good eyeballs- some just cook more forgiving dishes.
If you don't take a consistent approach to your own cooking it's very hard to teach, If everyone uses the same measures, the same recipe formats, the same terminology, then it's easy for everyone to learn.
This is why if you want to learn medicine you must learn Latin, if you want to be a chef you must learn french or if you wish to call in an airstrike you must learn American.

Yea so turns out when we assumed Americans used cups like we do; they actually use a different measure but call it the same thing.
>tfw a US cup is 236.59 g
>four cups of water is 946.35 g

>> No.14639902

>Imperial measurements

Sorry, but the US has never used the Imperial system of measurements. Additionally, we do use the metric system, it's almost everywhere.

>> No.14639914

This picture does not really imply what it thinks it does. It just means Americans are willing to throw people at the moon until someone sticks. We have had a bunch of people die because of it

>> No.14639924

I can deal with most imperial units but the one that really fucks me off is ounces.
How the fuck am I meant to tell from a recipe if they mean ounces as a unit of volume or of weight?

>> No.14639926

>yuropoors bitch about americas more superior and human intuitive system
What a surprise.
Go set your thermostat to 21.125c you cock garbling faggot.

>> No.14639929

>I still don't get this yuro obsession with measuring ingredients by weight
Unless it's something that requires a lot of precision we measure everything 'fluid' (Including things like flour that go in a measuring cup) by volume.

>> No.14639934

I heard they are going to start teaching the metric system first in schools

>> No.14639963

>Additionally, we do use the metric system, it's almost everywhere.
You mean you use both, and thus like I said previously it complicates a number of otherwise simple culinary tasks.
Your grammar is astonishingly poor.
Is it "on" the reader to understand or is it the responsibility of the writer to be coherent?

>28.349523125 g
>as decided by the commonwealth of nations
Can't make this shit up
What weighs more, an ounce of gold, an ounce of weed or an ounce of salt?
A (troy) ounce of gold is 1.097 Metric ounces
A "ounce" like a "quarter" was adopted from US drugs culture, and is used arbitrarily for the local hood measure (how much fits in a coke cap, a tollah, 1/8 tiel, however much fits in an instant noodle packet etc.)

Yo even the Chinese use the metric system, they learned Arabic numerals and adopted Metric almost immediately

>> No.14639981

yeah a cup of table salt will be the same weight as a cup of kosher salt if you measure it in a cup oh wait

>> No.14639988

>How the fuck am I meant to tell from a recipe if they mean ounces as a unit of volume or of weight?
by not having a room-temperature iq.

>> No.14640007

They'll tell you if it's not abundantly clear.

>> No.14640008

They wouldnt be posting if their iq was 18.

>> No.14640050

>(((kosher))) salt
Why do Americans call it that, it's just cooking salt.
Rock salt isn't even necessarily kosher.

embarrassing desu, you don't even know how your own measurement system works.
There are like 5 different ounce measurements
1. Fluid ounce (UK) 28.41 milliliters
2. Fluid ounce (US) 29.57 milliliters
3. metric/avoirdupois ounce (28.349523125 metric grams of water
4. Troy ounce (gold) 31.1035 Metric grams
5. Ounce (fabric) not even I understand what this measures, I think it's the Metric ounce weight per square yard of fabric.

What makes this embarrassing is that the US uses both fluid ounces (notably of alcohol), Metric ounces (in cooking), troy ounces (in jewlery) and frequently some dumbass will use "ounce" to mean "as much of a solid as you can pack in a liquid ounce measure".
Even the retarded Burmese and Indian measurements separate liquid and solids
In the civilized world we use grams to measure both liquids, solids, precious metals.


>> No.14640057

Because it, like everything in the US, is Kosher. It's a big racket. It's often called the "Kosher Tax", as you simply cannot sell food if it's not Kosher, which means paying out the nose to get some dude in a small hat to certify that you are paying the Jews for the right to sell your food.

You don't even have to get a Rabbi to certify that it's kosher, because it's not about that, it's about paying your tax to buy and sell.

>> No.14640111

so anyone who calls their salt "kocher" but doesn't pay the rabbi gets sued- but there's no name other than "kocher"?
Even for jewish tricks that's a good one.

We just have table salt or rock/cooking salt.
The only difference is the size of the salt grain- and the weight by volume.
The weight by volume of salt doesn't not bother us of course, because we only use grams.

>> No.14640447

>Because it, like everything in the US, is Kosher.
So is normal table salt you fucking moron

>> No.14640719
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>actually measuring out your ingredients instead of just eyeballing it like a true chad

>> No.14640734

kosher salt is called that way because it is used for koshering you uncultured swine. reported to the ADL.

>> No.14641089

I'm Canadian, and I'd throw recipes in metric right in the trash. Recipes should be in imperial.

>> No.14642305

Technically even when I went to school we were taught the metric and imperial simultaneously. It's just that afterwards, society doesn't use it, so it falls out of kids' heads.

>> No.14642415

It sounds like you don't know how to use your scale m8, dig out your phone and use a conversion app.

>> No.14642486

Seconding that measuring in cups and inches is retarded and unprecise. The metric system proved superior in over 30 years of cooking.

>> No.14642515

The real powergap isn't between metric and imperial, but between weights and volumes. It's both more reliable and much easier to just weigh things. Especially when you're dumping ingredients together into one bowl anyway, adding measuring cups or tablespoons into the mix is just a pointless hassle.

>> No.14642709

Why isn't canada yellow

>> No.14643644

>he doesn't exclusively follow recipes that use parts

>> No.14643653


>> No.14643833

Stop being a stupid faggy foreigner this is our planet and we invented the internet

>> No.14643848

Indians shit in the streets but using the metric system doesn't make them civilized

>> No.14643905

Old boomers got upset and prevented a switch to metric.

>> No.14643993

I mean, I'd also be happier if recipes online weren't so US-centric, measurements, ingredients and all, but your argument is retarded - do you carefully measure out 0,907185kg of sugar and throw the rest of the packet in the fucking trash or something?

>> No.14644025

Try to get my fellow Americans to weigh things. You’d have more trouble converting from our recipes if we measured flour in milliliters than if we measured it in ounces and pounds.

>> No.14644093

My country doesnt really do even cups, it's all grams, liters and what have you.
American recipes are literally worthless to me, sometimes you see them use what looks like standardized measuring cups, sometimes cup seems to mean "whatever coffee cup you got lying around" as if theyre the same size all over the US. Also cups for solids and liquids seem to be different? I didnt look it up but I've occasionally noticed different sized cups used for flour and stock.
Not to mention recipes that use smaller amounts and then ask for 1/8 of a cup, really. Might as well put down amounts by the weight of a witches tit, wtf.

>> No.14644103

we live in an age where your complaints are retarded, stupid, and gay

>> No.14644111

> 2 pound of sugar to KG gives 0.907185 kg and almost a hundred grams of waste when buying in 1kg increments
Ah yes, I always throw out my bag of sugar when I’m done making a recipe even if it’s not empty, so I can fully understand your problem
> the less common and more expensive the ingredient gets the worse the waste becomes
Seriously what is your living situation that anything unused immediately gets thrown out? Are you one of those savages living in a rundown decrepit shithole surrounded by filth?
> Perhaps the worst and most frustrating for chefs is when the recipe's primary ingredient is not divisible and all the other ingredients are just relative to it's weight
How is that a fucking problem? Do you have no experience at all? And when would this be a problem except with a fish or a rack of ribs? You don’t need precise weights and measurements, just stop being a fucking pussy and go to flavortown

Kill yourself retard, you’re literally a fucking faggot pussy bitch and I hate you

>> No.14644121

This is honestly hard for me to believe and I only learned about it recently but there are actually people who get a recipe, go to the store and buy exactly what they need, come home and make it, and don't keep much of anything 'in stock'.

>> No.14644125

Cooklets are afraid of going outside of the bound of a recipe for fear of failure, not truly grasping that the way to lrn2cookFGT is by experimenting, failing, learning, and courageously cooking again another day.

>> No.14644126
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>being this much of an NPC
That’s a fucking cringe from me, dawg

>> No.14644129
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I can just imagine some mongy inbred Appalachian kid making this for school, and their easily entertained retard teacher giving them an A for being so clever, thus perpetuating the cycle of retardation

>> No.14644186
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this is so stupid but I still laughed fuck you

>> No.14644262

youre drastically underestimating the amount of inaccuracy of using cups to measure shit like flour, the difference can be >10% pretty easily. that'll matter a lot for breads, dough and other baking where hydration% matters a lot

>> No.14644299

for common shit it doesnt matter, but some recipes have random specific things they need that you dont usually have laying around, and the US value will be scaled to some standard US package size. here's an example: condensed milk. US standard size seems to be 14 fl oz, which looks like 397 g. a bunch of brands in aus sell condensed milk as 375 mL. that's 12.6 fl oz. so guess what cunt you're potentially buying 2, and having 90% of a can left to find a use for. in my shit example for a bulgarian sheep shearing forum obviously you'd cop the difference and just use less, but there's a lot of really fucking awkward left overs around the 1/3 - 1/2 a package amount based on differences in standard sizes between US and everywhere else.

>> No.14644323

> chefs fail to consider a non-US audience
I'm sure chefs from your shithole aren't converting to imperial for the US audience, and I'm not going to fault them for that. Convert it yourself, retard. Or just listen to chefs from your country instead.

>> No.14644325

Why not just make your own recipes

>> No.14645114

Oh sorry but I don't respect the opinion of EURO TRASH LIKE YOU

>> No.14645149

what about just rounding numbers up
problem fixed


>> No.14646903

The Imperial system has existed for ages and cultures (even yours) used to use a similar system like it all over the world. The reason why is that it all breaks down and simplifies within itself. Except instead of being exponential like metric, classic imperial systems break down into smaller numbers for convenience reasons.
3 teaspoons in a tablespoon. (1 tsp is 5 grams).
4 tablespoons in a quarter cup.
4 quarter cups in a cup (obviously).
2 cups in a pint.
2 pints in a quart.
4 quarts in a gallon.

It’s standard that one cup also equals 8 ounces, which you can use to adjust for other measurements.

Being conveniently divisible by multiple numbers is why this system exists. Even in countries that claim to use exclusively metric often times have their own local measurements. Doing conversions between metric and imperial is also brain dead easy once you happen to know measurements across both systems. OP is a retard who can’t into math neither history. Metric in the USA is also exclusively used for the scientific and academic fields, imperial is used for common folk and the majority but not all engineering fields (for some reason).

All of this only seems confusing if you’re a retard.

>> No.14646926

Nearly matches the map for the nations that have put men on the moon.

>> No.14646932

Absolutely based
OP BTFO immeasurably

>> No.14646947

Cups are imperial. Metric is measured in Liters and Millilitres.

>> No.14646949

Your problem is that you're used to decimals. The imperial system is made for fractions. Cooking is one of the things where fractions are superior, since it's much easier to eyeball that way.
Also, have you ever heard of rounding? Do you think your dinner will just be ruined if your ingredients are .000002 off from the recipe? And you just throw away your ingredients if you have some leftover? How the fuck do you manage to cook without setting your house on fire when you're this retarded?

>> No.14646953

They're the farthest from dumb or trashy, that's how I know you're either anti-American, or an uneducated American fuckwit.

>> No.14646960

So Canada, the UK, and the US all use imperial for cooking? Why haven’t we banded together and annihilated the rest of the savages yet?

>> No.14646964

1 teaspoon is 5 milliliters. It can weigh different based on the density of what is filling the spoon.

OP fails to realize that the crux of his issue isn't the imperial vs. Metric dilemma but the volume vs. Weight dilemma as the U.S. typically does every thing by volume. But ultimately you're right that converting between imperial->metric is not particularly difficult especially if you have a calculator which we all have on our phone.

>> No.14646989

Just reduce or increase the rest of the recipe based on the convenience of the speciality items. Find the difference in percentage and apply it to all ingredients. Or be like me and never follow recipes because they're gay.

>> No.14647062

I know it’s hard for malnourished yuropeon brains to understand but you use less kosher salt than table salt in practically every application

>> No.14647350

Imperial is superior to metric in every way except for microscopic adjustments
Our brains work better by breaking things into quarters, eighths and halves.

>> No.14647351

It’s because humans have been cooking that way for thousands of years and anyone with a natural talent scoffs at the idea of using precise weights and measurements for anything besides bread. There’s simply no need, besides, what If your 8.75 grams of nutmeg has dulled flavor compared to mine? Then I’ll need less nutmeg and you’ll need more, but that’s not in a cook book.
Btw I’m not townsends and I don’t have any idea why anyone would think I browse /ck/

>> No.14647412

nigger europeans ruined cooking, my ancestors who couldn't read or write still cook better food than y*ropoors

>> No.14647444

Grams are fine.

Celsius is fucking garbage.