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14632038 No.14632038 [Reply] [Original]

Every time I taste even a fucking drop, I feel like I want to puke. Literally. How the fuck is beer even popular??? Its so fucking disgusting. Like how the fuck are people getting addicted to this disgusting shit? I can't be the only one who hates this bitter tasting crap right?

>> No.14632040

its pretty trash

>> No.14632041


>> No.14632047

lol you are underage

>> No.14632048

maybe i have shit beer but to me it's just bitter water

>> No.14632049

You're spending $30 on bitter tasting trash like a fucking cuck while I ENJOY the soda I drink.

>> No.14632050

Does your mom know you're posting on a Laotian crab fishing collective?

>> No.14632053

only numales like beer

>> No.14632056

I'm 22 you retard. You're just a cuck who pays $30 to drink a shit ton of disgusting piss water in cans.

>> No.14632062

$30? Aussie fag dilate more

>> No.14632068

you dont like beer?? xd

>> No.14632071


>> No.14632079

It's just tastes like water for me, so I don't drink it (more of a cider guy) but my friends drink it because they say it's refreshing after work.

>> No.14632088

Then dont effing don't drink it. Stay with sweet white wine, roséwine.
But thanks for sharing, like we care.

>> No.14632099

>Can’t into beer, one of the oldest and most widely consumed alcoholic drinks in the world.
>Anime maga hat stuffed animal pic
Checks out.

>> No.14632112

don't drink alkeyhawl

>> No.14632319
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if you hate the taste of beer and want to get drunk then mix half a cup of jack with some cold coca cola and down it all at once
be sure to report back what happens

>> No.14632353

Real men don't drink alcohol

>> No.14632358

Force of habit
Been drinking regularly since I was 12
And getting laid

>> No.14632363


I agree

They give each other prostate orgasms

>> No.14632381

Its an acquired taste. When you grow up you'll learn to like it.

>> No.14632387

We're not kids that can't enjoy bitter stuff.

>> No.14632854

Nothing tastes better than a cold beer on a really hot day.

>> No.14632863

It exists to get people drunk. That's it. Anybody who claims to "like the taste of beer," or any alcohol at all really, suffers from Stockholm Syndrome and would just as well enjoy drinking gasoline like some kind of meth addict.

>> No.14632870

Honest answer: you haven't found the style that appeals to you yet.

Honestest answer: maybe you just don't like it. Which is fine as long as you don't try to ascribe some kind of political meaning to not liking it.

>> No.14632877

Based and faggot pilled

>> No.14632880

icky bitter flavor btfo another tastebuddy, tummy wummys seething

>> No.14632881

I'm fucking weird and like the bitter.same with kombucha. fermented stuff tastes great to me

>> No.14632893

Nah I buy alcohol free beer sometimes because I dont like the buzz and I like to drink a few cans

>> No.14632904

you are an NPC

>> No.14632908

I'm definitely more intelligent than you

>> No.14632909

You're weird. Most non-alcoholic beers taste like shitty macros which are objectively "meh".

>> No.14632917

>I'm definitely more intelligent than you :^|

>> No.14632919

Why do you think people do drugs for the taste? They drink for a buzz not because it's some sophisticated leisure activity

>> No.14632923

I think they're close enough to enjoy if I dont want to get drunk one bit
They also taste extremely different depending on brand

>> No.14632942

Okay. Some people like hooking their nipples to the batteries of running cars. I'm not judging or anything, but what the fuck?

>> No.14633049

I hate feeling drunk so I never drink more than a couple of beers.

>> No.14633145

Moral failure (alcoholism).

>> No.14633178

You have to be at least 18 to post on 4chan.

>> No.14633182

fucktard guess you dont know me. love the taste of beer, of course some taste better than others

>> No.14633362

What beer did you try? Don't spend less than $8 for a 6-pack

>> No.14633558

nothing more based than an alcoholic

>> No.14633581
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I drink 24-48 beers every weekend for the cool refreshing taste. Am I going to live a chill life by the pool?

>> No.14633587

Your taste buds are messed up from all that sugar water you've been guzzling.

>> No.14633634

>retarded fucking sub 30 shit calling other people underage

>> No.14633652

Alcohol is the Devils nectar and it taste like shit

>> No.14633699

filtered by beer

>> No.14633700

Don't know, here in Germany you are allowed to drink beer since you turn 16, and I liked it ever since. It's a cultural thing here in I remember when I was 6 I drank the foam of my dad's beer. Guess I was always used to it, but I see why some people don't like it. If you don't want to get into it why dont you just drink wine or vodka-cola or whatever

>> No.14633701

Talking about how you are a "real man" instantly shows everyone that you aren't

>> No.14633704

Spotted the alchy

>> No.14633710

Beer is literally the easiest alcohol to get into. If you cant get into beer how are you supposed to get into vodka, whiskey, rum, etc. Beer is entry level shit.

>> No.14633714

not him but I found it a lot easier drinking vodka and whiskey than beer just because you get wasted faster so it's easier to not taste it anymore

>> No.14633793

>t. retard who only drank shitty industrial lagers and generic american ipa

>> No.14633803

Alcohol free beers taste like shit sadly, and they are mostly just generic low quality lagers

>> No.14633806

This, hard liquor is for alcoholic retards while traditional fermented drinks like wine or beer are for people who enjoy the taste. Alcohol should be an ingredient, not the whole shit.

>> No.14633812

Underage drinking isn’t a laughing matter retard.

>> No.14633816
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after puberty it tastes a lot better

>> No.14633840

i drink distilled beer/whisky because i are gentry. next question!

>> No.14633865

It's a cheap and acceptable way to get drunk, that's all.
It's like cigarettes, people get peer pressured into it, get used to the taste, then get addicted and come up with reasons why it's fine to drink it.

>> No.14633911

Is that your dolly, OP?
You sick fuck.

>> No.14633923

Hard liquor is a lot tastier than beer. Beer is more refreshing but liquor has better flavor.

>> No.14633929

Yeah maybe if you love hand sanitizer flavor fag, the alcohol is just too overwhelming to be as enjoyable and tasty as wine or beer.

>> No.14633965


wtf is this meme? it's literally the opposite. it makes you piss 12000 times, get incredibly thirsty, then you wake up the next morning with a headache from dehydration

>> No.14633974

>22 classic cope age

>> No.14633981

Underage b8

>> No.14633982
File: 57 KB, 352x500, 09132014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think beer tastes a lot better than coffee.

It's refreshing when you have a cold lager with lots of carbonation

>> No.14633986

>it makes you piss 12000 times, get incredibly thirsty, then you wake up the next morning with a headache from dehydration
only if you drink like a retard, if you drink one or two beers + some water you'll be more than fine. Not all beers are meant to be "refreshing" though that anon is wrong.

>> No.14633989

Time is a thing. It's refreshing at the time. Especially when it's hot. Otherwise you're right.

>> No.14634007

this, lagers are refreshing because they are low bodied, low alcohol and have subdued flavors that enhance freshness, especially if it's citrusy

>> No.14634183

Same here man. U wouldnt happen to dislike Coffee and possibly vegetables too, maybe even wine?

>> No.14634238

It's an acquired taste for some like me as there are lots of people that don't like bitter things, try to drink different styles so you get accustomed to it and you'll be able to branch out to stronger styles if that's your thing.

I mean, its better to suffer a little at the start and then enjoy something for all your life rather than not ever trying and lose the chance of enjoying it. I started with shitty macros, then started drinking fucking quadrupels (chained one time 7 of them which wasn't the smartest move) and now I only drink low ABV Brown Ales, Session IPAs and spiced Blondes just because their taste isn't that overhelming and you can easily enjoy them while eating.

>> No.14634242

just stop watching anime

>> No.14634251

Fuck soda and your goddamned need for sugary sweets all the fucking time, faggot. What are you, 12?

Soda tastes like fucking garbage.

>> No.14634256

Beer is a terrible way to get drunk. It makes you piss a lot more.

I don't drink to get drunk, though. Beer, red wine, and bourbon are all delicious drinks in my opinion.

>> No.14634333

>buying alcohol free beer
thats like watching someone else fuck your wife, what is the point

>> No.14634353

Drinking to get drunk is dumb and why so many people end up disliking drinking. Eventually getting drunk is fine, but surfing that buzz over a good night of drinking is what is really fun. Too many people (I'm gonna blame Americans) get tanked first and then come down from it all night which is when drinking is horrible and just a blackout session.

>> No.14634384

>Don't spend less than $8 for a 6-pack
Braindead take. I can get a sixer of Narragansett tallboys for $6. That’s 96 ounces of ice cold refreshment. A fucking case of 24 Lionshead cans is only $12
>inb4 piss drinker
I got into craft beer a long time ago, drank thousands of beers from around the world, have purchased cases of Westy 12 from the monks at the monastery, etc. but the real redpill is circling back to affordable swill that tastes decent. Craft beer will turn you into a fat fuck before you even know it

>> No.14634385


>> No.14634412

>bitter BAD
What even is the point of making this thread if you are going to be a little bitch when people answer your question? Did you expect us to not call you out on having the palate of a child?

>> No.14634423

>im not the only autistic one, right.
unfortunately, you arent. this board is probably half full of faggots exactly like you.

>> No.14634431

Most people who drink beer do not get drunk off it. Getting drunk in front of your colleagues after office time or at a birthday or when fishing are all seen negatively.
Not only you have the palate of a kid, you have the social awareness of one too, kek.

>> No.14634769

>but the real redpill is circling back to affordable swill that tastes decent.
I guess balance is best, drinking expensive shit all the time is dumb but I can't see myself returning to only cheap industrial lagers either.

>> No.14634990 [DELETED] 

nigger kike

>> No.14635017

Constantly with you fags asking why people drink beer
First of all beer is one of the oldest beverages in human history. Second, I really like to get drunk and the older I get, the more true that becomes. I remember thinking beer was kinda gross too when I first started drinking as a teenager. And third, most of the beer I drink isn’t even good, unless I’m dropping stacks on some them IPAs.
Develop severe depression, get into the habit of drinking beer nearly every day, and stop asking this question.

>> No.14635033

Beer is a terrible way to get drunk. Low alcohol content, bloats the hell out of your stomach. No way. If you want to get drunk, wine and liquor are the way to go.

>> No.14635151
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>> No.14635155

underage thread , retarded

>> No.14635219

>tfw can’t drink beer on a hot day because I dehydrate extremely easily

>> No.14635278

I used to drink it before I discovered the glorious thing called whiskey. I don't never drink beer, but I literally can't recall the last time I had one.

>> No.14636294
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you think an OP who is dumb enough to drink beer like soda is going to be able to sip whiskey?
when i drink alcohol i let it slide past the sides of my tongue since it's less sensitive, i assume that's what everyone eventually learns.

>> No.14636322

Beer drinking won't get a light weight into a coma. You can't store too much of it in your stomach and emptying your bladder will make sure you have to be able to keep walking to keep drinking.

So it's the perfect way to get drunk for non alcoholics.