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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14628422 No.14628422 [Reply] [Original]

why do american food products like a frozen pizza always state that it is indeed made from REAL ingredients

is the food really that fake over there that companies use it as an marketing tool to state that it's made with real ingredients

>> No.14628439


>> No.14628441

>do americans really

The answer to this is always "Yes". Why? Because we can do anything we fucking want. Conquer the world, go to the moon, have the only culture worth recognizing. We can do whatever the fuck we want and we don't care what you think about it, because you don't matter. And that just burns you up.

>> No.14628447

>Conquer the world
You cunts can't even conquer iraq lol

>> No.14628449

America isn't pussies about food additives every other country bans, so a lot of products still use them, and when they don't, they brag about it to make a buck from stupid hippies

>> No.14628455

americans have these weird categories like "real food" and "not real food", or food that is "good for you" and food that is "not good for you".

>> No.14628458
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let me spoonfeed you


explain this

>> No.14628465

why am i unable to stop thinking about the united states of america? every day i think of them, every day i want to post about them

>> No.14628527
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America #1
everyone in this thread is my little bitch

>> No.14628535

>why do american food products like a frozen pizza always state that it is indeed made from REAL ingredients
Because America is fake and gay.

>> No.14628540

#1 in citizens dying at a young age lmao

>> No.14628562

The same way you can't look away from a car crash

>> No.14628563
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>> No.14628566

I don't think that that marketing tag line actually means anything, they just put it on their products because some retards will think it sounds good

>> No.14628574

Eurangatans keeping that obsession alive

>> No.14628579


>> No.14628580
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>> No.14628596

I think you'll find most of it started when people found out about processed cheese products/cheese flavored slices. Hence why it is a common line on frozen pizzas. HFCS became the big bad for a while and every one was bending over and making 'real sugar' products but that seems to be generally dead now.

>> No.14628616

>why do american
stopped reading there

>> No.14628647

A outpost with 20 pogs sucking eachother off Isn't world domination mutt

>> No.14628653

We shut a few bases down in germany and the entirety of europe simultaneously shit its pants and screamed like a toddler

>> No.14628664

European here. Can't really remember anyone screaming like a toddler about it.

>> No.14628697


>> No.14628710


>> No.14628746

>why do american food products like a frozen pizza always state that it is indeed made from REAL ingredients
are you surprised? that in a land of American "cheese", corn syrup, sunny D, i cant believe its butter, etc., "made from REAL ingredients" is seen as a luxury?

>> No.14628750


>> No.14628763

Most Germans wanted the Americans to fuck off back to somewhere else like 80 years after the war.
t. German

>> No.14628772

So...5 years from now?

>> No.14628793
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>> No.14628798
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>> No.14628824
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Real food is optional

>> No.14628928

>conquer the world

lol, between Vietnam, Korea, the Gulf War and all those conflicts in the Middle-East, the USA has only walked away from one international conflict as a clear winner.

>> No.14628933

>only culture worth mentioning

literally the most uncultured first-world country on the planet, to the point where it barely constitutes a first-world country. go back to /pol/ whitenigger

>> No.14628960


>> No.14628964

obsessed lmao. feels good to live in people's heads rent free lmfao

>> No.14628967
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Pci related, it's you

>> No.14628980

why would you use corn syrup in the first place - barley isn't exactly expensive

>> No.14628989

really? because amerishart was completely out-of-mind for me until you showed up here on /ck/ and started preaching about how great you think the USA is. nobody asked

>> No.14629000

because corn is less expensive

>> No.14629047

Wanna know how I know you're living? This entire board is acutely obsessed with the habits and customs of America. "Do Americans really" is literally the most frequently used meme on /ck/.

>> No.14629051

^living = lying

>> No.14629114

>brewed with no corn syrup
doesn’t matter since light beer is for faggots

>> No.14629148

>american culture
Consumerism? Also no other country comes even close to americas quota of repulsive freaks and ignorant lazy human trash

>> No.14629155

Because corn syrup is way cheaper than malt sugar and ferments more completely.

>> No.14629160

>Corn syrup

is this actually a selling piont you have to go out of your way to make? fucking americans

>> No.14629162

Euro education everyone.>>14628772

>> No.14629175

Still mad Belgian beer has sugar in it?

>> No.14629188

>have the only culture worth recognizing.

>> No.14629237

>is the food really that fake over there that companies use it as an marketing tool to state that it's made with real ingredients
Yes. We do have "swipple down economics" here though, as in some organic carrots at walmart sometimes, but we've been conditioned to eat factory garbage while we send all the grass fed meat and quality vegetables to expensive restaurants in NYC.

This is a massive cope. God I hate being American so much.

>> No.14629243

>God I hate being American so much.
Feel free to go back to the 3rd world shithole your parents came from any time.

>> No.14629314

Corn, or corn syrup in beer isn't bad, though. Don't confuse brewer's corn syrup with high fructose corn syrup, they're not the same thing. The adjunct that Budlight uses instead is rice.

I see what Anheuser-Busch is trying to do with this ad. It's an attack on MillerCoors, their main competitor. Anheuser-Busch typically uses a rice adjunct and Miller typically uses a corn syrup adjunct. Anheuser-Busch is attempting to create a negative stigma around corn adjunct.

There's nothing wrong with corn or rice for brewing, by the way. It all depends on what kind of style the brewer is going for.

>> No.14629336

Even if it was HFCS it would still be fine. Dextrose and fructose have similar fermentation profiles, and dextrose is essentially 100% fermentable.