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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 24 KB, 652x621, Scam.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14619755 No.14619755 [Reply] [Original]

kek this genuinely makes me laugh Uber Eats

>> No.14619800

You pay anyway, fatty.

>> No.14619814

Did your fat rolls shake when you laughed?

>> No.14619815

Nah I drove. I paid $3 in gas and got it 20 min early

>> No.14619818

>Jewber Eats
Also, that's what you get for living in the fucking Bay Area.

>> No.14619831

I don't know why that shit is so popular, I lived in a metro area and tried Uber Eats and DoorDash and had negative experiences with both and swore them off entirely. The restaurant I ordered from through DoorDash even called me right after I placed my order and told me to use someone else next time or just come in because they always have troubles with their drivers.

Uber Eats was some whole other shit, first of all it said my driver was a bald 30 year old man and a 20 something year old smoke show showed up instead, she had changed my order from teriyaki chicken to spicy teriyaki for some unknown reason, and she also took like 45 fucking minutes to deliver it.

>> No.14619847

I'm in a similar boat. I'll only ever use these apps for takeout so there's no shitty service fees on my end, and only when they have a good discount promotion going on. Getting 30% off any restaurant is pretty good, and the restaurants themselves are the ones shooting themselves in the foot by using a third-party service.

>> No.14619905

They charge more on the 3rd party site than the restaraunts so it must be a really good deal to make up for the overcharging

>> No.14619918

Most restaurants don't do that shit here. You can always look up their menu and compare, anyways. Usually there's no difference. I've actually found a couple where they've forgotten to update their UberEats prices and are actually cheaper than the restaurant itself.
Add on one of the million promotional coupons Uber throws at you when you don't use their services every day of the week, and you're usually getting a far better deal than dealing with the restaurant itself.

>> No.14619950

>calculating your gas costs
oy vey

>> No.14620017

I always calculate my gas costs vs. delivery fees. It's cheaper for me to order delivery from my favorite pizza place + tip than pay for gas

>> No.14620020

Sucks for you poorfag.

>> No.14620025

I'm not poor, and saving money where I can is one of the reasons why

>> No.14620027

how tf is Delivery and Service not the same fucking thing???

>> No.14620032

Isn't wasting money without considering the price why a lot of people are poor nowadays?

>> No.14620063

Had to look it up, but apparently the service fee is what goes to the people who run Uber, to cover the dispatch issues, customer support, etc. Doesn't apply if you order pickup.

Also, lmao at OP's ripoff Bay Area rates. Where I am, apparently the service fee is 10% of the subtotal, and the "small order fee" is $2 on anything under $12. Still fucking Jewish as shit.

>> No.14620071

>every delivery app is shit
Amazing for management that has to do literally nothing.

>> No.14620074

What was it 15 miles away? Jesus christ

>> No.14620078


>> No.14620080

Who's pooping right now?

>> No.14620087


>> No.14620101
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>Not using it once then waiting till they spam you with 20% off discount codes to try and get you to come back
>Not waiting until the specific store you want food from gets the free delivery option which they change every 5 mins
>Not making new accounts for first order specials every time you order

Fucking brainlets man I swear to god.

>> No.14620111

The fact that you actually clicked the order button...
Or did you?

>> No.14620118

Correct gramps.

>> No.14620130

Oh man... I have missed this board sooooooooooooo much

>> No.14620276

free delivery would save 1.49. gjge well worth it

>> No.14621467

>mfw walnut creek chad
>contra costa blvd kfc
you're literally a spic or nig who lives in Concord

>> No.14621580


>> No.14621588

>service fee and delivery fee

The entire fucking point of the service is to deliver food.

>> No.14621610
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>$10 in random bullshit fees
>For a $12 order

I've heard of the convenience tax but this shit is disgraceful.

>> No.14621724

fuck concord I live in PH

>> No.14621733

whats good niggas, moraga here, let's meet up tonight and smoke some sausage

>> No.14621745
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>pleasant hill

>> No.14621772

Pleasant Hill is nice

>> No.14621776

Sup man. Not for me but you do you baby boo

>> No.14622175

>He still gets fast food and trusts food delivery services form random people through an app.
BItch when this pandemic hit I have stayed clear form fast food places, fuck that shit. You gotta cook more dude, atleast do slow cooker meals. All you gotta do is throw it in an there you have it! I have ordered delivery before but form pizza places and one chinese and I have them leave it at the door. But thats a blue moon thing for me.

>> No.14622180


Neetdom isn't free.

>> No.14622181
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>> No.14622249

maybe stop being a lazy fat fuck and make your own food

>> No.14622251

Seriously man you can get a crock pot for like 20 bucks and you can slow cook some good shit in there.

>> No.14622262

You sound like a working class chump. I bet you thought it would be a great "investment", how you would wake up to a warm, healthy breakfast to start off your long day. Maybe, you even had a couple thoughts about all the other nifty little uses you could find for the thing, how it would help you cook healthier meals in general, shed a couple pounds off the old gut, boost your confidence around work and with the ladies. Yeah, maybe that slow cooker would start your life cooking again, wouldn't it? I can see your strained hands holding the box and reading through it carefully at the store. A little bit pricey, but you're the type of guy who thinks everything is more than you can spend, aren't you. And look what happened to you. Look what the slow cooker did to you. Fucked you over, and made you clean it like a useless bitch. You don't even fucking like oatmeal. Piece of shit, you've been repeating those three words your whole life, haven't you. Yeah, how was work after that piece of shit fucked you over? I bet it was on your mind the whole day, you probably didn't say shit to nobody. Can't be telling people about your mistakes. How your little fix yourself plan, failed you. Don't want people to start thinking you're the failure. You're the piece of shit, all along. You don't want that do you? You don't want to be the piece of shit everybody secretly whispers about, do you? Was your father a piece of shit like you? I bet he never had a slow cooker. He had a woman, a house, a damn good job. I bet it's slow cooking you the fuck alive, isn't it. Comparing yourself to him. How one day when all the steam runs our of your life, you'll discover how you're nothing more than burnt shit to be scrapped off and thrown in the trash.

>> No.14622277

I live in NYC, chinks deliver for free. I can just walk or drive to anything else.

Only delivery fee I pay is for dominoes and pizza hut

>> No.14622279

Holy shit bro I just like my slow cooker

>> No.14622433


>> No.14622437

Never gonna make it. I bet you don't even have 10k in your bank account.

>> No.14622439

Yep, I’m on 4chan.

>> No.14622457

>has a car
rich motherfucker

>> No.14623591

Better fix that leaky gas tank, anon.

>> No.14623608

calculating gas savings over delivery fee is completely retarded. if you need to save you shouldn't be eating out, especially KFC. get that shit at the grocery store deli instead.

>> No.14623639
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Been driving doordash to stay afloat while between jobs. My guess is that with the pandemic there's a shit ton more drivers or something, because I never get any legit restaurants for orders. It's just college students and hoodrats getting Wawa and fast food delivered all day long. I don't know why they fucking do it. $3 automatic fee, and probably at least a $3 tip or I know I'm not taking the drive. So a single combo meal from McDonald's winds up costing you like $18. I used delivery all the time when I was working, but I'd at least get good food for about the same amount.

>> No.14623674

Millennials wonder why they are broke when they spend $75 a day on McDonald's. You could buy a house and a car for free if you would learn how to cook a fried egg and tasters choice coffee

>> No.14623680

>It's just college students and hoodrats
Only really ignorant people would willingly pay an extra $20 of nothing, when instead, they could instead buy another $15 worth of food, get that extra food for later meals, and only have a $5 delivery and tip charge. More food for the same price.

>calculating gas savings over delivery fee is completely retarded. if you need to save you shouldn't be eating out, especially KFC. get that shit at the grocery store deli instead.
This. Delivery that isn't in the time of covid should not be about cost savings or prices, but rather being literally too busy to pull the kids out of the pool, or from the books you're studying, or being too sick and weary from a cold or flu, so you can drive somewhere and back. It's about the cost of your time vs somethng else you could be doing. Even with that, you should be ordering something worth the tip and delivery fees.

>> No.14623718
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>> No.14623729

Is tip a required fee? I thought tipping was optional

>> No.14623745

>service fee AND delivery fee

>> No.14623751

It isn't. I don't know about every place, but with Doordash, I'll get an alert telling me how much the minimum pay I'll get it ($3 fee, other incentive pays, and the pre-entered tip) so I generally just reject taking anything below $6-7 most times unless it's like 1-2 miles out in the suburbs. I know people that really hustle with delivering will work multiple apps at once, so they might take those shit $3 ones, but they're going to make you low priority and you'll probably get cold shit. Do what you want, but you'll get your shit quicker if you tip well.

>> No.14623752

i have 100k saved for a down payment and i still can't get a mortgage

>> No.14623797

Why dont you buy a $75,000 house and a $25,000 car

>> No.14623803

because i have a car and houses in my area start at 300k for uninsurable shitholes

>> No.14623866

I will never understood people who order fast food at home, like what’s the point when you can order from an actual restaurant?

Fast food should be for quick emergencies when you need to eat and you’re in a rush these 3-4 times every year...

>> No.14623885

Nobody cares about your weird arbitrary fast food opinions, faggot.

>> No.14623999
File: 14 KB, 616x204, cost per mile.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

idk why people think this shit is crazy. it costs about 50 cents to drive a mile, when you average gas cost and maintenance over the life of a vehicle.

>> No.14624008

Uber Pajeets

>> No.14624016


>> No.14624039
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this is why I only order deliver from Jimmy Johns
fuck third party shitbags and their "processing fees" and outrageous delivery fees

>> No.14624046

>Delivery fee
>Service Fee

>> No.14624057

>not tipping yourself too

>> No.14624104
File: 82 KB, 779x776, 1569012495985.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>service fee
>delivery fee
>a fucking tip
>on top of already (((marked up))) menu prices
fuck that shit

>> No.14624238

Federal mileage rate is .56/mile

>> No.14624247

The taxpayers care you lard ass piece of shit, because when you need your 3rd bypass the nanny state pays for you

>> No.14624254

Wtf, was I supposed to get a punchcard or something with my first one? They should switch to a phone app loyalty program.

>> No.14624264

This is literally why I won't use these third-party apps for deliveries. I always piss and moan about pizza delivery charges and order minimums but fuck both Uber Eats and GrubHub are run by jews of the highest order
>food is marked up from menu price
>wait times are always three times what it takes to just get to the place and back yourself
>fee for small orders
>fee for large orders
>delivery fee which isn't a tip
>""""service fee"""" whatever the fuck that's supposed to be
>plus tip
>plus tax on ALL of the fees
Absolute kikery. Not to mention you get some random nig coming to deliver it and the food's probably cold by the time it arrives. At least pizza holds up and the fucking pizza place is just price+fee+tax+tip. I'd rather pay $14 to have $10 of Pizza Hut delivered than $30 to have $8 of Taco Bell.

>> No.14624283

The stroke poster strikes again

>> No.14624299
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Someone left some McDonalds deliver at my door and I'm debating wheter to eat it or not, it was out there for an hour and half and was sealed but I'm still scared.

>> No.14624301

>90 minute + old McDonald's
Don't do that to yourself.

>> No.14624314

I would much rather pay the fee and tip for a local pizza place because I know that they're the ones who recieve the money. This goes for any restaurant that does their own delivery service. Why people think paying these third party services is a good thing is beyond me. It's better and more profitable for the restaurant if you either go there and get it from them directly or have them deliver it directly.

>> No.14624327

It's literally out of laziness or inability to get it. It does eventually reach a point where a business picks a partner to do deliveries with and that might be okay, I've had Little Caesar's deliver and that was all DoorDash but through the LC app so I didn't know. It also didn't have a bigger markup than other chain delivery pizzas; I guess my point is that if there's enough demand eventually the restaurants will make an effort to have better delivery service.

>> No.14624360

Remember the meager tip is the only thing going to the driver.
Everything else is going to some faggot in silicone valley sitting on a exercise ball with a dildo up his ass laughing at fat asses like OP for over paying to get fast food delivered to his house.

>> No.14624366

sure but 50 cents is easy to estimate around. a buck a mile.

>> No.14624380
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>Small Order Fee

>> No.14624529

my east east bay brothers. Any of you dying from smoke inhalation yet?

>> No.14624540

kek literally me

>> No.14624547


based poopbros

>> No.14624684
File: 81 KB, 758x469, d43ed938138aa87818b4ab9cfaec51ec.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have one of these, it's got a 6.4l V8 and cost over 40k. You are god damn right I think about gas cost. I generally will only go out for in-n-out if i can bundle it with other shopping since it burns so much fucking fuel it doubles the cost of the food.

>> No.14624697


I stopped using Uber and Uber Eats when they announced they would be implementing race based discrimination into their pricing.

>> No.14624699


> Small order fee

Only in the US do you have to pay an extra fee for a small order

>> No.14624747

>he only has 10k in his bank account
look at this dude oh no... oh nonono

>> No.14624762

You don't want to be overexposed to cash. Inflation becomes a bitch. That stuff is just for emergencies and unexpected opportunities.

>> No.14624794

My roomie uses a crock pot to make ribs sometimes and they're pretty good.

>> No.14624853

Clearly have never made some nice slow cooked short ribs.

>> No.14624861

The only reason I have as much as I do is because I'm actively saving it for the downpayment on a house.

>> No.14624951

what a fucking pussy

>> No.14624957

I live 20 miles from nearest restaurant and drive an old truck, shit matters

Needless to say, I don't eat out unless I have another reason to go to town

>> No.14624962

"""third party""" delivery is a scam fat and lazy poeple with too much money buy into it hook line and sinker.

>> No.14624968

Me too.

>> No.14625012

Literally this. Uber Eats and DoorDash literally hire anybody. That's why the drivers are usually subhumans--they couldn't find jobs anywhere else

>> No.14625234

Both do a basic background check. Uber Eats makes you actually upload proof of drivers license, insurance, etc. Doordash just takes your word for it.

>> No.14625452

>small order fee
this was the straw that snapped the camels neck for me. uninstalled that shit so fast. never using food delivery again

>> No.14625533
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>That'll be $12.86 plus small order fee plus service fee plus delivery fee plus taxes plus tip

>> No.14625558

I don't see the outrage here at all, you are paying someone from another company to pick up and deliver food for your. Either order more shit to offset the cost or just don't use their service.

>> No.14625687
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Epic savings

>> No.14625758

Only pizza and Chinese places have delivery anymore, and 80% of the time, Manuel or Ping on the other side of the phone fuck up your order. Uber or whatever at least refunds me if I have a complaint.

Anyways, this shit is cheaper than a DUI.

>> No.14625767

You know you can easily tip $0. I do it every time. Once, the delivery driver must've remembered my house, and tried to fuck with my food. The sticker on the bag was ripped. I sent support a picture, and they not only refunded me the order, they gave me free delivery AND 20% off my next order.
I still ate the original order, because everything inside was intact

>> No.14625825

You can tip zero, you'll just usually have to wait longer for your order. The driver probably isn't getting screwed. If no one wants to take the order, the company will keep adding extra pay from their profits to it to keep the customer happy until a driver does. Or you get one really desperate driver. I depends on the procedure for the restaurant though, some will make it as soon as it's ordered, other times once drivers take the delivery up, but drivers can take it, and then dip out before they pick it up, So you run the risk of getting cold food. Which you can complain about, and get refunded, but if you do that a bunch of times, even if warranted, the app will just ban your account. The real patrician take is to just walk into any fast casual place around lunch or dinner and just fucking grab a bag of food for free, they have them all just sitting out and I only get someone checking my credentials like 5% of the time.

>> No.14625836

Kek I haven't thought of this. Go into a Tim's or McDonald's and pick up the mobile orders. Genius.

>> No.14625848

That won't work, McDonald's actually has to read off the order numbers, probably just because they get so fucking many all god damn day long. I'm talking about shit like Chipotle but YMMV because every place seems to do it different. 5 guys keeps theirs behind the counter. All the shit like TGIF and Chile's are up for grabs, but their waitstaff will usually be the ones to make sure I'm not just yoinking food.

>> No.14625867

>intentionally paying the small order fee
>not using a coupon to cover the rest

>> No.14625895

I was at work and ordered japanese style curry via caviar from a place that was too far away to walk to and because of Corona the bus schedules wouldn't be reliable enough to get me back fast enough. It was a $15 entree but I think I paid something like $23 for it after fees, and that was with a "first time's free delivery" coupon code. The only reason I ordered from there in the first place was because I didn't even know the place was still open and remembered liking it, but it wasn't worth it.

>> No.14625904

>Fast food that, through distribution networks and machinery, has driven their actual costs per plate to single dollars
>Upcharged like a motherfucker straight from the restaurant for being "fast food"
>Added service fees for using a delivery service for delivery
>Delivery charge
>Mandatory tip for the driver, which they heavily recommend should always be at least 5 dollars
>Taxes ontop

Christ, by the time the food reaches you you've paid an 800% upcharge on a few dollars worth of food. So many "poor" people eating "poverty" meals like this and complain about having no money at the end of the month.

>> No.14625945

>not sneaking plus tip in twice

>> No.14625953


>> No.14625961

no because I work from home. car looks like shit from the ash tho and I don't want to breathe smoke to wash it

>> No.14625985

I'm not sure what you're having a go at here. I'm guessing it's all the hidden charges added onto the final price.
This is very common in the US. They give a headline price to reel you in but they add a shit load of taxes and charges at the till.
Other countries the price you see is the price you pay. You don't need to know every charge and the rate and have a calculator on hand to work out the final cost.
This system is unlikely to change because of the political lobbying by business in the US.

>> No.14626002

I hate every delivery service trying to jew you

>> No.14626018

i moved back into a dorm for graduate school and i will order several entrees that keep well and stock the fridge...I get a week worths of food and tip the ubercuck 2 dollars for driving it 25 min across town

>> No.14626020

>I just ring in my order and collect it myself
The problem with that is that zoomers are incapable of having a conversation with another human being down the end of a phone line.
Minimal interaction, just leave the food on the doorstep and grunt the given name.

>> No.14626084

Unlike us masters of social interaction.

>> No.14626093

>Small order fee
That's the most jewish thing I've seen all day.

>> No.14626101

>The real patrician take is to just walk into any fast casual place around lunch or dinner and just fucking grab a bag of food for free
Chipotle used to have a rack with their mobile orders just sitting by the door but they started putting them behind the counter after homeless people started coming in and grabbing them.

>> No.14626121

I guess it hasn't been enough of an issue here yet. I started doing it because I'd get stuck at the one on campus and would have to wait 15-30 for my 1 or 2 orders, so I just started grabbing ones sitting on the rack that looked tasty on my way out.

>> No.14626234

how the fuck do you kids expect a delivery company to make money if they don't charge anything on top of the meal price? They're essentially saying "We can get you the meal, but it'll cost $10", but they give whiny babies like you the fantasy that you're saving money when you buy something "not small", or that it only costs more because of the gubberment with taxes.

They're gamifying the purchase, rather than charge a flat rate.

>> No.14626240


>> No.14626258

They already charge more for the base price of items, plus charging service fees.

>> No.14626561


You’re forgetting that these delivery apps are also charging the restaurants for the service, often at extortionate rates. The prices are higher on the apps/sites because the restaurant owners need to raise the prices on their food so that they can still make money after Uber/Grubhub/etc take 25% of the total sale. This model is not sustainable; as it’s the delivery apps making all of the money at the expense of the restaurants, delivery drivers, and the customers.

>> No.14626573

t. proud EBT card holder and housing voucher recipient

>> No.14626584


Also I forgot to mention that these fees to restaurants are often in excess of 30% and have gotten so bad that many cities and states have literally had to implement caps on these percentages for the sake of the restaurants staying in business. Not to mention that Uber is using the data from the apps to determine the most popular items in a given area, then opening up their own ghost kitchens serving that items to compete directly against the restaurants they’re supposedly “partnered” with.

>> No.14626916


>> No.14627430

>Walnut Creek
Fag and boomer central.
PHill niggas ww@

>> No.14628054

There's a few places around me that run their own delivery service. Haven't had any problems with missed or wrong items yet. Also I make it a habit not to drive drunk

>> No.14628068

>Not to mention that Uber is using the data from the apps to determine the most popular items in a given area, then opening up their own ghost kitchens serving that items to compete directly against the restaurants they’re supposedly “partnered” with.
wait wait, wut. Are you serious? Can you provide a link to a story about this if possible? That's dirty as fuck if true.

>> No.14628095
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>delivery = double the price
that's disgusting

>> No.14628105
File: 17 KB, 480x360, download (5).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When the fuck are those drones starting to boot up?

>> No.14628436

Don't be ugly and use Tinder for delivery instead

>> No.14628696


>> No.14628743

>buy a 6.4L v8
>care about gas cost
So why did you buy a 6.4L v8 in the first place

>> No.14628783

For the chicks ya dum dum

>> No.14628789


Because big car go vroom

>> No.14629119

It's 50/50 weather the damn dasher gets lost on the way to my work.

>> No.14629637

Look up the Uber founder's new venture, funded by the Saudi Arabian sovereign wealth fund. What this guy is saying isn't necessarily the explicit strategy (yet? Idk may be more official now) but when you read between the lines it becomes exceedingly obvious. Should be interesting, and honestly makes a lot of sense, as the next step for Uber Eats is definitely to become rather than food delivery, a proprietary food network enhanced by Uber Eats' delivery capability

>> No.14629653
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>Spend $40k on a car
>It's not even a good car
>It chews through gas like OP huffs farts
>Insurance costs more than rent
>Waaaah gas is expensive of course I don't drive it!

>> No.14629710

Amazon does the same thing with their third party stuff. They analyze search queries for recurring trends and use that data when developing their in-house products and compare it against price trends. Then, when you search a product, let's say a hard case for a Nintendo Switch, they promote the Amazon branded product before the official products and at a significantly lower price.

>> No.14629814

>Drone Fee: $4.99

>> No.14629878

I could hold you down and rape you if I wanted to. I am ripped.

>> No.14629883

raping a drone wouldn't be wise, anon

>> No.14629898

You ate the thing on the parking lot ?

>> No.14630057


>> No.14630062


>> No.14630438

Yep. Good comparison. It's a new trend within tech companies really: "Why be the logistics for the producers when you can be better at both?"

>> No.14630479

That's my point. I order in so I don't drive drunk.

>> No.14630490

gta v screenshot lookin ass

>> No.14630878

>plus tip

>> No.14631010


>> No.14631864

>drinking the alcoholic jew

>> No.14632999

what the fuck I work there you nigger

>> No.14633234

Gib free food

>> No.14633251
File: 296 KB, 1242x2205, 6957DFFF-7FAE-48FA-91B8-F8AEB81C1C32.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>100% of your contribution goes to the restaurant

Excuse me, but what the fuck? They didn’t even let me proceed without paying that.

>> No.14633257

What does the "Not now" button do then?

>> No.14633270

Nothing. Sends you to the previous page maybe. I don’t remember exactly.

>> No.14634725

Cuts down consumer costs

>> No.14634784
File: 1.95 MB, 288x512, 1594223693464.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know you can just cook at home?