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14617065 No.14617065 [Reply] [Original]

Which tastes better?

>> No.14617070

The one that comes in those small glass bottles.

>> No.14617073
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>> No.14617076


>> No.14617096

1 is good cold
2 goes down too fast
3 is only after eating salty fries and burger but has ice which waters it down

>> No.14617179

I just had this discussion with my gf and we switched our habits. We were drinking out of the 2ltr bottles for 2 months and I started realizing it tasted pretty different than other cokes. We started getting it in cans and pouring into cups. So much better. Idk if the plastic bottle thing is a meme but it really did taste different. With that being said it’s definitely better in a glass bottle, and iirc, McDonalds has some kind of deal with Coke so that they have legit not watered down Coke or something like that

>> No.14617189

It's the pseudoestrogens in the plastic. Also, canned coke should be drank directly from the can as it has more bite, unless you are using it as a rum delivery system.

>> No.14617197

I know it’s probably 1 in a million but when I was younger, we had a family member consume rat shit because it was tucked in the round brim of the can. I rarely drink straight from them anymore.

>> No.14617252

mcdongles soda is way too sweet

>> No.14617285

None. Absolutely disgusting carbonated sugar water.

USA was a mistake.

>> No.14617294


>> No.14617328

McDonalds by far. They have a proprietary special blend of syrup from Coca Cola that no one else gets to use. That's why it tastes the best. I don't usually drink soda. But if I'm in the mood for a Coke, I always go to McDonalds to get one.

>> No.14617359


>> No.14618221

optimized fountain then bottles then can then fucked fountain

>> No.14618228

Coca-Cola in my asshole.

>> No.14618261
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You're not wrong, but how about Sun Spray cranberry juice?

>> No.14618311

Cold metal cans nigga

>> No.14618376

but the inside of metal cans are coated with plastic as well.

>> No.14618387

Mexican coke has the best flavor
Plastic has the hardest carbonation
Fountain is subjectively the best but it looses too many points for inconsistencies.

>> No.14618403

McDonald's waters down the syrup to maximize profits so it's always hit or miss, a 2L bottle will eventually lose all of its carbonation over time and taste flat, so it has to be the classic can, which is the perfect serving of Coke on the go.

>> No.14618443


>> No.14618566

Can you lardasses just fuck off? Sperging out at the mention of soda and unrequestedly telling everyone how much you love drinking a flavorless drink that all of humanity drinks isn't going to fool anyone into thinking you are healthy.
Thin people don't do this so nobody is falling for it.

>> No.14618568

I sometimes drink just water, but usually drink water with some lime/lemon juice, maybe a drop of honey. That carbonated sugar shit is literally the food satan and you know it.

>> No.14618576


>> No.14618753


>> No.14618766

Why would they water down soda which costs them 2 cents a gallon

>> No.14618777

Because that is the world we live in. Also the workers are lazy bitches who don't put proper effort into cleaning/maintaining it.

>> No.14618801
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none of the above

>> No.14618803

everything is coated with plastic and you will eventually get cancer. just embrace it you faggot

>> No.14619094
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>> No.14619176

Pepsi is fine, I would totally drink one any day of the week. Coke is better.

>> No.14619191

>Coke but with more sugar
As an adult I can't even drink this shit. It was my mom's favorite so I drank it as a kid/teen but these days I don't touch the stuff.

>> No.14619204

It's the shape of the vessel you are drinking from. Why do you think alcohol snobs have like 100 different glass shapes?

>> No.14619225

>Glass bottles are coated with plastic.

>> No.14619501
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This, gimme an ice cold medio litro and nothing else. No wonder mexicans are so god damn unhealthy. Its like an elixir on a hot ass day

>> No.14619522
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What if you got the recently deceased corpse of a fat negro woman and hooked up a soda machine to her tits, so you could drink ice cold coke form the massive tits?

>> No.14619564

It really depends

glass bottle coca cola is always fucking delicious but needs to be cold
plastic bottle cola is delicious when really cold but gets stale fast
canned cola tastes different to the bottled one, it has more stingy taste and feels like there's way more carbonic acid
the tap cola from restaurants is almost always delicious in comparison to the cola you get from the store, but sometimes the machines can be fucked and the water to cola distribution is messed up so it tastes very diluted
tap cola is the best one taste-wise but it also depends where you live and which restaurant you get it from

>> No.14619595

No person with functioning taste buds would ever pick pepsi over coke given the choice.
Pepsi is not bad, in fact, it tastes quite good, but coke is just simply better
It's not good to just stick to one thing and one thing only, people need to change things up, otherwise you grow numb of the taste.
If you like coke, be sure to buy other drinks every now and then to refresh that coke taste.

>> No.14619757

Soda out of a machine is fresher. Much better than some soda that has been stagnating in a bottle or can for months before reaching your house.

>> No.14619911

Ah yes, fresh squeezed coca cola.

>> No.14619981

This post is very low IQ.

>> No.14619996

This you fucking sodaniggers.

>> No.14620037

Plastic goes flat over time no matter what, and the ratio of ingredients is different because of its volume. A can has a different ratio per serving. Acid reacting to the metal might have an effect too, but not so sure. At restaurants they combine the syrup and carbonation right there, so that's why it comes out different. The Sprite especially is strong to the point its been meme'd.

>> No.14620041

>.01 cent(s) has been deposited into your Coca-Cola account

>> No.14620055

>have never seen a syrup bag
They buy the soda in concentrate and carbonate it right there. You've never noticed this? It's a cheap option for restaurants.

>> No.14620075

tastelet spotted
I bet you also like 7up and fanta you walking garbage disposal

>> No.14620121

I've seen the syrup bags, but what makes them any "fresher" than sealed bottles of it diluted with carbonated water?

>> No.14620465
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For me, it's Bouncy Bubbly Beverage®

>> No.14620475

The detergent they use to clean bottles is full of xenoestrogens.

>> No.14620478

It's made with love.

>> No.14620493

that wasn't the argument... And I'm gonna need a source on that.

>> No.14620514

Plastic bottled are bland. Canned is very fizzy, very filling, pretty fun to burp, tasty satisfying burn. McD is not very fizzy, really sweet/flavorful, tasty. Can't comment on glass bottled. Fizzy candy water is my guilty pleasure.

>> No.14620519

That documentary about xenoestrogens and how plastic ruined the world.

>> No.14620543 [DELETED] 

Are you a sand nigger? The only places I know where bepsi is considered superior to Coke is camel fucking hell holes like Saudi.

>> No.14620562
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>> No.14620615


>> No.14620640

Seething fatass

>> No.14620790

seething eorufags make me laugh

>> No.14620838


>> No.14620894


>> No.14620925

Glass bottle > Plastic bottle = Can > McCup

>> No.14620991

>n-no u
Post physique.

>> No.14621055

overrated as fuck and expensive.

>> No.14621089

Only expensive if you are buying them at some hipster suburban grocery. The price difference is not much of you get out to a Mexican market, especially considering the costs of shipping glass and how much real sugar is.

>> No.14621240

Joel gets worse taste everyday

>> No.14621244

I don't know. I always have to water down my cola with a bunch of ice, which I never have to do when I get it from MickeyDee's, so I guess MickeyDee's got it right.

>> No.14621266

Water's what you drink because you're thirsty, not something you drink for fun.

>> No.14621280

>iirc, McDonalds has some kind of deal with Coke so that they have legit not watered down Coke or something like that

The coke syrup is sold to McDonald's then they deliver it to the stores, where it's hooked up to a machine that sucks the syrup out, mixes with CO2 and cold water which at another part of the store comes out as fizzy coca cola. There's specific ratios Coke require it to be set to (i.e. 4 parts water to 1 part syrup, I'm just using these numbers as an example btw).

>> No.14621290

We don't maintain/clean that shit, faggot. It's also not watered down in the sense you're implying.

>> No.14621295

Fanta is owned by Coca Cola my negro.

>> No.14621366

Mexican cola like jarritos
T. Aussie

>> No.14621509

It's still expensive even if you buy it as a bundle, it's usually about $1 or more each. Sure $1 isn't that much, but it's 12 oz, which is the same size as a can. Canned coke is 50 cents at most, but it's easy to find deals for it. My supermarket frequently has a deal for $9.99 for 3 6 packs, which comes out to 27 cents per can. Canned coke cools better in the fridge and retains it's carbonation the best. Whenever I drink a bottle it tastes like flat syrup when I reach the bottom.

>> No.14621519

Green apple sidral is something I like as a white person. I know no one will believe me when I say I'm white. But it's worth a shot, I guess.

>> No.14621520

Canned coke is top tier. I love moving it from the fridge to the freezer about 20 min before consumption so it's cold as possible without being frozen.

>> No.14621538

based. so sick of waterfags. though sometimes when I'm gaining too much weight I buy carbonated water to prevent myself from drinking coke for a while.

>> No.14621544
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>mexicans beat americans in obesity average
the one thing americans are supposed to be known for... and its taken by under-americans

>> No.14621545

I hate when faggoty decisions like this are made, instead of holding the belief that people would buy your product more if you keep the quality high. I used to like Mcdonald's coke but it's been kind of shit lately, so I either don't go or I get my coke from somewhere else.

>> No.14621553

pepsi is good if I have no other choice or it's significantly cheaper. but it's still inferior to coke.

>> No.14621556

The only time I prefer pepsi over coke is with spicy food, coke just burns your mouth more and it ruins the taste of the coke. Pepsi actually goes well with it. Smart of Taco Bell to choose Pepsi.

>> No.14621569

The price for bundles is fair.. if you only need 1 per meal. Lately I've had a coca cola addiction and the summer heat has been making me extra thirsty, so I drink 2-3 cokes per meal.

>> No.14621581
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Usually when I use this machine the coke tastes like shit. I'm sure the fact that it has like a hundred different syrups or combinations at its disposal has something to do with it. It was cool and first but now I hate it because it's quantity over quality. I usually get a lemon flavored soda with these machines because that's harder to fuck up.

>> No.14621593

Super fizzy and stingy is my favorite, that's why I prefer canned. But sometimes that watered down flavor of fast food soda, with the texture and feel of the plastic cup and its straw, really goes well with their food.

>> No.14621600

Jarritos used to be my favorite thing ever because it was uncommon. After I had it a bunch I got kind of sick of it. Still great though, love the tamarind flavor.

>> No.14622444

Finally, something the entire world agrees. Can we unite humanity with this?

>> No.14622449

>more sugar
I always felt like it has less sugar.

>> No.14622450

maybe, anon, maybe there is hope after all.


>> No.14622497

Glass bottle > Can >> McCup >>>>> plastic bottle

>> No.14622510

More sugar. This was reasoning behind why Pepsi used to do those Pepsi challenges way back when. In a small sip people preferred the sweeter Pepsi but for enjoying a full can Coke would win out.

This is similar to bbq contests. The people who win them will even tell you that they make the bbq for those contests are much sweeter than what they serve in their brick and mortar businesses. This is because the judges are only eating a very small sample portion of what they would normally have for a meal.

>> No.14622549

People have caught hantavirus from drinking from cans with ratshit traces.

>> No.14622614

McDonalds coke is exceptional aside from the last few sips which are watered down as hell due to them overfilling it with ice

>> No.14622756

I work at a McDonald's and I can guarantee you are dumber than I am. Our coke is garbage, everything there is garbage, it costs us pennies and we sell it to you for dollars. Nothing is cleaned, there is a 50/50 chance of someone using their bare hands. Dummies like you use our drive through to only get beverages are always scum, or at best, deficient and malformed.
>huurr why don'cha drive through mcdonalds and get yerself a coke, and then on the way back you can pick up another coke from mcdonalds

>> No.14622760

am I the only one who like the taste of diet coke?
not coke zero not pepsi diet not pepsi max
only diet coke?

>> No.14622765

McDonalds coke is garbage
the sprite on the other hand is the best sprite available, unless there's sprite in a glass bottle I don't know about

>> No.14622777

>McDonalds coke is exceptional
Fucking hell, /ck/.

>> No.14622847

I only drink 2 liter bottles. one each day

>> No.14623043

The best Coke I ever tasted was from liter bottles in France

>> No.14623080

Third one. No lid. No straw. Gently sip and filter out the ice cubes with your lips. The occasional stray ice cube making it into your mouth is ok.