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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 65 KB, 1600x1067, Flag-Italy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14606541 No.14606541 [Reply] [Original]

Italian food is severely overrated, both by the general public and snobs. 90% of it is just tomatoes and olive oil.

>> No.14606613

no, it's mostly pasta and seafood

>> No.14606626

It's really just creative poorfag gruel

>> No.14606681

> t. butthurt frenchfag

>> No.14606685

tomatoes are south american and not authentic italian food.

>> No.14606815

nah it’s pretty good dude

>> No.14606853

>he doesn't know the difference between indigenous and authentic

>> No.14607234

that's cause the tomatoes and olive oil over there actually taste good

>> No.14607259

>No passport: the post

>> No.14607269

this. they were just one of the best at making the inedible shitty bits of meat taste good

>> No.14607294

>roastie with dreadlocks the poster

>> No.14609191


Do they, though? Good compared to where?

>> No.14609198

this word should be banned

>> No.14609212

maybe your face and you're mom is overrated as well
where did you even hear this word
on the twitcher?
how do you know such non-big-words as a 14-year-old?

>> No.14609242

If you say "overrated" to anything, you're automatically an overrated zoomer who doesn't know anything about life or living.

>> No.14609291

true but they had and have a huge culinary propaganda machine.

>> No.14609625
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>> No.14609632

This is so true. I went to Italy and for most my trip my best meal was from a fucking fast food restaurant. There's only one area in the entire country that has some decent food. So sad.

>> No.14609832

>90% of it is just tomatoes and olive oil.
And that's why it's good

>> No.14611598


Tomatoes are fucking boring

>> No.14611641

>Italian food is severely overrated
you clearly never eat real italian food

>> No.14611663

what? they make cookies and pizza, two things americans have become better at.

>> No.14611664

Just like your post.

>> No.14611814

Tomatoes come from the New World you fucking idiot but let me guess you don't even know what that means.

>> No.14611925

Save up for a few weeks and try something besides Olive Garden or Carino’s. It will be epic sir XD

>> No.14612966

just because they use imported ingredients doesn't mean they aren't authentically Italian

>> No.14613542

>90% of it is just tomatoes and olive oil.
It depends if are you talking about indigenous Italian food or imported

Authentic Italian cuisine is not so skewed towards tomatos and olive oil although the latter is used often as a great.
But even if you are talking about imported Italian cuisine, you are full of shit

> Tiramisu
> Cannoli
> Risotto
> Mozzarella
> Parmigiano/grana/pecorino
> Pesto
> carbonara
> Cacio e peoe
> Salame
> Capocollo/mortadella/prosciutto
> Espresso
> Wines
> Genovese
> Focaccia

Those are just few examples of **imported** Italian dishes that don't use tomatoes and olive oil (aside from pesto and focaccia)

>> No.14613558


>> No.14614026


>> No.14614061

Nah, you’re just hat in’ because you don’t care for it. Italian cuisine is as varied as its regions - there’s more than one recipe for everyone. Pasta alone is an experience.

>> No.14614075

>same shit in 500 slightly different shapes

>> No.14614093

>90% of it is just tomatoes and olive oil.
Tomatoes aren't even Italian to begin with retard.

>> No.14614113

No, but they built a thing around them. Lots of "authentic" cuisines are based around naturalized ingredients, as opposed to indigenous ones. Capsicum's a new world fruit, but Hungarian food's nearly synonymous with paprika.

>> No.14614386

> Top tier cheeses
> Top tier wines
> Top tier charcuteries
> Top tier fish
> Top tier carbs recipe
> Top tier sweets

If you only eat pasta like a pig it's your fault. I wonder what are you doing in /ck/

All the offals dishes and street food are indeed creative

>> No.14614513

>cheese, wine and charcuterie
Inferior to other euro countries like France, known for causal pleb cheeses like mozzarella and parmigianno
Italy has little seafood for the vast amount of coastline it has
Fair enough

Fact is pasta is the food that was popularized the most by americans. The most boring part of an ok cuisine made popular by tastelets is the only reason why this meme exists, and italians thank burgers by shitting on them for using pineapple or whatever while they top their shitty burnt pizzas with french fries like the pseuds they are.

>> No.14614603

Ah yes The famous french charcuterie

In the meantime in Italy
> Bologna
> Prosciutto crudo
> Capocollo
> Coppa
> Speck
> Guanciale
> Pancetta
> Prosciutto cotto
And others only consumed in Italy

>known for causal pleb cheeses like mozzarella and parmigianno
> And burrata
> And grana
> And pecorino
> And gorgonzola
> And provolone
> And stracchino
And so on

>Italy has little seafood for the vast amount of coastline it has
That's the most retarded thing I have ever heard

People in Apulia eats as much Seafood as Japanese

The rest of your post is an amerilard seethe

>the only reason why this meme exists
Yes, there's a secret agreement between italy and the rest of the world to fake Italian cuisine appreciation

You sound like a really stupid person anon

>> No.14614613

What? Of course it fucking does you dumb fucker

>> No.14614620

Do you really think today tomatoes are the same of those of 500 years ago?
What a fucking idiot

>> No.14614625

thats a pretty autistic way of looking at culture anon
the recipes still come from italy even if they used imported ingredients

is neapolitan pizza south american because it uses tomatoes?

>> No.14614682

>muh meme charcuterie and cuts of which every other country in the world has a version of
>muh assorted collection of cheeses inferior to their french counterparts
>muh one particular region in which people east as much fish as the japanese
All memes, italians are only remarkable for knowing how to sell their shit. It's not that it's bad, it's just dull and boring.
>shit on americans during the whole post
>hurr durr amerilard seethe

>> No.14614697

awful bait

>> No.14614704
File: 35 KB, 564x823, 1597638380423.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14614709

> Other nations have food too!!!
No shit Sherlock, but the fact that taste better and that Italy is renewed and pretty much every food category should convince you that maybe italian cuisine is not overrated you contrarian spastic retard

> It's all meme I swear!!!!

>> No.14614716

Nice replies fags, now go discuss your favorite pasta shapes or something

>> No.14614742

You are acting in the most pathetic contrarian way you can.

> It's overated, someone in the world that isn't me beat you!!

>go discuss your favorite pasta shapes or something

That's something I have only see done by obsessed Americans.

In Italy the discussion is just short, small, long and sheet kind of pasta

> I got told but you stupid!

>> No.14614751

As an Italian in Italy, you're semi correct in it being overrated, but we make up for it in overall culinary participation and accessibility. Culturally there are a gagillion bakeries, gelato, restaurants, and cafes. The majority of Italians eat at these establishments often. It's a large chunk of their diet. Frozen pizzas and hungry man meals aren't really a thing here. So the average Italian eats better food than an amerifat, because he eats at these establishments where the food is handmade and fresh.

Versus other Western countries where they pad their daily food intake with fillers and cheap items. E.g. Red Bull, a bag of chips, and a microwave meal.... is below our threshold of acceptability.

>> No.14614767

>is neapolitan pizza south american because it uses tomatoes?
No but it is fusion

>> No.14614771

Top kek.

>> No.14614775

Pay debts.

>> No.14614783

Well, San Marzano tomatoes are an Italian variety, so not fusion at all

>> No.14614785

>Italian variety
no such thing

>> No.14614786

sure but then basically all foods are some sort of fusion
no national cuisine is without influence from other counties

>> No.14614792

That is all I have been trying to say.
To can anything authentic is fucking retarded.

>> No.14614793

what was it like before?

>> No.14614800


>> No.14614828

How many packs of cigarettes do you have to smoke to not taste a tomato?

>> No.14614842

>That is all I have been trying to say.
Then you are saying something stupid

It is some kind of philosophical bullshit that doesn't apply to real world

>> No.14614958

Saying something is """""""authentic """""""" is fucking meaningless and only eurofaggots are impressed by it

>> No.14615004

>90% of it is just tomatoes and olive oil
but it's the quality of the ingredients and the proper combinations and proper amounts that matter. of course a pleb wouldn't know. just put ketchup all over it anyway

>> No.14616971

based italian fella

>> No.14616988

>90% of it is just tomatoes and olive oil.
why do people even respond to this blatant bait?

>> No.14617082

That's good. Olive oil and tomatoes are great.

>> No.14617087


>> No.14617135
File: 155 KB, 360x396, 1585395992292.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>seething at other cultures because you don't have any

>> No.14617144
File: 247 KB, 2000x1500, italian pizza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was in Rome a few months ago, and I definitely wanted to try out some real Italian pizza. I had met a few people around at some pubs, and one afternoon I got them to take me to a pizzeria for dinner. They order for us, just some basic pizzas (I know enough Italian, but my accent is shite). A bit later, I see pic related come out, one for each of us.
I'm utterly shocked, and I pause a bit as I watch everyone eat theirs like nothing is wrong. I think maybe these guys are just trolling me, right? But no - I looked around, and saw some other people with this garbage too, unless they hired out an entire troupe just to fuck with me. Fuck Italy. Pic related - the fucking "pizza.

>> No.14617148
File: 596 KB, 240x184, ShamefulPlumpCowrie-max-1mb.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dont get you panties inna wad anon. You should not be so attached to old cultures.

>> No.14617180

Actually, it's the opposite. Italian food is very simple, there isn't much creativity. 90% of it is few good quality ingredients that go well with each other.

>> No.14617183

>90% of it is just tomatoes and olive oil.

Reminder there is a Italian law that allows imported product to become "italian" after a month in the country. All the retards in the states buying "italian" olive oil or wine are very likely buying spanish or greek products.


>> No.14617248
File: 835 KB, 2134x2753, Global cuisine grid-01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anti-italy bros, how do we explain this away?

>> No.14617283

You ever wonder why cured meats and cheeses all have italian names?
That thought ever come across your mind?

>> No.14617349
File: 99 KB, 590x423, 48sg6p.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who cares? the americans now make better versions of all that stuff anyway. who cares where it was invented?

>> No.14617382

This chart is so Based

>> No.14617387

this non-word has lost all meaning

>> No.14617390

>90% of it is just tomatoes and olive oil.
And this is bad how?

>> No.14618033

i dont like your mom

>> No.14619091

> Shit pic
> Shit pizza

I guess everything it's in its place

>> No.14620425
File: 3.00 MB, 260x340, kid_cooking.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not bad by any means, there are just a lot of much better cuisines, and most of the Italian restaurants outside of Italy are either oily take-out crap or peasant dishes sold at a premium in a 'fancy' setting.
>t. poorfag who can't even travel to the most generic tourist hub on earth
Absolute autism. Almost no dish is authentic by these standards; even poorshit villages with no stable source of electricity in poorshit countries cook traditional dishes with post-industrial ingredients and techniques.

>> No.14620431

Here's the secret behind most dishes
Crushed red pepper
Olive oil

>> No.14620540

>there are just a lot of much better cuisines, and
How to get from reasonable to absolute retard in one sentence

>> No.14620594

>Absolute autism. Almost no dish is authentic by these standards
Read again the commment

>> No.14620654

Sounds creative to me.

>> No.14620882


>> No.14620905
File: 711 KB, 1200x2400, 10BC0BCA-B89A-4707-87C6-73E76B4BB337.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What debts?