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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14612317 No.14612317 [Reply] [Original]

What's your fly-on-food policy?

>> No.14612324

Tell a waiter and make a bad joke about it.

>> No.14612325

"Quiet down sir or everyone will want one"

>> No.14612330

I cut the piece it touched off or don't eat it. I hate flies with a passion and would completely genocide them if I could.

>> No.14612332

Get away demon!!!!

>> No.14612340

>I hate flies with a passion
I hate flies with a banana

>> No.14612342

if i was served food with a fly in it i would send it back but if i fly just lands on my food for a second a shoo it away and keep eating

>> No.14612343

the more the better

>> No.14612344

It's just a fly. Don't be such a bitch.

>> No.14612353

This. Thank god you didn't see your food in the process between live animal to table. You'd never eat again.

>> No.14612363

>thinking a fly on your food is bad
Yeah, what >>14612353 said.

>> No.14612370

yeah what >>14612344

>> No.14612415

Different strokes make different folks ;)

>> No.14612422

Flies take a shit everytime they land

>> No.14612429

I generally don't eat anywhere that can't keep its dining area free of flies, but if I'm at an outdoor restaurant/picnic/cook out, i just wave them away when they try to land near my plate and deal with it

>> No.14612439
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Flies feet heavy adhesive substance I'm them that's why they can walk on walls and upside down on ceilings. When a fly lands on let's say fecal matter or trash dumpsters particles of that stick to their feet. Then when they land on your food they transfer bacteria from whatever they were on last to your food and you consume it.

>> No.14612443

i'd still rather eat food a fly landed on than food prepared by a catfaggot

>> No.14612452

No one is stopping you enjoy your facial matter.

>> No.14612456

>mfw i have no face

>> No.14612459
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It bothers me greatly but won't stop me from consuming food. This is why I fucking hate eating outside. Why would you want to eat where bugs are. Why do people do this.

>> No.14612505

cuz microscopic indoor bugs are worse

>> No.14612524
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Shoo them away to the best of my ability. Eat my food anyways like an adult because I'm not a crying little bitch afraid of fly cooties.

>> No.14612545
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kek spotted the dirty disgusting catfaggot

>> No.14612626

>What's your fly-on-food policy?
Flies and moquitos both repeatedly pass waste, ie shit/pee immediately right after eating, to make a lighter liftoff into the air. Though a mosquito has a clean proboscis and only transmits microbes that can effectively pass through a gut wall barrier so no blood vector diseases from the person they just drank from, in contradiction to that, a fly iintentionally leaks saliva out constantly into you food to aid their drinking it up so germs come from both sides of the gut wall. So the answer is that you really should see a fly as a pathogen himself for anything and everything. They land on dog poop, rotting garbage, and fresh food alike, and crawl on everything, forks, tabletops, floors, waterglasses. In some situations, even haveing flies that hatched in a restaurant or all around means something is terribly wrong back in the kitchen. Open garbage not changed, no screens on windows, poorly maintained bathrooms, animal waste nearby, filthy something is attracting them.

>> No.14612649

Ever since I saw a socumentary of flies larvas being able to live in the stomach of a horse I'm seing it a bit diferent 2bh.

>> No.14612662


>> No.14612668
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Doesn't anyone on this site have a fucking immune system nowadays?

>> No.14612675

The good news is that we have a much faster digestive system than herbivores, so fly babies can't live in u 4ever bruv

>> No.14612678

feels better

>> No.14612705

Not the point. Even if it's sterile, it's still eating poop.

>> No.14612728

Sorry to break it to ya champ but there is a lot of trace amounts of fecal matter in everyday food you eat. Keep being paranoid though.

>> No.14612773

>dropped meatball (found a sack of meatballs on sale for cheap) on floor of community kitchen while cooking them
>picked it up and put it back in my pan
i dont' give a tenth of a shit. i had a sack of trail mix once and ants got into it. i ate it, ants and all. I am the apex predator.

>> No.14612777

just drink vodka m9
show me fly that survives that

>> No.14612786

Maybe in your shit hole country. Go back to your /gif/ scat thread.

>> No.14612832

The delusion is strong with this one.

>> No.14612850


>> No.14612855

food is grown in dirt that is fertilized with shit
animals all shit themselves while being slaughtered
sausage is packed in intestines which used to be full of shit
go in garden, bugs and birds have shat on every produce
go get eggs from henhouse, hens have shat on eggs
honey is bee puke
cheese is full of mold and bacteria


>> No.14612859

yes, the rest of really love flies

>> No.14612896

the thread asking what was on the posters food, and finding out it was a cluster of fly eggs did it for me. Fly touches my food, I'm done.

>> No.14612898

animals are in pens, the animals shit in their own pens and roll in it all day. impossible to perfectly wash 100,000 pigs for american pork hunger. shit in every crevice. animals piss and shit where they stand, they piss and shit while fucking, while eating, they shit and lay down in it. look at dog, goes outside and sniffs piss, takes a shit and walks in it, brings it into your house. chicken pen, shit everywhere. spends days caked in shit all over. you eat chicken feet? chicken feet have all touched chicken shit. you think they spend 10 minutes washing every crevice for a 20 penny chicken foot?

slaughter animal, knife cuts into skin first before going through the meat. whatever is on surface gets dragged by knife through the meat. that's why we cook food, and cook burgers medium well but steak is fine rare, because only outside of steak is dirty and needs cooking to kill shit bacteria. inside is clean

you can't survive in world if you are child. all water on earth was once piss of human or animal. all produce on earth was once nutrients in soil and all soil is animal shit and earthworm shit and decomposed plant matter, plant itself was once nutrients from soil, AKA shit. everything in world is piss and shit. closed ecosystem, all matter is recycled. 2 billion years of life, 2 billion years of shit turning back into food to be eaten and shat out again.

insects everywhere. how do worms get in sack of rice? eggs are in rice. how do worms get in box of cereal? eggs in cereal from factory. you been to factory? you think factory is clean? dirty migrant workers who wipe ass with own hand, they touch your food. dirty pothead at store stocking shelves rubs ballsack and touches your food. fly comes in, shits all over. fruitfly comes in, shit all over, dies in the vegetable bin. snug between leaves of lettuce head, lays eggs and dies there. you think water cleans it all off? go shit on your hand and use only water to wash, then sniff hand.

>> No.14612906

This. I'd rather a fly land on my food for a second than have food prepared on a counter where you let your cat lay. Not to mention there's almost always cat hair in the food.

>> No.14612962


>> No.14612996

all life and all matter in world is poo poo pee pee

you retard faggot

>> No.14613058

0/10. Trying too hard.

>> No.14613095

Lol imagine believing this.
The poop is washed off, we're not talking about puke or bees, and we're not talking about mold and bacteria. Have fun with your scat fetish.
Not an argument

>> No.14613163


>> No.14613178
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A necessary evil, at least here in Australia.
Impossible to eat food outside without swallowing a couple of flies at least.

>> No.14613185

underrated boasting post

>> No.14613190

I like it.

>> No.14613203

The animals we eat don't eat and live in dead rotted carcasses and other animals shit. I don't give a shit if there's some cow shit in my hamburger, it's different. Basically you're saying fly shit is equal to cow and pig shit. Since you don't mind bee puke, according to your own logic, you should be ok eating buzzard puke. You're an idiot with a shit fetish.

>> No.14614608

The who gives a fuck policy

>> No.14614707
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I let them eat till they’re done then rip off the piece of food they were on.

>> No.14614743
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ITT: Businesses that can't into pest control & basic hygiene standards

>> No.14614758

I could not eat at home without tolerating it, but this weekend I'm really working on my kitchen so that should solve that. Unacceptable at a restaurant.

>> No.14614795

If it’s at a outside establishment then I’d send it back. If it’s from a home cooked meal then I just shoo it away and keep eating.

>> No.14614807

There’s more disgusting bacteria on ur kitchen counter than on the rim of your arsehole. Think about this for a second.

>> No.14614930

thats so sick, sounds like some heavy metal lyrics

>> No.14614943

>dying from literal particles

>> No.14614947

This to be honest

>> No.14615041 [DELETED] 

flies are the niggers of the common house insects. they literally try to eat your food, shit on your food, and lay eggs in your food and they're annoying when they're flying around a room.

>> No.14615087

>what are bacteria, salmonella says hi

>> No.14615092

out of sight out of mind

>> No.14615100

at a restaurant or something i cooked? at a restaurant i would just never go back. it would be very unlikely to have landed for very long though

>> No.14615156

Pretty cool. I read it in a King Diamond voice

>> No.14615166

>be Indian in India
>consume large amount of feces unintentionally and maybe intentionally (cow poo)
>never get sick
>have immune system of a god
you guys should strengthen your immune system!

>> No.14615176

one little fly is no big deal. if the place was swarming with flies landing on my food constantly, i wouldn't hang out there let alone eat there

>> No.14615964

Shew it away and continue eating. What else?

>> No.14616218

who has their cats
bowl next to the fucking STOVE

>> No.14616243

Yeah but 50% of them never make it to adulthood in the first place because they diarrhea'd themselves to death. Also the adults are riddled with health problems even though they dont die from eating the poop, its just underreported because most of them cant afford or access a doctor.

>> No.14616252
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>its just underreported
Good lord, imagine what the real stats must be.

>> No.14616304

Swat it into food and enjoy the extra protein i have hunted like the chad i am.

>> No.14616521

Sounds like a King Missile song.

>> No.14616549

if the little cunt(s) stay on there they gettin eaten

>> No.14616575

Piss and shit WHERE THEY STAND!
They piss and shit WHILE FUCKING!
>rhythm guitar intensifies

>> No.14616576

everybody ITT is being a better-than-you faggot

you are the flies in the food that is 4chan, and you should go back to the kitchen that is reddit

>> No.14616578

>ballad section
Slaughter animaaaaaaal...
Knife cuts into skin first,
Before going
>wailing guitars
Whatever is on surface...
Gets dragged by knife...

>> No.14616585
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/ck/ sings, when?

>> No.14616718

i don't give a fuck

>> No.14616728


>> No.14616761

That shit has nothing to do with /ck/.

>> No.14616763


>> No.14616777

Now THIS shit is /ck/core.

>> No.14617962

t. mao

>> No.14618000

I shoo it then keep eating

>> No.14618511


>> No.14618681

Oh God, yes. That Jack-in-the-Box burger. That was pretty bad...That would have gone straight into the trash for me. But that burger iether set out for a good 5 minutes unattended, or that fly was the fastest egg layer ever.
Truth be told; if you are really squeamish about that kind of thing, you'd best just STOP eating in restaurants entirely. Ignorance is bliss in this case though. As gross as it may be, and as disgusting as flies are, if it weren't for them, we'd be walking around with piles of rotten, dead shit everywhere. They are nature's garbagemen.

>> No.14618710

Based and historypilled
6 pests?

>> No.14619829

I'd ask the guy why he so

>> No.14619955
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>> No.14619983

fuck thats good

>> No.14620044

There's more chances those flies only landed on other food than on feces, unless you live in a shithole surrounded by feces.

Also if your body is too weak to support the couple bacteria a fly might have put on your food once, you probably don't deserve life.

>> No.14620069

Ignorance, the post.

>> No.14620097

Never wrong with extra protein

>> No.14620487

you're saying i should be making my wife lick the kitchen counter, not my asshole?
i want to degrade her correctly

>> No.14620560

You're being a real faggot right now.

>> No.14620601

Smell and taste are basically the same, so every time you smelled something foul, like shit, fart, cum, corpse, garbage etc, you were tasting it ever so slightly. So, what's a little miniscule fly vomit and shit prints

>> No.14620611

If you keep your toothbrush in the same room as the toilet or near it then you've been brushing your teeth with shit molecules.

>> No.14621315


This. Stop being a beta cuck

>> No.14621352

More like fly off food policy
Where's my food delivery drones

>> No.14621363

As my favourite elementary school teacher used to say, the very air you breathe right now could have been sharted out by William Shakespeare!

>> No.14621506

They're being swarmed by flies as we speak

>> No.14621527
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>if you are really squeamish about that kind of thing
Yes, I am and I subscribe to that newsletter.
However, I've worked in restaurants that took care to maintain cleanliness. I even worked in a seafood store where we had buckets of guts, but kept things immaculate all around. Regardless, if I end up in a place that is substandard in upkeep, I tend to not revisit.

>> No.14621529
File: 55 KB, 900x940, pepe-the-frog-know-your-maymay.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>everyone here crying about files and germs and feces when they probably ate out the ass of a girl(boy) at least once

>> No.14621819

the only way to win is accept what they do and become completely unphased

>> No.14621934

holy BASED.
fuck fruit flies in particular

>> No.14622105

Grew up on a farm so flies are whatever. Just flick it or some shit lmao.

>> No.14622161
File: 28 KB, 725x703, 74322095_10217998583930317_7287494014415142912_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why the fuck would you put a fly on your burger? That whole insect eating bs is about replacing meat, isn't it? If you have some juicy meat on there already why still throw in shit like that? Smh

>> No.14622188

Extra protein

>> No.14622302


Sir, this is 4chan

>> No.14622503

I used to live in the bush and we would have to wear bee keeper hats sometimes to stop them.
You get kinda used to them, you wouldn't eat one but if they got on your food (8/10 chance) you would shoo them off.
Like ant, no?

>> No.14623234

At least fruit flies don't carry disease, and aren't born in rotted carcasses. House/horse/deer/black/Bot flies are disgusting plauge spreaders.

>> No.14623269

I swallowed a fly that drowned itself in my coffee once. It was alright

>> No.14623306

How the fuck do you die of diarrhea? Just drink more lmao

>> No.14623315

>fruit flies don't carry disease
They do.
>aren't born in rotted carcasses
They can be. They eat meat. Every athropod on this earth can spread disease.

>> No.14623319
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>Just drink more lmao

>> No.14623424
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>> No.14623433

It's not just dehydration, it's loss of electrolytes.

>> No.14623580
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>Flies feet heavy adhesive substance I'm them

>> No.14623618

Extra protein

>> No.14623771

A single fly on some dry food like a bun is not a big deal at all. Wet food is a little more iffy. Soup is an instant toss out.

If there's more than one fly around any of your food, it's likely been out for too long and Im not going to touch it.

>> No.14623946

If it's so adhesive, the poop will stay on the fly because food is less adhesive.

>> No.14623953

I usually have a spider to catch the fly

>> No.14624064

But if their feet are adhesive then that means they aren't picking up stuff when they land

For example, if you rub dust and lint into a piece of tape it's no longer sticky. So fly feet must actually be very clean to remain adhesive

>> No.14624095

Beef broth on tap would be so cool

>> No.14624121

I usually have a bird to catch the spider when it starts to wiggle and jiggle.

>> No.14624260
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>I'm them