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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 529 KB, 1588x1192, cheeseburger_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14606076 No.14606076 [Reply] [Original]

anybody else break the rules sometimes and give pets table food?

>> No.14606081

yes.... cat is suppose to be dry food only but I feed her deenz

>> No.14606082

The only people food my cat ever wanted was fried chicken. That fat bastard loved fried chicken though.

>> No.14606087

and now he ded?

>> No.14606092

Yes. RIP in peace.

>> No.14606096

Had dinner with gf, huge pot on table we spent hours on, some asian stuff. When we were done, I took our little terrier monster up and placed him in front of the bowl to eat the remaining food.
3 full entities went to sleep.

>> No.14606107

Cats are for women. Congrats pantywaist.

>> No.14606125

>cat is suppose to be dry food only
why? for most cats, more wet food is recommended, since they don't have much of a thirst drive as they would naturally get a lot of moisture from animals they hunt and eat. that, and the fact that the crunchy consistency of most dry foods comes from a high carb content, which their bodies arent great at handling and will lead to kidney problems

>> No.14606126

i tried to feed my cat tuna to get him to take some medicine and he refuses. then i make ramen for myself and he is after that shit.

>> No.14606142

I give my cat table food rarely (usually deli meat or grilled fish) and never at the table. She is a dry food only cat, but I give her a daily morning treat of 1-2 tsp of canned tuna.

>> No.14606153

My cat refuses to eat human food.
Weird because she's not remotely picky about canned food brands, kibbles, even fed her dog food once and she was cool with it.

>> No.14606163

My cat is a dry food only cat, and turns her nose up at wet food. When I had to give her worm drops she wouldn't eat them in dry food, so I bought a can of fishy garbage cat food (basically gross tuna) and she wrecked it every time but only with the medicine drops on it. Weirdo cat, but she was free of worms within a week. If I had used SPAM or smoked oysters or something I'm sure she would have eaten the medicine. Guess it just didn't gel with the kibble

>> No.14606169

All pets are worthless emotional crutches.
Dogs are retarded shit-scarfing sycophants, Cats are nominally affectionate sociopaths who will love and rub on you but will definitely eat your face if you keel over and die at home. They're filthy things and serve only as amusement- it's also slightly ethically questionable that we slice off their nuts and tie their tubes to make them effective eunichs.
I've still kept both, enjoy both, currently have a cat and will get a dog when I have a toddler-aged child.

>> No.14606173
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You know it, man. Normally cooked or uncooked meats and little shreds of cheese. Just small amounts and not every time. He doesn't really beg for it, so I'm not too worried.

>> No.14606174

i wonder why nobody likes you

>> No.14606177

>had broken cat with a malformed colon who shat all over the place
>needed vitamin B injections so he wouldn't die
>would come up expectantly and happily take his shots.
Weird fucking cat, it's too bad he was so repulsive because he was a real sweetheart.

>> No.14606178
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oh gosh what a cutey

>> No.14606186

He strikes!
Dude, dry food is terrible for cats. Seriously feed them wet food. It's more expensive but it's so much better for their long term health.
>All pets are worthless emotional crutches.
I'm not really going to disagree with you. I only really have mine because I fed him for a year or two and he'd follow me around. When he got hurt I felt obligated to really take care of him. I really hate when I go to the vet and they call me his "dad." He is not a surrogate child.

>> No.14606189

Many people like me.
It's just when you objectively look at specifically cats and dogs, dogs to a much greater extent, you start to realize there's something kind of fucked up about selectively breeding homunculi to love us.

>> No.14606190

Of course. I've tasted cat food before and I feel sorry for them.

>> No.14606194
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Forgot my picture!

>> No.14606209

lmao, that's a great pic

>> No.14606214
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>> No.14606219
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Wanna' see something really cute?
>He doesn't do it anymore(thankfully) because he missed the jump a few times and didn't like being embarrased.

>> No.14606226
File: 2.42 MB, 378x213, kitteh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haha that's great. I don't have anything quite that cute but here's my cheeseburger-eating kitty chasing me down

>> No.14606233
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>> No.14606249

he looks like a mini panther

>> No.14606250

:) Very cute. I love that tail sticking straight up. I miss my moron's tail sometimes.

>> No.14606255

AHEM.... food & cooking

>> No.14606257

Nah ur gay

>> No.14606260


>> No.14606273
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>open up a can of deenz

>> No.14606284
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I still love your cat

>> No.14606285

Wet food is a tooth rotter, if you're unwilling to feed dry you should be feeding them self-made shit

>> No.14606304
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That's so bullshit. Ask any vet and they'll even tell you it. If you're really that worried about it, just brush your cat's teeth with those little wipes they sell. Your cat is comfortable enough with you to let you brush his teeth and trim his claws, right?
Thanks. You have the poofy black one, right?

>> No.14606317
File: 3.33 MB, 3840x2160, DSC_0221.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My poofy angel

>> No.14606338

Very poofy. Very cute. Does she sit on your lap a lot or no? :)

>> No.14606345

For most of the year, yes, but when it's July and August, she lives downstairs in the living room because it's too hot in my room upstairs for her. If it gets too cold during the winter (it's Canada, this happens), she'll get under my bed sheets to sleep sometimes too. She's adorable.

>> No.14606352

that cat loves you

>> No.14606376
File: 2.45 MB, 4032x1908, 20200819_073037.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Awww that's soooo cute. Mine will pretty much always come jump on me whenever I lay in bed. It's very cute but can also be really annoying.

>> No.14606451

thanks anon, without a doubt she did!

>> No.14606492

Is she dead?

>> No.14606506

yeah, coyotes always get the last laugh where i live ;_;

>> No.14606515
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This is the most heartbreaking post I've had to read on /ck/

>> No.14606518

Lol min to and mine is 14 kg wtf is the connection

>> No.14606522

You're on a food board. Hardly heartbreaking stuff.

>> No.14606542
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I'm sorry, but that's really why you shouldn't let 'em out. That's why my idiot is missing his tail, has stupid toes, and FIV.

>> No.14606550

I had a fat mama cat that would eat anything toddler me fed her. Would feed her ham and cheese and marshmellows all the time.

>> No.14606558

>not owning dogs and several Cats that protect your property

>> No.14606560

>bring beef jerky to my pc
>cat follows me until I give her a piece
I love that little pest

>> No.14606614

my cat ignores all crinkles from chip bags, takeaway fast food, etc., but i swear 100% of the time if i so much as TOUCH a bag of beef jerky she's right in my face. they fucking love the jerky

>> No.14606728

>doesn't keep goats, chickens, rabbits, dogs, cats and a cockatiel
>doesn't have a veggie garden
ngmi noahs ark stylee

>> No.14606743

My cat is fucking bizarre. Absolutely obsessed with dairy products and mayo. Loves her canned wet food. Loves certain pretzels but won't touch steak or shrimp or fish. WHAT KIND OF FUCKING CAT DOESN'T LIKE FISH??

I don't understand her. But I sure do love her. Spoiled little shit.

>> No.14606780
File: 124 KB, 501x435, 1582525509460.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AHAHAHA so fucking cool man
i FUCKING LOVE when they shit in their indoor toilet BOX and that beautiful aroma wafts around the house like a summer's breeze. I LOVE IT SO MUCH i refuse to CLEAN IT except for once a fucking week when the cat starts SHITTING ON MY CARPETS because hes such a silly goose he says "CATDADDY SCOOPS MUH POOPS OR I SHITS ON THE RUG!!!" THEY HAVE SUCH GREAT PERSONALITIES!!!!!!!!!!!! (i like to save my turds about 2 weeks for maximum marination!)

i FUCKING LOVE when they spray up my shit too, its like a little treat smelling like URINE AND FUCKING AMMONIA all day.

oh i LOVE and i FUCKING MEAN I LOVE how they shit inside then get shit all over their cute little feet then proceed to walk all over my counters where i prompty prepare my food, NO CLEANING NECESSARY it adds the SPICINESS that i fucking CRAVE!!!!!!!

i couldnt fucking overlook the DESTROYED CARPETS AND FURNITURE could i? what about every EXHAUST INTAKE for every appliance is CLOGGED WITH CAT HAIR?? oh yeah what about my clothes?? I LOVE CAT HAIR ALL OVER MY CLOTHES ALL DAY, getting into my food OH MY FUCKING GOD ITS DELICIOUS

I LOVE CATS!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.14606795

it's too early in the day for this much sperging

>> No.14606800

fuck you and your stupid fucking bitch cat.
youre too much of a bitch to have an actual kid so fuck off you fucking waste of human flesh

>> No.14606802

i'm so sad and discouraged that you replied to that post

>> No.14606812

Nope. My girlfriend and I have 2 cats and they've had Primal freeze dried nuggets since their first day with us at 12 weeks. They love that shit. Specifically the duck kind.

>> No.14606818

I once stepped on a kitten, it didn't make it. Who's gonna to hell?

>> No.14606829

Give your cat tuna

>> No.14606889

Whenever I order takeout I replace one of my cat's canned meals for some grilled chicken or carne asada. The first time I served her some she was very hesitant and tried swatting it a few times before she realized it was food and ate it happily. I wouldn't feed her anything overly seasoned or with sauce though.

>> No.14606902
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heres my pissy.
black cats are nice but goddamn is he a little cunt sometimes

>> No.14606905

I think it's nice to treat the pets on rare occasion, and never anything spicy, but they do love some people slop, sometimes more than our own families do

>> No.14606925

'ate pets

>> No.14606927

That cock of his head is adorable.

>> No.14606944

that cats as ugly as it gets i would set the fucker on fire if i could catch it

>> No.14606953

and a tire necklace for you

>> No.14606982


Nice try FBI.

>> No.14607002

Cats are like pets, but hey, can they get rid of those mouse and rats. Good.

>> No.14607015
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>> No.14607057

Back to /b/ edgy teen.

>> No.14607232

>edgy to have kids
tell grandma not to leave any reviews on the "riot gear" she buys for you

>> No.14607289

Nice blog.

>> No.14607366

I fed a skinny stray cat salmon that had expired since before I was born. I think it vomited its entire intestine content after. Sometimes I feel bad and sometimes I break into laugher.

>> No.14607384

where's its fucking tail

>> No.14607392

why bother
sounds awful for everyone involved

>> No.14607433

Sensing veganism

>> No.14607493


*upvotes you*

>> No.14607503

Of course, cats go legit crazy for raw meat and ham

>> No.14607509

*have a cheeseburger
Intentionally bad grammar and spelling isn't funny at all.

>> No.14607537

Cat "people" are so cringe

>> No.14607554

Are you old enough to post on 4chan?

>> No.14607713


>> No.14607785

Sometimes........sometimes I give my cat a tsp of my cereal milk

>> No.14608602

why are you so pale

>> No.14608616

white people are pale. New for you?

>> No.14608941
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>shoes on carpet

>> No.14608993

Being a chinaman, I simply can't stop drooling over this thread.

>> No.14609007


>> No.14609037

Why do people act like cats will eat your face when you die but dogs wont? They both will, it's a fucking animal. Dogs are actually worse because they sometimes wont even wait until youre dead. The first face transplant recipient in the world got nose and lips ripped off by their own dog while they were passed out drunk.

>> No.14609044

>bowling shoes on carpet

>> No.14609048

I did that to my gramma's dog but he got really fat and ate too much and died. I miss him a lot.

>> No.14609053


You're mean

>> No.14609073

Unironically when my cat investigates what I'm eating and uses me as a stand to get a better look I instinctively give her a bit.

>> No.14609085

>dog people acting like their houses dont smell
All indoor pets are cringe. If you have a dog and you dont live on a farm, you're a faggot.

>> No.14609086

Some dogs aren't good boys, but all cats are naughty.

>> No.14609087

God this is such bullshit. Every cat we've had has lasted to old age and been fine, no problems, only dry food. What kind of fuckery is this "canned food every day for years" bullshit. Imagine the fucking PRICE for a semi-imaginary gain.

>> No.14609090

i love cats. i don't know why. i just love them

>> No.14609100

It's not imaginary. Wet food is better for their kidneys and everything. How old is "old age" for a cat to you?

>> No.14609099

Those readin this will get 0.05 cent rebare.
Just sow up at counter formcham

>> No.14609102

My dad would occasionally give our yellow lab a small plate of scrambled eggs because he said it makes their coat shine more.

>> No.14609107

We like the animals that are being friendly back to us. Cats and dogs do this readily. You will obviously like someone who likes you. Why they like us is pretty much inexplicable. They just do. The fact remains that these are the animals we embezzled into our human world because they showed us affection. I don't think any other animals do this. Maybe parrots. Sometimes. It depends on their mood.

>> No.14609112


Unless your bullshit canned-every-day scheme results in cars that consistently live 30 years, you're full of shit and the benefit vs cost ratio is completely against your favor.

>> No.14609115

That's retarded, my cat back home is a loving and affectionate friend. Meanwhile almost every dogfag acts like their untrained, aggressively barking mutt is an angel.

>> No.14609120

based boomer myths

>> No.14609121

I mean, that's not young, but a cat should really be able to make it to 18-20.

>> No.14609135

train your fucking dog
i don't care if you don't have the money
it's a courtesy to everyone besides you who might come across your dog and potentially get bitten depending on the circumstance
then you will pay dearly for your "oh so friendly and nice dog"
if it's not trained, it's protective, and can always be provoked

>> No.14609150

Psychopaths aren't real friends.

>> No.14609153

Dog owners just excuse every bad dog behavior ever. Even when their dog rips off a kids face they'll say "IT DINDU NUFFIN THAT TODDLER PROVOKED MY FUR BABY!!". Cat owners on the other hand are always like "haha yeah that's my little asshole piece of shit cat" even when the cat is just sitting there. Yeah there are plenty crazy cat ladies, but the average dog owner takes their bullshit to a whole nother level.
See the problem is almost nobody trains their dog, unless they actually intend it to do work. Working dogs are based, pet dogs can fuck off.

>> No.14609168
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>yellow dog
>give them yellow food
>dog becomes more yellow

>> No.14609170

we need proof for that?
Dogs actually got brains and feelz. I got 10k of videos to prove.

>> No.14609183

Dogfags really think cats are psychopaths just because they wont lick peanut butter off your cocks.

>> No.14610867

nice looking cat anon

>> No.14611453
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that was executive level baseness, are you CEO of Based, LLC.?

>> No.14611464
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she was one of a litter of strays that showed up at the door randomly one winter day. we made a cathouse for them and fed them, gave them warm milk, etc. she was the runt, much smaller than the others but also more lively and smarter. they all either died or disappeared by spring but she was still there

>> No.14611553
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There arent any such rules in my house, my cat has terminal cancer so if she wants something that we're eating, she's getting as much as she can keep down.

>> No.14611584
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aww poor kitty, and sorry anon. you're certainly doing no harm by indulging her. hope you both stay happy

>> No.14611601

>anybody else break the rules sometimes and give pets table food?
Feeding from the table just conditions an animal to desperately want something delicious the whole time you're eating, and feel led to beg. It really kind of demoralizes and demeans the animal, doing their tricks of sitting nice for food. Poor thing, you know? Don't do it to them.
And if that will annoy you too, or your guests, like ever, then never do it. Furthermore, it can cause a dog to snap at the hand of an ignorant child guest who puts their hand down to pet and gets a biting action instead when you withhold the feedig from the table that night.
It is fine to feed them some of what you eat each day, of course, it's varied nutritional content that can supplement their kibble, but maybe ONLY right into their bowl from the stove, or after dinner from leftovers, but never from the table or your hand. It's common sense.

>> No.14611606

breaking the rules sometimes ≠ creating bad habits

if you're creating bad habits, of any kind, with a pet you're a moron and irresponsible

depends on the pet and depends on the regularity and if you're establishing a routine or even an expectation

my cats never hover around the table looking for food, even though sometimes i do spoil them with chicken or fish scraps. i put it outside in their bowl, not at my feet. and with dogs you just never do it because they're one gigantic bad habit waiting to happen

idunno man, common sense i guess

>> No.14611617

I try not to, but my older cat is not eating his dry food anymore and has lost like half of his weight (he was around 14-15lbs but he's under 8lbs now).

however he DOES eat McDonalds chicken nuggets and similar "people" food without complaint, so i've been feeding him more "real" food to try and keep him eating at all.

He's around 17 or 18 though, so not sure how much longer he has left in him.

>> No.14611630

honestly at his age if he wanted to take up smoking you might as well give him ciggies. if he likes nuggs or tendies i say go for it*

*not a veterinarian

>> No.14611635

Yeah that's basically where I am at, his hearing has been going over the last year and a half to two years as well. He can still hear, but only barely. Super easy to sneak up on him now.

He's old, cranky, and doesn't like most wet cat foods, so fuck it, he gets whatever he's willing to eat at this point.

>> No.14611695
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Also, webm of the boy. Mr. Biggles.

>> No.14611717

such a handsome kitty

give him some jerky already

>> No.14611719

i just hate pitbulls and wish they were exterminated

>> No.14611726

Anything hard to chew he just ends up licking for awhile.

His favorite is grilled salmon filet, or sautéed chicken breast that I cut up into little pieces for him.

>> No.14611730

depends on the cat, the only advantage of wet food is that they get more moisture, it can upset their stomach if they get too much of it(cuz its processed shit)

>> No.14611768

yeah a vet will tell you that wet food is terrible for cats, though the same is true for shit quality kibble

>> No.14612493
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the last cat I lived with (not mine, but my friend's) had his jaw broken by a bicycle, and after he healed he couldn't really chew anything tough, no dry kibble, etc. so it was all soft food, but he loved the crumbs and particles from the bottom of the jerky bag. the moment he heard a jerky bag crinkle he would run up and lick the dust out of your palm. if you really stuck with it you could feed him jerky for hours, one palm at a time

>> No.14612761

>STILL falling for the toxo meme
daily reminder that only 50% of your entire body are made up of your own cells, the rest are all micro organisms.
And no, this dumb meme parasite won't make you a braindead faggot, unlike the guy who posted this shit. It just makes you like cats more.
Anyway don't be a schizoid when you own a cat. Unlike you literally eat cat shit straight out of the litterbox, or live in a filthy fucking mess of a house, you're safe.

>> No.14612762

>they wont lick peanut butter off your cocks
You need to work on your relationship with your cat.

>> No.14612793

This is why cats cause house fires.

>> No.14612834

>very old cat
>suddenly losing a ton of weight
anon you might want to hold him close for as long as you can, take him to the vet and get his heart checked if you're really worried

i lost mr jones a few months ago to that

>> No.14612922

He steadily lost weight over a 12-18 month period, it wasn't overnight, but it was steady once it started.

He's mostly evened out the last 4-5 months, staying steady at around 7 to 8lbs.

But considering how big he used to be, 14-15lbs and not really fat at all, just looong. You can feel all his bones and if you pet him you can feel his spine and everything.

But yeah, he still eats people food, and he still goes to the bathroom fine. He just doesn't climb stuff anymore and sleeps a lot more.

>> No.14613520

You're a moron. They'll all tell you to dump the kibble and to have them eat wet food.

>> No.14613549

>He doesn't do it anymore(thankfully) because he missed the jump a few time
>he missed the jump
jesus christ what a failure of a cat
my cat could climb latters and scale fucking walls, hang on door hooks, jump down from my bunk bed which was taller than the door height

>> No.14613556

Is this OP: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=occ1rC7jgc4 ?

>> No.14613560

men who own cats are pathetic

>> No.14613656

He's pretty clumsy. When he was an outdoor cat he'd climb ontop of garage ports and cry because he couldn't get down. I'd stack trash cans up so he could jump down.

>> No.14613661

People who hate cats are pathetic.

>> No.14613936

People are pathetic.

>> No.14614317

no, I don't kill coyotes even if they ate kitty. circle of life and suchnot

>> No.14614325

Why do they say cigarettes are bad for you? My grandpa smoked a pack a day and lived to 90, it's all bullshit

>> No.14614341
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Let's get back on the topic of this board: Who here cooks food and treats for their pets?

>> No.14614427

Your grandfather is what is known as an outlier. A statistical anomaly. Irrelevant, like all his descendants.

>> No.14614452

little a salami OK

>> No.14615895

>Intentionally bad grammar and spelling isn't funny at all.
Yes it is. Anyway, I'm pretty sure its a reference to this website, n00b.

>> No.14615925

Funny, that's not what my vet said, my vet said to feed my cat a mix of dry food and meats. Wet food is generally made from even worse garbage than dry, and so overpriced you might as well be feeding them real food at that point

>> No.14615975
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are maine coons good for a first cat? debating on getting one when I get my first apartment here soon

>> No.14616099

i like to feet my rats bits of whatever ive cooked. tonight they got to enjoy some salmon and broccoli. i shouldve taken pics

>> No.14616275

Doc says alil salamy k??

>> No.14616329

I have a pair of rat bros and they'll eat practically anything, although I try to keep treats to training purposes. There are two things they don't like that I've tried to feed them - carrots and green beans. No idea why.

>> No.14616332
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rats are sugar and carb fiends. i could never really get my rat to eat veggies but anything sweet or starchy is like crack

>> No.14616337

I will tell you - the rats absolutely adored this thing I found online, called the "pea tub", especially since it's been balls hot the last few days. You get a shallow dish, pour some water and some frozen peas in. My rat bros fucking adore peas, and devoured the entire dish, while using the water to cool themselves off in.

>> No.14616352
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well that sounds like fun

>> No.14616360

Aww, your rats are cute af. Once I'm less self-conscious I'll post my bros, I really need to get them a playpen so I can take pictures with them playing about.

>> No.14616369

not my rats, just google photos. i haven't had rats in years, got no photos actually

a playpen is good idea

>> No.14617775

This is disgusting and the number 1 reason I own a cat...

>> No.14617788

Cats go meow for tuna

>> No.14617793

My cat goes meow whenever she enters a room

>> No.14617826

no kitty this is my pot pie

>> No.14619577

I feed my cats scraps regularly. The begging is annoying, but it's the only way my least dominant cat gets non-kibble and my other cat only eats scraps and wet food so he's pretty thin.
Start with a shelter cat that you connect with, going to a shelter gives you the opportunity to choose which personality your cat has and has minimal hidden health risks like purebreds do.

>> No.14620970

My cat does this weird little grunt when he gets excited or runs.

>> No.14620990

People like you are insufferable
>"wahh domesticated rodents are yucky"

>> No.14621606

>I really hate when I go to the vet and they call me his "dad." He is not a surrogate child.

For some reason this fills me with an unquenchable rage and I want to thumb their eyes out. That fucking "dad" thing is just another side benefit of living in a feminized society.

>> No.14622067

My dog ate an entire box of biryani when I wasn't looking. Had to make the fucker throw up so he wouldn't get liver damage

>> No.14622261

Yes. I got a Maine coon as my first cat, amazing and intelligent animal. Very active and independent.

Stay away from shelters, go with breeders. I got a near full breed kitten for free, FROM A BREEDER. Nobody wants a shelter mutt.

>> No.14622267

I tend to give leftovers that don't fit into the freezer anymore to my chickens and goats, but they're more livestock than pets.

>> No.14622292

I don't think anything you feed chicken or goats will hurt them, especially the latter. Goats are living garbage disposals, not that you'd want to feed them garbage if you plan to eat them. I once had a Jamaican roommate whose mom made a green curry with goat and the goat was so soft you could eat the bones.

>> No.14622364

I only feed my goats vegetarian scraps, since feeding them meat just seems wrong somehow. Not that they won't eat it, though; I've seen them eat pork chops that had fallen through the BBQ grate after the embers died down and like it.

But yeah, I essentially feed them only what I'd eat myself along with their regular diet, since I drink their milk and eat their eggs daily. They also get lots of spent grain from my and my mates home breweries, so pretty high protein, and they're free to graze in my yard. I tend to way overplant my vegetable garden, so they're often just my go-to when I don't feel like eating / preserving 60 zucchinis / 50kgs of pumpkin / 10 baskets of apples in 3 weeks.

>> No.14622392

i've never had goat eggs that sounds interesting

>> No.14622397

Breeders are scum.

>> No.14622413

>feeding them meat just seems wrong somehow. Not that they won't eat it, though
Tell me about it, I had a goat decide that I was food when I was a kid. Fucker bit me harder than just about anything else I've run into and ruined my favorite pair of shorts. My aunt and grandmother raised some, IIRC they also only fed them vegetable scraps for the same reason. It just seems odd to feed them meat even though they damn well don't have a problem eating it. Same with chickens, those fuckers seem to eat anything.

>> No.14622417

>cat is suppose to be dry food only
What the actual fuck? Giving a meat-only predator a processed, worthless chips? Have fun spending fortune on curing your cats' kidneys.

>> No.14622420

>>14609044 (checked)
came for this, leaving satisfied

>> No.14622464

I recently discovered one of my cats likes peanuts (unsalted of course, don't wanna harm his kidneys)
he's been eating out of the birdfeed bin lately, picking out the peanuts and spitting out everything else.

>> No.14622469

what a little fatty

>> No.14622475

You make it sound like getting a chunk bitten out of you is something every dog owner is always at risk of, rather than that person's dog just being awful.

>> No.14622480

Thanks. This is why I clicked the thread

>> No.14622489


No, because my cat needs to understand he has cat food and I have people food.

>> No.14622490

you know what's worse?
calling their dog "son"
it disgusts me to no end like what the fuck is wrong with your "son" he's already bitten every member of the family more than once per person and also bitten relatives that came over for a visit, trainers couldn't do shit, yet the dog is still alive to this day, buying beef and fried chicken for that kind of dog? get a fucking grip
sorry had to let it out, nothing against you, anon

>> No.14622499
File: 2.75 MB, 1772x952, Joe Biden home defense.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The first face transplant recipient in the world got nose and lips ripped off by their own dog while they were passed out drunk.
Google says that the first face transplant recipient was shot in the face. Apparently by her husband who later attempted to commit suicide and failed. With a shotgun. What a loser.

>> No.14622728

Yeah, chickens are savage. Once in a while I go to my local bait and tackle shop, get me a handful of maggots, and just toss those into the chicken coop. They love it, and it's great to see those primal instincts pop back up. I also love having them wander my vegetable garden; haven't had any issues with cabbage butterfly caterpillars on my broccoli and sprouts ever since.

And yeah, I've had my goats try to eat everything; tent canvas, bicycle tires, crocs, wooden clogs, wellington boots, down pillows, the lot. I also tend to loan them to a mate of mine who has a yearly recurring issue with blackberries and Asian knotweed encroaching on his land; they just demolish the stuff.

>> No.14623412
File: 13 KB, 657x527, 1544539708446.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he's an adorable idiot. he drools when he purrs, and he has attacked the other cats while they were busy shitting, multiple times.