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14597103 No.14597103 [Reply] [Original]

Help guys, I let myself go pretty bad over the lockdown and need to lose weight. What diet tips can you share? Would a vegetarian diet be a good option?

>> No.14597108

just stop eating. stop. stop it

>> No.14597120

eat less and exercise more.

>> No.14597146


>> No.14597151

I'm in the same situation, anon. I just started a few days ago, but I'm going pretty extreme. Most of my weight gain was due to booze, so I've cut off booze, I'm only drinking water/black coffee/sparkling seltzer, and I'm maintaining a diet around 1,000-1,200 calories a day. It's not exactly fun, but it'll work.

Add in some exercise, and things should get better. I'm not a big exercise guy so this is the best I can do. Warning though, crash diets aren't the best for you, and be prepared to be really hungry. I eat one satisfying meal in the evening, so I can save satisfaction for later. But sometimes in the day I get super hungry, so I eat raw veggies with hot sauce as a snack if I have to.

>> No.14597155

Count calories, don't go over 1600 a day.
If you want actual diet help go to /fit/.

>> No.14597168

Snake diet

>> No.14597181

What completely?

Me too, it was the damn booze. I've been dry for 6 days which is the longest in months. I like fruit juice though, it's good for nutrition, won't give up my orange or grapefruit juice. What raw vegetables do you snack on? P

>> No.14597183

Ignore the P fucking phoneposting

>> No.14597185

>What completely?
yes, that's what fasting is

>> No.14597200

it's easy. I just came off a month long fast 2 days ago. still not pooping right but I dropped 30 lbs

>> No.14597211

>I like fruit juice though, it's good for nutrition, won't give up my orange or grapefruit juice.
No, it's not good for nutrition if you're trying to lose weight. You're getting nearly 100 calories per cup (94 for grapefruit, 112 for OJ). Replace them with vitamins. I know they taste yummy, but it's as bad or worse than having a lite beer, and packed with sugar.

You're gonna need to cut out the sugar, simple as that. Trust me, you don't want to waste 200 calories a day or more on juices when you're going to be hungry.

As for veggies, I go with carrots, broccoli, cauliflower, and celery. Sometimes some tomatoes.

>> No.14597215

Fast for one day, eat on the other. Repeat until healthy weight. Try to get all your calories in a single meal, no snacking on the side. Also, start counting calories.

>> No.14597280

Fair enough. Good veggie ideas too. Thanks for the tips.

>> No.14597284

You got it, good luck man! I'm still drinking on the weekends and special occasions, but I plan on doing this for about 2 months.

>> No.14597300

I’m in the same bro, drank too much during Covid. We can do it!

>> No.14597304

what this >>14597215 anon said, and NO FUCKING SUGARY DRINKS.

>> No.14597306

>I like fruit juice though, it's good for nutrition
ooh boy

fruit juice is not good for you, it’s almost as bad as regular soda

>> No.14597439


>> No.14597444

>calculate TDEE using online TDEE calculator
>eat 500-1000 calories below that every single day until you’re satisfied with your weight
>cardio to lose weight even faster, lift weights to actually look good
>eat less processed foods to get more for the calories you intake

it’s literally that simple

>> No.14597446

they won't really help you. just tell you to fast and stop whining plus call you a fat fuck

>> No.14597448

easier said than done anon

>> No.14597475

not op but how do you do a month long fast? i really want to try a long fast to regulate my eating habits and portion sizes

>> No.14597498

this is the advice doctors have been giving to people for the last 50 years and america is obese as ever. CICO does not work. You will not keep weight off if you constantly spike your insulin

>> No.14597504

It is easier said than done, but it also 100% correct and the entire answer. Put your food on a scale or read the label, round up because the labels lie. If your diet has a name it is a bullshit scam. Eat less foods that are calorie dense (fats, oils, sugars) or eat a lot less of them. Nutrition and weight loss are different. You can be fat as fuck eating whole wheat organic avocado brown rice vegetarian fruits/nuts faggot meme diets.

>> No.14597522

>If your diet has a name it is a bullshit scam.
''if I want 2 soft boiled eggs for breakfast and watermelon feta salad for lunch I should be allowed to have that bcs we live once ffs''

>> No.14597537

wrong. just because americans are fat doesnt mean that this method doesn’t work. americans are just too lazy to count calories and would rather live lives of hedonism. this is basic therodynamics. many many studies have been performed on this.

>> No.14597559
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>I like fruit juice though, it's good for nutrition, won't give up my orange or grapefruit juice.

confirmed for not going to make it

>> No.14597561

>don’t go over 1600 a day
crash diet that will result in muscle loss and loss of energy. the lowest an adult male should ever go is 1800 minimum

>> No.14597581

Word of warning, calorie counting diets are extremely hard to pull off successfully and if you stop them you can just as easily regain your fat. I recommend you look into the Keto diet. In a nutshell do this:
>Restrict carbs to 20 g or less, you can subtract fiber and sugar alcohols since these arent metabolized
>Restrict protein to your weight in kilograms x 1.3 or 2. This will tell your how many grams of protein you can have.

The majority of your calories is going to come from fat, so hearty foods like cheese, bacon, olive oil, coconut oil and the like. If you're a real hefty guy like me you won't have to worry too much about getting too much protein from meat. Just lay off protein shakes, they got a lot of sugar anyways.

Now, if you want to know the science behind this, here's a simplified process of how your body turns recently digested food into energy.
>Food, especially carbohydrates get broken down into glucose.
>Glucose provides immediate fuel for the body, but unused glucose is transformed into adipose (fat cells)
>By restricting carbs and completely cutting sugar you force the body into a state called "ketosis" to switch over to an alternative fuel source: ketones.
>Ketones are like glucose but are derived from fats and oils broken down into the liver instead of carbohydrates.
>Once you enter ketosis losing weight will become far, far easier than in a CICO diet as your body will start breaking down your existing fat cells for energy when it needs it and you haven't eaten in a while.
>Moderate your protein intake using the formula mentioned above, if you eat too much protein but also keep your carbs down you enter Gluconeogenesis which means your muscle mass will be broken down for energy while your fat cells are untouched.

>> No.14597603

This.Best practice: stop being a giant faggot

>> No.14597612

>the lowest an adult male should ever go is 1800 minimum
If you want to lose 1 lb a month, maybe. Odds are, OP is completely sedentary, since he mentioned COVID and drinking.

>> No.14597615

Keto is literally just CICO with extra steps. You eat fewer carbs and more protein, obviously you’re eating much fewer calories. Either one will help you lose weight, I suppose.

>> No.14597640
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Zero carb.

>> No.14597692

Anon what point are you trying to make? Is bcs bacon cheese burger? Those are completely fine in moderation and moderation is determined by how healthy the rest of your life style is. Weight and health are like a monthly rolling average. You can fuck up and eat like shit once in a while as long as the average is trending down. Calories in less than out is always weightloss. And weighing less is always a good thing as long as you aren't killing yourself skinny.

>> No.14597741

I know way more fat people on keto than I do skinny people. Guy I work with eats pork rinds, rotisserie chicken, whole bags of cheese, salad with more pepperoni and cheese than lettuce. Sure ketosis increases your metabolism by 0.05% but you are eating like a fucking slob you fat piece of shit.

>> No.14597749

Eliminate added sugars and sweetened drinks from your diet. Watch the fed up documentary

>> No.14597831

I just drank 2 gatorades a day and added half a tsp of salt, potassium, and a quarter teaspoon of sulphates. it wasn't difficult, I didn't get kidney pain or anything or experience any ill effects like headaches. I've done keto lots and fasting is easy for me so I might just be used to it. I was able to do everything I normally do just heavy labor exhausted me easily

>> No.14597843

I honestly have an easier time barely/not eating a few days a week than changing my diet.

>> No.14597866

Ignore calories, cut out ALL refined sugar. Your blood sugar will rebalance, causing your to get hungry less often and eat less. Your palate will also adapt, making you less sensitive to bitter tastes making veggies more palatable.
Calorie counting without dietary changes is a short term solution. Real change requires your to break the cycle of food addiction caused by sugar dependency.

>> No.14599353

See >>14597108. Consume only water for 2 weeks.

>> No.14599373


>> No.14599398

I'll have you know I don't eat retards at all!

>> No.14599609

Ignore anyone telling you to fast or go keto or whatever. Yeah, fasting works great for losing weight very quickly and you stop being hungry after a day or so, but if you want to not be a fatass permanently, you need to change your eating habits.
Eat a lot of fibrous foods, especially legumes like beans and lentils. Eat lots of veggies. Use sugar and oil sparingly, and you can reincorporate oil when you reach your goal weight. You dont need to do dumb shit and cut out anything, just make an effort to make most of your diet home-cooked meals centered around whole, fibrous foods.

>> No.14600003

>Ignore calories, cut out ALL refined sugar.
how does one do that?

>> No.14600020

vegetariamism is good because it is restrictive and keeps you away from a lot of fast food, but cookies and potato chips are vegetarian soo....
It might be a good idea to try measuring your food to count calories. You need 10 calories for every pound you weigh and a deficit of 500 calories a day will make you lose a pound a week, give or take

>> No.14600024

oh, ok. keep being a fatass then.

nothing worth achieving is easy retard

>> No.14600035


fasting from ketosis is way easier than fasting from a carb loaded diet, fyi

>> No.14600047

>durrr how to lose weight?
stop eating fatty.

>> No.14600099

Completely cut out
- ALL sodas even diet ones. NO SODAS
- fruit juices
- fast food. seriously NO MORE fast food or really any food you order out. You're on a cooking board so learn how to cook the foods you like to order
- processed foods or breads
- ice cream, candy, chocolate, etc
- processed flour

Eat more
- lean proteins
- raw veggies and fruits
- cooked veggies
- root veggies
- dried nuts

Also exercise more. Walk 2 miles every day until you can run it. Then move it up to 2.5 miles. 3 miles. etc

>> No.14600104
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Losing weight is easy when you have the right approach.

Unfortunately the calorie counting BS promoted by food processing companies doesn't work.

If you eat healthy food, you will maintain a healthy weight. It's really that simple.

>> No.14600108

Get on a bike, fatty, you need exercise.
I find it strange that you even asked the question.
If your inputs are larger than your outputs, you will gain weight, think about that for a minute.

>> No.14600116

> Seltzer water

Stop this before your gall bladder throws a wobbly.
I did this for 6 months and ended up with gall bladder stones, it's not easy to fix either.

>> No.14600129

What is it with people that do this shit?
Eat regular healthy meals, don't binge drink alcohol, drink plenty of water and you'll be fine.
How hard is this to get through to folks?

>> No.14600135

because what you just wrote does not work

>> No.14600136

Fat people are lazy, they don't like to face the harsh reality.

>> No.14600140

Have you not heard of actual fruit juice?
Not "fruit drink", people that can read, know the difference.

>> No.14600150

Is that right?
So, I've been able to hold a steady weight for the last 30 years and that is wrong?

>> No.14600155

I don't know how it works for you but my point is it doesn't work for everyone

>> No.14600156

>people are asked to do x
>people don't do x
>that means x doesn't work
Every single time.

>> No.14600160

Just dont eat for a day, I find when I eat, I always want to eat more, but if I don't eat I don't really feel the need to as much

>> No.14600165

this is so true, but is not eating sustainable long term? you're another one of those fasting enthusiasts aren't ya?

>> No.14600167

You can swap periods of shit eating and losing weight. It should work if done properly.

>> No.14600174

Nah its not that deep, some days I'll just wake up and not eat any breakfast, and then wont feel the need to eat until dinner. Then you can push for the whole day if you feel like it, but you've already missed 2 meals so it's still less than usual whatever happens

>> No.14600410

A bike is gonna burn maybe 250 calories for like an hour of riding. Anyone drinking or eating too much has to stop putting food or calorie dense drinks in their mouth.

Can you explain this? I'm not sure of the difference between a LaCroix and glass of water?

When you're already overweight and need to lose weight, this doesn't work. And people have been taught wildly incorrect shit about what is "healthy." Just like OP who thinks a few glasses of fruit juice a day are doing him a favor.

>> No.14600800

Thanks for that, but I rarely eat fast food and I walk up to 10km a day already. I'm not sitting here stuffing my face with ice cream, it was drinking that did it

Why does everyone hate fruit juice so much? Two glasses of juice a day is GOOD for you. The sugar in fruit is different from refined white sugar. It is COMPLETELY DIFFERENT from soda. Jesus christ it's like two glasses in the evening to go with my fish or chicken. Cutting it out is almost as retarded as the fasting obsession a

>> No.14600811

Lol quit trolling bitch nigga

>> No.14600909

yeah no shit but people still get keto flu or whatever. I haven't had to deal with that in years

>> No.14600937

No booze

>> No.14600941

How is it different

>> No.14600949

Not OP. What's the best way to exercise if all the gyms are closed and you can't really go outdoors during the day?

>> No.14600952

OP as someone who has been giving advice in here since early on, and also a "drinking who did it" guy, I've gotta ask. If you *really* walk 10 km a day, how tall are you, how much do you weigh, and how much are you looking to lose?

>Jesus christ it's like two glasses in the evening to go with my fish or chicken.
Again, that's 200 wasted calories alone. All for some juice. It does come down to how much you're cutting, but as the guy doing 1,000-1,200 calories a day to drop his alcohol weight, that's a bizarre sacrifice to me. That's a full extra chicken breast I could be eating to fill me up at dinner.

>> No.14600982

Avoid bread & sugar

ez pz

>> No.14600994

Kettlebell. Look up Simple & Sinister.

>> No.14601756

5ft 9, 77kg, at least 5kg by the end of next month. That might sound okay, but I'm an ectomorph and it looks really bad. Today I walked 12km and did weights.

A few glasses of orange and grapefruit juice in the evening count as portions of fruit and vegetables. You should aim for 5-6 a day no matter what. Depriving your body of essential nutrition (supplements are literally that - supplemental) makes you feel terrible and its no healthier than being obese. Good luck with your weight loss, starving is not for me though h

>> No.14601763

take it to fit, you faggot. and what reasonable adult knows absolutely nothing about nutrition?

>> No.14601795

Dang, you're a decent weight. This seems like a much smaller diet than I was expecting. 11 lbs by the end of September with your walking and such should be a very accomplishable goal. I rescind the juice thing.

I was assuming you were in the 200+ club. I went from the weight you are now to around 200. I'm 3 inches taller, but still.