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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14594575 No.14594575 [Reply] [Original]

Made a fool of myself yesterday. The neighbour kid told me that he never cooked in his life. He's six years old, or something like that. Grade one or kindergarten. I asked him a lot of questions because I didn't know how someone could survive until the age of six without figuring out how to make feed.

It's now dawning on me that I am the unusual one, and most children don't grow up making their own meals. Can you guys tell me when you started cooking for yourselves?

>> No.14594971

he probably doesn't consider sandwiches and roasting hot dogs cooking
a kid that young thinks of pots and pans with an oven as cooking

it is a shame though that a lot of kids these days won't grow up learning to cook, because their parents never learned how either.
then again, maybe they'll pick something up from their youtube babysitter between watching babyshark and sketchy indian content farms

>> No.14594992
File: 101 KB, 640x966, Homemade-Sourdough-English-Muffins-In-Jennies-Kitchen-FINAL-05-640x966.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When I was around 5 or 6 I used to sneak out into the kitchen in the early morning, cut an english muffin in half, cut chunks off an apple and place them on the muffin halves, and then sprinkle the top with uncooked pasta (ditalini, shells, elbows, whatever little pasta we had). I'd tiptoe back to the bedroom and me and my brother would eat them.

pic best I can conjure atm

>> No.14594997

also would like to point out not a single note of fucking umami involved

>> No.14595083

That's pretty based.

>> No.14595088

my sister (10 at the time) taught me how to make scrambled eggs and toast when I was like 6 or 7

>> No.14595105

When I moved out at the age of 28.

>> No.14595131
File: 195 KB, 604x580, 1583829599957.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cook ramen cause hungy and parents hadn't started dinner yet
>got yelled at for cooking before dinnertime

>got hungy and used some ingredients in the fridge
>got yelled at for using dinner ingredients

>tried to bake at 9pm after parents were in bed
>they smell something cooking (not even burning), rush downstairs
>get yelled at for using the oven with no supervision, baking is banned in my house past 5pm for 10+ years

Also somewhat food related
>in line at grocery store with parents
>cashier is old, parents offer me to help bag
>bagger wagie rushes over and yells at me to not do his job
>parents pissed, cashier coldeyes him
>don't touch a plastic bag for 15+ years

>got my revenge years earlier though, I was maybe 5
>at self bagging
>parents forced me to eat fruit loops that morning, they tasted like shit and I was sick
>projectile vomit rainbow chunks all over bagging area
>wagiejannies have to clean it up
Fuck jannies.

>> No.14595233

Some of us didn't grow up with a single parent and her litany of abusive boyfriends. When did your dad walk out on your mom? :^)

>> No.14595235


and it was the mom who walked out

>> No.14595239
File: 73 KB, 355x236, lunchables-kids-will-understand-1-9918-1384182961-8_big.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was my feed I cooked it in the microwave but I mostly preferred it COLD

>> No.14595243

some things, I think, don't need to be taught. Toast is one of them.

>> No.14595246

Did your father ever remarry?

>> No.14595250

yes. second wife wasn't much better.

>> No.14595254

I remember my mother teaching me how to cook eggs. It was before I was old enough for school so I was younger than 5.

>> No.14595275

What about the third? Did they have any kids of their own?

>> No.14595284

There wasn't a third, or any more children after me.

>> No.14595301

Would you like to talk about it?

>> No.14595305

i started pretty young
i know at around 7 or 8 i was cooking meals for the family so i probably started making simple things myself like from the fridge or microwave around 5 or 6
when i was 10 or 11 my mom would give me her credit card and let me do the grocery shopping

>> No.14595336

Well, who doesn't like to talk about themselves? But I don't think I have time to cover two marriage dramas.

>> No.14595339

Not on here you don't, fool. If you want to send an email to mydisposable@live.com I'll listen, though. :)

>> No.14595341

what kind of game is this

>> No.14595345

I don't play games. I just like to listen.

>> No.14595347
File: 41 KB, 640x428, 5dee59f4b000b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>expecting a child of 6 to have anything to do with the stove

my parents didnt let me cook anything until i was 11 or so

>> No.14595519

sent ;)

>> No.14595613

Around 8 or 9 my dad taught how to scramble an egg, wasn't till I was 14 or 15 I would make a decent spag bol for the family.

>> No.14595681

You don't even know what your life was like at 6 you retard.

>> No.14595722

both parents started teaching me to cook after i was 9 until I hit 13, where I was essentially cooking for the whole family when they came home late, as, my elder siblings were useless in the kitchen. Pretty sure I started cooking rice at a much younger age, as all asian kids do, but I don't exactly remember when. Probably around the same time my parents allowed me to start boiling water

>> No.14595789

No you didn't. :\

>> No.14597511

>dubs of truth
You know, you son of a bitch, there is a reason you know this. Well same. I learned to cook early, but eventually my mom abandoned us with our dad while trying to use us as tokens in a headgame she was playing with her boyfriend (tweakers trying to burn each other by getting DCS called on each others kids). Turns out my dad wasn't evil like my mom had been telling us all those years, and when I went to live with him when I was in middle school he taught me how to actually cook. Went from spaghetti being my finest achievement to making whole fried chicken dinners with gravy built from roux, etc. I miss him so much.

Think I might have a couple greyhounds tonight.

>> No.14597534

check your inbox now (~_~`)

>> No.14597549

I could pour a bowl of cereal or make a sandwhich at that age. Maybe use the microwave I don't really remember, but i wasn't using the oven or stove at that age.

Why were you having a conversation with a little kid anon? Their parents mist think you're a pedo.

>> No.14598238

First thing I ever cooked, as in actually heating something up, was buttered toast. I think I was 6 or 7.

>> No.14598482

why do you type like this and why do you always post pictures of anime hermione? you've gotta be trans theres no fucking way

>> No.14598703

Helped prepping in the kitchen since 5ish, but not much more than cracking eggs. Started doing my own meals when I was 8ish, just putting a sandwich together or boiling ramen. Took over desert baking duty at 13 and started cooking properly a couple years later.

>> No.14598704

It's certainly unusual to be so obsessed with transgenderism that you randomly accuse people based on....no evidence?