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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 115 KB, 1200x675, ques.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14584740 No.14584740 [Reply] [Original]

>go to Taco Bell
>"yes I'd like a quesarito please"
>"sorry sir we don't have quesaritos anymore"
>leave taco bell

>> No.14584770

dangerously based

>> No.14584771

>go to taco bell
>look around
>look at attendent
>look at preparers
>look at menu
>look back at attendent
>look at non existent seating
>look at floor
>do the dinosaur

>> No.14584779

hahahaha he said the dinosuar memey!!!!

>> No.14584785

they still have quesaritos tho

>> No.14584790

>ask for quesarito
>ask for 5 layer burrito
>ask for beefy frito burrito
Don't plan on going back.

>> No.14584795

not as of the last time i went there, a few days ago

>> No.14584798

it's on their website. go in and sperg out and threaten to call the regional manager next time they say no.

>> No.14584810

>sperg out over fast food
The reason to get fast food is lack of hassle.

>> No.14584832

it's like you don't even want the quesarito. you don't deserve it.

>> No.14584835

>ask them to put cheese on tortilla, microwave for 30 seconds
>”sorry sir we don’t carry tortillas or cheese any longer”

>> No.14586029

sounds like you've got beans for brains fatty.
>you can order the quesarito via the app
>5 layer literally still there. get your eyes checked

>> No.14586336

>"sir this is a long john silvers not a taco bell"

>> No.14586514
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The biggest loss was the $1 triple layer nachos, especially with them jacking up the cost of the bell grande. Triple layer and a fresco soft taco was my go to for lunch.

>> No.14587010
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Now that tb is finished, what is a good fake Mexican replacement that isn’t taco time?

>> No.14587023

no xxl grilled stuft burrito too what the fuck were they thinking

>> No.14587041

>reason to get fast food is lack of hassle
>doesn't use the app
Yeah, you're retarded.

>> No.14587155

Their value menu is fucked but the crunchwrap and 5 layer are still there

>> No.14587158

And the grilled cheese burrito

>> No.14587173

FUCK taco bell
FUCK mexicans
SEND THEM BACK over the border

TRUMP 2020

>> No.14587214


>> No.14587473

>pull up to mcdonalds drive thru
>can I get uhhhh mcdouble with no pickles add mac sauce
>mcdouble pops up on screen
>add mac sauce $0.25
>drive away

>> No.14587475

that'll be $3.79 plus tip

>> No.14587522

They did bring back that $5 nachos box which is good, but it's just a LTO so it won't be around for long.

>> No.14587529

The nacho box is one of the best deals they've ever had. It's just a fuck ton of nachos to eat in one sitting, and yeah, I doubt they're going to keep it on the menu for very long. I'm thinking about picking one up later if it cools down a bit.

>> No.14587766

fuck corona for giving franchise owning kikes yet another excuse to cut down on menu items

>> No.14587996

I know exactly how you feel, bro. Taco Bells in my area got rid of half their ingredients. XXL steak and Double-decker Supremes were my go-to items, always plenty of tasty food for your buck. Lately they've been stingy as fuck with fillings, particularly meats.

>> No.14588019

Taco Johns is awesome, but not too many locations outside of Wisconsin. The closest one to me is a half hour away, and that’s almost all expressway.

>> No.14588033

they are changing their menu every week and yet the one posted on the drive through always looks faded and cloudy like it's been there for 10 years

>> No.14588051

Any yall niggas be liking they sauces? I wanna buy the sauce and just make my own tacos. I think the sauce is all you need Tbh.

>> No.14588062

ya they ok the Baja sauce real fine

>> No.14588067

Taco bell always reminded me of baby food

>> No.14588145

Why are you like this?

>> No.14588169

There's TJ's all over central Iowa. Wish they had a value menu.

>> No.14588177

Those are nice, but I don't want to blow my day's worth of calories in one sitting. Unless you want to come share some nachos with me.

>> No.14588186

>go to Taco Bell
>"yes I'd like a steak soft taco, no tomatoes, and a cheesy gordita crunch, please"
>"sorry sir we don't have steak soft tacos anymore"
>leave taco bell
>kill myself

>> No.14588421
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>> No.14588475

>go to taco bell
>look at ceiling
>look at floor
>look at ceiling
>look at floor
>ask for szechuan sauce
>thrash around on floor like retard
>commit suicide

>> No.14588480
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>> No.14588483
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>> No.14588499
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>> No.14588547

>ask for a spicy potato soft taco
>"sorry sir we don't have potatoes anymore"
>turn 360 degrees and walk out

>> No.14588555
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Go to Del Taco for spuds

>> No.14588563

who /chalupa/ here?

>> No.14588565

Taco Bell should have a basic BEEF BURRITO option, the Combo Burrito was fine because I like beef/bean, but any place should have some kind of standard beef burrito as well as bean

>> No.14588633
File: 1.97 MB, 3024x4032, TB 8 17 20 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Picked up a $5 nacho box tonight. Added red sauce and jalapenos. It is a really good deal (it's basically twice the size of a Belle Grande, but costs less and comes with a drink), but it's really just too much nacho to eat in one sitting. Still nice occasionally, and they don't charge extra if you want chicken.

>> No.14588637

>go to taco bell
>order item you like
>"I am sorry sir, every item you like has been discontinued"
Galaxy brains running Taco Bell.

>> No.14588647

Shitty but still kek'd

>> No.14588653
File: 21 KB, 480x360, tachqdefault (6).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who remembers the old Taco Bell nachos?

>> No.14588704

as long as they have the gordita crunch, all is not lost

>> No.14588719
File: 32 KB, 520x304, gorditas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's good but they should have kept the originals too

>> No.14588723

>tfw no nacho sharing buddy

>> No.14588729

those are just chalupas

>> No.14588733
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i miss it so much bros

>> No.14588734
File: 79 KB, 501x501, chalupagordita.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No they're not. Chalupas and Gorditas came out around the same time, they were two opposite forms of new taco. Deep fried and crispy vs soft and pillowy.

>> No.14588735

I miss the chalupa box.

>> No.14588736

That was one of the worst LTO items they've ever had. It ranks slightly above their gas station tier chicken taquitos.

>> No.14588828
File: 1.87 MB, 3024x4032, TB 8 17 20 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always forget that this location dumps their iced tea at like 8pm for who knows why, so at the spur of the moment I asked for a diet pepsi. I don't like diet soda, but I really don't like sugar water, so I figured I'd at least take a few sips of this before I dumped it. And like clockwork the guy hands me a large instead of a medium, saying he hooked me up because they were out of my first choice.

>> No.14588836


>> No.14589034

mexican food is disgusting

>> No.14589042

XXL steak was the one fucking “normal” taqueria thing you could get. It was inferior to, but generally comparable to, a real burrito from a real place. You could grab one at midnight when everyone is closed, like if I had to work late. Fuck them for that, it seriously pissed me off and I haven’t been back much since then. I would have paid a $2-3 premium just for their trouble to keep it around. Fuck Taco Bell.

>> No.14589051

Half the taquerias around me are open 2-3 hours later than Taco Bell, and their burritos are the same price the XXL was while being 10 times better. I tried it once and decided it was a stupid item that didn't fit their niche at at all. I would have rather payed 4 or 5 dollars for a handful of dollar items than get a mediocre Chipotle clone.

>> No.14589070
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Will they ever bring it back? Second only to the volcano menu, IMO.

>> No.14589085

I live in a nice area (by choice) in a single family house that I own. Everything closes by 11. I can, and have, traveled another 15 minutes out of my way to go within $URBAN_SHITHOLE to get food, but I really don’t want to financially support that city, people within it, or pay them taxes, so I’d rather just make a boring ham sandwich, really. XXL steak was halfway there and occasionally appealing to me.

>> No.14589088

Taco Bell "steak" always makes me think I'm eating rabbit food (or maybe rabbit shit - I've never owned a rabbit and am drunk). I've never understood the appeal.

>> No.14589102

Gorditas were one of the first fast food items I remember being released, and really enjoying the supreme one as a five-year-old.

>> No.14589103

fun fact, rabbits eat their own shit, so it can be both! https://www.mcgill.ca/oss/article/did-you-know/rabbits-eat-their-own-poop

>> No.14589152

>diet soda
this board never ceases to disgust me

>> No.14589179


>> No.14589245

>go to Taco Bell
>remember I'm white, not poor and not in college
>leave taco bell

>> No.14589252

They got rid of the 7 Layer Burrito, literally one of the best things you can eat there for like 2 decades.

WTF, Taco Bell?

>> No.14589254

>go to Taco Bell
stopped reading there

>> No.14589542
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>> No.14590156

All soda is disgusting.

>> No.14590185

your face is disgusting

>> No.14590188

They literally have a beef burrito. It's on the value menu. Replaced the beefy Fritos burrito.

>> No.14590196

Del Taco doesn't exist where I live.

>> No.14590226

God if I ever see you with a quesarito I'm gonna fucking steal it from you and eat it

>> No.14590231
File: 20 KB, 563x418, ABED9892-74AA-40A5-9C94-92E9EAA0D8FA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Makes no sense why they scrapped these bad boys

>> No.14590239

It makes no sense why anyone bought them in the first place. (And they got rid of most things that come grilled because that's what slows everything down.)

>> No.14590275

>Go to my Taco Bell nearby and tell them to make it anyway because I know damn well they have all the ingredients, and just to charge me for something that was the same price
>They do it cause the manager there is nice

>> No.14590546

>still can't figure out how to order it
caveman brain over here
pics or it didn't happen. they can't ring it up and bullshit orders can be seen by corporate.

>> No.14590892

>charge me for something that was the same price
Why wouldn't they just charge you for a quesarito? It's still on the menu.

>> No.14590913

>go to taco
>order two boxes and supersize both pepsis
>go home and eat taco bell while playing dark souls
youll never be comfortable like this if you dont learn to love taco bell

>> No.14592185

These things sucked so bad. Fried chicken belongs at KFC not taco bell.

>> No.14592225
File: 487 KB, 1319x982, Screen Shot 2020-08-18 at 5.14.02 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

still on their menu, numbnutz.
you're a JV level troll at best

>> No.14592908

The only reason anyone bought them was from 2pm to 5pm they were a dollar

>> No.14592940

>closest del taco in detroit
fuck bros just kill me

>> No.14593164

They got rid of it from the physical menu, making you have to order online to get it.

>> No.14593348

they are removing quesaritos and potato items from their menu by the end of the month.

>> No.14593357

If they're not going to give it to you when you ask for it they're not going to give it to you when you order online, they're just going to ask if you'll accept a substitution or give you a refund.

>> No.14593500

wrong. i literally ordered one a couple days ago. use the app dumbshit. if you don't want to use the, stop bitching.

>> No.14593538

>Taco Bell is eliminating 12 more items from its menu
>a move made to streamline operations and clear the space for new items

Hmm could be interesting.

>such as plant-based meals.

NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NEIN! FUCK THIS FUCKING SHIT REEEEEEEEEEEEEEE I KNEW BEYOND MEAT WOULD LEAD TO SHIT LIKE THIS. EVERYONE'S ALL LIKE "oh Anon, the beyond meat is just another option you'll still have your regular items. They would NEVER use beyond meat to replace something else." HA! I FUCK FUCK FUCKING KNEW IT


>> No.14593633

They got rid of the potatoes.

And I got potatoes in everything at Taco Bell.

There is no more reason to go to Taco Bell.

>> No.14593830

They used to do this at my old Taco Bell except they'd ask you to fill out the survey on the receipt saying the did a good job. I would accept the drink and give poor feedback for trying to cheat the system.

>> No.14593867

I used to work at Taco Bell when I was a teen. I got free food everynight because I was on the closing shift. It was pretty based but I started getting pretty fat. My favorite was the XXL grilled stuft burrito. I would make it like a smothered burrito though with enchilada sauce and melted cheese on top with a Baja Blast. A few months ago, I go to Taco Bell to get an XXL because I was in the mood only for the asshole on the other end to tell me that they no longer carry it. Why would they remove their best most filling item? Fuck Taco Bell. Glad I quit that place long ago.

>> No.14593901

Did you miss the part where I said ring up something of equal value? How the fuck is 'corporate' going to know one specific Taco Bell went out of their way to make a Quesarito? You think they got people watching cameras 24/7 like some global Taco Bell network?

>> No.14593909
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>> No.14593920

They do if you are not actively doing something a call comes in to the manager.
T. Taco Bell slave

>> No.14595711

Beyond Soy is a double threat:
>You can market it as a "healthier tastier safer alternative to meat" that tastes exactly the same
>It's astronomically cheaper to manufacture, purchase, store, and cook than meat, yet you can still plausibly charge the same amount as a meat-based item (or even maybe more)
both decisions and money are made at the margins; Taco Hell most likely thinks they can significantly raise their bottom line by shoving cheap soylent green into all their dishes and cut their meat supply lines and no one will notice.
It's looking like Chik-fil-a is the only remaining true fast food restaurant not heavily invested in fucking over their own customers

>> No.14596119

The day the gordita crunch is taken out of the menu is the day I stop going there.

>> No.14596151

>Taco John's
Never been there but I don't want anyone name John making my tacos

>> No.14596156

I live in SD and there's like 4 locations in my town. It's not uncommon in the midwest in general.

>> No.14596172

I always just go on tuesdays.
1$ tacos / bean burritos.

>> No.14596178

add to this the fact that the meat was probably the least unhealthy thing in all of the fast food menu items that have gone through a "Beyond" remake (e.g. Whopper)