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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 77 KB, 879x494, ekmek-dha_16_9_1583942857.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14585891 No.14585891 [Reply] [Original]

>Americans will never know the taste of real bread

>> No.14585899

we have bakeries
not everyone here lives off that over processed bullshit

>> No.14585931
File: 732 KB, 1200x800, BBUBreadLine_Lead.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice Bakery™ you got there

>> No.14585939
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wells good to live 150 meters from a bakery
nothing like getting up in 5 am for that fresh baked stuff
the smell is amazing

>> No.14585952
File: 163 KB, 1000x666, 02D49CF67B-653E-4ABB-5718-804A002E5F56.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's patended or world heritage..
No one can just fake it.

>> No.14585965


>i will never have a bread girl come buy and rest a baguette on my door, touching the dirty ass ground

Why even live?

>> No.14585973


Bakeries are damn near impossible to find unless you live in a major metropolitan area. I have to drive like 45 min to get to a real bakery. This is because bakeries just aren't profitable in the US as most americans would rather just buy supermarket shit.

>> No.14585974

>the smell is amazing
You should smell my ass after a night of pounding beers and being pounded by bears.
I hope you like vinegar.

>> No.14585975
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We're all about choices here. The hand ground whole wheat is right next to the wonder bread.

You otoh have no choice but to seethe about someone who doesn't give a shit about you.

>> No.14585998


Imagine being the worker who has to wake up at 2am to prep and bake that shit.

>> No.14585999

Just make your own bread you fucking idiot

>> No.14586004

Imagine never eating sourdough bread
Such a sad existence.

>> No.14586022
File: 115 KB, 1203x900, stale-bread.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buy cheap, tasteless, bread in shop. Why it not taste like anything?

>> No.14586036

You forgot to dip it in ranch

>> No.14586037
File: 1.75 MB, 1200x848, iu[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wouldn't mind opening my own bakery but big corporations in the US make it really hard to do so.

>> No.14586046

I nearly gagged, thanks anon.

>> No.14586052

make deal with city's mafia

>> No.14586055
File: 3.30 MB, 1126x1900, bait.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

really sick of these shitty decisive threads. at least the atlantic v pacific one isn't total bait

>> No.14586109

On my street where I live there are 4 bakeries alone within 1 block of walking distance. Glendale, California.

>> No.14586209

Americans can eat real bread should they be ready to pay about 8 or 10 bucks a decent loaf because Americans are usually to lazy to make any worthwhile bread at home themselves
Americans enjoy disturbing white breads without any sustanance it's best to consider it a ball of cotton candy even the so called wheat bread are entirely disgusting
Filthy Americans have earned every reason to be shot although it's a joy to know that cancer is taking them all down case by case

>> No.14586237

Living in California is a pretty big price to pay for bakeries

>> No.14586247

It's expensive out here, but it's a great place to live.

>> No.14586249

I live very comfortably in Southern California, about 20 minutes from the beach, and where I live votes majority republican. I could live like a king in other states, but life here is great.

>> No.14586262

OK, Joe.

>> No.14586613


>> No.14586625

When I did it, I'd be at the bakery for 3, done by 11, sleep until "dinner", have a bit of a life, get back to work, off Sunday and Monday. It wasn't too terrible at all.

>> No.14586638

My kid brother was a baker. Got flour astma. .

>> No.14586650
File: 106 KB, 452x508, 1590279529852.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's not real bread. This is.

>> No.14586702

I would've thought it's a matter of population density. Here in france you can usually find a bakery within a 5-10 minutes walk, unless you live in bumfuck nowhere. I feel like in the US you would have to walk for ages, and I wouldn't take my car just for a fucking piece of bread.

>> No.14586709

those are sniggerdoos in a close up shot.

>> No.14586717
File: 272 KB, 447x458, 1594073974940.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


What kind of bread would you like, eurofag? Publix has a great selection.


>> No.14586723
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Fuck that shit. Real niggers dip it in The Good Stuff™

>> No.14586733

every supermarket in my town has a bakery inside that bakes bread identical to the OP image

>> No.14586745

this is exactly what i wasnt talking about

>> No.14586923

bought some from a small market in la, looked as it should, tasted bland as fuck

>> No.14586929

that shit sucks, which is odd because ranch is good...franks is good but together trash

>> No.14586935


Which is why many local bakeries do not exist in the US. I hear the supermarket bakers also take shortcuts that result in an inferior product, but it isn't inferior enough for people to care. Or there are not enough traditional bakeries for americans to know what bakery bread should taste like.

>> No.14586939
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europeans may have a lot of bread but they lack a lot of dough

>> No.14586942

Do you seriously believe that nonsense? There are bakeries in every US city, I'm sure rural areas have options too. The USA is a very large place, you 4th World dregs don't seem to understand this.

>> No.14586952

damn all that bread ive been eating is fake? i must be more gullible than i thought

>> No.14586963


I am an american. The only place I lived at where bakeries were readily available were major cities, and Hawaii.

Most bakeries I've encountered do not sell bread, but special order cakes and pastries.

>> No.14586972

Bakeries are super fucking common, even in smaller towns. I live in a city of 50,000, and we have like 8 fucking bakeries

>> No.14586985


Near you, maybe

>> No.14586991

Not true in the least city boi, also Amish markets.

>> No.14586995

Rent free

>> No.14586998

Every supermarket has a bakery. Open your eyes.

>> No.14587117

Don't you believe that
I'm American and it hurts to admit that Tbh
This place is a 3rd world shit hole
God I hate the northwest

>> No.14587169
File: 150 KB, 1920x957, received_630495654245823.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I make my own bread.

This is my first attempt at a brioche loaf.

>> No.14587259

>I require special man to create breads for me, I'm literally helpless without a gigantic support network at my fingertips
Nothing but a cog... Probably can't even fix a flat tire

>> No.14587335
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>> No.14587774

where do you live.. Nebraska? every town east of the Mississippi river has a bakery, it might not have a huge selection but basics like rye, sour dough, french bread, ciabatta, baguette, brioche roll etc.

>> No.14587884

Every single one of these posts are being ignored. It's almost as if OP is trolling or something Hhhhmmmm..............

>> No.14587930

Imagine not baking your own bread

>> No.14587933

Looks more like sponge cake.

>> No.14587976

Bakeries usually do pretty well since flour and water and eggs are cheap as fuck. The problem is is that it's an A LOT of work and you have to know what you're doing.

>> No.14588036

climate plays a role in baking, some regions just can't make good bread or on at certain times a year

>> No.14588057

>you have to know what you're doing
like not adding eggs to bread dough.

>> No.14588108

"Let's be autistic" the thread. Thanks for the entertainment retards, everyone is laughing at you.

>> No.14588118

>Europeans will never know the smell of real steak
Why even live

>> No.14588209

I think you did a great job, and you'll likely only get better from there. I bake my own bread sometimes too. Used to more, but trying like hell to finish this house and sell. Then will go full bore with it again. Do you have a preferred flour?

>> No.14588239
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>> No.14588306

There's alot of mexican bakeries, they're based. I always get a pumpkin empanada

>> No.14588314

Okay goy enjoy your egg free challah

>> No.14588414

They will, and then they'll deep fry it as it doesn't taste right.

>> No.14588502
File: 322 KB, 800x600, 38478F21-89CC-41FD-9F19-269D34B6B223.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw when I’ve lived in Europe
>mfw when I make my own bread, usually something like χωριάτικο ψωμί

>> No.14588522

How common is whole grain bread in Europe? I'm American and it's not impossible to find good bread but finding good 100% whole grain bread is a lot harder. I also have some food allergies to common ingredients so I just make my own bread for the most part now.

>> No.14588595

greeks have god tier cuisine

>> No.14588671

we get home before lunch and are free the entire day

>> No.14588678
File: 2.37 MB, 2816x2112, Ruisleipä-limppu_reikäleipä_reissumies_hapankorppu-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rye sourdough is the best

>> No.14588681
File: 148 KB, 1260x840, meyers_oelandshvedebroed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most of the world has no clue about bread, even within Europe. Shitholes like Benelux, fringe scandi (Norway, Finland), anything east of Germany.. Spain too. All of them jokes when it comes to baking a decent bread.

>> No.14588684

Theres a bakery 5 minutes away from me. You are so obsessed and yet ignorant.

>> No.14588688

Ive made tons of breads for co workers and they always complain about sweetness and softness,

>> No.14588701
File: 9 KB, 259x195, blingpostin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based. what are some blingbling boy approved foods? i'm thinking white truffle risotto with gold flake garnish

>> No.14588709
File: 75 KB, 550x412, absolute bagels.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>euros will never know the taste of a real bagel

>> No.14588881

wait ... they don't have good bagels over there?

>> No.14589219

>what is a pastry

>> No.14589240
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>> No.14589241

Came here to say that Australians will also never understand what it is to have good bread.
>Americans supermarket plastic-sugar bread
>"artisan" heavy as fuck snowflake bread
After traveling through France, germany, netharlands and Vietnam I don't know how anyone eats sandwiches

>> No.14589341

How much fucking sugar do you have in that thing?

>> No.14589395

The best sourdough in the world is from America

>> No.14589413

i made some in North Carolina and it was the best i ever ate, tried the same recipe in Florida and it was the worst i've ever had. I guess the natural yeast floating around in FL is just not right?

>> No.14589421


>> No.14589433

All bread produced in the USA is objectively, fucking shit.

>> No.14589448

>implying i dont bake my own bread weekly

>> No.14589458

not gonna lie, would stick up my arse. Or in my mouth.

>> No.14589468
File: 64 KB, 688x547, 1551223808644.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So if a French baker came over to America and imported all his ingredients, he somehow wouldn't be able to make decent bread?

>> No.14589487

Last time I went to paris it was a complete shithole, I legit worry the entire country will get wiped out by immigration at some point and all the nice food will go with it

>> No.14589489

Ive had the real stuff. It was great an all but meh i dont mind. Ill just stick to my $1 bagette from Walmart.

>> No.14589495

>flour asthma
is this a thing? If so thanks for warning me to never be a baker

>> No.14589502
File: 8 KB, 128x43, the_new_imported_meme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are usually latin bakeries nearby in Florida.
Moved to Cali and I haven't found any that are close. Woyld have hoped beaners would have had some sense and opened up kore bakeries.

>> No.14589504

God fucking damn I love american food why do I live in the UK home of literal garbage tier cuisine

>> No.14589512

Yeah, if you regularly work with flour sometimes you'll see it form a cloud as it gets poured into a bowl or something. Some of it ends up being inhaled.

Also, if enough flour is suspended in the air it can cause a dust explosion.

>> No.14589516

Mmmmm amish and country bakeries. I mean supermarket does great, but i can get some kinds of breads out on the country side that i normally cant.

>> No.14589539


>> No.14589555

I live in a town with 13,000 people in the midwest and there are two fucking bakeries you disingenuous fuck.

>> No.14589582
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>if enough flour is suspended in the air it can cause a dust explosion

>> No.14589690

Make yo own bread

>> No.14589711

Kind of upset that I will never be able to experience Paris. It's too late for them.

>> No.14589732
File: 421 KB, 800x435, Boulangerie-illustration-800x435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait what the fuck ? Bakeries in the US aren't common? Do you just have to deal with packed supermarket shit?

I'm French and I've worked in industrial bakeries as a summer job and shit, it's not that bad but the hygiene is below ground level.

Also when I went to the UK, I noticed that even bakery bread is 10 times worse than in french bakeries. Once you get used to good bread (and wine!) you can never go back.

>> No.14589746

why is that? seems like you're grasping at straws

>> No.14589803

eyy it protectects against the gluten Tone, don't be dissin 'onest workers like that eh?

>> No.14589845

>Bakeries in the US aren't common?
the ones that exist go under/bleed money b/c nobody knows what to do with a baguette. Only breakfast pastries sell
>Do you just have to deal with packed supermarket shit?
we choose to deal with it, because again, nobody knows wtf to do with a baguette. You can't make pbj's, you can't make good buttered toast, or a good grilled cheese, or anything familiar - most of our most popular sandwiches are made primarily with sliced bread.
What's left, brie and charcuterie? Tapenade? Nobody eats that shit.

>> No.14589860 [DELETED] 

europeans who autistically obsess over bread are even cringier than nips who obsess over sushi

>> No.14589870
File: 200 KB, 1024x1024, 944_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't know what to do with a baguette ? How ? it's the most versatile form of bread, put it in olive oil and you get oil bread, put anything in it and you've got a sandwich
I literally have a baguette container just for sandwich baguette
I get that it's probably a cultural thing, but still

>> No.14589876

>most of our most popular sandwiches are made primarily with sliced bread.
No... most are made on rolls or buns

>> No.14589919

seared ahi tuna on a plate of black coffee, but the entire time you brag about how YOUR tuna is fancy while the POORS eat their tuna from a can, like cats

>> No.14589965

*blocks your path*
nothing personal, kid

>> No.14589976


>> No.14590005

Oh shit, how can they ever recover?

>> No.14590036

Who are you quoting?
It's not bread.

>> No.14590071

There's a lot of bakeries in south florida somewhat similar to ones I saw in yurope and south america (albeit the ones in FL look more third world) with a variety of bread and pastry options where you can just sit for hours and chat or relax. That didn't seem to be the case anywhere else I've been in the US, aside from bakeries that were way overpriced and were more like restaurants

>> No.14590077


I live in a town of 30,000 two hours' drive from the nearest major city and we have at least 3 bakeries.

>> No.14590079

in case something like >>14587169
drops on his head obviously

>> No.14590085

It wouldn't be as hot if Pacifica bought those things instead of real brand bread

>> No.14590117

I once dreamt that Amazon opened a bakery division and you could order bread and receive it on your door in 15 minutes, fresh

>> No.14590119

>you would have to walk for ages, and I wouldn't take my car
you have to take your car regardless of where you are going in the US, you have an enourmous risk of getting shot/stabbed/mugged if you walk on the sidewalks

>> No.14590159

insane cope. that stuff is really mediocre compared to proper bakery bread.

>> No.14590182

Dude you are so full of shit. Paris is the capital of typical, traditional, French cuisine. We're talking such delicacies as foie gras, ratatouille, beef bourguignon, coq au vin, doner kebab, bouillabaisse, brie en croute, you name it. You clearly never visited it properly.

>> No.14590263

He didn't say anything about the food you illiterate autist. The city its self is a piss smelling homeless filled shit hole.

>> No.14590278
File: 56 KB, 600x399, bong food.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not baking your own daily bread in the mornings when you get ready

lately i have been making regular yorkshire puddings, something about this bong shit has me addicted.

t. mutt

>> No.14590280


Bakeries are fairly common but they are seen more as a source for specialty baked goods or as a fancy store for rich people. Most regular people get their bread for home consumption at the supermarket.

>> No.14590374

I lived by a small bakery in the poorest region in ny state and it would occasionally completely sell out of bread by noon on a weekday.

If anything rich people are the ones who buy the 5 dollar name brand garbage.

>> No.14590386

>t. dumb weeb

>> No.14590392


Interesting, maybe it varies by region. Where I live (small middle-class town in a mid-Atlantic state), almost everyone gets their bread at the supermarket or Wal-mart. The couple bakeries in town are for if you need a fancy cake or specialty loaf of bread like challah or fresh sourdough or whatever.

>> No.14590415

can't make a good cubano without a good roll

>> No.14590416
File: 891 KB, 3072x2304, HEB-BREAD[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When people are talking about "grocery store bakeries" they are referring to the in-store ones which often make things like pic related. The only discussion then is how anal you are about the style in which your baker produces the bread-- these are essentially mixes put into industrial mixers, proofed, and baked in specialty ovens so they are idiotproof. Some stores get in parbaked items and just finish them.

>> No.14590421

>enourmous risk of getting shot/stabbed/mugged
or arrested

>> No.14590434

cubans give way more of a shit about bread than any other hispanics, that's why

>> No.14590440

>you have to take your car regardless of where you are going in the US, you have an enourmous risk of getting shot/stabbed/mugged if you walk on the sidewalks

Do Yuropoors actually believe this? Most violent crime in the US is concentrated in, like, a few neighborhoods in maybe a half-dozen cities. Nearly everywhere else is quite safe.

>> No.14590451

Making a big ass pile of bread right now, it had an unfortunate accident though so the crumb and surface might be a source of embarrassment for me. Incredibly even without scoring it looks kind of ok on top. I shall return with pics soon.

>> No.14590474

where the fuck do you live? Connecticut or Montana? Or are one of those sheltered autistic/brats that never actually leaves the house except with you family to go to the grocery store?

>> No.14590482

looking forward to it

>> No.14590510

Live in a larger town with 25k. Tons of bakeries.

>> No.14590540


I live in a medium sized East Coast city and have lived in a couple major ones. Where the fuck do you live, West Baltimore?

>> No.14590551
File: 127 KB, 900x577, pane-matera.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oof'in hard at this thread, breadlets everywhere

>> No.14590573
File: 303 KB, 1248x936, IMG_20200818_190503.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Big cracked little ba(s)tard it is. Crumb shot when it has cooled sufficiently.

>> No.14590579
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Ripped and torn'd.

>> No.14590589
File: 127 KB, 1153x823, 1473317541222.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Americans blah blah blah blah...

>> No.14590594

9 different states from Florida to Maryland( all east of the Mississippi )

>> No.14590596

shouldn't affect taste, looks nice

>> No.14590701

i want to fuck your bread

>> No.14591151
File: 224 KB, 1248x936, IMG_20200818_205259.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah? You still want to fuck this CRUMB?

>> No.14591199
File: 590 KB, 728x390, E7822D32-54B4-496D-9506-A6FEA0FCF8B3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Somun is the GOAT and you can’t prove me wrong

>> No.14591341

i would cock slap it first until it cries, then penetrate it mercilessly
good job, i prefer it more alveolated but would eat/10

>> No.14591414

I'd wager it was a convenience thing too. The bakery had bread cheaper than everywhere but Walmart which was on the other side of town.

Some of the dirt poor people I knew were the only ones eating at the Subway next door to it.

>> No.14592116

Yes I have, here in mass we have tons of authentic bakeries.

>> No.14592675

My mother's family owns a bakery.

>> No.14592892

>Saying when after mfw
You have severely triggered my autism.

>> No.14593020

kys yourself

>> No.14593222

I have 4 bakeries where I live, it’s called Panera :)

>> No.14593421

>paying for bread
Chumps, what's it like knowing that you can't do something that Ethiopian women 5 generations from ape can do?

>> No.14593443

I work at a bakery and I always get smelled by my gf when I come home. it was weird and silly at first but now it kinda turns me on

>> No.14593514

Over 30 years in America and never once lived in any town that didn't have a bakery. Terrible bait threads always.

>> No.14593612

since when?

>> No.14593623

yeah bb
lets bake some loaves
let me slide my baguette in your hot love oven

>> No.14593980

There are plenty of good bakeries where I live in the US. My wife bakes a ton of bread, but it's nice to go to my favorite bakery(the guy that owns it is one of the best pastry chefs in the world) every now & then.

>> No.14594143


>> No.14595232


>> No.14595234


>> No.14595315

Supermarket bakeries literally have all their shit come in pre-made frozen. I've worked at two different stores. Maybe some high end fancy shit might not, but idk.

>> No.14595760

I make my own bread, also OBSESSED.

>> No.14595792
File: 1004 KB, 4032x3024, 117864423_754216145376608_3122066764213479038_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you trying to tell me these buns don't look good? 3 whole eggs and 3 yolks are in these and I made them 3 days back.

>> No.14595797

even in bumfuck nowhere the nearest village over 500 people will have a bakery. even tiny hamlets have a depot de pain

>> No.14595801

you can get it anywhere

>> No.14595815

ARe you gay?

>> No.14595821

yeah it most certainly is but the food remains great.

>> No.14596771

Bakeries everywhere, live just outside NYC.

>> No.14596875

How do you use a baguette, I just eat them like this guy>>14589870

>> No.14598282

I have never met a single Japanese person who obsesses over sushi, and I've lived here for almost eight years now. I'd say something like 30% actively dislike sushi. Every single time I go to an expensive sushi bar (for special occasions), something like 80% of the customers are foreigners.

>> No.14598375

Nah. That's bull shit.

>> No.14598560

Looks like cake bread.

>> No.14598588

But you have to wake up at ungodly hours almost every day. So you’re free when everyone is working? Massive fucking cope.

>> No.14598650

you're straight up wrong as fuck, i used the exact same sourdough recipe in North Carolina and Florida and it came out wildly different. Humidity and elevation play a huge roll in how your dough comes out

>> No.14598654
File: 586 KB, 2400x1722, 1597454831813.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

American here. I can MAKE real bread.

>> No.14598867

lol based

>> No.14598873

not visually amazing but it does look like it tastes amazing

>> No.14598880

holy cringe. kys namefag retard. France is a shithole no. cope

>> No.14598902

Well for a wild fermented dough you monkey lmao. Bread doesn't begin and end at wild ferments and furthermore if you have issues using the "exact same recipe" then pull your head from your ass and adjust the recipe. Use less water if you have more humidity. This is pretty simple stuff.

>> No.14598972
File: 921 KB, 2048x1360, img_10701.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sugar explosions are where it's at

>> No.14599622
File: 277 KB, 1908x1146, 42E3EBFE00000578-0-image-a-34_1501651769156[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

beets or cane? sugar beet plants smell like ass already, imagining that smell on fire

>> No.14599973

Similarly I have resorted to making my own bread and just eating less.
Yea I brought some bread I made to my girlfriends house and her mom was kind of wierd about it

>> No.14599982

do american's think they can really?

>> No.14600250

Let the americans believe that eu is a shithole. They are gatekeeping eu for us. Thanks based ameribros

>> No.14600293

1/3 cup

It's a first attempt follow a babish recipe.

>> No.14600349

It’s called homemade

>> No.14600354

Not with your GMO wheat.
Fuck that.