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File: 102 KB, 1024x512, foodora-just-eat-skip-the-dishes-uber-eats-doordash.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14586936 No.14586936 [Reply] [Original]

Why are app drivers such lazy entitled cunts?

When I order directly from a random pizza chain or chinese restaurant their drivers bring the food directly to my side door as requested.

When I use an app the drivers almost always call and ask me to come out because they claim to be lost. When I go outside they are sitting in their car on the street right infront of my house or they are idling in my driveway. They then proceed to pass the food through the window.

>> No.14586947

are they black, female, or stoner looking types?

>> No.14586980

not even, they mostly seem like the struggling new immigrant or student types.

>> No.14587033

>why are third party randoms not as consistent in quality as the people hired directly on the company’s payroll?
Same reason FedEx sucks ass in some areas and is alright in others. Once a third party comes into play they can either excel far beyond or be the lowest of the low, and guess which one is generally more common.
You could just make your own shit or get a frozen pizza or something you lazy faggot

>> No.14587059

if they're not white, don't expect better than bare minimum service

>> No.14587099

the pizza guys are non white and they do a perfect job. chinese guy barely speaks english and even he is more capable than the app slackers. only reason i still bother with the app is to grab stuff from this mom n pop that always has a huge lineup.

i only use the apps for non pizza/chinese you stoopnig.

>> No.14587103

If they ask you to come out because they are lost then fuck that shit, if they arent leaving it at the door so I dont have to meet them then Im not interested in their services.

>> No.14587190

I never have this problem

>> No.14587308

ive actually considered the "contact free" option but i have a bad feeling that they will just leave it at the wrong door and dip.

>> No.14587919

The only time I do this when delivering is when you live in an apartment complex that was numbered by a complete retard. I'm not going to drive around your entire fucking complex to find F204.

>> No.14587991

You're the one sitting at home on your ass and you call THEM lazy?

>> No.14588007

there is a profound difference between paying someone to do something and half assing something you got paid todo.

did you build your own house? no? you must be lazy then!

>> No.14588015

Getting in the car and driving a few miles is slightly easier and requires less expertise than building a house, bucko.

>> No.14588028

cant drive if ive had a few beers you dumb nig. i have discretionary income and i decided to pay someone to bring food to my address, not the street outside my address. they shouldnt even take the job if they arent going to do it right.

>> No.14588164

totally understand this desu. I was a jimmy johns driver for like 2 years in school and the first few months were spent learning and remembering where each "block" was in each apartment complex
fuck having to do that for a larger area than JJ's delivery radius

>> No.14588223

“Bruh yeah just drop it off at like, B2204”
“Damn what’s taking so long?! Oh yeah it’s actually on another street google maps needs to do an update”
“Uh, nah, you gotta go all the way to the back and then back out to the street and then back in from the back”
“Bro what’s the hold up?! Just get the key from the kappa bro just bow to it fuck...”
“Come on man the door piano code isn’t even that hard to play you saw that Willy Wonka scene just pull it up on your phone bro”
“Wow damn you didn’t even wait for me to come out? I said I’d only be another 25 minutes”

Also just to fucking toast up OP, here’s what’s happening:
>be a cheap fuck and don’t tip or tip trash for long drives
>people who don’t have an app for delivery CANNOT SEE that he’s a cheap ass and fully try on the delivery in hopes of pay
>here’s your dollar bro, thanks for coming to the side!
>the “side” is half a mile by foot
>he could easily designate a spot that you can see from the street but doesn’t because he’s too stupid to create convenience for himself
>just a dumb fuck all around thinking someone with a phone and a car is about to be split over $2 and his dumbass rating that’ll get dropped anyway for his bad tipping
>ends up in the pool of trash drivers for bad customers

>> No.14588230


Apartment buildings are a whole other story, wouldnt be surprised about a driver getting lost around one of those places.

Dont want to make this a tipping thread but I tip these app drivers in advance so I kind of expect them to make a reasonable effort. Dont know how the app functions on the drivers side but Im wondering if all these lazy money grubbers make extra effort to claim the more lucrative drops.

>> No.14588232

No it’s more reliable than the person to person.

>> No.14588237

i order doordash a lot(i'm 380lbs and nearly immobile) and lately my drivers have been Indians who dont speak or read much if any English so they can't read or acknowledge the specific delivery instructions i have which is always no-contact delivery. very frustrating

>> No.14588243
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>> No.14588263
File: 18 KB, 545x361, skip Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also go fuck yourself fag i tip a reasonably good amount, you faggots also get paid even if someone chose not to tip.

>> No.14588275
File: 19 KB, 519x341, dash Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

seriously get fucked you lazy pajeet

>> No.14588282


Damn dude that’s all you had to say. As if you’re going to get good service paying with money that has women’s faces on it. Your entire country is based around being reactive to Americans while depending fully upon them.

>> No.14588285

You easily gotta live in LA or Chicago or some shithole. I’m really starting to piece the puzzle together here. Lmao.

>> No.14588294

From the drivers end, you NEVER see who makes the order until you accept it, and you cannot see available orders, they show up as a “yes/no” flow on the app, with pay information and distance information. Declining the trip has a penalty.

>> No.14588307

major canadian city, typical suburban looking street with really easy to locate houses and plenty of room to turn around and come back if you drive past the one you are going to.

oh wow, another american going out of their way to attack a random canadian whenever they encounter one. whatever makes your penis feel big bro.

does the app show you how much the advanced tip is worth?

>> No.14588321

Nah, we're dealing with a GTAfag here

>> No.14588332

Yes, if you want to be smart, top half up front and half after, if you want to be REALLY smart, add in your instructions “extra tip for leaving at side door! :)” and then just tip 40% up front and 60% or nothing after. You gotta play the game too.

Also I’m the same American, you guys are insanely reactive and the non-white Canadians are dumb assholes mostly. ;)

>> No.14588335

It’s probably one of Drakes producers posting because they have to work overtime on trash singles in a trash city.

>> No.14588433

fuck that im just going to stick to chinese and pizza till all the flaky drivers who hopped on the covid bandwagon fuck off back to their normal jobs.

>everyone from GTA is related to Drake
thank you for that fresh and innovative meme yo!!!
being Gaykes producer probably a dope job though. work hard for a few weeks and grind out a shit album and then live off the royalties.

>> No.14588659

Rate them down for it, and don't tip. Tip well and mention it when they come to your door.

>> No.14588763

>mention it when they come to your door.
kek! the problem here is that they can never find the door.

just going to stick with ordering from shops with competent drivers. dont have to bother with all these "new normal" awkward tipping gymnastics.

>> No.14588822

This, It's always some lazy 20's middle eastern faggot. They speak shit English, couldn't find a very clearly marked townhouse, and wouldn't even get out of the car. I'd always shit rate them and usually contact customer service to complain. I ordered a shit ton of app food, but then lost my job with corona, and am now doing delivery to make ends meet while lining up another good job. It pays pretty well. I almost never have an issue finding a place, and if I do, it's because it's got something weird going on that makes google maps go shit brained. Example that comes to mind are commercial places that are listed as on the main street, but are tucked way back and google just doesn't realize it. This shit is fucking basic, and if you can't do it reliably you should zero star the shit out of them.

>> No.14588846

only odd thing about my house is its set a bit further back and is flanked by larger homes. i know my house shows up perfectly on google and waze so i always find it weird when they pull up on the opposite side of the street and look at the even numbered houses even though they know my house is odd numbered. really feels like post covid a lot of these lazy faggots got into app work for easy money.

>> No.14588888

Yeah, I still get that stuff on occasion when my gf pays, and it's almost always disappointing. I wonder what the fuck is going on? Restaurants are fucking up on their end more, it shows up cold or leaked all over the bag. I got a hard walled big cooler and I don't have that problem when I deliver, fuck I can pick it up, drive 30 minutes, and pull it out and it's almost as warm as when I picked it up. And all the services ship you free thermal bags when you sign up.

>> No.14588890

whoa...nice digits

>> No.14588913

how are you getting these crazy digits?

ive personally never had issues with the contents of an order before other than the occasional missing or incorrect item. i think part of the reason is because the places i grab food from are places ive been going to for years who always package and present their food really well. dont really feel like experimenting with new places.

>> No.14588953

Last time we got from some fucking soul food taco fusion place and they forgot 2 of the 5 or 6 tacos. Like, that's all we got, no other items. I did a delivery tonight. We are "supposed" to check for accuracy, but everything is sealed due to 'rona, so I just have to take the restaurant's word if it's brown bagged. Was delivering McDonald's to the hood because I just needed one last delivery to get a bonus bit of pay. Of course, it's a nigger so they only are tipping like $1 for a $20 order, but whatever. Then I get a broken english text that their order is wrong and they want a refund, so I apologize and tell them that they'll have to contact support about that. Then see that my rating tanked right after.

>> No.14589268

weak! can you even give custees ratings like you would with the ride share or can this nigger just keep being a shithead?

>> No.14589302

Checked, and the spoiler portion thissed.

>> No.14589323

I heard people that work for these services make pretty good money, is that true? I thought about trying if that's the case. That could be a nice extra sum of cash on the weekends and I have no life.