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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14586471 No.14586471 [Reply] [Original]

What’s the best stovetop to cook with? I’m getting a house fairly soon and want a good kitchen.

>> No.14586477


>> No.14586478

gas it's not even close

>> No.14586479


>> No.14586494


>> No.14586502


>> No.14586512

the question you should ask unless you're going to make it a pro restaurant kitchen, though, is "what's the best compromise for a stove top, considering I will be using it to boil water for rice/pasta/veggies more or less often, and I will be cleaning it myself?"
unless you will die without a proper wok or don't mind spending at least 3 times as much to clean, don't be retarded and get an induction top

>> No.14586539

What a spastic reply.

>> No.14586550
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>All the gasheads ITT

>> No.14586562

Induction is best.
>easy to clean
>gets the job done faster than gas and electric
>won't randomly kill you in your sleep

>> No.14586636

What’s wrong with gas?

>> No.14586664

good reply.

>> No.14586665

gas technically, but induction works just as well in 99% of cases and is much, much easier to clean.

>> No.14586667


well for a pro kitchen and wok you'd have to hack the stove to pump out a lot more gas. you can't have a commercial gas stove in a residential residence.

i would say gas but i've been reading about how gas stoves might be bad for your heat, so i'd say induction.

I assume induction is strictly better than electric.

>> No.14586683


>> No.14586688

Underrated post

>> No.14586697

So far hadn't had experience with induction but
Everything cooks faster. That means it burns faster. If you got a cheaper pot with a plastic handle it's very likely it will burn as well. Annoying in cleaning since you need to kinda take it apart to clean properly. The heat is uneven and it shows on stuff like pancakes. Cheaper than electric.
Takes forever to start making heat. You can watch a whole season of kitchen nightmares by the time water starts boiling. Never burned anything on it, but you need to keep in mind the heat doesn't go away instantly and you need to move the pot (which may be annoying when using the whole stove already). However no matter what kinda shit you spill it all comes off easily and doesn't require you to remove anything to comfortably clean. The amount of electricity it takes is more expensive than the gas. The heat is usually very even, but sometimes pans will not stand properly on it's flat surface as some of them are made with a small bump on the bottom(although i see less of that nowdays).

>> No.14586700

This is why I don't like my gas stove and intend to get an induction eventually.

>> No.14586756

For general home use, the winner is induction and its not even close.

>> No.14586763
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>> No.14586769
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>exploding house

Pick two

>> No.14586777
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>being a retarded phone poster
pick one

>> No.14586780


>> No.14586785

wait really? I assumed induction works about as well as electric. splain the difference.

>> No.14586791

induction works way better
that's all i can say
look it up for the stats

>> No.14586792
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Good without power, downside is BOOM

>> No.14586828

Depending on the range, gas is pretty easy to clean. Electric coils are the bitch.

>> No.14586840


sorry I don’t spend all day in mommy’s basement on her computer

>> No.14586845


Gas 100%

The rest is apartment shit that was designed to reduce the risk of fire.

>> No.14586867

This anon died in a gas explosion

>> No.14586908
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Post in the thread or your house will blow up from gas the next time you go to cook.

>> No.14586927

Induction uses magnets. Your iron pan is the heat source. It is the fastest to heat. It is also the safest, since the stove top can be touched right after cooking.
Electric runs electricity through a heating element that generates heat. It takes some time for the material to heat up, and once it does your pan can start heating up. The stove top will be hot for a long time after cooking, but it's still safer than gas because no fire. IMO it takes way too long to heat up and doesn't get hot enough.

>> No.14587196

slam dunked.

I just moved into a 1br in an ancient building, with ancient appliances, so I got an induction doubleburner online. stands alone but comes with dimensions+directions to mount in a countertop, I just set it on top of the gross ass old stove that I never turned the gas util on for. I really like it a lot. In a space like this I REALLY appreciate not having an open flame going, heating up the place. Thought I would miss it more than I do, but I haven't singed one knucklehair or teatowel since. The highest modes of it heat a pan and boil water CRAZY fast, most cooking I do on the lower end, but it handles so delicate you can be really precise. I don't periodically burn my shit the way I did over gas, a fan in the room doesn't mess with the cooking, etc. really easy to keep a pan clean when you're not burning it like that. Cast iron's thickness makes it ideal, but I have a tripoly stainless steel that does well too, but thinner and easier to cook stuff onto it, easy to cook off too. Thicker the better. What I do miss is being able to keep a pan moving over heat, this has to stay still to work so I'm a less active hand while say sauteeing. And a downgrade from gas-burners-of-several-sizes, where you could maybe have wider hotspots, whereas this zaps the exact same spot precisely, which I just wish was a bit bigger, a wider base, at least on one of the hobs mighta been nice. Overall very happy would recommend thanks for reading.

>> No.14587211

A good gas cook top will cut the flow of gas if the flame goes out

>> No.14587225

Gas is comfiest, induction is most convenient.

>> No.14587227


>> No.14587231

>since the stove top can be touched right after cooking
lol try it, do it on camera pls

>> No.14587254


>> No.14587256

I have electric.

>> No.14587261

I love induction and have used it a lot but I agree, if that things cranked and you touch it after you will burn your fingers off.

>> No.14587262

This. But also gas.

>> No.14587265

stay retarded and wrong. everyone but you knows how to cook

>> No.14587275
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I want a wood cook stove

>> No.14587280

right, because you hear news stories all the time about houses exploding via gas. keep your eurotrash retard opinions to yourself

>> No.14587289

you know what he means, as compared to gas or electric, it is noticeable. To further reduce that actually I tend to put a silicone potholder on the glass, under the pan, the induction works through the potholder, which keeps the pan from heating the cooktop up and keeps it steady too. Fold up a teatowel underneath? Definitely couldn't do that with anything else!

>> No.14587309

GAS > induction. Because I can still use it during power outages

>> No.14587311
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>> No.14587344

gas so i can light my blunts

>> No.14587347

good points both

>> No.14587348

I just want a gf from this board.

>> No.14587349


>> No.14587353

What he means is induction only heats the target material (the pan) and nothing else. Whereas standard electric heats an element that heats everything.
The only reason an induction cook top gets hot is because the heat in the pan is radiating back to the cook top.
The induction cook top creates a magnetic field, which transfers the energy to the pan (hence why they only work with ferrous metals). The energy is dissipated as heat, same way a resistor turns current into heat.
That's why this demo works: https://youtu.be/T3AI1eQ50iE

It's the same way wireless phone charging works.

>> No.14587578
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>stay retarded and wro-

>> No.14587586
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so you're saying if i throw my phone on top of an induction stove it'll charge REALLY fast?

>> No.14587590

No surprise suburban mcmansions with shoddy building materials and assembly are the only examples of these gas explosions.

>> No.14587599
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Gasfag cope

>> No.14587630

Gas tank is cheap.

>> No.14587631

Gas but it requires you to pay to get the lines put in, and there's always the chance you'll leave the gas on and kill yourself.

>> No.14587638

>>14587631 this

>> No.14587662 [DELETED] 

>downside is BOOM
more fire get started with electric tho

>> No.14587663

There's a chance you leave the stove on and burn your house down, so fucking what? You might trip and crack your skull open, or die in an auto accident.

You've managed to not do any of that, so you can probably manage a gas stove.

>> No.14587677

I've forgotten my stove on overnight before and nothing happened because it was a coil stove. If inhad gas I'd be dead.

>> No.14587685

based and redpilled weed cooker

>> No.14587697

>there's always the chance you'll leave the gas on and kill yourself.
as opposed to leaving you electric stove on and dying from fire or smoke.
Electric accident is way more common too because its easier to forget than a visible flame.

''Ranges or cooktops were involved in 61 percent of reported home cooking fires, 87 percent of cooking fire deaths, and 78 percent of cooking fire injuries. Households that used electric ranges showed a higher risk of cooking fires and associated losses than those using gas ranges.'' -www.nfpa.org

>> No.14587698

alright... the answer is gas because it lets you have more control.

Hot spots are GOOD: they create variation in flavour. You will need more skill to use gas but you will get better results ask you skill up, untill you find that the BEST results are from skill+gas.

Since nobody has explained induction, here we go:

The stove top uses magnets to move electrons in your pan. Moving electrons go around in eddy currents (loops) but because the pan has an electrical resistance some of this INDUCED electric current converts to heat. Different pans will heat different amounts in different places.

Induction pans tend to have thick bases, to allow more eddy currents, since they are a bulk effect: they occur INSIDE the metal.

Induction actually works BETTER with copper. the only requirement is a conductor, you could even use a graphite pan (but who would?).

THIN pans are VERY uneven in how they heat and can even melt. If you wear a ring or a watch near a running induction hotplate... that is not good. Bad burns. BAD!

Also, you cant just toast something over an inductive burner, like you can gas.

Gas has the best controllability, get one with a wok burner, d'uh.

As for cleaning? Are you fucking kidding? It takes five minutes to clean a gas top. Five minutes a week, maybe twice, is not enough to base a decision on.

>> No.14587717
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wow /ck/ is a bunch of retards
the main flaw of induction is that pans have to be perfectly flat
it's very easy to warp pans and many pans aren't even flat to begin with

on gas it's a non-issue

>> No.14587748

yeah mate, or throw it in the microwave

>> No.14587755

reddit spacing

>> No.14587761
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>> No.14587767

Lack of wood fired stovetop is criminal.

>> No.14587778

I-Is that w-what the k-kids are calling it these d-days?

>> No.14587799
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>> No.14587831

Are you retarded? The danger of a gas stove isn't the flame, it's the fucking GAS. GAS CHOKE. GAS BOOM. UNDERSTAND?

>> No.14588054
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fuk u

>> No.14588069

Should I get a small countertop induction thingy? My stove is old and electric and takes forever to heat up

>> No.14588088

Why are so many of you niggers scared of natural gas?

The real question is what stove size is best? Minimum 36" IMHO. Double ovens are nice as well once you go bigger. Notice they dont make induction or electric stoves bigger than 30".

>> No.14588103


Now that I think about it I wired behind my stove for 220v as well as put in a gas line. Induction / Gas combo 36" would be a nice setup.

>> No.14588155

Actual redpilled answer
Electric or induction with a gas grill in the back yard for special foods. i'm not cooking a steak or stir frying every day and electric is good for a lot of things.

>> No.14588235

Electric is too hard for me to clean. But whatever you like to use is right for you

>> No.14588576
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>Why are so many of you niggers scared of natural g-

>> No.14588592

Gas if it isn't too expensive to get a line in your home. Electric's fine if you can't. I didn't even know you could get induction ranges for homes, they seem best suited for portable cooking since they can be very fussy with what pans work on them.

>> No.14588599

>Electric is too hard for me to clean.
What? It's just one big, flat piece of glass.

>> No.14588606

I had a shitty old electric stove for a long time, the kind with the exposed heating coils. Recently bought a new electric range with convection option for like $500 and damn what a difference it makes. Just buy a new range if you can afford it, it's very worth it.

>> No.14588608

thats why you get induction kek

>> No.14588611

What do you need a stove bigger than 60cm for?
The reason they use a fixed size is so you can fit them in every kitchen.

>> No.14588630

Carbon steel, cast iron and enameled iron will always work with induction.
Good stainless steel cookware will work with induction.
What won't work is cheap aluminum shit and meme materials like copper, glass or ceramic.

>> No.14588645

Induction>gas>electric for home use by anyone with above room temp IQ.

>> No.14588656

Gas, unless you have a breeze in the kitchen, in which case, induction.

>> No.14588661

Also assuming you're doing a new build or something and aren't constrained by the current infrastructure.

>> No.14588713

anything but a wood potbelly stove is a reddit tier meme and you should go back

>> No.14588765

>Should I get a small countertop induction thingy?
Yes, absolutely. Those things are priceless for heating up stuff quickly.

>> No.14588776

Meh, they are generally just a waste unless you need more stovetop space. If you have multiple stock pots going since typical stoves can't handle more than 2, or if you have one of those efficiency stoves, they pretty much dominate the whole top.

>> No.14589419

>uneven heating
>will kill you
>a fucking meme
>even heating
>won't kill you
>available anywhere, anytime

>> No.14589449


>> No.14589450
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>Gas, unless you have a br-

>> No.14589467

I bough a house recently. I didnt not look at houses without a gas line. You really want gas when possible. Gas stove, gas hvac, gas water heater, gas dryer.

>> No.14589469

How often do people blow up due to gas in where you live that getting a gas stove is really a concern?

>> No.14589492

> Because I can still use it during power outages
And you can't when someone breaks the gas line because they didn't call before digging a hole in their yard.

>> No.14589530

Induction if you can afford the better ones. The cheapo induction burners do not heat evenly usually. Gas if you're poor and already have a gas line for other appliances. Electric otherwise.

>> No.14589559

Whichever is the cheapest in use.

Whoever gets blown up is fucking retarded. They specifically add smell to normally neutral gas so it'd be easy to detect any leaks.

>> No.14589575

redpilll me on induction, why is it so good? gas seems way better

>> No.14589593

>a fucking meme
You clearly never cooked with induction, if you actually prefer electric you little faggot

>> No.14589598

This. Gas is vastly superior for your home appliances.

>> No.14589608

Cooking on electric is like handling glassware, if you're too rough and clumsy it breaks.

>> No.14589630
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Still can't believe they just stored that shit in their most important port, next to a fireworks warehouse and a grain silo holding 90% of their grain reserves.

>> No.14589642

>I can't believe they stored fertilizer next to a fireworks warehouse and a grain silo.
It's really not that surprising. AN is really stable.

>> No.14589652

Gas, I need to see my flame to get an idea of how I’m cooking

>> No.14589953

Just do like us faggy Europeans and buy a seperate cooktop and oven. For gas the best quality might come in ranges, but for induction that is not the case AFAICS.

To make the faggy European style kitchen complete also get a seperate hood and combi-microwave and buy cabinet integrated fridge/freezer.

>> No.14590091
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Gas: If you trust the others in your home, already have gas access it can be top tier. Be wary as the fire will fuck up your pans, you can't use them for induction anymore.

Electric: Slowest method of them all, probably not the cheapest either. However it is considered the most safe method as it doesn't have a so called magnetic current running through the pans.

Induction: Just as fast if not quicker than gas. They tend to have the option for a standard socket too instead of Perilex. They are pretty expensive but it's not as bad as they used to be.
You do need a new set of induction approved pans tho and it's rumoured to run a slight radiation through the metal so you'll need wooden cookingware like spoons too.

>> No.14590105

yeah i can see that

>> No.14590216

sorry i should have realized you were a fucking retard. disregard anything said before.

>> No.14590219

Induction, hands down. Only downside is that you need specific cookware for it, but other than that it's amazing. Heats just as quickly as gas if not faster, and you can bring down heat instantly, even faster than gas. Induction uses magnets to vibrate the molecules in the pan, so the pan itself becomes the heat source. Induction looks just like a glass top, so it's super easy to clean and you won't get bits of food stuck in a burner. You also won't light anything on fire.

>> No.14590236

>What won't work is cheap aluminum shit and meme materials like copper
Japanese induction can now use aluminum and copper.
The problem of only being able to heat up the center of the device has been solved.

>> No.14590238

The building I live in has induction. While what's been said before about how quick and easy they are to use is very true. I miss working with gas stoves.

You have less control with induction. You have to leave the pan right on the circle for it to continue getting heat, which is fucking annoying. You push the pan a little off the circle and you've been cooking without heat without knowing very easily.

Also, no wok capabilities.

>> No.14590244

>>won't randomly kill you in your sleep

Gas it is then

>> No.14590256

You can put half the pan in the circle at a time and it will only heat up that part. I don't know if it works differently with different tops, but mine works like that.

>> No.14590266

Mine just turns off when the pan isn't centered. Fucking annoying

>> No.14590269
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if induction makes ur pan a magnet won't my metal spoons get stuck to the pan by magnet?

>> No.14590271

Which one can you use when the power goes out? It sure isn't electric.

>> No.14590286

Gas. You can't even do a ton of shit without a gas cooktop.

>> No.14590322

Yes, metal cookware gets stuck to it so hard that you can't life up a metal spatula without removing the pan first. I've broken 3 shitty spatulas already.

>> No.14590358

Have you ever even seen a buried gas line before? Because I have and I've dug them up, they're at at least 2 - 3 feet down and above them they have guide wires and tape to make sure retards don't just dig them. The only risk in hitting them is if you are using a machine and guess what if you are digging that deep with one you already would know where the gas line was since you had to look at the surveys before you got your permit to dig.

>> No.14590359

My induction hob has a function where you control the heat by moving the pan back and forth.
It also works great with my wok.

>> No.14590365


Gas is objectively best, anyone who says otherwise is being contrarian.

>> No.14590858
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>> No.14590879
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OP's pic shows what everyone's gas stove looks like for youtube and social media. Pic related is what they actually look like when cameras are off.

>> No.14590884
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>The only risk in hitting them is if you are using a machine...

They'll rent these out to any idiot for ~$400/day.

>> No.14590911


>> No.14591172
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For me it's god tier pattihella™

>> No.14591192

the foil makes it look like someones been cooking crack

gasfags are gross

>> No.14591231


>> No.14591301

I had the displeasure of cooking on an electric stove today
It takes like 4 times longer to boil a pot of water, what the fuck?

>> No.14591304

imagine a cast iron pan that heats evenly and quickly and to a precise temperature
that's what induction does for you

>> No.14591315

I've only cooked on electric and gas, gas being far and above better than electric. I'd also probably say gas > induction for versatility.

>> No.14591320

I don't understand what the fuck he's doing to spill that much. With the gas stove at my parents it's just metal below the burner and it works fine.

>> No.14591432

I've had all 3 and for me it's gas.

>> No.14591433
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>You really want gas when possib-

>> No.14591531


>> No.14591567


>> No.14591571

That's okay, we all make mistakes.

>> No.14591592
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My problem with induction is that I'm worried it's too fragile. I cook with cast iron pans and huge 5+ gallon pots filled almost all the way to the top. Getting a crack in an induction stovetop seems like it would be miserable.

>> No.14591595

Better for cooking AND a good chance I might die? I don't see the downsides.

>> No.14591603

No, you would've just wasted a shitton of gas.

>> No.14591733


>> No.14591745

I moved to a country where gas is apparently not invented. Still regretting

>> No.14591749

>food spills are easy to clean and don't blow up your gas lines
Electric really is king.

>> No.14591754

don't be a retard then?

>> No.14591771

>works with everything
>only works with 5000% overpriced cookware that is low quality

>> No.14591799

Lmao, all of my pots and pans are bought at the local supermarket as a sale and they're fine.

Also cast iron works great on induction.

>> No.14591864
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>I’ve had all 3 and for me it’s ga-

>> No.14591912

>you can't have a commercial gas stove in a residential residence
That's where your wrong kiddo. I bought my appliances from a wholesaler friend and had his buddy install it. I have so many btu's I don't know what to do with them.

OP get a gas cooktop or rangetop, you won't be disappointed. Plus if you actually cook keep in mind an induction cooktop can't preform a proper simmer due to the unit cycling on/off.

>> No.14592959

Yeah but yiu need special pans for induction

>> No.14593327

Only for non stick, which sometimes use an aluminium core.
Cast iron and stainless steel are both ferrous.

>> No.14593350

>to make sure retards don't just dig them
You can't stop retards. My water pipes were cut 3 times when the fiber rollout occurred.

>> No.14593355

this is pretty high iq

>> No.14593372

Those are all from gas main ruptures that have nothing to do with gas stoves. You could have no gas appliances at all and it wouldn't save you from that.

>> No.14593393

>T. Big gas shill

>> No.14593411

>can't use copper, aluminum, or terracotta
induction is a big meme, use it if it works for you but gas is king and the most flexible.

>> No.14593420



>> No.14593434

>shill that talks about how nothing could save you from gas explosions

very very good shill

>> No.14593831

They pads you can put between the cast iron and the stove

>> No.14594007
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>> No.14594391

Do you need full on contact for a pan to work on induction? My cast iron doesn't lay perfectly flat (1-2mmish off)

>> No.14594567

No. You can even place stuff in between or use rounded cookware like a wok.

>> No.14594574

>cheap as hell
>temperature control
>works with everything
Nothing comes close. Electric is just a kike scheme and induction is even more expensive and retarded. Only thing I can say is that induction boils water really fast but kettles exist so it's pointless.

>> No.14594599


>> No.14594676

>muh clean electric / induction range
imagine being such a pussified cuck that you can't even lift up 4 - 5 metal grates

>> No.14594697

Fuck off. I've lived my whole life with gas and I just moved to a flat with induction. Fuck that pice of shit.
why the fuck does it go from 0 to 14 and then P?????
Also, why the fuck does is 10 barely enough to do a sofritto but 11 fucking burns my shit up?
Only good thing is boiling water in the morning for my coffee
fuck induction. GAS IS KING

>> No.14594728

Imagine cleaning your stove being something you consider masculine, like only turbo giga chads like you clean their stove and it's a point of pride for you.

>> No.14594750

I’m from shittystan and have the cheapest piece of shit available locally and everything except one pan worked on induction. That pan cost me like 8€ and was ripe to throw away anyway.
Anyway, as someone who has cooked on gas and electric all my life, induction was a significant upgrade. It’s not even close. I love it.

>> No.14594751
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>using soulless gas/electric/induction stovetop
>not having a wood fire stove
fucking plebs

>> No.14594754

>not taking pride in cleanliness
seek christ

>> No.14594858

I like gas the most but I'd go with induction, it's just more convenient. Electric is utter garbage, it's what I have currently and I sometimes just don't cook because of it.

>> No.14594864

For me, it's gas with ceramic cookware.

>> No.14594872

gas or electric
induction is cancer

>> No.14594898

Gas is cheaper than electric/induction. But gas might blow up your home in an accident.

>> No.14594915

This that actually true for all situations? It seems like there are a lot of variables like the cost of electricity and gas, what you use to heat/cool your kitchen etc.

>> No.14594951

how do magnets work, man?

>> No.14594952

>the cost of electricity and gas,
cost of electricity is more expensive in nippon and mericunts afaik.

>> No.14594958

How well does it handle having pots and pans slammed down on it?
Or pans that are tilted or otherwise moving but not touching the stovetop?

>> No.14594969

Depth is important.
You need at least 26" of depth so that you could run two 12" pans along the same side of the stovetop.

>> No.14595026

Electric is shit - zero control and less efficient than induction.
Gas is good, used to cook with gas, great control, you can tilt pans, you can have wok burner. Cons: need gas lines available, much harder to clean than other options, slower to heat than induction, much more likely to burn your pots and pans if some grease is on the bottom/sides.
Induction: great efficiency, easy to clean, doesn't burn your cooking vessels as much, pretty good control (as in the surface doesn't get hotter than the pot/pan. With induction you don't need to have your wall tiled, can have wooden back. Cons: can't have wok, can't tilt pans on the side, need specific vessels (though all good cookware is compatible), needs a lot of power from the outlet which is not a problem if you have new installation but is a big problem if the house you will be living in is ancient.
t. cooked on all these, prefer induction for ease of cleaning and very fast heating.

>> No.14595274
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>fuck induction. GAS IS K-

>> No.14595280

Chinese professional restaurant Jet Engines
you've never cooked unless you've used these things
whip out a full course in the blink of an eye

>> No.14595297
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>> No.14596102

>It has been having the inside heating and the outside heating in turn
nice try, chang

>> No.14596143

I dont get the meme that it is hard to clean gas stoves. They are literally wipe down, just like glass top stoves, you just have one piece to remove before you clean.

>> No.14596263

It won't unless you are a massive retard. And if you are careless enough to consider leaving Ur gas on, then you have more things to worry about

>> No.14596583

why are these threads always full of anti-gas shills?

>> No.14596592

Gas > Electric
Induction is for faggots

>> No.14596622

my set up has a gas line to an external tank which we refill every 6 odd months but seeing as how my father built this house with that in mind I'm not sure how hard it would be to set up in a house that is already there.

>> No.14596733

I don't get all the induction fags talking about speed. Yes it boils water faster than gas. But the difference is only noticeable with water. It boils other liquids very slightly faster or at the same speed as gas and solids slower. It really depends on what's being cooked. It's not faster for general cooking. If you literally only boil water and drink soup, sure it's faster. Otherwise, it's not, really.

>> No.14596751

You shouldn't have asked during American hours. The non meme answer is induction if you don't want to spend a whole afternoon to boil water.

>> No.14596752

Although gas is great, the people who promote it on here are obnoxious faggots.

>> No.14596762

>the people who promote it on here are obnoxious faggots.
Yes because they are Americans, who never actually tried induction, and confuse it with prehistoric electric stoves that some people still have in the US.

>> No.14596767

Do you have any reproducible measurements on boiling solids?

>> No.14596777

Induction is faster for everything, why would it just be water?
It's faster because magnets are producing heat into the pan directly, while gas is heating the whole kitchen as much as the pan.

>> No.14596807

>Fuck off. I've lived my whole life with gas and I just moved to a flat with induction. Fuck that pice of shit.
>why the fuck does it go from 0 to 14 and then P?????
It has nothing to do with the technology itself you dumb amerifat. Just read the fucking manual for the stove you bought.

>> No.14596890

because people have tested it endlessly. The result always is, much faster for water, slightly faster for watery things, same, slower or much slower for other foods. Maybe the tech just isn't there yet

>> No.14597024

>make sure retards don't just dig them
>I have and I've dug them up

It doesn't work then.

>> No.14597075

>slower or much slower for other foods
It's just not true, stop inventing. Induction is always faster. I had both in my life and induction is just so much quicker and more responsive. There's no questions about it.
Although gas does have some advantages, if you want to cook in a wok for example.

>> No.14597202

Induction. Electric is inefficient and gas smells bad and will blow up your house.

>> No.14597243

I've cooked on electric and gas and I greatly prefer gas. The electric stove in my 1st shitty apartment was ultra shitty though so it's not a great example. Although my roommate's mom got herself a really nice electric stove and she told me she wishes she'd stuck with gas.


>> No.14597386
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I've only owned gas, I wouldn't want to use anything else, but safety is an issue. Do yourself a favor and get a gas detector, they're like $25 on Amazon. You use it like a Geiger counter, give it a check every couple of months or so.

>> No.14597413
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*turns off when you flip a pancake*
Truly we are living in the future.

>> No.14597953

What does gas offer for a wok?

>> No.14597978
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Gas stove, electric oven, propane grill, electric smoker.

>> No.14598024

Isn't induction really weird about heating on low? Like it just turns on and off from really high heat to nothing

>> No.14598048
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What type of stove is this and why do a lot of high end restauraunts use this?

>> No.14598061

Gas.... But induction is the most practical. High power output gas in restaurants is great to work with, but most consumer level stoves wont even put out half the BTUs... So just get induction unless you REALLY want to cook using a wok(and even then, using an external butane stove might be smarter)

>> No.14598071

I think its DC... direct current... So it should always put out enough energy to heat whats on the element properly.
If its AC, it would have a smart enough controller to get imperceptibly close to what its set to.

>> No.14598088

>Reverse image search
>1st result is Wikipedia, "French top"
>Google "French top stove"
>A typical French top is approximately 24x24 and is made of heavy flat cast iron or rolled steel. Underneath the flat top is a high powered gas burner. The center of the top typically has a 8 to 9 inch removable ring. Surrounding the center ring are additional rings.
I cannot imagine how you managed to get that pic without learning what it is.

>> No.14598151

Why would a wok be a reason against induction? Woks work like a charm with induction.

>> No.14598447

>Reddit - gas
>4chan - induction

>> No.14598590

gas unless you or someone you live with is a retard and is afraid of blowing your house up

>> No.14598629
File: 26 KB, 584x438, panasonic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The picture of gyoza(Dumpling) made a misunderstanding.
Not a technology of a Chinese company.
It is a technology of a Japanese company called Panasonic.
Panasonic's induction cooking stoves can for aluminum and copper pots.

>> No.14598702

In order to fully utilize the appeal of wok, this type of stove will be necessary.
However, due to its complex function, it is feared that it will stop working at some point, and it is not popular.

>> No.14598731

Gas. New Apt electric which is pretty gay. It's not an even heat. I can only imagine induction being even worse. Sure you can cook alright on it. But I did by a little butane burner (like those cheap Asian ones) for certain things.

>> No.14598752
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Are these things a fire hazard?

>> No.14598841

gas is only scary bc people really just are that retarded.
i remember i was in 1st grade and went over my friend's house after school. the monoxide meter went off or something happened with the gas that the family was freaking out, but it was me, the 7-year-old guest, who said, "I think we should get out of the house, it's not safe to breathe in here if the gas alarm is going off."

>> No.14598942

Absolutely gas. it cooks way better and if power goes out, at least you can cook.

>> No.14598997

To be fair I knew the name of it and the general idea of how it works, I was looking for an answer on why it's used often over a regular stove

>> No.14599066

With a gas stove the flame goes around the wok and heat the curved sides, which is closer from traditional woks. With induction only the bottom is properly heated. Although it works, it is not optimal, and you need a special wok with a large flat bottom.
But in my opinion this is the only advantage of gas stoves over induction.

>> No.14599084

>I can only imagine induction being even worse
Keep imagining or actually try it for a while and then post here.

>> No.14599107

>GAS > induction. Because I can still use it during power outages
>if power goes out, at least you can cook.
Are power outages a common occurrence in the US? I'm 30 and never experienced one.
In the unlikely case it happens I can still use my grill in the garden.
Also if a gas line explodes in my neighborhood I won't be able to cook, even in my garden, because I'll be dead.
For me it sounds like an excuse not to try induction. I think it's like with the metric system, Americans reject induction because it's 'unamerican'. They're stubborn beyond belief.

>> No.14599116

Good on fucking you for being a 7-year old adult. I personally know adults that would just pop the batteries out of the alarm and go about their day. It's amazing so many have made it this far.

>> No.14599137

But you don't really want the sides to heat in a wok.

>> No.14599164


Induction is best if you have good quality pans, but that whole setup is expensive to get to begin with. Really fast heat, good pans will heat evenly, it's east to clean, etc.

Gas is good if you have a caveman tier kitchen. You can use more diverse pans too like woks, cast iron, and sheet-pans after roasting. you can fire-roast peppers on it too. It's gonna get absolutely revolting if you don't clean it fairly regularly, and cleaning it is gonna be a bitch because food gets into all sorts of holes and undersides of things.

Electric is dogshit. It's very slow to heat and an inferior version of induction. However, ou can use shitty cookware on it though, whereas induction you can't.

>> No.14599171
File: 51 KB, 788x612, Wok.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A traditional wok doesn't have a flat bottom, so yes you obviously want the heat to go on the side, otherwise you can't cook with it. And there is a progressive heat gradient between the bottom and the top. These woks don't work on induction.
A lot of modern woks have a flat bottom to accommodate home cooks. But they don't work like traditional woks because only the bottom gets heats, and it's homogeneous.

>> No.14599196

When you place a real round bottom wok on induction it will heat the lower portions while the higher portions get warmed by the carbon steel conducting the heat.
For wok cooking you want a hot center where you fry and cooler regions where you can place food to cool so induction works perfectly for that.
It may not be ideal if you want to deep fry in your wok but I don't see a reason to use it for that over a straight walled pan.

>> No.14599313

Fucking this!
Not having a flat surface to clean just means you get tons of splatter, oil, spices and random crap on the side which festers and chars as time goes by. It's disgusting. At some point you have to clean the whole metal platform in hot water and it's a drag.

>> No.14599325

Yes, and fuck whoever invented them.

>> No.14599369

>Absolutely gas. it cooks way better and if power goes out, at least you can cook
Why don't you replace electric lights with gas lights in your house? At least if the power goes out you can still light the room.

>> No.14599433

There are gas hobs with glass ceramic surface.

>> No.14599792

This should haven been /thread

>> No.14600080


>> No.14600089

I dont think you understand what based means

>> No.14600097

Induction. By far. Gas is for shitholes.

>> No.14600100

>moved out of my parents house
>got my own apartment
>the fucking stove is one of those shitty electric ones with the coil
>fucking thing sparked when i tried to make pancakes on it
>landlord hasn't done shit to fix it.
>been using george foremans ever since.

>> No.14600103

> When OP can't afford to have gas installed.

All you idiots saying gas is best need an upper-cut, there is nothing at all wrong with Electric stoves and fan ovens if you know how to use them.
Induction hobs are a meme as far as domestic kitchens go, it's the same old "look at me" factor.

>> No.14600177
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Yet you somehow still waste the whole day shitposting on the internet. Amazing

>> No.14601353
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>> No.14602121
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Induction is like gas in that it starts and stops heating right away and doesn't rely on perfect contact with the cooktop. It's better in than all the heat goes into the dish and it's safer. It's worse in that it only works with dishes with a flat ferrous bottom. Overall it's the best.

>> No.14602134

>it only works with dishes with a flat ferrous bottom.
Stop parroting shit.

>> No.14602174

Flat ferrous bottom just means a magnet sticks to it and it's not a fully round wok. I wasn't implying it has to be perfectly flat and made of magic, most normal cookware works.

>> No.14602177

But round bottom woks work on induction.

>> No.14602184

Interdasting, doesn't seem like it would be the best fit for that but good to know it can

>> No.14602209

It's not much different from using a wok on gas, coal or wood.
I don't understand why people keep claiming it doesn't work or that you need some special induction field or a heavy cast iron wok.

>> No.14602248
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If hitler used gas for baking bread should be fine for you.

>> No.14602255
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You notified landlord, stop paying rent till fixed it's your right as a tenant.

>> No.14602790

I have an induction and it's pretty good

>> No.14603657

Induction can interfere with digital thermometers, can fuck with cell phones and other electronics if you have them near the stove for recipes, doesn't work on certain materials for pots/pans, can have radically different temperatures going from one pan to another, and some brands have a nails on a chalkboard like buzzing when set high. Fuck induction.

Gas if you want quality sears on your food and don't mind a little extra work cleaning. Electric if you are lazy.

>> No.14603818

I use gas but it is a bitch to clean sometimes.

>> No.14605005

What's induction care to educate me anon ?

>> No.14605024


>> No.14605655
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When i worked in the kitchen we used to have gas for everything, and used one induction for the pouched eggs.
But i would never get gas or induction at home, they're inconvenient to have, dangerous/not child friendly and maintenence/cleaning is a mandatory annual thing if you dont want to end up sniffing gas or going ablaze.
Electric might be more expensive but much safer, and the cooking quality doesn't really change much, even grilling can be done with an electric stove.

>> No.14605704

>not child friendly

What the fuck are you smoking?

>> No.14605714

i dont smoke it's not healthy

>> No.14605723

dangerously based

>well for a pro kitchen and wok you'd have to hack the stove to pump out a lot more gas.
Fucking stop posting and learn to cook you ignorant piece of shit. Pro tip: normal ass chinese people who cook with woks every day use shitty gas burners that probably put out less heat than the average american household burner.

>> No.14605724

Gas is the best but isn't always practical.
I live in rural VT and obviously there are no services besides electric. The only way to get a gas stove in my house is to have a propane tank behind my house. Nothing wrong with it but its an extra fuel to store / have to worry about so I really don't bother.

>> No.14605736

If you like to cool I would pick gas.

The other two never seem to get hot enough.

>> No.14605750

Jokes on you, I live in a shitty apartment that has an electric stove.

>> No.14605766

You use a lot less oil deep frying in a wok.
Wok cooking over a flame gives you much better control over the heat and allows you to move the wok around and toss the food and shit without losing heat.

>> No.14606443

Had shitty gas to okay gas, it works.
Electric, had some shitty ones and more likeley to fail.
Induction, had good quality one and would never go back.

Why would you want a gas installation, tend to deteriorate, can't say electric is much better but induction is brilliant.

Future is future.

>> No.14606459

>Gas is the best
[citation needed]

>> No.14606465

Is the amount of oil you need really important? It's not like it's used up in smaller quantities.

>> No.14606733

A good gas stove will have a pilot light

>> No.14606754

Unless you’re a retard who stores it improperly like they did in Beiruit

>> No.14606791

Imagine being such a little bitch you balk at the idea of having to maintain something you own.

>> No.14607270

God damn you are dense