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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 232 KB, 1280x720, iu[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14578626 No.14578626 [Reply] [Original]

They do not taste the same at all. In fact the impossible patty very much distinctly left my bag smelling like a veggie burger.

it is a good alternative for vegetarians, I suppose but it definitely isn't a replacement.

>> No.14578631

Impossible has more of a seared bite than regular.

>> No.14578635


This is also a lie.

>> No.14578638

they both look awful

>> No.14578663


It's fast food, what do you expect?

>> No.14578666

My extended family and I went after church one week and did a double blind taste test. A few of us shouldn't taste the difference. Afterwards we actually all agreed that we like the Impossible Whopper better. It tastes better. It's poetically healthier too.

>> No.14578677

Couldn't* fucking phone fuck

>> No.14578695

Yeah I'm not touching that disgusting bug burger

>> No.14578704


$5 bk bux has been credited to your account.

>> No.14578722

It's made from plants and plant oils not bugs, are you one of those retards?

>> No.14578725

Will you and vinegary shits guy jump off a tall building already? thx

>> No.14578727

i mean you just ate like 300g of saturated fats but i guess that's healthy?

>> No.14578729

No shill intended. It's better.

>> No.14578731

We're the same person, retard.

>> No.14578741

>It's made from plants and plant oils
Just say vegetable-fed insect paste its more honest

>> No.14578746

I agree they taste a lot different. in my opinion, the impossible whopper is better than the original whopper

>> No.14578747

Do you have some sort of political agenda to push or do you simply lie a lot?

>> No.14578750

Am I you? No, but anyone with a brain can see your blatant shilling.

>> No.14578754

The Impossible Whopper tastes better than the old whopper. It's true.

>> No.14578759
File: 81 KB, 938x974, 1539006155555.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14578761

>dude COWS release like METHANE GAS into our environment so we need to start eating bugs and plants...it’s SCIENCE DUDE


>> No.14578764
File: 931 KB, 1079x1220, impoosibl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>typing your opinion on an image board is shilling
Please go back
Also I just got me an Impossible Whopper

>> No.14578766

two whopper in two different countries don't taste the same, it's retarded to believe that the impossible whopper taste the same as the normal one

>> No.14578767

>I'm not shilling!

>> No.14578770

Plants aren't bugs anon, take the politician shit back to redit
Samefagging is obvious

>> No.14578776


What about human farts, tho

>> No.14578789
File: 1.57 MB, 320x180, 1595005706956.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm getting more of a seared bite on the Impossible Whopper than I'm getting on the actual Who- no no no no.... No please don't say that no no no... No. Nononono. No no nonono no no. NONO NO NONO NO NOOOOO. Ladies and gentlemen, I'm not gonna trip. I wanted to come in a 100% hater. I'mma tell you off the top. I wanted to take a bite of this and be like 'ehhh nah nah it it'- I'mma just flat out say it; your Impossible Whopper BK, IS BETTER THAN YOUR ACTUAL WHOPPER BK. YOUR IMPOSSIBLE WHOPPER BK IS BETTER THAN YOUR ACTUAL WHOPPER BK. IT HAS A MORE SEARED TASTE. IT'S MORE OF A COOKOUT FLEX. IT JUST TASTES BETTER.

>> No.14578791

I bet I release more methane than your average cow

>> No.14578794

I'm not the youtube poster, just someone not dumb enough to fall for this poor marketing scheme

>> No.14578798

Lol look at the poster count, ungodly amounts of OP triggering ITT

>> No.14578812

This guy is now in their commercials

Nigger made it to the big screen

>> No.14578821

He's pretty funny though, I like him. Plus his memes are sick.

>> No.14578824

"Seared bite" is literally a marketing buzzword. Shut the fuck up.

>> No.14578825

Highly unlikely. The cows on those beef farms are eating soy byproduct and corn byproduct and literally produce tons of gas...that commercial isn’t wrong, the idiot that is making fun of it needs to go back to /pol/ where he belongs

>> No.14578842

He's not, he's annoying and so are you.

>> No.14578851

Manlet detected

Go eat your McDonald’s slop

>> No.14578853


I always believed that the original video was a roundabout paid advertisement by BK. Roundabout so that he doesn't have to claim that it is a paid promotion.

>> No.14578858

Sir, this is 4chan.

>> No.14578859


here is a (You)

>> No.14578876

What the fuck are you even talking about, this is the most schizo thing I’ve read in so long

>> No.14578877

Fuck off Ronald. Searedbiteguy is /ourguy/.

>> No.14578881
File: 100 KB, 1024x683, imp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've had the Impossible whopper at a somewhat good restaurant and at Burger King. At the normal restaurant it was pretty good and meat-like. At the Burger King, the patty was thin and seemed as though it had been cut in half after being cooked judging by the texture of the top half. It was also dry, flavorless, and old-seeming.

I bet Burger King has turned a bunch of people off it by being shitty.

>> No.14578884

Thanks, but that wasn't me.

>> No.14578887

the worst one is I'm gay btw guy

>> No.14578891

Impossible burger, not whopper

>> No.14578893

Fuck you stupid negroid faggot cuck, you guys have been ruining YLYL threads on /wsg/ and /gif/ for months now

I fucking despise you

>> No.14578895


>> No.14578905

I’m gay btw, not sure if that matters

>> No.14578915

I've had both back to back. I actually prefer the taste and texture of the impossible whopper. It's why they can charge more for it. Poor people btfo.

>> No.14578920


>> No.14578921


This is all me btw

>> No.14578927

>being this new

>> No.14578938

If they have the 2 for $6 deal I usually get 3 impossible whoppers and 1 old whopper and I'll shuffle them. I can usually tell the difference size the old whopper is really oily and tastes like it's been sitting out for a few hours and the Impossible Whopper has a more seared bite.

>> No.14578944

How much do you weigh

I bet you’re a fat redditor

>> No.14578961

I just do OMAD, I'm 6'4 and 160lbs

>> No.14578980

Wow you also like to LARP

>> No.14579002


>> No.14579022
File: 24 KB, 323x207, 1592942544845.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Want a time stamp? You're obviously triggered by this thread and I'm laffin at how hard you're samefagging.

>> No.14579029

Fuck off you dumbass, no one cares about your stupid fat American body and your dumbass /pol/ opinions on a burger made out of plants

>> No.14579033

This thread did it. I'm gonna go to my nearest bk and give it a shot.

>> No.14579051 [DELETED] 

are Americans this easily influenced? No wonder a small tribe of middle easterns with genetic deformities can control them like sheep

>> No.14579053

>after church
You’re not fooling me, Satan.

>> No.14579059

I'll never eat one. The very idea of it is disgusting.

>> No.14579072

>le /pol/ attack
OP we know you have an anti-agenda with the burger , and you're obviously retarded which is why I'm gonna go buy a searedbite burger

>> No.14579086

>the tribe claims another hapless and unaware victim

Enjoy your slop!

>> No.14579186

What's bks new sandwich they're pushing?

>> No.14579211

Impossible is more of a cookout flex

>> No.14579296
File: 1.18 MB, 1440x1079, just for your salt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I paid full price

>> No.14579298

Impossible Whopper has more estrogen than a month's supply of HRT tranner pills.

>> No.14579302

Source? Please tell me it's not a veterinarian that works for a large animal Ag company

>> No.14579319

Impossible meat is the new Olestra

>> No.14579352

Dude it’s literally saturated in phytoestrogens, like you are so ducked if you eat more than one of these

Part of (((their))) plan is to effeminate men so we are more emotionally controlled, if you want to eat right do not eat an impossible whopper

>> No.14579356

Expect a slight name change before it's taken off the market.

How can something weak, disgusting, and lame be a 'flex?'

>> No.14579367

>How can something weak, disgusting, and lame be a 'flex
Dude it’s just niggerspeak that some 14 year old white kid is parroting, just ignore it

>> No.14579369


Why the fuck did you buy 10 burgers?

>> No.14579388

You mean isoflavones? The things that have no effect on the human endocrine?

>> No.14579399

No he means phyto-estrogens, which fit right into human estrogen receptors. Impossible Meat is FULL of them.

>> No.14579412

That's the best case. I'm expecting a wave of "Impossible babies" similar to "thalidomide babies."

>> No.14579417

I only tried one bite of it (didn't swallow because I'm a good girl and spit ;3 ) and there is no way I'm going to get one ever. No one can handle the amount of searness on that bite.

>> No.14579428


This post is so bad that I want to print it out and burn it.

>> No.14579438

I bought 10 just for you

>> No.14579441

Now THIS is shitposting!

>> No.14579552


>> No.14579577

>/b/tard tranny gives his two cents

>> No.14579742

For the memes and to trigger OP

>> No.14579753

That's just not true. Can you provide a source?

>> No.14579763

>source source source!!!!

>> No.14579831


>> No.14580462

Lol epic

>> No.14580481

Burger King has really upped their shilling recently, a shame that no amount of marketing will change the fact that they're the worst fast food chain there is.

>> No.14580489

If you're just going to pull shit out of your ass, you may as well go back.

>> No.14580511

oh for fucks sake

>> No.14580538

They both look impossibly shit.

>> No.14580664

Have you not tasted that seared bite yet? oh no no no no no.... How can it have more of a seared bite than a who-

>> No.14581204

Impossible whopper ironically tastes meatier than the real whopper. I guess the beauty of trying to create something fake is that you dont have to give a shit about what's "geniune" or not, and instead you can just do whatever works.

Science is a great and terrible thing.

>> No.14581215


You never ate any real meat.

>> No.14581247

shit meme

>> No.14581289


This isn't funny.

>> No.14581310

Its an estrogen bomb.

>> No.14581345

If I wanted real meat I wouldn't be at Burger King.

>> No.14581446

The only reason it even could be mistaken for meat is because it's loaded with salt.

>> No.14581474

cringe from start to finish

>> No.14581478

carnoid cope

>> No.14581483

I think it tastes pretty good, but it's too expensive.

>> No.14581512

What's a "camoid" supposed to be? Someone who posts on /p/? Use less obscure slang.

>> No.14582486

we’ve never reached this level of retard before

>> No.14582497

carnoid is pretty self explanatory....i guess your meat eating habits are making you this stupid

>> No.14582747

but seriously tho, why does impossible taste like it was made on an actual grill compared to the virgin version

>> No.14582865

they do taste the same. They were supposed to be marketed to vegetarians, but they are cooked on the same griddle as the normal meat. which defeats the purpose of it.

>> No.14582887

Nobody claims they taste 100% indistinguishable. The point is that the impossible burger taste a lot closer to real meat than any previous veggie burger and is a pretty practical replacement for a lot of people

>> No.14582895

>They were supposed to be marketed to vegetarians, but they are cooked on the same griddle as the normal meat. which defeats the purpose of it.

There is no particular reason to believe a vegetarian cannot eat food that has been cross contaminated unless they are vegetarian for medical or religious purposes. Assuming they abstain from eating meat for ethical reasons, having their veggie burger incidentally touch the same grill as a meat patty doesn't really matter.

>> No.14582947

>A few of us shouldn't taste the difference
A few of you have a shit palate. I can barely stomach most fast food, but I deal when I'm on the road. The impossible whopper is probably the only thing I've ever gotten that I couldn't finish (for reasons other than old, stale, improperly prepared, etc)

>> No.14583518

Bk won

>> No.14583546


It tatses nothing like that. It literally just tastes like a veggie burger version of the whopper. All this shit like a "seared bite" is just describing a veggie burger.

I think people who think the impossible whopper better are the type of people who would eat a rare to medium-rare burger. There is like no resistance as you bite into it, which is something I expect when I eat a burger.

>> No.14583566

I think you have a problem with your brain anon. The Impossible Whopper has a more seared bite.

>> No.14583582

fuckin kek

>> No.14583618

>It's poetically healthier too.

It literally isn't. This is factually incorrect. I'm taking the bait.
It's an extremely processed food and in no way should be perceived as a "healthy alternative". It is a plant-based alternative to meat and that's it.

>> No.14583637


>> No.14584136

I'm getting a more seared bite

>> No.14584551

Vegan lies. I tried it and it tasted like a veggie burger that wasn't disgusting like boca burgers but still not good enough to bother getting ever again. It tastes nothing like beef as vegan propagandists claim.

>> No.14584562

Personally I think it has more of a cookout flex than the regular Whopper

>> No.14584564

Well it's the same as people claiming Coke Zero tastes just like regular Coke, it's bullshit but some people can't tell the difference

>> No.14584566

>he actually tried it
op i really hope you're a women otherwise enjoy your new bitch tits

>> No.14584578

Vegetarians consume animal fat though.

>> No.14584605

stop doing this to unsuspecting victims you call customers, BK!

>> No.14584611

Those fucking tranny burgers have like a billion phytoestrogens and not enough amino acids to properly absorb protein. They taste like shit and you both know it. Go dialate now.

>> No.14584615

>don't google the term "viral marketing"
Sure thing, corporate.

>> No.14584616

stop making this thread you fucking retarded faggot

>> No.14584628

>imagine BK wasting food like this while millions starve around the world due to the economic impact of covid
But hey, marketing team, we can ignore it because we can pretend this was organic and not staged!

>> No.14584638

I’m fine with eating bugs if they taste good.

>> No.14584640
File: 181 KB, 1334x750, 6A6BE766-035D-4978-82FC-1B1BE772E7D0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>imagine not being able to tell the difference between a seared bite and a non-seared bite

>> No.14584661

Butter yes, but not rendered fat from meat.

>> No.14584672

I like BK because they were here, dissapeared, but got back. Clearly shows that economy got better.

>> No.14584710

Lol imagine being this triggered over a healthier burger

>> No.14584709

Imagine pushing your shit forced meme.

>> No.14584716

OP here. A day later and this burger is making me take the most vinegary shit that I've had in a while.

>> No.14584722

I don't work for BK, and it's not my fault you're a poorfag with a job that can't withstand the trumpvirus.

>> No.14584723
File: 184 KB, 821x682, 14567888-AEC8-42E5-B64F-FC77925C3068.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>imagine being this new to /ck/

>> No.14584754
File: 389 KB, 1076x646, cWrpexYZ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fast food
Imagine being such a consoooomer that you not only eat factory food from burger queen but also ingest marketing ploys because they tell you its healthy.

>> No.14584765

You're spamming a forced /wsg/ meme, iToddler. Does it really make you feel like you fit in?

>> No.14584821

>spamming forced meme
>says IToddler

Okay sheepie

>> No.14584845

Aw, gonna go cry to mommy now? Tell her the mean man called you out for being a shitposting newfag?

>> No.14584921

The only newfag here is you who doesn’t understand the culture, 2009 here. Go back to rêddit or /b/ to Jack off to tranny porn you unfiltered glass of retard.

>> No.14584954

how ja/ck/ is forced, c'mon

>> No.14585043

>still using the phytoestrogen argument as a point even though it’s been disproven multiple times for years now

Imagine not only being retarded, but being this loud and proud about it. Speaking as someone who eats a shit ton of both meat and plants, you should maybe consider killing yourself since you’re making the rest of us seem as stupid as you.

>> No.14585135
File: 505 KB, 1200x801, 1592768450793.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It tastes BETTER

>> No.14585389
File: 144 KB, 1050x1050, Whopper-Comparison.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1 second typing into Google.

>> No.14585421

I'd try that impossible burger out of curiosity, I hope they don't do them here, tho