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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 42 KB, 710x458, grilledcheese.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14570215 No.14570215 [Reply] [Original]

>the grilled cheese video that brought down a culinary icon
>overly thick bread
>stupid cheese placement
>cooked in an overly hot pan in a fireplace
>bread is burned, cheese not even melted
>he's obviously disappointed
>he smiles and says how delicious it is anyway
>what an absolute fucking hack

>> No.14570259

I mean
Come on

>> No.14570274

I don't watch any of his new shit. He's obviously not the chef he used to be. His old stuff is legendary, no doubt. I still like him but he's kind of like Joe Biden at this point. It's like, ok man, we get it, you were the shit, now just retire and do cameos once in a while and it'll all be good dude.

>> No.14570283

how can you prove that the sandwhich can be bad? what is your premise if you have neither taste, scent or feel

>> No.14570286

What's really weird is that he could have easily made another one. It wasn't a livestream, there was no audience, there was absolutely no reason to upload that piece of shit but yet he still did it.

>> No.14570287

He's a classically trained chef in fine French and Italian cuisine. These days he seems to be much more interested in trying to appeal to the "common man's cooking" with disastrous results. Between the OP video and that horrendous Fritos mess he's obviously completely out of his element

>> No.14570298

>grilled cheese video
>doesnt make a grilled cheese
simple as that, anon

>> No.14570348

he spent 30 years trying to rid himself of his working class origins
>now let me make a $100 grilled cheese and undercook it

>> No.14570349

I agree anon. But instead of cooking it like a common man wood he tries to Michelin star a grilled cheese and fails miserably. If you want to make common dishes, you should cook them the common way. One of my mentors once told me you should never cook a dish above its means. If you can do it in a skillet on a fucking stove then fucking do it

>> No.14570449

Saving that advice anon thanks, really explains the whole problem here

>> No.14570452

is he just blinded by money?

>> No.14570456

Have y'all seen Gordon's TikToks? Don't.

>> No.14570467

post example pls

>> No.14570576

Hell the fucker has plenty of it so I doubt that's it. He's just trying to make a dish that a literal 5 year old could make but Michelin star it like I said. It's just to appear fancy and elegant and what the hell ever. It's a bit like his gourmet hamburger webm that is so popular on ck. It's absolutely ridiculous and defeats the purpose of a hamburger. A hamburger is not elegant. A grilled cheese is not fucking epicurean. Stop trying to make it so. I guess to me, the way I see it, is a man that asks for a grilled cheese wants a grilled fucking cheese. He doesn't want a woodfired oven and aged cheese from some wagyu fucking cow raised inside a fucking castle, he just wants a good old fashioned grilled damn cheese and maybe some plain old tomato fucking soup no basil required. As a chef you do not cook for yourself, which is what he's trying to do here, you cook for the person eating your food. It's like literally rule 1.

>> No.14570614

Gordon's just in his Robert DeNiro phase...pretty soon he'll be cursing government officials at a totally unrelated public function

>> No.14570623

i agree with this but "out of his element" is the understatement of the century
all his recent videos expose so many fundamental issues with him.

Like he doesn't know what any of the ingredients he's working with are in the frito pie video. Seriously go watch it again and notice how many he gets straight up wrong or isn't sure, like the dip. He seasons the chips.
In the grilled cheese video he specifically calls for thick bread. He uses hard cheese instead melty. KIMCHI nigga the fuck.
Then theres this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DjDEo9kBQQc
I cant imagine this tasting anything other than sickingly sweet with all that brown cheese.

Where have his tastebuds gone? He takes a bite out of all his meals at the end, he should realize something is wrong. Just redo the video, its all almost 1 take anyways.
Something is seriously wrong with his pallets.

>> No.14570632

>a kimchi sandwich is a grilled cheese
this fucking guy.

>> No.14570654

>kimchi on grilled cheese
He's been pushing pointless ethnic fusion dishes and ingredients a lot recently (even more than before). I assume because thats whats expected in his circles

>> No.14570661

I think he lost his passion for cooking altogether and is just cashing out with YouTube revenue and his show until he takes a considerable step back.

His Tik Toks are so soulless, it just looks so boring with him saying "no no no" over and over about some random shitty cooking video he is reacting on. Normies love that shit though either known it definitely isn't the same polarizing Gordon.

>> No.14570673

Probably trying to appeal to the common man,he knows most people can't afford shit like pheasant and truffles.

>> No.14570684

the lowly saffron eating masses

>> No.14570728

>that vid
>dragging raw egg strands over whole cheese plate
This fucking abusive fuck.
If anyone else did ANY of what he just did, he'd throw something at them while dressing them down to the ground. What a hypocritical prick.
The way he keeps saying"Beautiful" over and over sounds like he's trying to convince himself.
He may've been decent at some point...
But he's GARBAGE now.

>> No.14570758
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>when he spreads fucking kimchi on it

>> No.14570770
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>with his pallets
I don't see what those have to do with cooking, but you do you anon.

>> No.14570773

American "grilled cheese" is an idiocy anyway.

>> No.14570932

>his mom never made him a delicious grilled cheese sandwich after a cold school day, creating a lifelong love and comfort association.
sorry to hear anon

>> No.14571059

he probably drinks vodka every day, it's really showing on him.

>> No.14571065

you have sight don't you?

>> No.14571180

Not saying the shit Gordon made doesn't look like total crap, but the amount of people cringing at kimchi on a grilled cheese is embarrassing.
It's actually a really good combination, but you need to saute the kimchi a bit first. Then when you add the sandwich into the leftover oil it colours the outside slightly.
Should honestly try it if you haven't.

>> No.14571184

I like to put pickles on mine sometimes so I think kimchi would be good too. But since kimchi is salty, and he used two hard salty cheeses that are probably more suitable for grating, and then added extra salt, I can't see it tasting very good altogether.

>> No.14571188

I'm not sure why that's in quotes
you make the sandwich on a grill, it's a grilled cheese sandwich

>> No.14571240

This, if you want a cheesy toasty sandwich go for a croque monsieur

>> No.14571250

it's pretty obvious that he pissed off someone more powerful than him. it's a public humiliation thing.

>> No.14571267

Welsh rarebit or bust

>> No.14571763

>These days he seems to be much more interested in trying to appeal to the "common man's cooking"
Jacques Pépin has been doing that successfully for the last 50 years and his knowledge and skills far outclass that screeching scottish faggot

>> No.14571785

He's probably just trolling for $$. You can only deal with Americans for so long before you get blackpilled. Guy Fieri is a trained chef too and he sells boomer slop to times square tourists and makes a fuck ton of cash while getting awful reviews for it. Do you think he cares? No. He lives in California he hasn't been to that gay ass restaurant since it opened. He spends his time with his family and doing charity for fire victims.

>> No.14572184

Kimchi on grilled cheese is actually quite good.
The brown cheese is overpowering as fuck though.

>> No.14572209

>Welsh rarebit
I make my own bread to eat with this like three times a week now. Way better than mac and cheese in my opinion.

>> No.14572251

I still use American "cheese" for my grilled cheeses. It just feels so right.

>> No.14572252

potato bread, butter, cheddar cheese, tomato. pop it in the toaster oven on broil for 5 minutes and wa la

>> No.14572270

seconded. the only alternative is that he's a complete hack who doesn't understand something as basic as which cheeses ar good for melting and i really don't think he is.
someone has to have made him use those cheeses

>> No.14572272

>Anonymous 08/15/20(Sat)02:14:46 No.14570576▶
>Hell the fucker has plenty of it so I doubt that's it.
People with businesses often leverage their own wealth for their loans, leases and can quickly lose their shirt when someone fails in one tiny part of their kingdom.

>>dragging raw egg strands over whole cheese plate
He's always had crappy food safety in his videos, from dirty hands dried on a towel, not cleaned.. He'll cut tomatoes right where the just had raw meat on the same cutting board, no problem. I wouldn't eat a damn thing made by him.
He's a hack.

>> No.14572287 [DELETED] 

jesus he looks really unhealthy i'm guessing a combination of hard drinking and amphetamines are destroying his body and mental state

>> No.14572294
File: 15 KB, 394x250, too fat ladies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Welsh rarebit
>I make my own bread to eat with this like three times a week now. Way better than mac and cheese in my opinion.
Ph, I agree. Welsh rarebit is so damn comfy, esp on thicker cut crusty toasted bread, sourdough rye or just some mountain bread. I used to keep it stouffers brand in my freezer for the rare mood when I had some good bread in the house, but I will make it from scratch sometimes, as well. When I do make it myself, I do the Jennifer Patterson version, the souffled welsh rarebit. I add a glug of negra modelo. Her egg filled recipe gets more browned when you broil it.

>> No.14572299

i bet the thick slices are because he made the first slice unintentionally thick and threw that line about "you don't wanna slice it too thin" to cover up his fuck up

>> No.14572315

cheesegate HABBENING

>> No.14572349

the cheese
lookit that
like a fat guy in a sauna
like it was in a car for 2 hours
my god
the corners of the cheese
still sharp
no sign of melting

>> No.14572369

Mom sspaghetti

>> No.14572475

This is the problem with camera food
He's trying to make something that's not quality oriented, just bare looks
Its why he makes autistically big burgers or extravagant food
I'm sure he makes normal/actually good food when he's not around cameras

>> No.14572564

>be Gordon Ramsay
>spend years and years toiling to master haute cuisine
>sacrifice your mental health, social life, wellbeing just for a shot at working with the best
>after decades of hard work, finally succeed at your dream and earn the respect of your peers
>still a literal who earning as much as lower management pencil pushers
>acquaintance offers you to host a TV show
>game and money start pouring in
>move overseas
>more fame, more money
>less and less effort
>more and more fame and money
>finally understand you were playing the wrong game
>go all in and become world famous and filthy rich
Don't hate the player, hate the game (which you just lost btw)

>> No.14572882


>> No.14573257

Funny he does look..... Old and bloated

>> No.14573270

>He's trying to make something that's not quality oriented, just bare looks
He's just trying to show off someone else's kitchen fireplace. He's part of the chip on his shoulder.
Burger video = someone else's house with great view

>> No.14573286

leg hair go up

>> No.14573352

He's so old... He needs to find a retirement home, quick, before he stop being able to wipe his ass by himself.

>> No.14573371

Gordon Ramsey cooks like he hasn't been allowed to take a piss in 2 days.

>> No.14573649

ITT: EU fags who don't know what Grilled Cheese is.

>> No.14573675
File: 294 KB, 750x581, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what is Croque Monsieur?

>> No.14574290

Not a grilled cheese.

If you think what Ramsay made was anything but a shit-tier grilled cheese you're beyond hope.

>> No.14574355

Why is he so red?

>> No.14574406

He's too arrogant to ever admit failure.

>> No.14574441

Yeah, that's classic Gordon.

>> No.14576402

Where to start how much he fucked up that grilled cheese. I for once have full confidence I'd btfo Ramsey in cooking something. The cheese wasn't melted at all... and kimchi? Fuck off.

>> No.14576407


>> No.14576498

He puts butter on the bread and then puts it into the pan full of olive oil.

>> No.14576506

That sandwich still looked delicious even if gordon is a little bitch. Go on n watch his chicken wings where he stabs them to make sure they cook through. What the fuck he lost his marbles

>> No.14576549

I'm not sure what's worse. His half assed attempt or the off chance he actually thinks this is excusable for a grilled cheese.

>> No.14576557

>The closest I had to this was my grandma making me a loving albeit bad grilled cheese
Is it too late for me bros?

>> No.14576642

Why did he KEEP pressing on it? He was strangely insistent on PRESSING IT DOWN. He did it like five times, and for the fuck of me I can't see why. It seemed to make no difference, the cheese wasn't melted, the kimchi was still foul, the bread was still burned. For what purpose?

>> No.14576652

make sure the bread soaks up all the olive oil

>> No.14576675

He realized that the pan was too hot, but he didn't want to offend his camera crew by restarting everything because they all wanted to go to lunch and are not impressed by Gordon anymore, so he tried to salvage the dish by desperately pressing down on it, thinking it would help the cheese melt.
Of course all it did was burn the bread despite the unreasonable amount of fat in the pan.
The result was probably awful : oily, burnt bread with cold kimchi and cheese inside.
No wonder he is the only one tasting his dishes in his videos these days.

>> No.14576697

He's given up on attempting to make actual cooking videos. This is like those dumbfuck cooking hack channels where none of the shit actually works. It's there to attract clicks from people who don't cook, but liked seeing Gordon Ramsey on television. He is a reality show host producing entertainment videos.

>> No.14577107


>> No.14577125

I never thought I'd live to see the day where a 3 Michelin star chef evolves into ja/ck/

>> No.14577129

his place boxwood in london isn't even that good.

>> No.14577136

Jesus Christ Favreau.

>> No.14577142

He says "the cheese is melted" but it's not. What a retard.

>> No.14577149


>> No.14577171

>Joe Biden ever being "the shit"

>> No.14577188

The cheese isn't melted

>> No.14577200

>'Ramsay around the world'
>'Tasmania, Australia'
I assume the point of this series to to show off local foods around the world, while filming at AirBnBs to continue pumping out content with all the TV studios shut.

kimchi might be good on grilled cheese, but it makes no sense to add it here

>> No.14577211

That sandwich looked amazing. Have none of you ever put cold slabs of cheese on hot buttered toast? Do you have to have it melted like a child? Just give it a go, make toast and put cold cheese on
It's good

>> No.14577220

I don't call it a grilled cheese when I put cheese on toast, no.

>> No.14577250

Why does he suck so much? He's not even that old. Other chefs still roll till they're fucking 70

>> No.14577255

>Do you have to have it melted like a child?
Are children known for needing their cheese melted?

>> No.14577257

So nowadays it take a three Michelin star chef to explain how to put two slices of cheese in bread?
But that's not the point why don't you admit he fucked up, look at his bread it's obviously burnt. 10 years earlier he would have screamed at the top of his lungs at a restaurant cook for not being able to do a simple grilled cheese properly.

>> No.14577280

Also why do they leave the part where he clears his throat? It's almost as if the guy doing the editing wanted him to look bad.

>> No.14577345

>the "common man's cooking"
scrambled eggs 50 different ways in 50 different countries because that's what a common man would do!

>> No.14577436

good ol joe "patriot act" biden. a real fucking legend anon

>> No.14577438

He actually says "to get the cheese nicely melted" in the video

>> No.14577439

>yfw Gordon creates the orange fool. Dubs confirm it

>> No.14577440

He even say 'the cheese has melted", just before cutting the sandwich.

>> No.14577442

I'm guessing you've never cooked with real cheese?

>> No.14577446

Well if Gordon expected hard cheese to melt under those condition he probably hasnt cooked with real cheese either

>> No.14577450

How many people here have several cooking shows and own several Michelin Star restaurants?
No one?
Okay then.

>> No.14577453

You're probably the one who never did... Real cheese melt too you know? Maybe not as fast as your American shit tho. But that's why French people are using a oven to cook croque monsieurs. If you use a pan it has to be on low heat and put something on top to keep the heat, otherwise your bread get burned before the inside is properly warm and melted.

>> No.14577457

>he's famous so you can't point out a mistake
don't blindly worship celebrities

>> No.14577458

The argument of authority only works up to a certain point. You don't need to be a pro cook to see that his grilled cheese is not cooked properly, and it's not because you're a pro cook that you can NEVER fuck up a dish.

>> No.14577464

You can't tell he fucked up a grilled cheese sandwich because you've never tasted it. You only saw it in a youtube video.

>> No.14577480

you're a special kind of retard. you're a retarded retard.
i dont know how someone could achieve that, but you managed it

>> No.14577481

I can tell because 1) it's obviously visible that the cheese hasn't even began to melt 2) the bread i burnt 3) when you cook bread in a pan over an open fire the heat cannot possibly go inside the bread before it gets burnt
I don't need a degree from a culinary school to know these things. If you have to forget logic and not see the obvious just because an experienced cook is cooking you're just being dumb.

>> No.14577482

aww sheeeit i just lost candlejack also th

>> No.14577485

>You can't tell he fucked up a grilled cheese sandwich because you've never tasted it.
he burned it and tried to hide it from the camera. if he burned it on purpose he wouldn't have tried to hide it after.

>> No.14577490

it looked good to me

>> No.14577491

Looks ok.
Better than that American imitation cheese and Wonderbread shit.

>> No.14577493
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>> No.14577507
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I wonder if he reads the comments on his video.

>> No.14577858
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I hope not, he's going to get even more depressed

>> No.14577904

Guy isn't a cook though, (least i don't think) he's just a charismatic fat guy with frosted tips, flame bowling shirts, and a variety of boomermobiles who made it big once because yummy food on TV and made it big twice because post irony ruined everyone's original sense of humor.

>> No.14577907

I think he is much more of a dad than a chef these days. He is only doing the recipe because the production team told him to do so, but he has no passion anymore. He'd rather be at home than do this stupid documentary in Australia, and if the contract hadn't been so financially attractive he would have flat out refused to do it and stay at home cooking fish fingers for his kids.

>> No.14577909

He's obviously fucked up on something and is just trying to get the video over with.

>> No.14577921

Success is one hell of a drug.

>> No.14577932


>> No.14577936

He's probably drunk.

>> No.14577961

I used to cringe when people said that Gordon was a coke addict. But these days I'm not so convinced he's not, especially seeing how hyper active he is when he is at home (like in the carbonara video : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5t7JLjr1FxQ ) and how he look like an old man when he is in a foreign country like in the grilled cheese video (possibly away from his dealer). It's like two different personalities. Also all the coughing and the 'can't be bothered' attitude, it's all very weird.

>> No.14577969


Whoever is the producer of his show and brand has hardcore convinced Ramsey to appeal to the general masses. The reason why the food his garage is he never makes stuff like this. I think he doesn't understand it. Even Johnathan Ross called him out years ago for never even trying fast food. He was legit sweating at the audience.

>> No.14577970

He does seem like he's a bit out of it but I'm sure he probably just gets some kind of prescription stimulant if he's on anything.

>> No.14577989


He's always cooked like that. Gordon always cooks like his high or holding in a shit and can't go until the food is done. Even his home cookery show he was really excited the entire time.

>> No.14578012
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>literally 0, nada, nill, zilch, fucking ZERO stretch on a grilled cheese
>"ohhh lovely"
How? my fucking 12 year old little sister can make a grilled cheese with decent strech with regular ass white bread, butter and american cheese, i honestly had no idea gordon was this clueless about basic ass poor fag cuisine. he can make the best bri'ish cobanora with finely 300 year aged parmesan and sauce made with the finest tomatoes straight from some greasy wop's garden, and masterfully craft it. but also the dude can't make a fucking burger or grilled cheese.

>> No.14578020


That's the point he doesn't know commoner food.

>> No.14578041

isn't commoner food the first thing you should learn how to cook? whether you want to be q 5 star chef or not I think everyone should at least know how to make a decent bowl of spaghetti, burger, or I dunno at least a fucking grilled cheese

>> No.14578060

while we're on the subject and because this is a board where we're supposed to discuss cooking, what's the best cheese combo for a grilled cheese? for me it's mozzarella and cheddar.

>> No.14578068

Gordon learned directly from the best French chefs at the beginning of the 90s. It wasn't the kind to do burgers, pasta or even croque monsieurs...
That's why he can't do all sort of complicated saucy dishes but not what was considered 'American food' (basically trash) at the time by the French.

>> No.14578075

>he can't do all sort of complicated saucy
he can*

>> No.14578077

It's whatever cheese ive got left over desu.
So usually cheddar or a boat load of those single plastic slices

>> No.14578085


Yeah this >>14578068

In Paris having been there myself I understand that when he actually lived there you want bread its a bakery down the street that's been open since like the 12th century. They didn't do sliced bread or grilled cheese or any other comfort food that's western. Even the stuff that lots of countries carried over from ww2 never stuck with the french. They're very food stubborn.

>> No.14578090

"trained in italian cuisine"
I doubt it with that carbonara he makes.

>> No.14578106


Cheddar and emmental.

>> No.14578149

Which is crazy as he claims to have grown up in a single parent family in the hard end of Glasgow.

>> No.14578161

His passion was football at the time, not cooking.

>> No.14578176


He probably only ate what he did as a kid. He did sports and he said his first jobs was a dish washer in a restaurant. When he got injured and left to go cooking after his brief experiences back home he probably never once cooked for himself or any kind of commoner food. In France be probably ate bread and cheese. His flat in France didn't have any kind of kitchen.

>> No.14578263

Why does he not have a Glasgow accent then?

>> No.14578809


>Classically trained in Italian cuisine
>Can't even make a decent carbonara


I don't really get how a classically trained chef could fuck up staple comfort foods. It's literally supposed to be simple enough that your illiterate, half-senile grandmother from the old country can make it consistently for her loved ones.

>> No.14578833

Nope, Guy Fieri is an academy trained chef. He only got famous because he won a Food Channel cooking competition.

>> No.14578844

To be honest that's exactly how my French mom used to cook the dish. Of course it's not traditionnal and it triggers Italians beyond reason but I like it that way.

>> No.14578914
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Joe Biden is a disgusting pedophile and typically repulsive Democrat. An actual racist, shown on vudeo, as opposed to Trumps supposed racism. Real sick what Democrat voters do to kids, even their own kids, even toddlers.

Don't be a pathetic entry-level chef poser pedophile and pervert like Joe Biden. Vote TRUMP.

>> No.14578963


he did the basic carbonara well, he just added more ingredients for a richer meal. italians need to chill, no one wants to eat pasta with pasta only

>> No.14578966

If he really did what's in the picture that's repulsive. But given the stupid shit you say in your post I will assume that this fact is at best misrepresented, maybe even invented.

>> No.14578971

>pretty soon he'll be cursing government officials at a totally unrelated public function
Hey, it worked for McCarthy.

>> No.14578979

> An actual racist, shown on vudeo, as opposed to Trumps supposed racism.

Then I'm voting for Biden over Trump lmao

>> No.14578990

You are an embarrassment to your mother

>> No.14579014

Interesting post, but I think the problem is that there are two kinds of Democrats, one-half doesn't care that he made his whole family rich or anything bad or corrupt about him, and the other half just doesn't have the critical thinking skills to sift through the media bias and think on a micro level, just in general sound bytes with full face value belief.

I also think he's done some creepy things by his own admission, oh those stories of children rubbing his leg hairs in swimming pools, ick, but I doubt the average voter knows that putting your kid in a job that only collects a paycheck for nothing is exactly how one would pay off a politician indirectly. It's a form of payoff. If you want to slip a million to someone who is doing you a favor, you do it via granted contracts or their family. Mafia 101 playbook. As long as he doesn't oppose abortion though, he'll stay in power. That's the reality of democratic politics today. Recall that zero people actually cared that their previous president had oral sex with an impressionable young lady while in the oval office. Human politicians are expected to be flawed now, the bar is lowered to that level. I never thought senile was the new bar!

>> No.14579028

>People with businesses often leverage their own wealth for their loans, leases and can quickly lose their shirt when someone fails in one tiny part of their kingdom.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't that happen to Jamie Oliver (might've misspelled that)?

>> No.14579036

People haven't been able to discharge school loans under bankruptcy since Reagan. Trump uses hard, non melting cheeses to make grilled cheese sandwiches like Gordon here. Biden makes a better grilled cheese with white american. Trumpsters btfo.

>> No.14579044

Watching the grilled cheese video makes it seem like someone who isn't quite sure what they're doing but just trying to sound knowledgeable, it's... odd.

>> No.14579049

>Asiago isn't for melting.
>the fuck are you putting olive oil in the pan if youre using butter on the outside?

Just stick to Risotto Gordon.

>> No.14579058

His 'budget' video was utterly hilarious. Dude's disconnected from reality. Also his 'cheap' meat is like 40 pounds every time, that's fucking expensive.

>> No.14579064

>Watching the grilled cheese video makes it seem like someone who isn't quite sure what they're doing but just trying to sound knowledgeable, it's... odd.
He just wanted people to enjoy a kitchen fireplace and what he perceived as good Tasmanian cheese (though both were Italian) and that fact he was in Tasmania like a vacationer. He's an insecure idiot trying to show off.

>> No.14579089

>him shaking his head in disgust as pretends it's delicious

>> No.14579172
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His latest dish looks tasty tho

>> No.14579177

How is he travelling around the world? All the borders are closed.

>> No.14579184
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He never was
He's not a developement chef.

Take as look at any of his "best" buger, grilled cheese, steak whatever.
He thinks that simply using the best ingreadients and making them the best they can be makes the meal perfect.

This burger, I have no doubt it's the best bun, best meat, best veg and sauce and seasoned well. But look at it, It's a mess.
A collection of good ingredients that don't work together.
That's what happened in the grilled cheese video.

>> No.14579216

Either backed up pre-recorded footage or he's just really rich which grants you extra privileges.

But in reality, can't you travel now? I ask because Trudeau allows dozens of infected planes to land here a week, so surely things aren't as bad as they seem. R-right?

>> No.14579217

He's a boomer that goes on about "millennial snowflakes" completely unprompted. He probably thinks Covid-19 is a government scam to let Bill Gates microchip the world, then acts like a Karen to get through borders.

>> No.14579326

>vote TRUMP
Can't on account of USPS not getting funding

>> No.14579382

I literally don't know anyone under the age of 40 that owns a home anymore or has a fireplace.

>> No.14579383

>spicy texture
this is a shit video. im only trusting chef marco now

>> No.14579553

What the fuck is that? I hate these chef's who think that a burger patty has to be so thick and consequently the whole thing has to be as tall as your head.

>> No.14579592

>only trusting chef marco now
No advice I've ever followed from Marco has got me bad results. I won't be making a cold cheese brick in burnt bread sandwich from Gordon.

>> No.14579613

You and everyone you know are pathetic zoomers who live in an echo chamber.

>> No.14579633

How many times can one man says “beautiful” in a 7 minute video

>> No.14579635

That video was to show off his view from a rented house. Period.

>> No.14579637

>How many times can one man says “beautiful” in a 7 minute video
The kind of man with no formal education and a reading disability. His vocabulary is shit tier.

>> No.14579646

>take the two halves and hold them up to his face
>press down gently on each cheek and get firmer and firmer with the pressure
>ask him simply "what are you?"
>"....a grilled idiot"

>> No.14579674

He probably didn't even eat the burger. As soon as the filming was over he looked at his producer and said 'happy?', with an irritated tone. Then he threw the whole thing in the bin and cooked a real meal for his lunch.

>> No.14579794

I like how nobody remembers his 'fried rice' video.

Fucking terrible.


>> No.14579860

He should have made the fried rice on the wood fire and the grilled cheese on his weak stove.

>> No.14579875

I am Italian and that video unironically made me very angry. He even says that it is wrong. All he had to do was not call it carbonara.

>> No.14579880

And what about calming your autism and let people do their own version without throwing a tantrum? Nobody forces you to eat it.

>> No.14579893

Euros get furious when you make a variation of one of their traditional dishes

>> No.14579903

I'm American and my Spanish friends are like this too with food. Italians sperg out if you put garlic in carbonara, my Spanish friends freak out about whether or not you add onions to a spanish tortilla or not. I think it has to do with a small country and extreme need for unique identity

Like, seriously my Spanish friends get really angry with this shit. I'm talking will snub you and not talk to you about a lot of it. Weird native spain pork cuts and shit in specific meals, like guanchale in carbonera. If you use wrong cuts they sperg.

Meanwhile here in USA while in a thread like this everyone is like
>lmao kraft singles
>american cheese
forgetting americans like me can just literally go buy block parm and nice mozzarella pearls lmao

>> No.14579906

A lot of italian recipes are very simple and easy, it's all in the ingredients. You can make your own version, the point is that then you shouldn't call it carbonara. Names are important.
This is what so many people don't get. The issue is not changing the recipe, it's changing it while pretending it's the same thing.

>> No.14579939

He keeps fucking up on camera and being embarrassing.
Why does he use this stuff? Why not have another take until it turns out good?

This is a world famous chef who can't cook for shit. An above average home cook can blow him out of the water in so many of his outings.

>> No.14579953
File: 2.66 MB, 1920x1628, Screenshot 2020-08-15 at 20.07.30.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You call that a grill cheese its fooking RAW

>> No.14579999
File: 34 KB, 615x409, marco-pierre-white-213891262.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Marco Pierre White is true Over the Hill kino, even when it comes to being a washed up has-been Ramsey still can't compete

>Won his three michelin stars, gave them back because he hates pretending he still cares
>Calls out Jamie Oliver for making shitty meme dishes that don't taste good, 100% correct
>Respects the classics, but isn't afraid to try something drastic and uncouth if it improves them
>Blatantly shills for Knorr, because he actually clearly likes it and doesn't give a fuck
>Loves putting in the absolute minimal amount of effort for a good meal, if its good its good

And yes, everything he said about Knorr is completely and totally true. They are easily one of the best instant stock companies, and don't listen to any pretentious retards who say that instant stock is bad; it's a fucking gift from the MSG gods that make almost anything taste better.

>> No.14580015

yeah but kanye

>> No.14580019

your autism is showing, anon

>> No.14580031
File: 26 KB, 550x360, mpw-knorr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

MPW is embarrassing

>> No.14580068

All the recipes he shows in those Knorr videos are great, baseline stuff. They're not intended the average joe.

>> No.14580108

i love that fat bear

>> No.14580146

>not seasoning your bread

I do this every time

>> No.14580180

Instant stock is fucking nothing like home made.
Yeah, it will do in a pinch, but it cannot compete.

>> No.14580231

I would LOVE to stretch your 12 year old little sister.

>> No.14580332


>> No.14580341
File: 150 KB, 882x960, 1594527813261.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is something wrong with him?
he was breathing really heavy and sounded kind of defeated in this

>> No.14580353

based g man making the rustic ver

>> No.14580358
File: 153 KB, 1260x1482, 1594514676661.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He doesn't give a shit anymore, he is just doing it for the money, and clearly is tired as fuck of making programs.

>> No.14580362


USPS is an abomination of post.

>> No.14580498

But everyone cooks it in a frying pan, the same as fried eggs.

>> No.14580610

What a neat experiment from an old man trying to tame real fire.
You can tell his experience with real fire is limited - he's clearly in the pyro phase. It's an in-home hearth but for some reason he built it such that he has to sit down to use it. A convenient hearth is more like a pizza oven - fire down below, oven at chest height or slightly below for easy handling, and you can close it up to stop the smoke from getting everywhere. External ventilation from start to finish.
The idea itself is solid though:
1 - a bit of smoke always helps
2 - dry air means you get rid of all that moisture in bread to make better toast
3 - use a pan because direct heat on bread = charcoal bread
Where he lost me was the lack of oil on the outside of the bread. The air is dry! It's hot! You can get away with a bit of oil! Just hold it in a bit higher above the flame, somewhere around 350/450! Hell, leave the two halves of bread separate! use a grill!
This is kind of like when he started using MSG and then noticed that putting in seasoning sooner actually makes for better food. It's nice! Everyone who cooks should experiment.

>> No.14580786

It's because he's working with an actual meal instead of a meme "next level" pretentious ass sandwich
You see, he's got a lot of respect for other's recipes and cultural recipes, he's not using anything fancy, no "secret ingredient" or any of that nonsense

Gordon himself used to say it a lot in kitchen nightmares, "keep it wholesome/simple" "stop trying to be quirky with your food"

remember guys, its 5 minute pop videos, its meant to be clickbaity and extravagantly cringeworthy

>> No.14580794

I see nothing wrong with this but I'm also not a chef

>> No.14580814

You know what works really well actually? Making a toasted cheese sandwich in an air fryer.

>> No.14580857

go back

>> No.14580887

>he's a buzzword that talks about buzzwords. he probably thinks "buzzword" is something that leads to buzword, then acts like a buzzword to get through the borders

>> No.14581120

British chefs are the most talentless pieces of shit. Le shouting loud man who can't fathom cooking something without stuffing it full of random shit like a toddler and a man who seasons pasta water with stock pot and uses olive oil for boiling it too. These fucks literally have no idea how to cook. Their idea of Mediterranean food is "alright, random herb like rosemary in a meal where rosemary doesn't even fit and let's drizzle 5 liters of olive oil where no sand man would even put it". Fuck these useless cunts.
>Italian cuisine
He can't cook Italian whatsoever. He can't even make a simple dish like carbonara and not fuck it up. Fuck this overrated hack.

>> No.14581217

>Euro literally saying they don't eat warm breakfasts
>somehow the American is at fault for saying Americans eat warm breakfasts because the other guy was wrong
Are Euros fucking retarded

>> No.14581230

People fuck things up no matter how many restaurants they own. The only difference is how damaging to your confidence admitting you fucked shit up is.

>> No.14581239

Looks good to me

>> No.14581241


>> No.14581275

He moves like a tjack pounder

>> No.14581417

not with thin slices and the right kind of cheese

>> No.14581429
File: 41 KB, 360x450, Proboscis-monkey-1X1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm impressed at all the people itt giving their critiques after making the recipe themselves and tasting it. It's refreshing to see /ck/ criticize food beyond superficial aspects and prove that they can follow a recipe and taste things for themselves.

At least, I assume nobody itt is autistic enough NOT to make a recipe before saying it's shit.

>> No.14581485

oof but i just did

>> No.14581494

>just go out and spend $50 on cheese for stuff you can see doesn't work or you're wrong
Dude you're a fucking retard

>> No.14581548

I mean that's usually what happens when you cut funding

>> No.14581555
File: 145 KB, 952x960, 1594948542341.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not supporting your country's own mail system

>> No.14581582
File: 1.44 MB, 1081x675, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Matilda got a lil phatty tho

>> No.14581633

it's fine but it's definitely bad if you are making chinese style fried rice, there's no fat at all besides a tiny bit of oil, usually achieved with chinese sausage or leftover pork, the only flavoring is fish sauce? I guess it's supposed to be thai style or something since there's lime too. it also looks way too full of vegetables and steamed, not fried, like y'know, fried rice is supposed to be.

>> No.14581638

He obviously just doesn't give a fuck anymore, he has infinite money, he can make a video in 5 minutes with these showy fuck off ingredients and who cares. His main talent has always been showmanship and the business side of it.

>> No.14581741


>> No.14581757

i think the video of that omelette he did where he kept adding salt and half a kilo of fucking cheese was worse than this.

>> No.14581773

Yeah the reindeer sausage omelette video was pretty awful.

>> No.14581789

imagine eating it and needing a quad bypass

>> No.14581805

to be honest you're all fucking retarded. all that sammich needs is a knoor stockpot and it would be a thing of beauty

>> No.14581853

>some fag was so hurt by that post he went out of his way to make this
euros are the biggest bitches on the planet man

>> No.14582090


>> No.14582103

i rewatched that video and realized he never even takes a bite out of it
he takes a fork out and just stops and then the video cuts out

>> No.14582129

Probably would've been fine without the dumb fireplace gimmick bullshit.
He does, at 5:23. He doesn't look like he's enjoying it.

>> No.14582140

talking bout the reindeer omlette video where he shoves in half a brick worth of brown cheese

>> No.14583429

yep, the insides were 100% cold in that.
you need lower heat and longer time to cook a grilled cheese, especially with cheese and bread so thick and added toppings.

>> No.14583433

>Have none of you ever put cold slabs of cheese on hot buttered toast
not when i'm making grilled cheese you FUCKING MORON

>> No.14583444

voting biden now
he seems genuinely based behind the scenes, kind of like the opposite of trump I guess.

>> No.14583459

You can still travel easily in many places and in others it is just more of a hassle.
Yeah, you will have issues to deal with and it can be a bit risky, but not nearly everywhere is in full lockdown mode.

In central Europe you can pretty much travel freely + wear a mask indoors and stand apart enough and all that shit.

People just do it here and therefore new infections are low.
US Karens should just wear a mask and not crowd and they would be mostly fine.

>> No.14583860

that one isnt actually him in the video tho

>> No.14583878

well said

>> No.14583887

I think its just about respect for the dish and traditions
heres an example:

>be japanese/indian chef
>show foreigners how to make curry
>expect them to make it how its SUPPOSED to be made
>american makes a sandwich with it
>mexican makes a burrito with it
>they call it traditional asian curry

>> No.14583948

i, without joke, think he's gone senile. count the "okay"s in the video with the 1m subscribers burger. even better, look at the fritos video again, if you can, and watch how he narrates every movement he makes. he takes the knife, cuts the frito bag like a retard, then spreads it open, dubbing every action
>up, down, and in, and...... open it up
the 1st burger video, when he's cutting the burger and sticking the skewers in:
>down, up, down and... in. again, down in, down and... on
i don't know if it's the leftover coke in his brain or what, but it's off putting

>> No.14584272


>> No.14584302

kek, he's such a lolcow at this point. does he have a thread on kiwifarms already?

>> No.14584332

One of you fags that uses TikTok needs to pull the reversal on Gordon. He's been doing reactions to awful cooking videos, so someone needs to react to the shit he releases that looks awful (this grilled cheese, that Fritos thing, the memeburger, etc.).

>> No.14585275
File: 101 KB, 785x731, soijackcrying.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14585281

Fuck off back to /tv/

>> No.14585282

One of the lowest IQ posts on 4chan

>> No.14585293


Sometimes they're just wrong though, like that Chinese chef having a meltdown because a British chef cooled and rinsed rice after cooking it.

Half the world cooks rice like that because East Asians are the only people that like starchy short grain rice. Why the fuck would anyone ever want soggy, starchy Basmati?

>> No.14585328
File: 651 KB, 1305x1838, soijak.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14585340

Tik Tok is inherently soulless, retard.

>> No.14585367

>supporting an inefficienct government run system instead of allowing free market to do the job better and cheaper


>> No.14585397


>> No.14585400

Nobody fucking cooks rice that way, you're just retarded. If you don't want gummy, over-starchy rice then RINSE the motherfucking rice well enough before you pop it in your rice cooker or on the stove.
Rice isn't difficult, but you also shouldn't cook it like fucking pasta. You must be Ragusea in disguise.

>> No.14585403

>supporting FedEx and UPS while pretending at the same time like they aren't run by corporate moguls
maybe if fags like yourself actually supported USPS it wouldn't have gotten to the point it's at.

>> No.14585410

>and a man who seasons pasta water with stock pot and uses olive oil for boiling it too.

I sure hope you're not implying who I think you are is British.

>> No.14585432


Most of Europe and South Asia rince after cooking. You never get all the starch off pre-rincing (unless you leave it to soak overnight and no one does that) and cooling the rice stops it from cooking further giving you firmer rice which is important for fine long grain rice

>> No.14585444
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>> No.14585461

You never had cool with woodfire didn't you? The taste is really different than your normal store, fire or not and it's really good and would be good with a grilled cheese, result would be similar cooking with charcoal,
The thing here is the choose of cheese, how he cuts it, the kimchi and the heat and maybe the thickness of the bread. Kimchi could be good and a good contrast with the cheese, but not everyone will like it and it will never obligatory to use this to have a good sandwich, it's really random just fuck the sake to make it special.

But I really agree cooking with woodfire or charcoal, the smoke taste is really great with bread and cheese.

>> No.14585470

My guess is that he's incapable of learning the instincts he's acquired throughout his life.
Like has been said, he's classically trained in fine cuisine, he literally doesn't fucking know how to make a grilled cheese sandwich and even if you showed him how to do it he probably wouldn't be able to because all his instincts would be screaming that he was doing something wrong.

>> No.14585478

How are you ever gonna get the temperature low enough cooking over woodfire? A grilled cheese should be cooked slowly at low-medium heat.

>> No.14585496

Biden wasn't the shit even before his first two aneurysms.

>> No.14585502
File: 140 KB, 1280x720, 90BB6EB9-14AD-4A5A-8F5A-5EEA3D6AD897.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine spending your life only eating fast food and other cancer inducing excrements and then trying to teach others how to cook their traditional recipes. Could you please get cancer and die?

>> No.14585513
File: 259 KB, 941x293, Screenshot_2020-08-17 Gordon Ramsay's Ultimate Grilled Cheese Sandwich Ramsay Around the World(1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14585518

The way he did it is not so good, but their way to control the fire, but I agree is more complicated and at this point either charcoal or stove.
In a camping fire for exemple you can have a grill the would be on top of the fire, but not directly, maybe it more feasible to control and make that cheese melting.

>> No.14585521

You absolute fucking faggot
We have eyes in our skulls, we don't need to try the recipe to see that the cheese isn't FUCKING MELTED.

>> No.14585525

You can clearly tell by his lack of enthusiasm and apparent need to pump out regular videos he's become burned out just like the edges of this grilled cheese

>> No.14585535
File: 78 KB, 1000x668, 0252AD71-E3AD-4DD6-9439-5FD16C45D6E3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being so retarded and illiterate to actually believe that Gordon’s pile of vomit is a real Carbonara

This is a real spaghetti dish, stupid son of a slut

>> No.14585542

>warm you cock

>> No.14585564

I heard that the best recipes are all stored deep down the barrel of a shotgun. You have to pull the trigger while looking inside, though. Good Luck, anon

>> No.14585569

ok boomer

>> No.14585593

>>they call it traditional asian curry
Except NO ONE is doing that.
People who make variations on carbonara call it carbonara because giving it a new name is extremely fucking confusing, there's no justification for giving something an entirely new name when all you're doing is adding an extra ingredient or two.
No one is claiming that whatever variation they're doing is traditional.

>> No.14585624

Anon, I have vomit in a pot: can I call it indian curry, right?

>> No.14585634
File: 3.94 MB, 2308x3500, 1fa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14585706


>> No.14585718

>Please believe me, adding garlic to carbonara will totally make it a completely unrelated dish that needs a new name that will never catch on!

>> No.14585767

Your mom gay

>> No.14585783

Why didn't he just do a second take?

>> No.14585795

Doesn't give a shit
Quite possibly literally doesn't know how to make an actual grilled cheese.

>> No.14585807

What's wrong with this one? Idk that omelette looked pretty good, well except for the fact that I really don't like mushrooms. Is it the brown cheese, bad combo?

>> No.14585820

>fresh frozen peas

>> No.14585827
File: 62 KB, 704x707, 866F1127-9756-4B90-A8C0-86C52A70D2E3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to smell it

>> No.14585833

Brunost is a very rich and overpowering cheese and he put about half the fucking block in a single omelette, also he salted the thing AT LEAST 3 times at different points in the video.

>> No.14585854

Please don’t cry, you make me sad

>> No.14585859

But I'm chopping onions for my carbonara.

>> No.14585870

Hey anon, you can literally take a shit on your food if it makes you happy. I don’t want you to kill yourself

>> No.14585877

I'm not sure if you can say you're serious about cooking if you don't have a griddle

>> No.14585887

I agree with the amount of salt, but I feel Gordon (and french cuisine in general) always oversalt. Like you don,t need to put more salt on top of the omelette and said himself the cheese is salty. Though I definitely need to try that brown cheese someday, thanks for your input.

>> No.14586017

Gordo burnt that bitch!

>> No.14586077

one slice of that brown cheese is more than enough
he just keeps adding more and more, its perplexing

>> No.14586081

>do you have to have it melted like a child?
I don't typically melt children, so no?

>> No.14586094

shit i'd be excited too

>> No.14586102

Every chef does that if they screw up. They'll lift up whatever they're cooking and say how perfect it looks even though it's charred black.

>> No.14586408

Why should it get more funding when it can’t compete in quality with private companies for the shit people actually want mailed and 50% of what they ship is junk mail?

>> No.14586910
File: 431 KB, 377x413, 112131421.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14586945

I think the main source of hate for that is the fact that he literally bitched about the size of an equally sized burger back in Kitchen Nightmares.

>> No.14586955

No worries.

>> No.14587007

Ramsay is god tier when it comes to high class cuisine, but you wouldn’t have Albert Einstein try to fix your computer. He tried to cook a grilled cheese sandwich like it was going to be served to god himself, even though its just a grilled cheese sandwich. Sure it sounds like something you can’t fuck up, but how often do you think someone like Ramsay makes grilled cheese sandwiches? He’s trying to appeal to an entirely different area of cooking but just can’t really grasp it, because its something he hardly ever did if at all. For gods sakes his beginning in professional cooking was in fucking France, you think all those world class chefs were cooking up burgers and shit?
>inb4 called RDF shill
Guy was a chef and a well trained one at that, but I’m pretty sure he’s just donning that persona full time because fuck it it brings him truck loads of cash. Being big meme guy going all over the country trying out all these local places with frosted hair tips and a shirt straight out of the early 2000’s with the personality to boot brings in a ton of more money than trying to be some god tier chef 24/7, certainly far more entertaining.

>> No.14587094

Problem will always be this: this was an edited video. If he fucks it up once, then make another one. It's not fucking difficult. It's just grilled cheese.

>> No.14587105
File: 21 KB, 555x583, 11963193918.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this man really fucked up a damn grilled cheese

>> No.14587119


>> No.14587298

you cook next to the fire, not directly over it the entire time, and if you cook over coals you can control the heat much better by adding or removing hot coals.

>> No.14587307

Ramsay does nothing but cook simple meals for himself you dumb cunt. His favorite dish is a sausage roll ffs. He eats porridge every day. I'd expect him to know how to make a grilled cheese on principle alone.

>> No.14587345

>it's fucking /ck/ pretends to know how to cook better than a Michelin star chef
This isn't Jack.

>> No.14587369

No you fucking idiot, the joke is that despite them going 'yeah we don't really eat hot breakfasts (out of choice/preference)' is replied with 'b-b-but how? warm meals are a luxury!'. In other words, to an American, a warm meal is a luxury so the fact Yuropoors don't have one on choice makes it seem like Americans can't afford to have a warm meal. I mean the image fucking explains it right there.

>> No.14587482

are there really people out there eating "grilled cheese sandwiches" without melting the cheese?

>> No.14587491

What the fuck is with ramsey and his god damed olive oil?

>> No.14587503

My own mother made me these grilled two-cheese sandwiches and boldly put fried onions in them. They were delicious and they were more gourmet than this shit by a country mile.

>> No.14587618

This video really was clinically retarded. Personally, I think he and his production team have become too self-aware and too money hungry. This video has nothing to do with Tasmania. This is just confusing. And the grilled cheese is unmelted.

>> No.14587628

And the intro is a Jack-tier generic wiggered guitar riff and fake drums.

>> No.14587682

its just a little bit of olive oil
*glug glug glug*

>> No.14587752
File: 1.10 MB, 637x358, download.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucker needed to put in that seared bite line. Show that unmelted cheese but add "I'm getting more of a seared bite." That shit needs to be on the fucking videos of people being tortured, instead of fucking screaming and dying and shit, getting a fucking seared bite. Fucking news ass motherfuckers. People watching the news, saying "Trump" or shit, they need to shut the fuck up. When they talk, it needs to be "seared bite", they turn on CNN, the only news is "getting more of a seared bite". Some shit fucking happens, it's a "seared bite" it's not other gay shit. I don't fucking care. You want free health care? There's no such thing, health care is not a valid phrase, the only fucking phrase you get to use is "seared bite". You want to vote? Some gay shit? The only check box on the motherfucking ballot is "seared bite" because that's what you're fucking getting. You're not getting a god damn thing beyond a "seared bite". You want to call a fucking crime into the police? The only fucking crime is a "seared bite" upon which the reaction is the disbelief of the fucking police before finally accepting the truth that you did get a "seared bite" . I don't give a fuck. This other shit, 100% worse. Who the fuck cares about the gay shit. Some shit some motherfucker said. If he didn't say "seared bite" that's a motherfucking mistake. I don't give a fuck. That shit gets dubbed over, instantly, no more censorship, only "seared bite". That's it. Fucking people need a electric fucking wire in the god damn brain, just giving them a "seared bite" of electricity into the brain to remove the neural circuits which cause them to say things other than "seared bite" because that's a fucking mistake. You don't have shit. Tired of these motherfuckers bitching and moaning all day. Fucking god knows what. Rights, or boo hoo somebody died. That shit needs to stop.Need a 5 gallon plastic bucket of "seared bite", forcefully hold their head under that 5 gallons of "seared bite" until they drown.

>> No.14587864

because this isn't cooking for a restaurant, this is cooking for home.

these aren't restaurant and fine dining videos, does not matter.

>> No.14587873

>He's given up on attempting to make actual cooking videos
as he rightfully should, gourmet cooking videos do not sell. nobody gives a shit about how to cook like a famous chef. they want to see something either crazy or dreamy, or want to try and grab a recipe for a date.

>> No.14587881
File: 1.25 MB, 593x824, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alcoholism. Look at how fucking red his face is at all times. The bloat on his face. That Scot fucking nose.
He looks like Harry fucking Dubois without the mustache.

>> No.14587888

Doesn't brown cheese have a fucking caramel flavor? That shit belongs on a fucking cake, not breakfast. This is like putting frosting on pizza what the fuck.

>> No.14587894

Gordon had coke bloat in that video he made that video with the reindeer sausage.

>> No.14588052

It doesn’t need more funding, it just needs to be managed better. As in, stop voting for shitheads.
First world countries need a functional postal service for many reasons.

>> No.14588081

It probably would have worked if he had stuck everything in a microwave for a minute at 800 Watts beforehand.

>> No.14588090


>> No.14588138

Yeah he definitely looked bloated.

>> No.14588244

Dat boomer music though

>> No.14588341

>*taps knife*

>> No.14588534

Why are Italians like that? What's their problem?

>> No.14588552

He was a beast in his prime. It is sad to see his performance has faded to mediocrity.

I suppose if I were famous, I'd retire when I started to notice the decline.

>> No.14588558

Why retire when you can make another easy 10m on a new TV special and travel the world in abject luxury? You all say you'd give a shit about your popular perception, but I have a feeling you'd take the cash. It's what every other celeb does, after all.

>> No.14588560

Bit of a stretch with that one.

>> No.14588589

do you personally know someone who can't make a grilled cheese?

>> No.14589021

>>14587007 #
if you've ever made a grilled cheese in your life, you know you can't do it on high heat. with this knowledge, not putting your sandwich into a fire pit is just a matter of not being retarded

>> No.14589570

Nobody actually cares if you use pancetta or guanciale for carbonara, it's more about making a completely dish and larping it as "Mediterranean flavours" and calling it something it isn't. And not just that, the slop you make with what Ramsay makes is genuinely disgusting and a food waste compared to the real thing. Americans and Brits have genuinely inferior food palates and cooking history.

>> No.14589577

Marco Pierre White of course. He says some sensible things, but considering what he does as whole, it's pretenious horse shit by somoene who is really clueless about cooking dishes that weren't specifically tailored for British Michelin star experience in 80's and 90's.

>> No.14589590

Garlic doesn't change that much and no one would protest over it based on your own preference. Putting fucking peas, eggs with no whites, creme freche ( even worse than fucking cream), hot chili and not enough parmeggiano and pecorino is plain retardation and that slop should have its own name. It doesn't matter how much 4chan buzzwords and le epic memes you spam here, it doesn't change the fact that it's retarded and a disservice to call things that aren't anything like the original by their name. That and it tastes like shit and I hope you get cancer eating your heap of shit.

>> No.14589784

Non-whites should be range banned. Don’t you have some maggot infested cheese to eat, Luigi?

>> No.14589834

holy shit he's fucking killing that poor japanese knife. What a fucking wanker.

>> No.14590296

Brits aren't white, sorry. Neither is America.

>> No.14590344

Itt: ameritards who think using paint is hard