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14576769 No.14576769 [Reply] [Original]

You have to open and co-own a pizza place with one of these chefs.

Choose your fighter.

>> No.14576771


>> No.14576776

Gordon. I want to try his frito pie pizza

>> No.14576799


>> No.14576816

obv Anthony, would by easiest to co-own a restaurant with a corpse. I get to make all the decisions, he can just sit there and decompose.

>> No.14576821

Gordon. I’d make a ton of money and wouldn’t spend so much on cocaine as with Mario. Bourdaine would start with gusto and get bored move onto another project and leave me with the whole thing

>> No.14576827

I think you'd still get sick of him hanging around.

>> No.14576829

Damn man

>> No.14576832

Realistically, Bourdain if he were still alive.

Gordon is a nightmare to work with/own restaurants with from what I have heard. Mario would probably start groping all the female staff and Anthony would probably just sit in the corner eating and drinking. Yeah I'm going to go with Anthony.

>> No.14576834

I read heat by Bill Buford and Mario sounds like an absolute animal

>> No.14576835

Co-own? I'm not scum, so the place would be a cooperative.


Wouldn't he throw a tantrum over pineapple?

>> No.14576836

I just think a business partnership can become financially dangerous when you find out he has a suer's side.

>> No.14576841

Should have stopped while you were ahead

>> No.14576844

Based commie

>> No.14576850

Batali. It's not even a question.

>> No.14576863

Batali is easily the best chef there and would probably be the best pizza maker, not to mention he seems the coolest to hang out with. THe other two are edgy fuckwads.

>> No.14576868

Gordon is a far better chef. Mario is a slob

>> No.14576900

>Batali coolest to hang out with
>Rapes female staff

Ok enjoy your law suits your restaurant is gonna go bankrupt faggot!

>> No.14576918

Ramsay is the only non pedophile rapist and Bourdain is dead so Mario it is.

>> No.14576932
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>> No.14576937

Gordon if he is 20 years younger than now. If I have to choose them based on their actual age I can't choose Bourdin for obvious reasons, so it will be the fat guy.

>> No.14576943

Andrew. I don't want fancy shit pizza. I am from NYC like him, so we would want just normal fuckin pizza, not some faggy shit.

>> No.14577001

Well, Tony is fucking worm food. Mario is a god damned sexual harassment nightmare. I hate Gordon, but he's got that star power, and I don't give a shit if I like the food, he can be the retard nazi boomer all he wants as long as I'm up to my neck in blow and whores.

>> No.14577003


>> No.14577033

All chefs are annoying toolbags.

>> No.14577047

>All customers are annoying toolbags

>> No.14577062

I may be a customer tonight, but you're the chef. When I wake up in the morning I'll be somewhere else, but you'll still have a shit job.

>> No.14577083

If you're posting on 4chan there is a 99% chance you work service or are a NEET. Not really the place to try and flex their cheif.

>> No.14577093

No, I'm in production. Still not great, but any job is better than being a chef. It is seriously the worst job available in economically advanced nations. You can be cleaning public toilets and you're still doing better.

>> No.14577094

#metoo means nothing to me now

>> No.14577167

>I'm not in hospitality, but let me tell you all about how it compares to other jobs
Jesus fucking christ this board turns to shit when Americans go to bed.

>> No.14577178

Hahaha you haaaaaate what you do. It kills you. You don’t know the rush

>> No.14577225

co-own is hard, regardless of the type of business, but I'd pick good ole tony. I miss him so much bros

>> No.14577263

>opening a restaurant with a dead chef
Yeah, that will work out

>> No.14577477

Personally I feel that Bourdain is likely dead because of how vocally he criticised Weinstein and co.

>> No.14577747

Mario. on the stipulation he cant be around women or the fuckboi flip kitchen workers alone.

>> No.14577762


One is dead, one I have no idea at all who they are, and one is losing his marbles.

I'd still pick Ramsey though just for the star appeal in attracting customers.

>> No.14579471

>pick batali
>no women will work there
>no women will eat there
>shop will be successful

>> No.14579477

dont know who the fat one is, but the fat one. ramsey would be a bitch to work with and we would take hours to make one pizza, bourdain is cool but would be doing heroin in the back

>> No.14579485

Sounds like a food hygiene issue before you even serve a slice.

>> No.14579489
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>> No.14579496

I wouldn't sign shit with any one of them, they're all celeb fags and worthless.

>> No.14579518

They remind me of these idiots on tv that so stock picks but selling books and shit. If they knew so much then they'd be billionaires and wouldn't need to be on tv yet they are on tv and suckers are buying their shit.

>> No.14579527
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Same. I could be wrong but I could have sworn I saw an image of some of his tweets shortly before he committed suicide and they were very political and critical of Hillary Clinton. I'm not a conspiracy theorist Q anon retard but given what we know about the Epstein scandal it was obvious that the Clintons and Trump's were involved much more than they let on. I would not be surprised if Bourdain was going to say something about someone and "hung himself."

In Russia they throw you out of windows. In the USA their MO is suicide by hanging. Power hungry sick fuckers. Pedophiles run society man. I wish I was joking. All the released court documents released in the Epstein trial and the victim statements make me believe it. Pedophiles and their enablers genuinely run society.

>> No.14579575

the corpse. we'd call it zombie dandy pizza

>> No.14579588


A hearty kek

>> No.14579595

Mario. Too bad he ruined his reputation.

>> No.14580089

Ramsay is a high-strung twat. Mario is a loser.

>> No.14580093
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I choose rick flair from middle


>> No.14580124
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Gordon Ramsay but it would be a poorly managed Dominos. He'll be constantly seething that he is not allowed to change the recipes and has to make subpar pizza.

>> No.14580329

Bobby Flay

>> No.14580345

Batali, he's alive and hates the Food Network - so he might actually be around to put in some work from time to time.

>> No.14580361

It's *cough* it's getting smokey in here

>> No.14580381

>Bourdain if he were still alive
you want the guy that has failed in every food related business venture he ever took on?

he killed himself because his chocolate company went under

>> No.14580382

Batali hands down
But no crocs in the building
He'll be rocking ultra boosts in my kitchen

>> No.14580397

criminal charges are a bit more than your typical twitter #metoo posturing

>> No.14580404

Ramsay, but he's banned from making travelogues and YouTube videos.

>> No.14580405
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*blocks you path*

>> No.14580408

>puts an "R" in your stockpots

>> No.14580633

Bourdain. Fewer scandals, fans for customers and maybe even a decent grilled cheese on the menu.

>> No.14580663

Pretty sure he liked himself because his wife was cheating on him and trying to take away their kid.

>> No.14580665


>> No.14580666

Extremely redpilled

>> No.14580680

None. I am better than those three.

>> No.14580706

Rapey, deady or grilled cheesey?

Pass on all thanks.

>> No.14581009

Ramsey, but he's not allowed in the kitchen. He's there to train the staff, make the menu, and of course, name recognition. I'd mostly just have him go around and berate customers, and advertise the place as an "experience".

>> No.14581066

*killed himself

>> No.14581099

I'm not a woman, pretty sure he's not going to sexually assault me.

>> No.14581113

>If you're posting on 4chan there is a 99% chance you work service or are a NEET.
Literal projection

>> No.14581946

If you aren't you're probably an even bigger loser IMO, if you have money, you should be able to activities other than shitpost on a Belizean macrame forum

>> No.14582201

>le edgy comment
Take all my UPVOTES ANON!!!

>> No.14582214

Haha funny and edgy. It’s actually not funny at all and stuff like this makes you look like a loser. He’s a real person and you are disrespecting his memory, how’d you feel if someone did that to you or someone you care about?

>> No.14583248


>> No.14583320

Take a hike moralfag

>> No.14583328

the one that has the daughter with the dead dad, that one

>> No.14583346

no one would care about him to make a disparaging comment after his death.

>> No.14583413

The fat one
Heil know whats good