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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14571020 No.14571020 [Reply] [Original]



>> No.14571038

Is this really all Spain is known for...? That's sad. What a useless place

>> No.14571039

noooo our special ham can only be made because of the special atmospheric composition above spain that doesn't cross the border into france or anywhere else on the planet

>> No.14571058

Watch it eventually surpass the original. Like wine, beer, cheese, fruit, coffee, etc. did. Suck it, Spain.

>> No.14571064


we spanish chorizo now, nyiggaaaahhhh

>> No.14571073


we need to start raising mediterranean buffalo too so we can make proper mozzarella

>> No.14571089

seems like a clickbait shit article, nobody in Spain cares enough.

>> No.14571097

I guess they won't be >>hogging<< all the ham now

>> No.14571222

with the absolute mad infestation of wild hogs in both of those states, good luck keeping the breed pure. it is already hard in spain, where regulations regarding distancing between farms are very strict. they will end up selling shit meat that is 5% iberico and 95% shithog and americans will pay for it.

>> No.14571254

trips of truth

>> No.14571282

Hog Lives Matter you racist

>> No.14571283

Actually i wont cause i dont know what the fuck Liberian ham even is LOL

>> No.14571302

Don't these delicious piggies mostly eat a specific type of acorn?

>> No.14571345

>American wine, cheese, fruit or coffee being better than literally any other country


>> No.14571354
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If it's good enough to stand on its own it would have its own name, poorfag. Enjoy pretending to be fancy eating your sophisticated Wisconsin "parmesan" thoough

>> No.14571365

rogue river creamery won world's best cheese actually

>> No.14571368

Is Iberian ham easy to find in the US? I want to try some today.

>> No.14571369


>> No.14571376


>> No.14571401

It's like Australian wagyu, old world culture is dead, new world globalism is the new hotness.

>> No.14571415


why do Euros do this

>> No.14571435

Couldn't give a fuck, honestly.
It'll be shit quality, corn fed, antibiotic pumped pork.

>> No.14571438

Americans always grasping for straws. So insecure

>> No.14571453

In a competition attended by 3 international competitors, two of which were Canadian.

>> No.14571461

>american judges vote american cheese as best
haha.. yeah.

>> No.14571464

lmao which is it then
american or canadian

>> No.14571465

Like tofu hamburger or cow parmesan it's good enough for americans.

>> No.14571466

The national inferiority complex is epic in magnitude.

>> No.14571470

not as insecure as getting mad when someone makes a food in a different place

>> No.14571474

Literally noone is mad. There's not a single spaniard in this incel board because they're outside doing stuff

>> No.14571496

That's correct, and your seething makes it even better

>> No.14571511

Spaniard here. Do whatever you want, you'll fuck it up anyways. You don't have enough food regulations to stop companies from selling you shit food. Not like you have the taste to realize it.

>> No.14571521

it's all they have left

jamon iberico isn't very good at all
every spanish and french market I've been to smelled like raw sewage and had mediocre food

>> No.14571528

Oy Vey

>> No.14571560

But jews dont eat pork and they know what's best for amerigoyim.

>> No.14571570

We can do anything better than subhuman nipsects though

>> No.14571751


>> No.14571776
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>> No.14571795
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>> No.14571797

(((American))) cheese judged best by the (((Culture of Critique))).

>> No.14571807

>He doesn't know.
I'm so sorry anon.

>> No.14571808

US wine has definitely not surpassed Europe. Not even close. There are outliers here and there but overall their wine industry blows ours out of the fuckin water. Everything else I agree. Coffee is questionable I guess

>> No.14571809

I think Christopher Columbus or Juan Ponce de Leon brought over the first Iberian pigs to the US....they've been running wild ever since. Blame Spain!
Do we even have acorn trees for their diet?

>> No.14571811

Anon. Samefagging is a sin.

>> No.14571813
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>> No.14571817

>Acorn trees
Are you fuckin retarded

>> No.14571819

I think we should have pecan-fed texas or georgia some other kind of heritage pigs that top iberico. That'll fix the problem. Is anyone already doing that? Seems easy enough if we can afford $12/lb feed :P

>> No.14571831

Good, the cheapest stuff shouldn't be $14 a lb.

>> No.14571865

acorn trees are called oaks anon

>> No.14571880
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The US seems like a place where most people stopped growing at 10 years old, they seems to be all screeching jealous capricious kids with sub 60 I.Q...
At first watching the dumb american people doing their things was funny but now I think it's worrying.
Honestly we don't even care if you make your own iberic ham and deep fry it with your superior american plastic cheese.
Even our Spanish hogs live rent free in your heads lol.

>> No.14571881

That's true. The rain in Spain stays mainly on the plain.

>> No.14571894

Cope, the post

>> No.14571896

Wrong. The 2019 World Cheese Awards took place in Italy. Top award went to Rogue River Blue from the US, while other honors went to cheesemakers from the UK, Croatia, Italy, Australia, Switzerland, Greece, France, and Spain.

>> No.14572966

yuroburkas absolutely SEETHING

>> No.14572991

I can already buy shitty American "Iberian" ham though. What makes this different?

>> No.14573014

>one pretentious fart-sniffing critic gave a sound bite to an online newspaper
when are we going to rise up and hang journalists everywhere?

>> No.14573119

> Implying these sponsored events mean anything at all

>> No.14573186

Yes, Costco has it all year long.

>> No.14573208

Wisconsin-made Parmesan is unironically better than the shit from Italy, and basically, you're seething.

>> No.14573213

wow the US really is cutting all ties with europe

>> No.14573259


>> No.14573266

Oh no no no no no
No así Iberia bros, no así.

>> No.14573277

They are also known for sodomy and never attempting Real Communism™

>> No.14573329

Just like any Wagyu you buy in America, the name isn’t regulated as strictly as in japan or something.

>> No.14573384

The term they're looking for is "Iberian inspired." But, no, let's just lie instead.

>> No.14573387

They're like faggots from NYC talking about pizza and bagels.

>> No.14573403


>> No.14573488

Another quality product going down the drain.
Guess i'll have to watch for Spanish made ham now.

>> No.14573516

I can't speak for wine/cheese/fruit but coffees roasted in America are widely considered to be the best in the world. America is a major contributor to the advancement of "third wave" coffee along with the UK and some norther Euro countries.

>> No.14573531

Lol at the implication that the US collectively got together and decided to do this

>> No.14573560

Spain is already doing that and Greece has been for decades with olive oil thats garbage compared to shit you can scoop off the floor in california

>> No.14573576

nice goalposts
so what are you basing some European country being better then on if every event is meaningless? Surely they won one in the past. You fucking played yourself, retard

>> No.14573587

>implying quality wont improve as other countries wont get stuck with fake certified "for export" shit from spain

>> No.14573715

Free market at work.

>> No.14573721

Based consumer rights opposer.

>> No.14574849

oh hi WIDF haven’t seen you in a while

>> No.14574861

kek this. get dabbed on, faggots

>> No.14574884

The "purists" can just keep buying the Spanish product. If it's that much better I'm sure it will continue to sell just fine.

>> No.14574892

France alone has better cheese, wine, fruit and coffee than the entire United States

How do Americans have this pure blend of ignorance and arrogance that is both so confident and so misguided at the same time lmao? Maybe they could boast about that, they are definitely hands down gold medalists at being stupid and wrong all the time.

>> No.14574896

That's not the kind of fruits he meant, anon.

>> No.14574913


>> No.14574952

I don't think coffee is questionable at all. US 3rd wave coffee perfected Europe's espresso-based coffee internationally, massivley improved roasting practices, and drove the agricultural market to emphasize quality over quantity. If not for that, everybody would still be drinking shit-tier robusto espresso and crappy commodity drip or instant. It's almost unbelievable how much the general quality of coffee has improved in the last 30 years. This is 100% because of some fucking coffee nerds in the 1960's and 1970's in the US.

>> No.14574975

t. talking out of ass

>> No.14574987


>> No.14574997


>> No.14575184

Americans and making shitty, knock-off versions of wine, cheese, and food.

Name a more dynamic duo

>> No.14575201


Oh really, just like the other "World Cheese Awards" where American products win?

I remember an American cheesemaker winning "World's Best Parmesan", in a contest where there wasn't a single entry from Italy in the Parmesan ...

>> No.14575233
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imagine the smell

>> No.14575271

Spain was fascist in the run-up to World War 2. That is literally the exact opposite of communism.

>> No.14575668

>.... never attempting Real Communism™

You realize Spain was a far right dictatorship for most of the 20th century, and never particularly left wing, right?

>> No.14575699

Iberico ham is one of the few DOPs that actually matter. Most of them are just protectionist bullshit in which you can find better and/or cheaper versions from other parts of the world.

>> No.14576051

why not just making your own fucking product and just call it "texan ham" or something. if then it's particularly good you would set a standard like other countries did with their food

>> No.14576075

Because the location known making something works better than writing out the whole process? Did you even think about that for like 2 seconds before you posted? It's easier to call something Soppressata than Pig scraps - ground, seasoned, fat added, cured and aged.

>> No.14576098

even if it's actually an important award, a single producer winning it doesn't mean anything.
For example, british food culture is still bad on average even if Heston Blumenthal was named world's best chef several years ago

>> No.14576664

What do they care, meat is mutually embargoed between USA and EU

>> No.14576670

iberian ham isn't any better than country ham or culatello

>> No.14576725

speaking of which, this year’s batch of Rogue River Blue goes on sale end of August

>> No.14576747

It’s distinct from those however

>> No.14576770
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speaking of which...

>> No.14576775

Wisconsin cheese is some of the best though, what are you crying about?

>> No.14576812

The pigs are lean and eat specific acorns which gives it their taste. That is the hardest thing to reproduce

>> No.14577676

Yeah, those ethopians really bring in the goldmedals for the burgers...

>> No.14577686

based ESL brainlet

>> No.14577714

why in the world would anyone pay $900 for a leg of ham? you could buy a new pc with that much money.

>> No.14577750

So much European butthurt ITT

>> No.14577767

Based retard.

>> No.14577888

>National Socialism isn't real Socialism!!!
way to prove his point

>> No.14577996

>Spanish wines flood the market wrongly labeled as french to meet demand
>The grease balls complain about their specialized pork market about to be flooded

>> No.14578069

>can't even have raw pork in America because you'll contract parasites due to 3rd world hygiene
Lmao seethe on, mutts

>> No.14578234

yes. nd they have to run around looking for it.

>> No.14578239

spoiler you ate shit jamon. sadly you will never be able to try the really good stuff, that is only accesible via personal contact with the producers.

>> No.14578240

you clearly do not know the regulation regarding rearing of iberian pigs. please stop being a fool.

>> No.14578244

this is a myth you absolute tard

>> No.14578245

i'm actually all for similar products being produced around the world. it is the only way to bring prices down back in spain. same for wine and cheese.

>> No.14578259

well you aven't been following political developments lately then. there is barely a conservative party, what is labeled as "right-wing" is social democrat at best, and the government is in the hands of socialist/communist coalition

>> No.14578262

tru dat

>> No.14578273

>regions are protectionist bullshit

>> No.14578287


>> No.14578290

Communism in itself is fascist

>> No.14578343

Every American on this board so far told me that you can't eat raw pork because YoU wIlL cOnTrAcT pArAsItEs

>> No.14578355

Spanish olive oil too.

>> No.14578468

>US has 60x the population of Norway
>Has less than 7x the number of gold medals
Absolutely fucking pathetic.
Complete self-own.

>> No.14578486

>fury in Spain

I am from Spain and this is the first time I heard about it. Personally I don't really care. It's not the type of pig what is important but the diet and how they live. Iberian pigs live in open spaces and eat a special type of corn. Change anything and the final product will be different.

>> No.14578668


Fascist isn't a synonym for "authoritarian".

Words have specific meanings.

>> No.14578702

>What do you mean the DPRK isn't democratic?
>Can't you see the word "Democracy" right there in the name?

>> No.14578721

Nigger there literally are specific caves with unique atmospheres that cause cheeses to ripen in unique ways, which we cannot replicate with all the science in the world.

>> No.14578769

I know. I live 10 minutes away from them.

>> No.14578788

I can see this. I've had ham produced in a similar style to Iberico in a number of countries that weren't Spain. They were all equal to, if not better, than the Spanish product. Sorry, I should say, the Thpanith product.

>> No.14578872

Holy fuck you don't even know what happened last century

>> No.14578880

Remember that in US you can make cheese and call it Parmigiano even if it doesn't resemble that any way

>> No.14578885

haha fucking retard.

>> No.14578899

yeah because acorns dont exist in america.

>> No.14578923

we in nyc only do that bc food in the rest of the country is absolutely inedible.
swear to god, you come to my town, i'll take you to our grocery store where we have an italian singer as sunday entertainment.
i go to your town and buy meat two aisles over from where they're selling bicycles.

>> No.14578932


I fucking hate those bullshit EU rules that basically encourage small monopolies. Old world bullshit.

>> No.14578940

you say this, but all i can think of is that Jordan Schlansky sketch on Conan where they went to the hipster coffee bar and the two workers there just talked out of their ass and couldn't put together a coherent thought when faced with somebody who actually knew about how he liked his coffee.

>> No.14578943

They didn't invent fences in Spain yet?

>> No.14578951

They only eat a type of acorn. I don't think that you have that variety in America. Even if you have it, american companies will fuck up the product anyways by forcing the pigs to live in closed spaces so they can mass produce them.

>> No.14578960

guess you won't mind if we start make wisconsin cheese, californian wine and texan beef here in europe.

>> No.14578973
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this burger mindset is one of the reasons i'm so desperate to get out of here
>wah! i can't buy this highly regarded food at walmart prices!
>let's just strip the worker of his intellectual trademark and devalue his skill so corporations can outcompete him while putting in 20% of the effort and quality
fucking blow it out your dick

>> No.14578976

Read an article that the "fake" parmesan industry eclipses the genuine parmesan industry because they just can't keep up with production as well as the price

>> No.14578998

it's not a hamburger unless it's made in the hamburg region

>> No.14579008

norway is in like perpetual winter it's not even fair

>> No.14579031
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real parm isn't appreciably more expensive depending on the brand. the blocks with jagged edges you find at more expensive store are more expensive but you don't go through parm fast enough that it makes it cost prohibitive

>> No.14579039


>> No.14579048

>american judges
They imported those judges to Italy where it took place?

>> No.14579061

America takes everything and makes it better.

>> No.14579145
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HAM MAN has been making hams for decades, probably didn't even know what iberico was

>> No.14579193

Do you even know the difference between factory farms and the massive movement of small family farms producing amazing products?

>> No.14579201

You do understand it's you murricans getting fucked over by this, don't you? You could brand something unique witj this, but instead you're gonna just create more faux product for the US market.

>> No.14579204

I have family in Portugal who had their livelihoods destroyed when Portugal joined the EU. Portugal used to export huge quantities of wine, olive oil, cheese, and ham. The EU came in and told them that France exports wine, Italy exports olive oil, Spain exports ham, and they all export better known cheeses. They basically strangled the economy because of the EU imposed monopoly.

>> No.14580271

my family in portugal said they know your family and told me to tell you that's not how the legislation works and that you and your family are fucking retards

>> No.14580274

thats bullshit, the real realize you should never have raw pork is because the texture is awful.

>> No.14580321

Liberian ham is made of child soldier, this thread is about Iberian ham.

>> No.14580334

yeah and it's really not any better than country ham or culatello

>> No.14580342

true i just don't think it needs to be x3 the price for basically the same thing. not like the terroir of the nuts they're feeding these spanish pigs are any more rare or expensive than what they're feeding pigs in quality farms in italy, france, england, germany and the us

>> No.14580433

My family in Portugal knows both of your families and told me to tell you they all want to get together and have more ham fueled orgies

>> No.14580487

That's why you eat it minced on bread

>> No.14580509

Bullshit. I gooned with a Spaniard all night on Discord once. You're fucking losers.

>> No.14580831

So why do we care about a country whose best selling cheese isnt even real cheese?

>> No.14581251

My family left Portugal a hundred years ago and we're doing great now.

>> No.14581751

Sounds like you haven't done your research on the recent history of coffee. Shameful.

>> No.14581775

You can sell it in smaller portions for big money. That's the reason. It's also the reason they don't want their product being produced by other producers that don't follow their strict regulations. It'll dilute the brand by having a variance in quality. That means people will see the cheaper product, select it over the more expensive, more highly regulated one, and they might choose not to try the product again since their expectation of the product has been muddied by an inferior product.

>> No.14581797

Mariano's in Chicago has piano players every Sunday, many off season professionals do it since it's only a 2 hour gig. You get a glass of beer or wine at the cafe to sip as you make your selections. It's quite nice. One of my favorite treats is the 10 year aged cheddar from Wisconsin. Incredible crumbly texture.

You might need to expand your perspective.

>> No.14583390

wild boars are fucking savage, if the sows are in heat, they will gut a fence like robert baratheon.

>> No.14584603

>t. mixed race city boy

>> No.14584630

dabbing on clorinated ameriham, i will buy the spanish one since now it will be cheaper

>> No.14584633

Sure, no problem with similar products. But I do believe in protection of origin, which is why Californian sparkling wines shouldn't be marketed as Champagne, nor should Californian ham be marketed as Iberian. As long as labels are honest, there's no issue.

>> No.14584652

So it turns out science is just a buzzword and hullaboloo for pretentious twats? Who would have thought.

>> No.14584656

No, Paolo, PDO simply protects brands, not monopolies. Just because Francois' champagne is protected by PDO doesn't mean your Porto is under siege; as a matter of fact, it's protecting it from being sabotaged by competitors trying to peddle their own fortified wines under the guise of your heritage.

>> No.14584662

No, it simply means that food science has not advanced to the point that we can perfectly recreate the specific conditions to optimally reproduce certain products, but IS advanced enough to understand that fact. Science isn't simply about trying to be smart, but also understanding when you're ignorant.

>> No.14584673

Yea right. Central California coastal wines shit on everything European at this point
>m-muh tannins
>m-muh delicate flavors
get out loser

>> No.14584677

Just like Americans, these hapless little pure breeds will soon be bred into mutts by their (((masters)))

>> No.14584864

>Americans so jealous of Europe they start to grow counterfeit-pigs

>> No.14584889

Just wait until we win the world cup in 2026, the seethe from europoors will never end

>> No.14585592

You're discussing politics on fucking /ck/. You know you're in baitville, right?

>> No.14585861

>stealing food because you have none

>> No.14585885

I'm Spanish. Why is this an issue?
If they can do a good job at it, that means more good food will be created. Less vegan garbage
There are a few states in the USA that would easily have extremely similar climatic and geographic qualities to that of Huelva, Salamanca or Extremadura. There are people making good wine in Arizona because it's so similar to north Italian and Mediterranean territories

>> No.14585897

No matter how good they make it in the USA, Jabugo will pretty much still be the original jamón iberico. I guess Spain will lose money because why import iberian ham if you can make your own. But oh well.

>> No.14586032


It's being done by Spanish people.

>Acornseekers, established in Flatonia, Texas, by two Spaniards, and Iberian Pastures, another Spanish-American venture in the state of Georgia, were both set up recently to capture the American market with their own version of Spanish ham. It will be marketed as jamón ibérico armericano or Ibericus meat.

>> No.14586084

Because it's your nation's brand and the reduction in exports resulting from watering down that brand will damage your nation's economy.

>> No.14586111
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okay but are women equal to men?

>> No.14586394

Am I misreading this post. The phrase "never attempting Real Communism" makes me think about the fact that the nationalists won the civil war, so the country didn't become communist. But these other anons replying are interpreting it as if it said that communism was implemented and that this anon is an idiot for not knowing about Franco. Who was in the wrong here?

>> No.14586415

>the pope is not a real christian
>it wasn't real communism
>this isn't real science
they sure all sound the same to me

>> No.14586436

Canada's plastic cheese

>> No.14586442

Top 5 all white countries, lol

>> No.14586449
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>> No.14586503

Ya seethe, Spaincucks?

>> No.14586535

Why do euros do this? Who the fuck even cares about special snowflake ham that costs an arm and a leg?

>> No.14586609

But anon, it's absolutely delicious special snowflake ham that costs an arm and a leg.

>> No.14587137

Yes, your genius is inspiring. Science can't match your incredible skill of deduction.

>> No.14587145

Your heritage that was not earned, only granted by luck.

>> No.14587156

People didn't bother to read the article as always.

>> No.14587167

When you try to draw this on racial lines then it only makes sense to bow down to the Jews. Their own reasoning is so faulty.

>> No.14587176

I don't like waterlogged American ham. It's all pumped full of salt water. The dry, clean sliced high quality ham is so much more interesting and delicious.

>> No.14587400

ask yourself shill, which is more likely? Wisconsin having the money to pay people to come to 4chan and say that Wisconsinite cheese is good? Or the EU and Californians having the money to pay people to come to 4chan and say Wisconsinite cheese is bad.

>> No.14587795


haha american hog farming expertise go brrrrrr

>> No.14587878

>well we can, but the marketing team says that an imperceptibly small amount of nitrogen difference (which is more than accounted for by variation in individual cheese wheels from the same batch) is enough to claim we can't without getting sued.

>> No.14588212
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>Spain is seething yet again

>> No.14588219

You've never been to Europe.

>> No.14588241
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>Watch it eventually surpass the original. Like wine, beer, cheese, fruit, coffee, etc. did.

>> No.14588350

>What is an outlier
One region doesn't represent the entire country. Overall we put out hot, mislabeled garbage

>> No.14588383


>> No.14588393

If you think France doesn't put out hot mislabeled garbage you haven't been drinking enough French wine. Every cunt puts out garbage wine, esp. on the cheaper end. It's gotten better with French reds over the past two decades or so but running into sewage water is still something that happens.

>> No.14589175
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Typical Americunt
>Gets tip of dick cut off after birth because jew overlords say so
>growing up, gets bullied by Carlos and Hernandez, girls laugh at him because of his weakness and low intelligence, coming from years of racemixing and redneck incest
>Finally finds a 400lbs woman who is as stupid as him and marries
>gets cucked by a nigger, still raises the children
>has to kneel before niggers while they raid his town
>goes to 4chan

"Hahaha, Europoors are cucks!"

>> No.14589355

Heritage is earned by the DNA you carry in your very body. Ancestry isn't granted by luck. People aren't pure "souls" randomly thrown into meat vessels.

>> No.14589574

>americam hams will also be mutts

can't make this shit up

>> No.14589581

The idiots who don't realize that the major opposition to the Nationalists in the civil war were Communists are the ones in the wrong.