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14563804 No.14563804 [Reply] [Original]

Comy cafe cause I need to find that one pic an anon posted edition. This thread is for all coffee related discussion and inquiries.

>what are you drinking
>do you like it
>getting anymore

Previous thread: >>14499789

>> No.14563846

>what are you drinking
'italian style' robusta in a moka pot
>do you like it
has bitter undertones but really isn't as bad as i was expecting
>getting anymore
i've ordered a hario V60 kit and a temp control gooseneck kettle so i'll probably do some research into what I might want with that while i get through the rest of the bag

>> No.14563847

got 20 lbs of green beans today
first espresso machine coming in the mail tomorrow
happy days lads

>> No.14564248

>Italian style robusta
Nice. What machine and how you gonna roast the beans?

>> No.14564331

Good shit!

My SEP is finally paid for and otw, bluetooth card is in my desktop and working, so I'll roast some beans up in the morning. Ethiopian Koke gold honey or ElSalvador red bourbon black honey?

>> No.14564378

>what are you drinking
Colombian beans from antioquia, medium roast.
>do you like it
Yeah it's not bad at all on aeropress, pretty balanced.
>getting anymore
Probably but want to try other regions for the sake of variety.

>> No.14565729
File: 1.87 MB, 1280x720, coffeecone.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drinking Kenyan beans
Yes, it's a little fruity but not sour
No, it was a same batch. No idea when the coffee retailer can get more...

>> No.14566339


>> No.14566413
File: 143 KB, 1316x2560, Screenshot_20200814-091807.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>coffee fermented in kefir

Wtf is this shit?

>> No.14566629

what are you quoting

>> No.14567031

indonesian coffee is disgusting

>> No.14568013

>people insist decaf is bad
>but very few people can reliably pick out decaf in blind cupping

Why do they keep insisting decaf is bad tasting?

>> No.14568047

running a brazil/colombia espresso on my machine and have a nice burundi for filter rn.
Just ordered some Ethiopia from a Canadian roaster (I'm in EU) pretty excited for it as it's an heirloom roasted for espresso

>> No.14568061

because 'muh decaf'
I had a pregnant bitch collar me insisting I'd made a mistake and given her our house blend and I had to say "That is a decaf, it's from colombia and its co2 processed. I'm also very very good at brewing coffee"

>> No.14568077

try to find wet hulled Sumatra Bener Mariah and brew as 1:2.25 spro I guarantee you will change your mind.

>> No.14568093

>what are you drinking
some cheapo vietnamese coffee in a moka pot
>do you like it
yeah, 'coz I mixed sweetened condensed milk with regular milk and added it to the coffee, shit's cashmoney
>getting anymore
yeah, has an interesting slightly-chocolate, slightly-hazelnut aroma; package doesn't mention any flavorings, so it's from the coffee, unless this Trung Nguyen guy is lying about the ingredients.

>> No.14568102

are quality grinders that important outside of espresso?

>> No.14568116

Depends whether or not you want a casual functional brew or want to get real nerdy with it. Check out Niche as that's probably the best home grinder without shelling out for commercial grade equipment

>> No.14568121

^ that or wilfa svart if its just filter you're brewing

>> No.14568182
File: 47 KB, 800x800, 058C66E9-C0F1-4247-86BD-5872A496B3F7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really like this coffee bean

It’s not my bean of choice, I would get it from Texas Coffee Traders but they don’t have any beans in my local HEB and I don’t wanna drive all the way to East Austin

>> No.14568192

i'm not sure i'm quite at the stage where i could dump $700 on a grinder and feel good about it, though i get more tempted to buy expensive coffee-making products every day
i would be rather concerned about the longevity of such a device from a cursory glance, given how recently it came out and how it's from a company that doesn't have a proven track record

>> No.14568194
File: 167 KB, 375x375, 554ED1A2-1962-497D-8080-D1EF95280879.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also grinding any bean in my monolith conical has been a game changer

>> No.14568246

Guys I just bought a Siemens espresso machine. Did I do good?

>> No.14568315

Never been around slavaboos?
Kefir is basically fermented milk with a slight bit of alcoholic content, usually only 1-2%.

>> No.14568373

>yfw Orphan Apex ghost burr hand grinder

>> No.14568763

This is going to be a long shot but does anyone have and recommendations for local roasters in Texas?

>> No.14568839

Timemore chestnut finally arrived but its the C/C2 version or whatever not the slim. Did i fuck up? I'm brewing with a V60

>> No.14568885

I also just got that grinder and brewed some v60 and aeropress with it. I think it's pretty good, no regrets at all.

>> No.14569009
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Daily coffee check up. What did you make today senpai?
>Bean country of origin
>brew method
>grind size/weight

>tetsu Kasuya V60 and aeropress
>baratza 18/250g:15.6g for V60, baratza 16/250:16.6 for aeropress
>Nothing fancy today

>> No.14569086
File: 97 KB, 900x800, 1566679556801.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just recently started taking coffee seriously and just bought an Encore, Bonavita 1l kettle and a scale. Already had a French Press. Considering buying a Chemex as well.

How long or how many different types of coffee did ya'll try before you found your personal sweet spot or tendency?

I still haven't found quite what I like so I'm in the discovery process, but my absolute favorite pre-ground coffee I really enjoyed was believe it or not Folgers Black Silk. Is there any specialty coffee similar to Black Silk?

>> No.14569134


>> No.14569165

It wasn't until I started working at a coffee roastery that I learned how much I like light roasts. They get a bad rap because of the name but some of my favourite things have been the light and fruity stuff. Just keep exploring even after you've found your sweet spot because a lot can be done with coffee. Imo you should shop as local as possible unless that's not an option. 95% of a good cup is fresh beans, properly ground, and properly weighed. Everything else is just for fun

>> No.14569172

Now slow down there partner I don't reckon you gotta be like that.

>> No.14569180

Honestly y'all is the best gender neutral term, prove me wrong.

>> No.14569210

I'll make sure to try some lighter roasts. Only really ever had dark or medium dark.

>> No.14569220

>How long or how many
20 years.
Every single coffee available in grocery stores, half of the mail-order roasters' selections, a good chunk of local roasters' beans.
I just started home roasting, so now I am starting over. I know what I like now tho.

>> No.14569240

The fun part now is going to be picking apart what the commercial roasters are actually buying and blending. Already figuring it out, too. Lol.

>> No.14569479
File: 881 KB, 2443x1832, IMG_20200814_183719.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lelit Mara X, roasting using an SR800.
That thing looks insane, I'm sure there's a lever in my future.
Probably too late but my vote would be for the El Salvador.
You're right anon, this stuff tastes good as an espresso.

>> No.14569686

>Ethiopiques, city+ roast
>Fine drip grind, 17g/250ml @ 205F
Tasted like chocolate milk with blueberry jam mixed in. Really good.

>Costa Rica Don Oscar Limones, city roast
>Same grind and water temp as V60, 16g/230ml, basically using Tim Wendelboe's method without the stirs, plus a 30 second bloom
Sweet caramel candy. Almost too sweet, this coffee needs to be roasted a little bit darker.

>> No.14569688

Don't sleep on them, some people think coffee has to be bold and full, but sometimes I just want a really bright coffee. My first when I started really playing with coffee was this one Kenyan with a really powerful grapefruit note, really surprised me that a cup of coffee could taste like that naturally.

>> No.14569940
File: 1.71 MB, 2592x1944, IMG_20200814_222742.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Snag a $200 hand grinder then. You'll love it. No gearing to wear, no motor to crap out.

Does it have the upper and lower bearings? One of the lines is cheaper and skimps out on the second stabilizing bearing.

Loma La Gloria red bourbon black honey it is! Got a tracking number on the sep. How quick is fedex International Priority from hungary to the states? He charged me $40.

>> No.14569950

cuvee fucking sucks. actually all coffee here in Texas fucking sucks. god I miss the northwest.

>> No.14570026
File: 36 KB, 628x354, EI_HgfmX0AER7n5.jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you better take that back

>> No.14571307

Anyone who sells "single origin" bean labeled by country and not subregion or specific farms is just buying the cheapest beans at available in the commodity market and charring them until defects inherent in low quality commodity beans can no longer be tasted.

>> No.14571329

The only problem I have with this is when they charge people almost $20 a pound for that. Lol.
>we got these crummy "single origin" beans from Brazil, a fuckhueg continent-size country for less than $2! Let's apply the dark roast roaster's tax of $18! Brilliant!

>> No.14571502

>what are you drinking
Trash coffee with artificial sweetener and a splash of heavy cream
>do you like it
>getting anymore

>> No.14571980

Isn't hand grinding for espresso a real pain in the ass? While I'm not into it at the moment, I could see myself getting a machine on the horizon for convenience if nothing else.
I was taking a look at the Sage grinder range which is electric, but there seems to be an issue with the impeller wearing down and the company doesn't supply replacement parts.

>> No.14572301

what's a step above the Silvia for less than 1500 USD?

>> No.14572436

I know it's not great to leave stuff on top of your scale but really how bad can I be to leave something that weighs less than 100g on top of it while it's got its shell on too?

>> No.14572523
File: 251 KB, 810x1080, IMG_20200810_171649.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been using this https://augies.coffee/collections/coffee-1/products/ethiopia-sakichanatural

I've been getting it for the past month and a half.

>> No.14572775

My Stagg just arrived today, I quite like it. My V60 is due to arrive a bit next week, but I've been having decent results with my chemex.
Though I live in a hard water area, so I'm wondering if I should just avoid tap water entirely to avoid limescale.

>> No.14572923
File: 50 KB, 1024x1024, TG7A5986Staggx_ekg_1024x1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck yeah stagg bois, though I don't have an answer for the hard water. I'd think you'd be okay if you cleaned it out with vinegar every few weeks?

>> No.14572926

Lavazza classico atm, I'll get better stuff when I finally decide to go shopping.

>> No.14573015

If you're not a limp wristed nanc, or are free of any physical disability, its not an issue. ~35-40 seconds of mild activity while your water boils.

No clue, Mine sits next to a Berkey filter so thats all that gets put in. Glad you like it tho. Its one of those things where you're like, "yeah fuck, probably should have had this a long time ago". For shits and gigs, take the kettle off the base and flip the hold switch back and forth a few times.

>> No.14573130

I've cleaned out my cheap kettles over the years with acids like vinegar and lemon, but this is the priciest I've invested in, so I'm of a mind to be a bit more cautious.
Maybe I'll just buy a filter jug to ease off the limescale a bit. BRITA seems to have good reviews.

>> No.14573146

Completely fair, I don't have a great answer for you but my city's water infrastructure is dog shit and I'm making due with tap water. We don't even have fluoride because of dumb shits complaining.

>> No.14573157

I did all the tistic research like 2 years ago. Big jug filters like berkey and anything else than can use super sterasyl like ceramic filters will save you a ridiculous amount of money. Look into it. Less money spent over time on brita filters is money you could be putting towards beans. Sticker shock will get you, but its real hard to bitch at filters that do 6k gallons.

>> No.14573163

>We don't even have fluoride because of dumb shits complaining.
My dentist used to live in Miami, with flouridated water, moved to the county that I live in now, without flouride, and says wow to what a difference the water makes in her patients.

>> No.14573179

Positive or negative? Because I'm under the impression that it's an all around benefit.

>> No.14573222
File: 10 KB, 450x450, hario-v60-02-kasuya-ceramic-coffee-dripper-989343.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so that 4:6 method jap has a new technique that just straight up dumps 300g of water in 15 secs on 25g of fine ground. he disregards the flat bed as well. i just tried it and it comes out super sweet. anyone else experiment with this brute force chad technique?

>> No.14573238

I see what you mean, the longevity on brita filters seems rather poor which would add up over time.
My poor monkey brain fails to account for long-term investments it seems.
Only issue I'm seeing is how much space it'd take on my countertop, compared to a brita fitting in my fridge.

>> No.14573273
File: 151 KB, 530x530, KRUVE_EQ-1044_530x.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep! I bought the special V60 because the black porcelain went well with my other equipment. Though the method I'm using is
>Zambia light roast
>20g ground 18 baratza
>first pour is 70g
>Second pour is 50g
>Third, fourth, and fifth are 60g

I'm still playing around with it, experimenting with 250g instead, and trying out different roasts and pouring amounts. But so far I really like it for that light roast

>> No.14573415

Fuck I want that evoke so bad. I only ever make 1 cup at a time and the off chance I make 2+, I just brew over a big yeti or a hario cold brew carafe.

Think about it There may be pitchers that use candle style filters. I had the room so I never checked. I snagged a royal berkey scratch and dent for the price of a big berkey new. Make sure you grab the stainless spigot if you do cop one.
Just v60'd up 15g of that black honey. Decent. Roasted it darker than normal to see how a little more development time plays with my shots. SEP is in germany, so probably france, then london, then airmailed over stateside.

>> No.14573439

Fuck right? They're all so gorgeous, the only reason I don't have one immediately is that they seem more for espresso. They're less cups and more serving glasses since the largest is 250 (I think) and has a pouring lip

>> No.14573632
File: 152 KB, 551x449, chemex.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chemex and 100 count filters are on sale at World Market right now, way cheaper than Amazon.


>> No.14573672

I've got the propel espresso glasses. P cash. Absolute waste of money. P cash.

>> No.14573846

link? Sounds pretty cool. How fine? Moka fine?

>> No.14574478

cool story bro

>> No.14574521

refers to a "5" on whatever grinder he used. starts at about the 5 minute mark
