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14560673 No.14560673[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>OMG did someone say CRAFT BEER???
>AAAAAAAAAHHHHHH nothing beats the quadruple dry north american austrialian super hopped IPA from my favourite epic new nanobrewery "Angry Unicorn Bros Brewing Co™.
>Its ALL about the HOPS theres nothing like an ULTRA HOPPED craft DDIPA
> It's REAL mans beer not like Budweiser, Coors, Heineken or as I like to call them PISS WATER hahaha.

>> No.14560680

>like Budweiser, Coors, Heineken or as I like to call them PISS WATER hahaha.
The soyman has a point there

>> No.14560692

>nothing beats the quadruple dry north american austrialian super hopped IPA
I mean, some of the highest IBU hops come from Australia, so I guess you get a little credit for doing that small amount of research...?

>> No.14560707

Fucking shit taste, everyone knows the best Angry Unicorn Bros beer is their Icelandic-style white ale.

>> No.14560713

Beer is beer faggot, I don’t care what it is or where it’s from. If it gets me drunk then it’s good.

>> No.14560718

Whatever, hating IPA and avocado and all other manner of cultural touchstones just because they're popular doesn't constitute a personality.

>> No.14560719

go drink hard liquer you fucking subhuman

>> No.14560729

Fuck I hate the fact that soy cunts are obsessed with IPA. They ruin everything they consoom.

>> No.14560735

too expensive

>> No.14560753

hard liquor is objectively less expensive than buying packs or a 2 litre in terms of getting drunk

>> No.14560759

IPA isn't even popular anymore, dum dum. You soyjak posters are so fucking out of touch with reality it's never going to be funny; it's just pathetic.
>inb4 green text with another soyjak image
No. You post imaginary shit that doesn't apply to anyone. You can't make fun of a stereotype that doesn't exist. All it does is demonstrate that you're either underage, deep flyover, or just an eternal basement dweller.

>> No.14560769

The only thing soyer than an ipa obsession is not drinking it because you're afraid it makes you soy

>> No.14560780
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>IPA isn't even popular anymore, dum dum. You soyjak posters are so fucking out of touch with reality it's never going to be funny; it's just pathetic.

>> No.14560784

>The only thing soyer than an ipa obsession is not drinking it because you're afraid it makes you soy
hops are full of phytoestrogens. way more even than soy beans

>> No.14560790

Never said I didn't drink it anyway.

>> No.14560799
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>waaaah somebody likes something that I don't
Who the fuck cares. I don't really drink craft beer but why the fuck would it bother me that other people do. Do you do anything else than sit around getting dizzy thinking about other people's tastes and opinions?

>> No.14560801

This is actually spot on. I made the mistake of joining a craft beer group on faceberg to get recommendations for any decent stuff easily available and it was full of insufferable cunts like that. They seem hell bent on saying everything is undrinkable swill and take pride in pouring it down the sink too, only the finest DIPA made from haggis shite is good enough

>> No.14560816

The problem doesn't come with the beer though, it comes when people are so boring they have to make their taste in beer into an identity. If you have nothing to define you other than liking craft beer you're probably not going to be enjoyable to talk to.

>> No.14560833
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>pouring it down the sink

>> No.14560900
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I went back on to have a look, just read this shit.

>> No.14560909
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>IPA isn't even popular anymore

Where, on Mars? In Northeast US it's nearly unescapeable. Even those craft breweries that eschew the hophead meme will have an IPA, albeit a pretty normal one. Those are nice. (For a while they called it "session". Now "crushable" seems to be the meme of choice for... uh, normal beer.)

We are fortunate to have some local joints that do lager (pilsner and otherwise), brown ale, stout, and some really excellent sours. And the meme brewers will usually have a saison or even a porter on hand, just to show that they aren't one-trick ponies. But their "flagship" is always some ultra-mega-hopped thing. Which is usually quite tasty in small doses but gets old quick. Don't ask me to tell the difference between Cascade and Citra, I just want to grill.

Any Britbongs here? Look, I don't want to get into an argument over whether some uncultured Yank can ever understand or appreciate the pleasure of an authentic pint of cask-conditioned certified Real Ale, pulled by the cryptkeeper barman at your centuries-old local haunted by James May and the village Trainspotting Society. Probably I cannot. But if you have ever ventured across the pond... what is the closest thing to a traditional bitter that you have found here? My assumption is something like Sierra Nevada Pale Ale (an excellent "everyday" beer).

>> No.14560917
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>A post post modern classic

>> No.14560920

>my daughter is named after one of their beers

>> No.14560930

>even those craft breweries that eschew the hophead meme will have an IPA, albeit a pretty normal one
Of course every brewery still has a fucking IPA on the menu, dum dum. I was saying that it's not flooding the market like it was a decade ago to the point where nobody wanted to order one because there was so much shit that there was no reliable way to find something good. Now it's all NE style IPA's, as opposed to West Coast like in the OP.

>> No.14560941

What's his daughter called, Dead Pony?

>> No.14560948

Kek. I'll put my money on Hazy Jane

>> No.14560951

>what is the closest thing to a traditional bitter that you have found here?
I had Redhook ESB nailed it well (the extra strong bitter style). Think it's from Seattle. Other than that, I haven't looked for one as American beer tends to be higher ABV and doesn't lend itself to the sessionable 3-4% style of English bitter. Fuller's London Pride seems to be widely available, a solid ale.

>> No.14560953

She's named Jack Hammer after what I did to her

>> No.14560995
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>my daughter is named after one of their beers

>> No.14561000
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Thank you for the suggestion. Stay safe blighty-anon.

>> No.14561002

It's true. I had an IPA once and now I have bobs and a vagene.

>> No.14561023
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>> No.14561025
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>> No.14561034

>This nigg's CULTURE is avocado and soy beer

>> No.14561039

>my culture is ipa and avocado
you need to be gassed

>> No.14561050

>you need to be gassed

I know, right? How could he forget Nintendo Switch and Star Wars Lego?

>> No.14561055

People say piss water like it's a bad thing! Nothing more invigorating than a good piss every 45 minutes when you're good and drunk. Do the patented "lean-against-the-wall-with-one-arm" inebriated pee, feels good man.

>> No.14561058


I like to lean my forehead against the wall over the toilet and then try to stand back up without using my hands/arms.

>> No.14561066

Honestly though, pastry stouts are such a fucking shit style.
Shit tons of flavour does not equal quality you retarded fucking Untapped users reeeeeeee

>> No.14561072

your fault for being on facebook imagine caring about what normalfags think or do.