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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14555369 No.14555369 [Reply] [Original]

>don't add salt to eggs, they'll go grey

>> No.14555821
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>salt your pasta water

>> No.14555825

>Medium rare chicken "isn't allowed"

>> No.14555826

That is true you fucking dork.

>> No.14555829

No it’s not. Kenji López-Alt debunked this myth

>> No.14555833

I've been cooking eggs my entire goddamn life retard, this isn't true and stop being a fag.

>> No.14555854

>always stir in one direction

>> No.14555899

My grandma told me if you stir things at random directions, they curdle. I miss my nanna.

>> No.14555912

No it's not. You fucking dork.

>> No.14556141

>"Wash your hands before handling the food"

>> No.14556175

"Please zip your pants back up before continuing"

>> No.14556194
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>Don't piss in the kitchen sink

>> No.14556206

>watch out for muh cross contamination

>> No.14556231

>you should always mince your own stock pots

>> No.14556234

this is ok
just dont add OWLIVE OWLLLL

>> No.14556294

Jokes on you, I ain't got arms so I've cooked food with my feet for 8 years.

>> No.14556300

how do you type

>> No.14556306

You seriously think you don't get dexterous enough to type on a keyboard with your toes? Or just use voice to text or any other handicap solution? Come on anon.

>> No.14556318

>If you use too much water in your bread dough it will go flat
>*pours dough into a small breadpan*

>> No.14556433

>You can still call it chili even if you ruin it by adding beans

>> No.14556485

can you play videogames?

>> No.14556496

The tongue can work a special mouse pointer device and as said the feet work a KB, yes I can but VOIP becomes awkward.

>> No.14556516
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>"No ItS tRuE"

>> No.14556519

that's awesome, man.

>> No.14556523

But it does make them more grey.

>> No.14556526

Nice animu, faggot.

>> No.14556534

In Britain, everything you salt turns grey. This is why British food is terrible and nobody likes it there

>> No.14556541

Adding oil is a perfectly fine thing to do to cooking pasta.
It's not to stop the pasta sticking, that is wrong.

>> No.14556565


>> No.14556600

Then what else is it good for?

>> No.14556622

not have foam happen, apparently. I don't see why sturring your pasta is so complicated

>> No.14556631

Oil prevents water from boiling over.

>> No.14556675

>i like my pasta sauce-repellent

>> No.14556748

Absolute meme, lad.

>> No.14556764

I'm not alcoholic, just drinking those beers for taste

>> No.14556774

>Hey man you got any drugs? This job fucking sucks

>> No.14556780

i knew this board was retarded but god damn

>> No.14556787

It never happens, even if you let the eggs sit salted for 10 minutes, nothing fucking happens

>> No.14556901

I oil ur mums puss before I ram my pp in

>> No.14556953
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>I oil ur mums puss before I ram my pp in

>> No.14556977

Are you perhaps color blind?

>> No.14557014
File: 1.95 MB, 322x252, Whaaaaaaat LOL.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they'll go grey
I've been cooking for 46 years. I have never seen eggs "go grey" from salt.




>> No.14557365

lol get a load of this turd

>> No.14557481


>> No.14557546

>Fuck that table, I'm going for a smoke

>> No.14557630

ive got my chefs telling me they do, well they dont say it turns them grey they say the salt begins to cook the eggs and can cause curdling. depending on the dish
and ill trust them before some internet fellas
ill check that kenji vid and see what he says

>> No.14557661

I make hollandaise with salted butter no problem.
The don't salt your eggs meme is for cooklets.

>> No.14557688

fuck your pasta water dumb idiot

>> No.14557693
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>> No.14557731

Idk i always cook my eggs in 3 parts salted butter to 1 part bacon grease. Granted I only ever make them scrambled or as an omelette but they always come out very yellow and never leaving me thinking “this needs salt”

>> No.14557765

>you have to wait 30 minutes between each bite
takes all day eating steak

>> No.14557897

Kek this
Yeah how about you suck my whole ass and hole?

>> No.14557939

Its bullshit. I always salt my raw eggs.

>> No.14558022

>There is no such thing as "crispy eggs" its overcooked and burnt

>> No.14558038

>meat needs to be cooked
Tell that to every other animal on the planet

>> No.14558046

This is cool, I wanna try!

>> No.14558049

The ones that live for about five years in the wild?

>> No.14558058

>wanting to be old

>> No.14558129

But you marinated it for a week, right? One day isn't too long to eat.

>> No.14558357

What makes you think wild animals aren't filled to the brim with parasites

>> No.14558368

OP did anyone ever say this?

>> No.14558392

I don't know if there's an exact phrase but the guy who trained me always used to go off about hot or cold milk being added to hot or cold roux. If you blast any sauce with a 2.5 HP immersion blender none of that shit matters.

>> No.14558397

if youve ever rested your steak you would know this isnt true but then again youre just baiting and lying so put a bullet in your skull faggot

>> No.14558472

Gordon "I season my Doritos" Ramsey.

>> No.14558486

was he using gray salt?

>> No.14558494

Always salt your pasta water

>> No.14558500

>Bro it's fake news that there's heat loss from letting meat sit out uncovered for 10+ minutes
Yeah okay enjoy your cold steak lmao

>> No.14558519

have fun with your steak pissing all over the damn place only to taste dry as fuck

>> No.14559472
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Honorable mention: searing meat keeps the juices in

>> No.14559493

Literally never in my life have seen a recipe nor heard of one or anyone using clarified butter to make hollandaise.

>> No.14559503

Now that you know the secret, use it well.

>> No.14559556
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have fun with your steak pissing all over the damn place only to taste dry as fuck

>> No.14559600

Ramsay is a fucking idiot. If you watch his videos on how to cook a steak in a pan, in one he says only turn it once, and in another he says "you want to keep turning it" WHICH ONE IS IT RETARD? And again with his shit pretentious scrambled eggs.

>durrrr I'm a retard never add salt before


Also Andrew Rea from binging with babish holy fuck I can't stand this retard and this pretentious faggotry he spews. He makes such a song and dance about seasoning your ground beef.

Just listen to this fag. Skip to 0:40.
>N-no-nooooo you don't season your ground beef with salt before or else it'll be meatloaf!

God I can't stand this retard. I've seen Jacques Pepin season his hamburgers normally. Who am I going to trust? Arguably the best living chef or some NYC bald pretentious faggot?

>> No.14559606

I'm so fucking drunk and angry here is the link


0:40 if you want to be fucking pissed.

>> No.14559609

this dude is gay af for the pepin

>> No.14559618

this is the first time I've been here and I can already tell it's retarded.

>> No.14559639

Yeah and i bet you think theres such a thing as a boneless wing dont you? Ignorant fuck. GET OFF MY BOARD

>> No.14559642


>> No.14559810

This is true. Resting your steak for 10 minutes is a meme. 5 minutes is plenty. As a bonus, it gives you time to make a pan sauce with the fond.

>> No.14559847

Fuck 5 minutes. My steak can rest when it is in my gut. PUT ALL OF IT IN ME NOW. I love eating meat so much. I guess you could say I'm a bit of a Ron Swanson type.

>> No.14559849

I know you're trying to make fun of a specific archetype, but you're still cringe for even attempting it.

>> No.14559975

>Defending Cringing With Babish
>Not respecting master chef Jacques Pepin who actually wrote what is often regarded by chefs everywhere as one of the most important cookbooks in history.
You are quite literally a fag.

>> No.14559994

Get a sense of humour you massive faggot

>> No.14560656

Mate I have 7 years in the industry
3 years of which was in an italian restaurant and we did this all the time.
It is clear what the oil does with the water to stop it boiling over, that is it. It's not to add anything to the pasta, not to stop it sticking, it's for the boil only.
It has nothing to do with the pasta itself. I said that in the post if you would read.
I'm getting a load of you, what now?

Simply making a derrogatory remark doesn't make me wrong.
You haven't made any counterpoints or arguements either way.
Except >>14556675 who just read the post wrong and assumed I was talking about adding oil to water to coat the pasta. Which I specifically said I wasn't.

>> No.14560709

Just cover it with foil you massive retard

>> No.14560886

>le clap mem

>> No.14561089

>I bet it's gonna look like meatloaf on the inside
>alright I was wrong, but still don't do this
Anyone taking cooking advice from this fag is stupid.

>> No.14561125

youre a bit too old to use the internet gramps. try a typewriter

>> No.14561145

doesnt really help.

>> No.14561176

>cut everything the same size for consistent cooking

>> No.14561212

If you cook squid too short or too long

>> No.14561220

Me too. I only drink 500ml of whiskey every night just to get the disgusting taste of water out of my mouth

>> No.14561275

I spent round about 5 min laughing ! This picture is so hilarious ! (downloaded)

>> No.14561276

The instructor demo in a culinary class I took did teach to use clarified butter. They used clarified butter way more often than regular butter, though. At home I just use lard or canola oil when I need pure fat or something that won't burn at a low temperature.

>> No.14561294

this is legitimate though

>> No.14561299

wow. mind jerking me off with em?

>> No.14561319
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Salt will make your teeth go grey.

>> No.14561513

Someone played one of these videos when me and some friends were dropping acid. Shit fucked me up.

>> No.14561521

Imagine working for a supposedly Italian restaurant that doesn't even have pots big enough for pasta.

>> No.14561811
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Man I peed in the kitchen sink a couple times when I was a kid, kitchen garbage can too, stabbed the dry wall with the kitchen knives, blow a hole in the toilet with a big fire cracker, totaled my dad's truck, got shit on the toilet seat all the time, man the fact I am alive today shows how much my mom and dad loved me.

>> No.14561860
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>"You've gotta let your steak sit out before you sear it"

>> No.14561871

>Lets boil these robs before throwing them on the grill
Said by seafood chef to be fair.

>> No.14561924

i do have two bloters atm
link ??

>> No.14561996

heston made burgers by salting them and letting it draw out the juices and bind the patty together
I think it's a myth thats mixed in with the overmixing thing that definitely alters the texture.

>> No.14562111

there are multiple episodes watch all of them

>> No.14562116
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>> No.14562161

Olive Garden does not count as experience in the industry.

>> No.14562195 [DELETED] 
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>place a glass of water in the pizza oven to stop it going dry

>> No.14562600

bless you fren

>> No.14562617

I don't add salt to my eggs just because I don't care for salty eggs, nothing but black pepper for me.

>> No.14562883

based retard

>> No.14563417

>im a pretty nice guy

>> No.14563432
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>well done pork is the only safe level of doneness

>> No.14563455

Many chefs are hailing medium-rare pork.

I'll never eat it.

>> No.14563470

>I'll never eat it.
Why tho? Cooking it well done kills all the flavour of pork. Especially pork filet

>> No.14563501

I'm not gonna risk getting worms. I'm fine with my pork tenderloin extra dry lol

>> No.14563505

Maybe move out of your 3rd world country?

>> No.14563625

I would if I could, desu.

>> No.14563660

Works for microwaving tho

>> No.14563668

If you're living in a 3rd world country I guarantee you and your countrymen's hygiene standards are garbage enough that trichinosis is the least of your worries. You likely already have pinworms.

>> No.14563715
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>> No.14563875

Well he did say third world, so the US fits.

>> No.14563921

>your steak is gonna get lukewarm in 10 minutes

>> No.14563929

it really do because it isnt making direct contact with the hair you fucking simpleton. im just going to assume you are so fat and impatient you cant conceive waiting 10 minutes. it doesnt get cold or room temp in that small amount of time covered.

>> No.14563957


>> No.14563968
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>> No.14564303

No, it shows how little they cared about you. If they loved you they would have raised you to be a better more responsible person. They literally didn't give a shit about your quality of life or your development as a person.

>> No.14564772
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>> No.14564867

thats how we were taught in class

i dont know if its because they want a lower fat content to help it emulsify
i think its more likely that clarified butter stays liquid for longer so its easier to use for certain applications

>> No.14564880

>chef Jacques Pepin
whats the book?

>> No.14564909

>buy well sourced pig meat
>cook medium rare, juicy heaven
>serve at the restaurant with a nice sauce
>one portion with the one bacteria cell in the entire pig makes its way to the only 78 year old granny that has dined here all week
>she fucking dies, i get sued

>> No.14565455


>> No.14565493

La Technique

>> No.14565503

>checking those based numbahs
the salting of pasta water is ESSENTIAL for cooking fresh pasta and not having it turn to paste, like vinegar for poached eggs.
For dry Barilla boxed shit, it really only makes it slightly more salty.
I don't understand, this is remedial cooking knowledge--NOT like the discovery that you can make risotto just fine by dumping all the ingredients at once instead of slaving over it for 30-40 minutes.

>> No.14565551

It gets cold nigga

>> No.14565610

DUDE NOOOOOOOOOoooooooō ō ō ō
Watch it SOBER...Don't muddy/reprogram with that degen kike shit.
you want POSITIVE scripting for that.
You have been WARNED.

>> No.14565631

You season that shit in the SINK too dontcha, nigger?

>> No.14565671

go make two eggs and salt one and not the other and then post the results.
you won't

>> No.14565679

that's salt because it increases the boiling temp

>> No.14565687

what's actually wrong with fresh raw meat though?

>> No.14565691

conala oil is really great, don't know why some people scoff at it.

>> No.14566260

>well sourced pig meat
>one bacteria cell in the entire pig
There are no “single“ bacteria. Either there are bacteria or not

>> No.14566263

One more reason for me not to go on vacation there

>> No.14566278


>> No.14566293
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Oh my god shut the fuck up you massive faggot. I'm not even going to read this, and don't respond because I'm not coming back to this thread to see your faggot ass whine some more about your job at shakeshack or some shit.
Peace nigger.

>> No.14566456

dont take it literally
i mean you set up a meal that is statistically not likely to cause food poisoning, but you get extremely unlucky and poison a customer anyway
just unlucky

>> No.14567704
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>> No.14567755


>> No.14567761

I used to only do this when my girlfriend was asleep but now I do it every chance I get. Even do it at friends houses too

>> No.14567942

>clarified butter
>lower fat content
Fat content is proportionally higher retard, clarification removes all of the milk solids and water so it's only fat that remains.

>> No.14567990

>drop LSD
get fucked hippie scum

>> No.14568156
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>All ingredients must be room temperature.

>> No.14568581

Absolute retard

>> No.14569732

>Rest your meat

>> No.14570678

if you let it rest it actually absorbs moisture while doing so

>> No.14570699

cutting onions make you cry

>> No.14570704

actually pretty based since adding cold shit to a hot pan will make the pan lose its heat, and can fuck up whatever it is that you're trying to cook.

>> No.14571687

With his pp

>> No.14571696

salt and water don't mix. The salt will just stay on the top of the water. Salt is hydrophobic, it's useless to add to pasta water.

>> No.14571736

>Soak wooden skewers in water before adding food and putting it on the grill
No, it doesn't CATCH FIRE and ruin everything just because I didn't.

>> No.14571758

I have never ever soaked my skewers and I've never had any problems

>> No.14571872

I will throw a big one out there.
It is generally safe to re-boil and eat food. If it's moldy just boil it, if you left it uncovered just boil it.
just make sure what you're boiling rises in internal temperature (relevant for things which were dried)

It makes your pasta slightly salty- so what?
My understanding is that salt will not stop the Iron sulphide reaction which is generally associated with over-cooking eggs or storing boiled eggs for a long time.
However the myth persists because there is another good reason that you salt the eggs- and that is because having removed the protective oils in the shell the salt helps preserve them.
In places where they store cooked eggs like China and the UK they always boil them with salt or a salted product.
>>14556541 see >>14556631
It also helps stop the pasta leaving a scum on the edge of the pot

That feel, when chefs carry their good tradition into the bad year of 2020

>> No.14571930

>I will throw a big one out there.
>It is generally safe to re-boil and eat food. If it's moldy just boil it, if you left it uncovered just boil it.
>just make sure what you're boiling rises in internal temperature (relevant for things which were dried)

If bacteria has already put toxins in your food you're not going to boil that shit away.

>> No.14571945

I have soaked and not soaked them and their tips burnt regardless.

>> No.14571962

Actually there's where you are wrong.
The toxins produced by most harmful bacteria (notably botulism) are actually more sensitive to heat than the bacteria themselves/
Botulism didn't evolve to have poisonous shit, and doesn't care if you destroy the toxins it leaves behind or not.

In fact you don't even need to boil most things, this advice is only given because it's the only temperature that is reliably visible without a thermometer.
Generally time spent at 80 degrees will could 3/4 towards time at 100 degrees, thus "bringing something to boil" counts incrementally towards sterilization, and converse why you blanche greens in boiling water and never in kinda hot water.

Also working in your favor is that damage done by toxins and bacteria is incremental,
they were there before you cooked something, they are there afterwards- shit they are in the air. Your aim in cooking is to bring those levels down to digestible levels.

The only time you get into trouble is generally when you try to eat things hours after you boiled them (or months if preserving things), or if you don't bring the internal temperature of something (a bone, or a dried grain) up to temperature.

If you have HIV, are 6 months old or on a deathbed more care is advised- but not really that much

>> No.14571973

Can you leave a source to this or at least a reliable "start here to read more about it" kind of thing? I'm not comfortable taking what you're saying at face value but it's certainly isn't unthinkable what you claim.

>> No.14571974
File: 746 KB, 2134x2753, cuisine_popularity.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go look at food preferences, you dumbass. British food isn't anywhere near the post unpopular.
Look at this chart, you'll see that British food is considered fairly average, apart from in Philippines, Singapore and Australia and of course, Britain. In Philippines, Singapore and Australia more than 70% of people who have tried British food said they liked it, more than 90% for Britain itself.
This bullshit meme seriously needs to die out. British food isn't that bad, there are plenty of cuisines that are worse.

>> No.14572010

Look, follow the standard advice- there's no reason you wouldn't.
People who fuck around with this kind of thing often get what's coming to them.

It's only relevant in indigenous and expedient food science, if your city is under siege or you have to live off the land.
Can you pickle something with fermented soya beans in it?
If you preserve plums in weak alcohol and a mould forms is botulism a risk?
Is your indigenous grain mould suitable as a fermentation starter for starch, or will you get ergotism?
If you find food which was cooked and then went bad, can you make a paste out of it and boil it down?
You do not have to worry about these things, so just follow the generic instructions.
They are technically wrong, but they are the right thing to tell people

>> No.14572025

>Is your indigenous grain mould suitable as a fermentation starter for starch, or will you get ergotism?
Well then you can make LSD out of it, and trip your worries away.

>> No.14572055

That chart is amazing for so many reasons
>Spain vs south America
>Finnish and philistines loving their own food
>Brazil not liking their own food
>Japanese, Italians and Chinese being picky, despite everyone liking their food
>Saudi being the only ones who hate Thai food, and strangely enough China Thailand's neighbor being second
>Australia being the least liked of any "western" cuisine, and understandably positive on foreign food as a whole

Let me just put it out there that there are so many compounds that are within the ballpark of LSD yet chemically only barely related.
Some days it's like I'm crawling across the bottom of silent sea, except I'm underwater clawing the surface

>> No.14572060

Only if you put in tons of salt. And then it actually lowers the boiling temperature.

>> No.14572077

I know, ergotamines are used in the synthesis of LSD, although you aren't always guaranteed on the chemical composition of your ergot based upon nutritional input. For instance, your best bet is rye crops, or lab grown cultures with carefully controlled input.
Or so I've heard.

>> No.14572122

So how's the difference to the general risk of food poisoning? You're more likely to contract disease from unwashed salad

>> No.14572129

Stop adding salt to everything then.

>> No.14572147

You missed my point when I said "ballpark"
there are a thousand compounds that your average joe might call LSD, and so there are a million ways to synthesize it.
It's like when women talk about Michelangelo, they are really just talking about their perception.
That's actually not true at all, it's just that salad is often the only uncooked thing to come out of a contaminated kitchen which is still made from fresh (as opposed to packed garlic bread which is really hard to contaminate while opening the packet.
Redpill is that some products are dirtier, some are harder to handle, and some have less error margins. (salami, chicken thighs, eggs)

>> No.14572730

if you can kill an animal and eat it on the spot there should be nothing wrong with it, but most people buy their shit, and the animals are usually in less than pristine conditions, so you can get sick from it
its like salmonella from dirty eggs, you can forget about washing them, and get away with it, but if everyone did it there would be a lot of issues

>> No.14572739

>salt is hydrophobic
fucking brainlets

>> No.14572797

British food is ass bud, grow up and accept it. Complete shit

>> No.14572811

British people already stopped doing that centuries ago.

>> No.14572821

So apparently we live in different countries. I've never come across this. In Germany you're able to eat raw pork. I've never heard of anyone contracting parasites

>> No.14572825

parasites, how do they work?

>> No.14572848

stirring in multiple directions gets the fluid agitated, stirring in one direction makes it flow without sitting on the bottom of the pan.
no idea what difference it would make if any.

>> No.14574178

Careful, you're going full maximum turbo retard.