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File: 304 KB, 906x1016, mold.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14551858 No.14551858 [Reply] [Original]

can you just cut the moldy parts away on moldy food or should the whole thing be tossed?

>> No.14551876


You should eat the whole thing.

>> No.14551880

Cut the moldy parts away and just eat the mold

>> No.14551881

Is frankly be more pissed they ruined my cheesecake with shitty crushed pistachios than mold. At least the mold unintentionally ruined the meal, this is just bullshit.

>> No.14551886

If it's cheese, I cut away the mold/
If it's bread, into the trash it goes.

>> No.14552750

>Is frankly be more pissed they ruined my cheesecake with shitty crushed pistachios
They don't fucking order the pistachio cheesecake

>> No.14552760

most of the time this is correct. A little mold wont kill you

>> No.14552770

t. mold

>> No.14552856

This is correct. It is different kinds of mold I believe. The mold that develops on blocks of cheese can usually be cut down but the stuff in bread spreads.

>> No.14552881

>If it's cheese, I cut away the mold/
>If it's bread, into the trash it goes.
This. But, I mean on cheddar, okay, cut off an inch of cheese. But does anyone much store their cheese in big wedges or whole wheels now, lol.

For things like bread, spores have like an unseen treeroot structure that go deep into the bread, so you can't just cut it away, and there's a lot of mold that isn't visible to the human eye anyway. It's also as another said, the bad kind of mold is going to be one of the 3 or more types there. When you body reacts to these molds, you get these byproducts from the mycotoxins and they can make you very very sick, from carcinogenic effect on your body, to resistant fungus you inhale into your lungs that can't be killed, to maybe a link to immuno disorders.

>> No.14552888

No, fuck you.

>> No.14552904

>Uh yeah can I get the pistachio cheesecake without the pistachios
>Sorry sir it's prepared with pistachios, but we do offer plain cheese cake

>> No.14552930
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>> No.14553119
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I throw the whole thing away and go buy a new one. It's cool because I get to go out on a drive and flirt with the cashier girls, while the stocker girls look at me with lust.

>> No.14553195

>grandfather would always eat moldy bread after taking away the most visible green chunks
>lived just fine till he was 95

I still wonder how that was possible.

>> No.14553204
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>> No.14553275

hell yeah me too

>> No.14553312

It's actually a myth that you can't eat mold. Mold notably improves the flavor of most food, it's why the highest end cheese and sausages have mold intentionally grown on them. Tastelets just can't handle the strong flavors.

>> No.14553314

this but with yogurt too. skim the top off.
although I havent seen that really, really bad mold that can develop, like red dots and shit. I'd throw the whole thing out and disinfect my fridge if it got to that point.

>> No.14553344

Bought a bunch of packs of bacon bits from Aldi, best by something/2021. Open a new sealed pack last week to shake on top of my burger just before I lay the cheese over it to melt and the bacon is covered in green furry mold. Ruined the entire burger and 20 minutes of prep and effort. I could have fucking killed somebody I was so fucking pissed. Fuck nigger Aldi. This isn't the only shitty Aldi product to mold a year before the best by date either. Fucking trash store.

>> No.14553352

Wouldn't it be nice if that were true?

>> No.14553366

>Shops at cheap store meant for poor people
>Gets mad that it isn't good quality
You're the nigger in this situation anon.

>> No.14553798

Depends on the food and how the fungi is growing, sometimes you can and sometimes you can't. Fungi can grow either as unicellular yeast cells, or multicellular hyphae. When hyphae are well fed they form a thallus/mycelium on an external surface of their environment for spore production and release, this is the fuzzy shit you see on top of the food. So if you see a thallus it means there is a lot of hyphae growing in your food. Hyphae cells spread as they grow and divide, in some foods they'll be able to spread through the entire food, e.g. jams and fruits/vegtables, and sometimes they'll be stuck to a localized area of the food like in hard cheeses
Yeah most fungal growth is fine, and pretty much all your food will have some sort of fungi/bacteria growing on it, but like bacteria, there are some species of fungi that make toxins that make us very sick when ingested, unless you're extremely sure its fine then its not worth eating a mouldy piece of bread/fruit

t. microbiologist

>> No.14554082

the spores go deeper than what you can see on the surface.

>> No.14554102

>If it's cheese, I cut away the mold/
Only with harder cheese though, don't do this with ricotta or something like that.

>> No.14554109

Doesn't really work that way with hard cheese though, it's too dry and salty for mold to penetrate it. If hard cheese gets moldy it's usually because there was just a little bit of moisture on the outside but it doesn't go in very far.

>> No.14554248

Because mold isn't as bad as most people think. If you don't eat food that's rotten and riddled with mold all over it's not that big of a deal. You might still poison yourself with the trace amounts of invisible molds on the rest of te bread. But our bodies are designed to handel small amounts of toxins. It's like with alcohol. A beer once a week won't negatively affect yor health, make that a bottle of hard liquor a week, or 2 beers every day and it's a different story.

>> No.14554268

I knew a guy like that, lived to his late 80s, but eating a piece of fruit after cutting the mold off is in fact what killed him in the end.

>> No.14554359

No shit Sherlock

>> No.14554368

You have absolutely no idea what you're talking about. Next time make sure what you're saying is true or just shut the fuck up.

>> No.14554432

>If it's cheese, I cut away the mold
unless it's soft cheese in which case the mold still penetrates the entire block of cheese

>> No.14554878

>just a touch
Fine. But if it's at a restaurant it's an indicator of shitty/inexperienced/careless cooks and I'd just leave if I saw it.

>> No.14554886

Do Americans really...?

>> No.14555082

she’s Canadian

>> No.14555125
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>> No.14555132

That looks like guac

>> No.14555155

And you basically need lab testing to know? Why does blue cheeses etc consistently grow the right kinds? I wonder about this a lot... same with fermentation etc. Why don’t they ever grow kinds that make you ill? And if they do, can you always tell?

>> No.14555220


>> No.14555240

but he's right

>> No.14555308

Alcohol is not a poison, two or 3 beers a day isn't going to hurt you, and a bottle of liquor a week is not going to hurt you.

>> No.14555313

shit you have a drinking problem

>> No.14555314

Can you just cut away the shitty parts of your life or should you end the whole thing?

>> No.14555370

Now you're just retarded and I have no idea what you're talking about. You're like one of those Karen's that think she's a doctor because of webm.

>> No.14555380

NVM that's my fault for misstyping. I don't mean three beers everyday, I mean drinking 3 in one day is fine as long as it's not every day.

>> No.14555387

imagine being some subhuman dago wop EYEtalian

>> No.14555419

What about blue cheese

>> No.14555425

You don't cut ricotta brainlet

>> No.14555447

>bottle of liquor a week is not going to hurt you.
>im retarded

>> No.14555557

That's 3 shots a day tard. You know this site is 18+ right?

>> No.14555563
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>> No.14555567

Depends on the food. Hard cheeses, cut away the bad parts and you're good. Almost anything else, and the spores have probably gotten too far into it and it's best to just toss it.

>> No.14555582



>> No.14555590

>it's why the highest end cheese and sausages have mold intentionally grown on them
The molds on cheese and sausages are specific kinds and their preparation and storage are carefully monitored. In the case of cheese and salami especially, the product is inoculated with penicillin to crowd out the undesirable molds that would make the product inedible or poisonous.

>> No.14556185

shut up you raging drug addict

>> No.14556363

There is no cutting away mold.

>> No.14557735

>Not going with your qt.3.14 gf so you can choose snacks together.
I mean i guess thats cool

>> No.14557845

That guy is retarded but alcohol is literally a poison, you have an enzyme that is programmed to break down alcohol immediately and get it out of your system ASAP

>> No.14557869

You have enzymes that are designed to break down lactose but nobody says milk is a fucking poison do they

>> No.14557985

Learn to read

>> No.14558004

>say something stupid and pretentious based on an untrained observation of human pharmacokinetics
>someone calls you out on it
>dUH lEARn tO rEaD
People like you are why we need to restrict medical information to people going through medical school.

>> No.14558048

>Acetaldehyde (ethanal) is an aldehyde that is highly reactive and toxic...The main source of acetaldehyde is the consumption of alcohol.
>...a large number of genes function in the metabolic detoxication of acetaldehyde.

>> No.14558098

>Why does blue cheeses etc consistently grow the right kinds? I wonder about this a lot... same with fermentation etc. Why don’t they ever grow kinds that make you ill? And if they do, can you always tell?
They're inoculated with a dose first so there isn't really much chance for anything else to colonize the food. And once the stuff you want takes over it stops anything else from coming in. You can usually tell if it didn't ferment properly because it just gets a different smell that's usually kind of nauseating or it simply won't taste good.

>> No.14558122

>iT hAs a ToXIc meTabOlite
By your standards all foods are toxic. Cyanogenic glycosides occur in just about every plant, plants must be a dangerous poison right???? durrrr
You are proof positive how dangerous a little bit of knowledge without any further study is in a person.

>> No.14558224

People eat plants for sustenance and they have either evolved to deal with the (very small) amount of toxins or prepare the food in a way in that the toxins are destroyed. What does that have to do with alcohol that is isolated specifically so people can get fucked up?
People haven't evolved to ingest huge amounts of alcohol. The moment you feel even a small buzz you're drinking at a faster rate than your body can process at one time. Hence the side effects of getting drunk. It's momentarily but that's why they call it INTOXICATION. People specifically drinking to get drunk is on a different level than Billy eating an apple and accidentally ingesting a couple of seeds. I'm not saying we're made of glass and can't handle a few drinks, but by how alcohol works it is actually a toxin. And that's exactly why most people like it, if they didn't get the buzz they wouldn't fucking drink

>> No.14558271

>People haven't evolved to ingest huge amounts of alcohol
then what the fuck is that enzyme specifically designed to break down alcohol for, you know, the one you were so proud to mention earlier on in the hope that your fellow mouthbreathers would think you know what you're talking about

>> No.14558286

>it's called intoxication in popular culture so it must be toxic
Oh, you're just a garden variety idiot instead of an obnoxious pseud. Psychoactive doesn't mean toxic. Chamomile tea is psychoactive. Caffeine is psychoactive. Jogging for a mile is psychoactive. I guess all these things MuST be ToXIc, right???
Humans have been drinking alcohol since before domesticated grains or dairying. Unless you're a ketofag vegan you don't have a leg to stand on. Somehow, humans evolved to process lactose and cyanogenic glycosides but skipped alcohol... unless.... maybe... the average doses of these toxins are too low to have an impact on human health except in the long-term and in excess?!?!?
No way, Johnny! It must be because poison, instead of, you know, being psychoactive like entire classes of medical drugs we use for numerous different reasons without toxic effects.

Nah, couldn't be. You fucking retard get a vasectomy.

>> No.14558293

It should have been obvious I meant long-term
Try drinking a shitload every day and see what happens

>> No.14558345

>Try drinking a shitload every day and see what happens
eventually I would end up seeing the world the way you do

>> No.14558352

You make it sound like alcohol only affects the brain and not other parts of your body long-term as well. I'm not even trying to argue against drinking but it acts as a toxin and is treated as such by the body and that's undebatable. If it wasn't then why does the body scramble to get rid of it as soon as possible?

>> No.14558383

>THC acts as a toxin and is treated as such and that's undebatable. If it wasn't, why does the body scramble to get rid of it as soon as possible?
brb rewriting the definition of every psychoactive substance on Earth to account for random anonymous' truisms

>> No.14558763

t. the alchie cope thread. come watch the monkies kids

>> No.14558966

If a tub of strawberries starts getting moldy, just pick out and toss the moldy ones. Prevents them from spreading it to the rest and extends the tub's lifespan.

>> No.14559004

The mold you see is just the fruiting body, the mold has already spread throughout the food item. Don't be a starving poorfag, just throw it away.

>> No.14559012

all the homos love fruiting bodies

>> No.14559190

Too much of anything is bad for you, youre retarded we all know it just stop embarrassing yourself.

>> No.14559196

t. Butt hurt man baby who can't cope with making an idiot of himself on an anonymous web forum.

>> No.14561206

>t. liverlet

>> No.14561216

What about 8 fuckin whiskey sours, every single night?

>> No.14561286
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>This isn't the only shitty Aldi product to mold a year before the best by date either.
That's because Aldi is trash. People will grab an item from the refrigerator section and decide to "nope it" out of their shopping cart in the bread aisle or some other miscellaneous non cooled area. Then you'll see the staff, find a raw fish package that someone hid behind the nuts section, and has been sitting out for two days, and they will return it to the freezer section for sale. They won't even move it to the discounted/marked down area if its within date. They don't care that it might kill you, they don't want to lose shekels on write-offs.

>> No.14561569

Alcohol is a literal poison, but not for the reason that you stated.