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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14551443 No.14551443 [Reply] [Original]

don't let your dreams be dreams
be the cook you know you can be

it's been a while since I made a bacon roast, last one was in march and I've since used up all the grease so it's time to get some more pig oil

>> No.14551453

Been wanting to make bacon. Perfect timing. Show me how it’s done in leaf land.

>> No.14551476

Is this just baked bacon? I'm interested. Do you get more grease than frying?

>> No.14551485

why the wrench?

>> No.14551514
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open up your vertically sliced bacon, still frozen.
This is absolutely key
it will not work properly with bacon that is splayed out like playing cards, they're processed on differen't machinery and it screws up the distribution.

place your fat side up, this is also key.


keeps the coffee fresh

>> No.14551525
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I've taken to opening my coffee from the side, it allows you to pour more easily but you need to trim out a triangle to get it to pour nicely

>> No.14551546
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just kinda pour out about a handful or so, then spread it around with your hand
if any areas are thin, add more coffee.
I normally use turkish coffee for this, which is fluffier and more like a preground pepper consistency but this isn't the worse.

>> No.14551556
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turkish spreads better because of the small granular size, this is too thin a distribution so I'll need to add more

>> No.14551582
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while coffee grounds can be unpleasant in your coffee, it's important to note that they are not harmful.
turkish coffee will not be felt on the tongue, while this stuff might be, but with a bit of luck it will be light enough.

coffee reacts with meats in a wonderful way, I really do recommend trying it on both pork and beef, especially if you're not a pork person.
it both tenderizes and flavours the meat, but not in a way that makes it taste like coffee, which may sound strange.

>> No.14551592
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after the coffee I take equal amounts fluffy preground pepper and garlic powder.
this will be going on top as well
this may seem like there is a lot of powder, but all these powders will seep in between the slices as it cooks

>> No.14551597
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spread it across lightly, don't be afraid of getting some off to the sides and not on the meat, that'll float back up later

>> No.14551606
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token cayenne to keep chef john at bay
it only takes a little to appease him

>> No.14551613
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drizzle the honey across, it'll contract into globs, there is no real way around this, but it is not a problem as while it contracts from the frozen mean, it will become more viscous from the ovens heat.

>> No.14551636
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however, we don't want all of the sweetness to end up in the pooling down, we want some candied crust.
brown sugar works well for this, I prefer brown sugar to white because it carmelizes more easily, but also is a bit stickier to the top.
white still works, just not as well with the honey, and the flavour of the white doesn't blend quite as well either but if perfectly fine to use if you don't keep brown on hand. Though theres not much reason not to, i've had this brown sugar for a few years now, not like it rots.

>> No.14551645
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and of course, some coarsely ground fresh pepper on top
now theres a couple reasons I bother doing this
1, because it adds a nice flavour accent on top compared to the rest of the pepper as well as texture difference in peppers
2, because that texture different is so large, this will help cover up any sins from coffee grounds that are slightly out of the proper size from grinding.

>> No.14551676

Where’s the next post?!

>> No.14551685
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sling in the over on 325 or 350 depending on water content
in a variation i've made of this I included onions with red and green peppers which added moisture that needs to be cooked off

this will take a couple hours, if you can't wait that long here is a previous thread I made about the bacon roast in march with a simpler but still delicious topping
and another by an anon after that thread with brussel sprouts >>/ck/thread/S13763594

>> No.14551866

Damned what you say OP I will make this and drink the deliciousness in one setting

>> No.14551905

i remember that thread. god bless you

>> No.14551923

I’m so tired of this faggoty trip fag spamming his retarded generals on my board constantly.

Go the fuck back to /reddit/ you attention whore faggot.

>> No.14551933

Then hide the thread you fucking loser. I'm here for the bacon. Op, please continue.

>> No.14551935

I’m going to have to agree with you. At first they were kind of neat, but they seem forced now, like he’s trying to be a celebrity. We get it dude, you make gross shit in your filthy kitchen and pretend it’s normal for you. You’re like a dollar store Dinotendies without the originality.

>> No.14551944

what's gross about bacon? you muslim?

>> No.14551947

t. OP on his mobile phone

Literally nobody else is camping this dogshit thread defending OP. Your parents didn’t love you enough but you still need to go back.

>> No.14551962

The salt eggs, the faggoty donAIR with sweetened condensed milk, the 5lb bacon roast with le ironic coffee for pig oil. Jesus you fucking newfag, I wish covid would go away so you could head back to high school after summer.

>> No.14551972

Don’t get me wrong, OP has made some neat threads, but people like you are essentially fan girls for an attention whore.

>> No.14551998
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not much to do until its done in the oven
don't mind the schizo, I haven't even made a cooking thread since before corona

>> No.14552003

Stop talking to yourself faggot weeabo and go back to lereddit.

>> No.14552158
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i'm 42

>> No.14552163

itt: autism

>> No.14552487

42 yo frog poster fan-girling an autistic tripfag on 4channel.

>> No.14552488
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flipped it, deciding to cook it a little longer

>> No.14552627

please step aside, sir. you're blocking the view of the bacon

>> No.14552667
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done cooking now just to take it out of the oil

>> No.14552701
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toss into nearby pan or on a tray after letting drip while hanging off your meat moving utensil of choice
going to let it cool down and solidify a bit, tried some and it just crumbles since most of the oil has been pulled from the meat and fat unlike if you were to cook it in a pan where it would be sealed inside instead of slowly rendered out

>> No.14552714

Please sleep with my daughter.

>> No.14552716
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what are you gonna do with all that rendered lardon

>> No.14552721

do you just eat it or do you make sandwiches with it

>> No.14552748
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oil looks black but thats mostly just the sugars, we'll let this settle on an angle to remove most of the sediment, then pour the other end into the large cup once cooled.
this should be two thirds of this mug roughly
the oil can be used as you would cook with regular bacon grease, but also goes well as an additive to soups, chilis, lentils, beans, pasta sauces just about anything you wish had a little bit more.

Honestly I usually just eat it as is, often within a day or so but I do have some brioche buns that would go well with this, never really worried about stretching it out but that would be much more reasonable consumption for most people

this is something I only make every few months usually but it's enough of an oddity I put it on 4chan when I do even though it's fairly simple
as a safety warning though, it still has most of the regular salt content of bacon, so it is important to pace yourself if eating it alone like I do, it's a lot of meat.

>> No.14553006
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had to let my buns thaw, bone apple teeth

ended up with a little less oil than expected, probably just a bit meatier of a belly but its possible the different sort of coffee absorbed more of the oil

>> No.14553008

that's a silly webm

>> No.14553020

Looks terrible. Black =/= caramelized, you’ve gone and wasted like 4 lbs of bacon

>> No.14553028

i'm not sure I like it with the brioche bun it tastes sort of like apples and it's weird

and i'd do it again too shits delicious

>> No.14553474

Wow, incredible, you ruined 4lb of bacon to make an epic leddit thread, but as a bonus (you) got a small mug of black oil.
Please make this thread again soon.

>> No.14553862


>> No.14554021

That was a shitty thing for me to post. You’re actually cooking things and I appreciate that. I take it back and I apologize.
Sorry code bro.

>> No.14555356
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its ok I don't mind, it's 4chan afterall
btw the oil wasn't black, though it is a little darker than I like, it is also more spreadable while cold than usual