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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 9 KB, 681x383, BA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14548078 No.14548078[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

It's dead, isn't it?

>> No.14548083

not before the fries episode please i cant take this

>> No.14548114

Supposedly from some internal talks (no I don't got a link it's reddit shit) they're starting up shooting again in September with new diversity hires. I expect it to crash and burn since the lines have been drawn with 3 darkies out, Molly quitting too (rich husband nbd) and the rest of the white cast basically keeping their mouth shuts to keep a pay check.

>> No.14548124

God I fucking hope so

>> No.14548125

What I learned from this whole situation is: Never hire a PoC for your business. They'll find a way to cry "Racism", shit on you behind your back on instagram and reddit and then cause your company to crash and burn because hurt feefees.
I'll only hire straight white males, pay them all the same and keep my mouth shut

>> No.14548127

To add it's dead because I see it going two ways either 1) they come back to a yuge fan base that's hungry for content that love it and they brush this crap under the rug or 2) they get like bombed with a bunch of faggy comments about muh solidarity and they stop for damage control round 2

>> No.14548133

but my based jewfu

>> No.14548146
File: 937 KB, 220x220, so....gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so no more brad?

>> No.14548158

>He doesn't know
Brad has unironically been cancelled for being a het-cis white male who got paid to go on hunting and fishing trips around the globe while his PoC coworkers slaved away unpaid in the kitchen,
Unless he gets a new contract at Babishs new media empire there won't be any vids anytime soon

>> No.14548174

why can't poc see that just because someone is white and part of the silent majority doesn't make them inherently racist or complacent in systemic racism. its almost like they enjoy pushing people on the sidelines to the other side.

>> No.14548176

Did the darkies consider that they weren't actually very charismatic or interesting as leading people?

>> No.14548209

Nope, they deserve much more than the actually popular people because melanin based reasons.

>> No.14548213

Pretty much this.
Claire just got lucky going viral with recreating meme candy, and is dumb in cute jewish ways.
Brad is genuinely eccentric and funny.

Wow, these brown people cook things and are nice, how unique.

>> No.14548453

thank fucking god its dead

>> No.14548469

bone apple eat

>> No.14548489

>they come back to a yuge fan base that's hungry for content that love it

>> No.14548500

>all the canceled talent start their own white only cooking channel
>Is massively successful
>White supremacy reeee

>> No.14548515


>> No.14548525

>Conde Nast
>Bon Appetit
>((((White))) "talent"
>(((Google))) algorithms
>(((White))) supremacy

>> No.14548541

this is what my economics guy tells me on his podcasts. same thing happens when they wrote a law for something about people with disabilities, the fact that they made a law with good intentions ended up with atleast half the people with disabilities losing their jobs, in all irony. now they arent going to hire anyone whos got plausible options for suing

>> No.14548546

>cancelled white male
>poc slaves
Can I get a quick run down?

>> No.14548553

It's an us vs. them mentality. If you look like 'them' you are the enemy.

>> No.14548555

i think it's time to subsidize and sterilize all people who can't at least qualify as 100 iq (average) and keep doing a cull every 10 years

>> No.14548565 [DELETED] 

the thing is, while whites may find brown and black people as an amusing spectacle, perhaps sometimes reaching to the point of "liking" an individual, they inverse is that browns and blacks feel active, bubbling hatred towards whites because they see the natural hierarchy and realize that there is nothing they could possibly do to compensate for inferior genetics

>> No.14548568

now thats quite irrational, but the point is that creating higher power government is just poofoo

>> No.14548572

eugenics is supremely rational, it's just "inhumane"

>> No.14548580

Is it confirmed that based camera glanceaway Claire is a jew or is this a meme? I thought she was an Italian?

>> No.14548586

i'll give you three guesses

>> No.14548604

She said something like "I'm so proud of my people" when talking about bagels once.

>> No.14548683


>> No.14548731

couldn't go 2 fucking seconds in a video without having to relate every fucking thing back to indian food. you could give her a stick and a leaf and she'd tell you it's just like the chashnahashalash salad she grew up with.
literally negative charisma. not sure she knows how to make a joke or even what they are.
he's effeminate. that's his entire personality. that's it.

imagine being one of these 3 and actually thinking you had any meaningful impact on BA's income when brad+claire were pulling 99% of the views.

>> No.14548756

The problem is that even if they come back with videos, the illusion of 'friendly sitcom workplace where everyone has fun' has been broken.

>> No.14548766

I hated it until Sohla turned up. She's my dream girl. That's exactly the type of person I hope to meet one day.

>> No.14548780

Sohla is cute.

>> No.14548787

>literally looks like an oompa loompa
Lmao k

>> No.14548795

there is such a thing as being TOO contrarian

>> No.14548970

And there is such a thing as the perfect woman. Turns out her name is Sohla.

>> No.14549116

>Brad has unironically been cancelled for being a het-cis white male
Same with Delaney. And he even wrote a long apology post on Instagram explaining why he was silent, admitting his ''past mistakes'' (as if all of us weren't edgelords at some point in our teenage years) and explaining how much he's getting paid and how he reached his position at his workplace.
But it's never good enough. Don't do anything = bad. Say something = bad

BA's Youtube is done for. But all the people who have quit the channel still want to continue developing recipes for BA test kitchen. Hypocrisy much?

>> No.14549260
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>> No.14549270

Why aren't you dead for posting/caring about this jew shit?

>> No.14549303

i'll miss priya's fat tits

>> No.14549413
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It's a shame I was actually really starting to like Sohla before all this started

>> No.14549421

half the staff left and they have not posted in like 3 months so ya probably

>> No.14549439

rick was unironically top 3 on that show, all of his recipes i made were god tier

>> No.14549481

I'm not on social media. What happened? And what social media was this shitstorm on?

>> No.14549494
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On the positive side, this whole thing has soured my sister on "muh diversity"

I was never a huge bone appetite fan, but I also never really wanted it get cancelled because communism

Imagine if Chef John goes down

>> No.14549502

>I'll only hire straight white males, pay them all the same and keep my mouth shut
Isn't that the issue here in the first place? She wasn't being paid the same as the whitoids.

>> No.14549513

To add to this for other anons, look into Penn & Tellers' "Bullshit!" episode about disabilities/disability laws, obviously they don't fuck around and even if the show is dated, the reasons why said laws backfired hold up to this very day.

>> No.14549517
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Oompa loompa fetishists leave pls

>> No.14549519

i agree with priya, so fucking annoying with the constant "i am indian" thing; and i'm saying this as POC

>> No.14549524

From what I understand, she was a junior type chef who would have made pay grade in time if she hadn't sperged out

>> No.14549528

But she wasn't receiving equal pay for the video production.

>> No.14549546

So what actually happened?

>> No.14549547

Do extras or B listers get paid as much as the A listers?

>> No.14549590


There's two ways this situation could go (it's coming back either way, no way conde nast is just gonna give up a moneymaker like the BA YT channel)
Situation one, they bring on a diversity hire and do business as usual otherwise
Situation two, they bring on a lot of diversity hires and pivot into authentic ethnic food (I actually prefer this one, imagine a BA/Saveur combo, plus the illusion of "the office but a food show" is broken)

> after they come back there's gonna be like a month of insufferably "woke" content
> delaney is prob gonna get no screentime but brad's coming back, he has too big a fanbase for conde nast to do anything about the 3 people that complained about him being a wyteboi
> diversity hire is gonna have her own "big" show and it'll probably do good compared to what it's replacing (whatever the fuck molly was doing)

> the editor in chief did blackface and supposedly was racist at the office, > immediately afterwards it came out that none of the non-white employees got paid extra for showing up on the channel

A legitimate complaint imo considering claire gets like $20,000 per episode on top of her six-figure salary or something ridiculous

Alex made like 90k starting while Sohla made 50k starting despite Alex coming in with zero relevant experience (Sohla had her own cookbook out and ran a restaraunt before working for BA)

> editor in chief resigned and a couple of the non-white employees quit
> some retards on twitter or something tried to "cancel" various bon-appetit a-listers but they didn't actually accomplish anything and nobody cared

They actually bought on that african lady for black history month and paid her a total of $100 for doing like two videos where she was the main host lmao

The real "shock" to people wasn't some sort of abstract "systemic racism" thing but more that the show they watched as a friend simulator operated like a shady record label behind the scenes

>> No.14549600

These people got exposed fucking HARD. Imagine being

>under 35
>make youtube cooking videos as your career
>easily clear six figures
>work in a high rise building, beautiful view of the city
>beautiful state of the art kitchen with every gadget you can ask for
>you are given carte blanche to cook whatever the fuck you want


>> No.14549603

Enlightening, thank you

>> No.14549611

For real, elitist piece of shit company.

>> No.14549637

Rick was based and one of the few who had hard cooking chops, eat shit retard

>> No.14549638
File: 12 KB, 645x118, sohla.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>apply for ASSISTANT editing position
>accept a low paying offer
>complain that you accepted a low paying position below your skill level
really makes you think

>> No.14549653
File: 39 KB, 636x651, 1465921399913.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm usually quite left leaning. I do believe POC have less opportunities than most by default and that higher ups are almost exclusively nepotism white dudebros but come on.

This was not one of those examples. BA was literally platforming multicultural cooks in the ideal of sharing different cultures of food, which is what cooking is all about.

Retard twitter wokies eating their own again, makes me fucking vomit. The twittersphere unironically is losing us the culture war to fucking green frogs.

>> No.14549669

If Sohla wanted more money maybe she should've second-guessed taking an ASSISTANT position at BA. See >>14549638

>> No.14549675

She probably got roped into a bunch of extra responsibilities at no extra compensation, such is the way of working in a hierarchical office environment.

What's the point of a job title of "editing assistant" when your bosses decide you're now also going to cook on camera - and then don't compensate you at all?

>> No.14549679

Sohla wasn't hired as a chef, she was hired as an assistant editor.

>> No.14549695

That's questionable, as Sohla's episodes came after Brad and Claire (and maybe Chris) were able to score contracts specifically for the videos and several other staffers have mentioned compensation for the videos - albeit in the context that they thought it was too low.

>> No.14549716

>She probably got roped into a bunch of extra responsibilities at no extra compensation, such is the way of working in a hierarchical office environment.

>hey we need you do do XYZ more stuff
>ok i can do that but if i am taking on extra responsibilities i need to have extra income attached to it
wow that was so hard

>> No.14549723


They don't exactly have carte blanche. They have to follow formulas and remain consistent with their series. Sometimes it isn't fun. Most shitty thing of being a chef is the long hours. Even they have to pull long shifts sometimes to get their videos right.

Yup "progressives" eating their own again. Maybe one day these folks will actually wake up and start railing against the huge globocorps that get cash handouts and bailouts from their government, and stop shitting where they eat and all over the little people that work alongside them.

>> No.14549736

Yeah, I know. Her position is complete hindsight bitterness, alas the capitalism machine exploits us all. Maybe she'll learn next time.

>> No.14549744

NEET detected.

>> No.14549746
File: 105 KB, 888x158, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

compensated for what? this was the highest viewed sohla video I could find and according to a quick google search a video with this many views probably made BA a whopping $1500. they gave her some filler videos to make when the actual personalities were busy. pretty normal to not get a bonus for every little bit of extra work you do at a job.

>> No.14549785

Sohla is a contractor. She literally could have said, "Sorry, that's not in my contract. We can renegotiate if you'd like me to take on those responsibilities." But she didn't, then she got mad later when they didn't want to pay her extra for things she was already willingly doing without extra pay anyway.

>> No.14549792

progressive woke politics are quite great at breaking up worker solidarity and pitting different worker groups against each other instead of against their management. i don't know if it was always intended to do that, but if it was, kudos to the people who came up with it, it's really quite ingenious.

>> No.14549798

>get offered a $20k raise after you complain
>call that offer "insulting"
>renegotiate contracts for 2 full months
>end up just leaving the videos and going to print only
>still make video appearances on other cooking channels
>leave the people in the videos high and dry after you nuked everything
Sohla is a fucking blight.

>> No.14549800

seems like they were paid exactly how it was described in their contract (ie: 0 for less than 2 minutes, x for more than 2 minutes, y for a full video). i can't remember X and Y right now but it was applied universally for all contracts.
i don't know where the racism part comes in. show up for 1 minute and you get 0 dollars. it's not discriminatory, it's what everyone agreed to.

>> No.14549826

>They actually bought on that african lady for black history month and paid her a total of $100 for doing like two videos where she was the main host lmao
She said she got paid $300 per video and was angry about how low that was. I'm not even sure it took a full work day, she said it was "several hours" of work on each video. If it was a full 8 hours that's a pay rate of $37 per hour, if it was fewer hours then the rate only goes up from there. Pretty good for cooking up some sloppa shit on camera, but for some reason these people think they should be treated and paid like Hollywood celebrities for appearing on a mid-rate YouTube channel for a dying magazine.

>> No.14549829

as a business owner, I absolutely avoid hiring certain “types” because of liability; that being said, I’ll hire a Central American any day, they don’t have a history of lawsuits, they work hard, they are thankful to have a job in white America

>> No.14549838

I don't think there was a single BA video I saw where a non-white contributer didn't evoke their race.

But BA has been shit for a long time. They reintroduce Jewish food as the next big thing once a year.

>> No.14549841

wtf, can you imagine the fallout of a WHITE persona tried to be the local expert on Indian food?

>> No.14549844

find a new job then, people do it all the time

>cant figure out how to negotiate a salary
>accuses others of being NEETs

wew lad thats some irony right there

>> No.14549845
File: 699 KB, 1220x1740, D769C39C-3D31-4D1E-B1A6-5D2AF7659E49.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

to Priya from a POC

>> No.14549849
File: 621 KB, 1242x1377, DE544009-56D0-4E59-AFE4-44B4143EA490.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

part 2

>> No.14549861

yeah but it’s hard to see that past his in your face raging estrogen-soaked persona

>> No.14549866

>find a new job then, people do it all the time
She probably doesn't think she can get a better paying job. I've known a lot of people like that, who complain about how underpaid they supposedly are and talk about what they could be doing instead, but they never leave because they know they actually have it pretty good and just like to complain about bullshit.

>> No.14549867

>Is it confirmed that based camera glanceaway Claire is a jew or is this a meme? I thought she was an Italian?

>talent devoid hack that can't cook to save her own life
>so anemic she couldn't go swimming in the Mediterranean for 15 minutes without spf-6 million sunblock

What's it like living with retardation?

>> No.14549870

Honest advice to anons reading this thread:
NEVER agree to do more than your workcontract demands of you without asking for a payraise, otherwise your new responsibilties willl just be taken for granted

>> No.14549879

>a legitimate complaint
I have seen people throw around those numbers for Claire and literally nobody has given any sources to prove them. Given how relatively little views her videos get on average, it sounds extremely unlikely that she’s paid $20k a video.

I don’t know who Alex is, but it’s very possible that they offered a similar compensation, but Alex negotiated for more money themselves. Everyone has to do this if they want more money regardless of their background, but the only evidence of Sohla negotiating was her turning down an extra $20k a year.

I think it’s also fair to pay people based on seniority and impact because that’s how it works almost everywhere else, and BA is paying all their workers the amount they agreed to. Most of the PoC on the show were newer employees and made little impact on the channel. Why should they be paid as much as those with their own shows that garner far more attention and views?

I noticed the BA channel lost about 50k subs since those 3 announced they weren’t making videos anymore. You could say that’s how much impact those 3 on the channel, they made up about 1% of their subscribers. I also bet a good chunk of them are woke faggots that didn’t watch those 3 in the first place.

>> No.14549889

>Oh no what will I do without my internet friend simulator carefully engineered by Jewish producers to generate profit for Jewish billionaire (((Newhouse family))), the owner of Bon Appetit and Conde Nast

>> No.14549893

>She probably doesn't think she can get a better paying job.
well then she needs to shut the fuck up then

>> No.14549899

>claire, brad, chris, delaney, molly, that short spanish woman, carla and that short gay dude
gonna miss them, they were all great.
Hopefully they can get another contract together and make a show that Sohla won't fucking ruin

>> No.14549900

No disagreement there from me, just saying I know the type. Some of them just like to complain, some of them think complaining will get them what they want, but all of them know deep down they couldn't do better by leaving so they just stay where they are.

>> No.14549902
File: 2.77 MB, 1000x1703, Patient Brad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14549917

There is literally a leaked internal Amazon/Whole Food doc about pursuing workplace diversity politics as a way to avoid Unionization of workers. Does anyone seriously think all the megacorps just decided to get woke out of the goodness of their hearts?

>> No.14549923


>> No.14549938

Okay Willy Wonka

>> No.14549944


>> No.14549948


Take your pick: https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-1-d&q=amazon+whole+foods+union+diversity

They have an internal tool to track and report on locations' individual "risk factor" of unionizing. Their tool reports an inverse relation between a locations "diversity" score and this risk.

>> No.14549950

I wonder if they'll join Babish, he's rolling in money right now and starting his own cooking media empire with Vincent Cross as his video manager would be guaranteed money

>> No.14549951

I'll miss Molly's. Never forget she's the only one in the pantheon of BA who had her tits censored in a video.

>> No.14549952

Priya does that shit all the time. I think it's to hide her lack of general knowledge and general skills.
>I know we're supposed to make [prompt food] but instead I'm going to make [familiar food].
She tries to pass it off as being quirky and spontaneous, but it really just feels like a great big "fuck you" to the content of the video.

>> No.14549954

>Given how relatively little views her videos get on average
I can see the number being kinda fake but the gourmet makes videos are the most popular ones on the channel

>> No.14549963

But there's no way they net so much money that they could afford $20k PER VIDEO and still make any kind of profit. That's not even counting the cost of all the ingredients and materials she uses, the cost of paying the film crew, the cost of editing, etc.

>> No.14549969

I dunno if Andrew would want to share the spotlight with anyone but Brad, especially considering that he's vain enough to use a stage name at all.

>> No.14549981

That is ultimately how every small business should operate. Discriminate during hiring for the easiest to fire people, which is to say white guys. There's pretty much no way to prove shit if it's one person making the decisions.

For a big company you can't really hide the *ism any more, but upto a dozen or so employees it's just coincidence. If you're not racist and sexist, you're doing it wrong.

>> No.14549982

Mainly because systemic racism isn't real and thus anyone, (even fellow browns!) could be a part of it. They're basically schizos, but by software instead of hardware.

>> No.14549986


>> No.14549992


Quit your bullshit.

>> No.14549997

I’m fully aware of that, but Gourmet Makes gets what, 6-7 million views on average? That’s nowhere near worth $20k. Then you have to consider how many days she spends and how many tools and equipment she destroys on each episode.

>> No.14549998

Priya comes off as the most stereotypical NYC Jewish woman.

>> No.14550023

As long as I can still get content from Brad and Sohla, then I am fine. The rest is just filler but Brad and Sohla are actually fun to watch.
Also Chris and Rick's vids were pretty good, not as amusing but still good.

>> No.14550029

Which is funny considering she's full-blooded Indian and not Jewish at all.

>> No.14550031

It's in the finale of the Thanksgiving series where some of them go clamming. Molly's wet t-shirt gets a bit nipply and they actually pulled the episode down for a while to blur it out.

>> No.14550034

This all sounds like contract disputes that could have been handled quietly without imploding the whole brand. While it's unlikely Sohla will get what Conde Nast likely feels she deserves for blowing up their cash cow, I can't help but wonder if she's working on borrowed time, and her next late day or missed deadline will be her last at BA.

>> No.14550038
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Priya's complaints about Western cookbooks are fucking stupid. Yeah, I guess I could try to make a recipe from 3rd worlders without a standard set of measurements. A dash of this, a pinch of that.

>> No.14550039

Sohla quit. Rick went back to Mexico. Priya and Christina are back to writing staff exclusively. Not sure what Brad's going to do, but with his video editor suspended (probably won't return after the insult) his videos wouldn't be as good.

>> No.14550047

Sohla quit the video side and will only work on writing. She just torched the video side of the business and abandoned it.

>> No.14550056

The most ironic thing is Sohla wanting more money but she doesn't tip when she eats out.

>> No.14550065

>she doesn't tip when she eats out.
Is there a source on this or are you just trolling?

>> No.14550071

Molly and Gabby also confirmed they're no longer going to do videos.

>> No.14550084

>literally 12 seconds and he already seems to be quietly seething
Does Brad have autism?

>> No.14550086

I'm more so getting at for future channels/mediums. Can't see why they would all give up making videos as a whole. Hell, Sohla just made a vid with Babish (what I assume to be) after this whole shit contest.
Shame to hear about Brad's editor though, definitely added to the charm of his It's Alive series.

>> No.14550090

>Shame to hear about Brad's editor though
what happened?

>> No.14550092

Noodling accident. Very tragic.

>> No.14550093



>> No.14550096

brad and claire were the only entertaining people on BA anyway

>> No.14550097

That's the face of someone internally cringing. The complaint about Priya spinning everything into an excuse to talk about her family and India is 100% valid. He's thinking "Oh Christ, here we go with this shit again..."

>> No.14550100
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Why would anybody in their right mind hire Sohla?

>> No.14550104
File: 2.54 MB, 1200x803, member?.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Maybe one day these folks will actually wake up and start railing against the huge globocorps that get cash handouts and bailouts from their government
They did. 9 years ago. We all laughed and memoryholed it, but with how fast idpol came around and co-opted the entirety of leftist discourse, it must have spooked somebody.

>> No.14550132

What insult?
The whole situatino or did Brad call Vincent a cunt or something

>> No.14550137

Vinny left BA a while ago. He works with Babish now, but he and Brad are still bros.
Hunzi is the editor, he was vocally supportive of Sohla and the rest that are leaving, said something that got him suspended from BA
I'm pretty sure he's un-suspended now.

>> No.14550435

Priya: "India India India India... Indian food, Indian culture... I know this video isn't about Indian food, but let's talk about India and Indian food for a bit."
Also Priya: "Why does everyone treat me like some kind of Indian food expert? Do they think of me like some token Indian person? It's so racist and unfair!"
Priya again: "Now, as I was saying about my mom's Indian food from India... India India India..."

>> No.14550582


>> No.14550706
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All things must come to an end. At the beginning it was quite good when claire was younger and more thin than she is now and her content was fairly entertaining. Brad was also good when he was just doing fermentation stuff, but then he moved on to 'goin places' which was awful. Over time it became formulaic and it's probably a good thing that it ended now rather than sliding further into mediocrity.

>> No.14550769

I don't know why they thought they needed to change the format for "Goin Places" and drop the wilder editing. There's plenty of regular episodes where Brad travels, like the Alaska crabbing episodes, that are 100x better because of it.

>> No.14550822

"...and nothing of value was lost"

>> No.14550850

Perfect analysis


>> No.14550874

All went to shit after Vinny-bo-binny left
>that episode of It's Alive where Brad and Vinny go camping and make ribs
Pure kino

>> No.14550915

Brad’s tired of It’s Alive and prefers to do content about where food comes from, farm to table and all that stuff. It’s in an interview somewhere from a while back. I bet he wouldn’t return to It’s Alive if he had the choice.

>> No.14550988
File: 330 KB, 1140x700, bon-appetit-adam-rapoport.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the saddest thing about all this shit, is i realized just how out of sync i am with everyone else(cept /ck/). Cause like, to me it seems fucking crystal clear these people are using their ethnicity as a weapon. But reddit, youtube, twitter, are all like "yas, u go queen!" to these fuckers. I'm not a fan of conde nast or adam rappaort... But lets not lose sight of what they felt was offensive enough to get this entire shit-show rolling. Pic related. Thats right, using a bit of BRONZER is now seen as black face.
I hope some of these fucking snowflakes go to japan and see those harijuko girls who are legit orange coloured, and throw a conniption over their appropriation of latinos.

I hope brad, chris and carla are ok after all this. Everyone else can fucking die.(and i'm most disappointed in gabby. I knew the others were shit disturbers. I thought gabby was above that.)

>> No.14551012

Is he even wearing bronzer? Most Italians are darker than that.

>> No.14551014

hol up
THAT is the alledgted blackface image that kicked everything off? He looks like he tried going for the Pauly-D Jersey Shore look that was in at the time to make fun off.
I thought he was full on medieval minstrel, not this

>> No.14551020

the guy doesnt even seem that tanned in this picture, if i go out in the sun for a week i'll look brown too despite being a white european. The outfit is kinda funny

>> No.14551031

Nope, he's just a slightly tan dude whose face looks a bit red due to heat, alcohol, or just terrible lighting. The very first comment he made about he image was to clarify he was not wearing any kind of makeup whatsoever.

>> No.14551038

>Be italian
>Go to party and get drunk in the 2000s
>Face gets flushed someone takes a picture
>Fifteen years later
>Some oompa-loompa x koopa mushroom thing accuses you of blackface
I hate this timeline

>> No.14551053


I never really liked Priya at all. She also would never shut up about her goddamn parents.

>> No.14551070

your problem is that you're going off the premise that a certain amount of blackface makes it okay for you to have your life destroyed. but adam just hasn't hit that amount so he shouldn't be destroyed
you should be entirely dismissing the premise that you deserve to have your life destroyed over blackface.

actually never mind, ignore all that, turns out adam was jewish. fuck him, he deserves to be devoured by his ravenous twitter mob. i'm sure he'll be back earning six figures in some other jewish rag within a couple of months anyway.

>> No.14551074

It's funny because this kind of shit seems to happen all the time now and everyone I know still can't understand why I avoid all social media or anything with a permanent public archive of info associated with my real identity.

>> No.14551081

welcome to the purity spiral
enjoy the descent

>> No.14551085
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You can assume anyone in media is Jewish.

>> No.14551093

This shit is so fucking infuriating. I lean pretty far left, but really THIS is what got them so worked up? And there's a segment of the woke twitter mob who will never accept his apology. He's just cancelled, now and forever, can never possibly change. Fucking idiots.
I went out to eat with a bunch of co-workers to a Mexican restaurant a few years ago. When they found out it was someone's birthday the staff came out, slapped a sombrero on him and sang. And I just KNOW there's some dipshit SJW in my company that if they ever saw pics of that they'd stir the shit and try to get him fired over "cultural appropriation" or some nonsense, and my HR would fold too. I'd probably get a bitchy e-mail about it because I was there.

>> No.14551097

Who gives a shit.

>> No.14551107

I feel like if he got a good director/editor, brad could easily just do things at home and he'd be pretty popular

>> No.14551120

all i care about is claire and brad, the rest can go fuck themselves

>> No.14551140

I don't feel like this was a race thing at all. I hate when people pull the race card so damn easily. It makes it look like all non white people are quick to pull that shit, and this bullshit all culture that we are in now almost seems to reward this backwards behavior. I just want to watch some videos about cooking. If you aren't getting paid as much as someone else in your company who does the same stuff you do, then your superiors aren't racist. You are just a dumbass for being taken advantage of. Learn from your mistake, negotiate for more money, and if that doesn't go your way, then start looking for a new job that will treat you better. Don't go screaming that it's racist.

>> No.14551143


I lean pretty far left too and I think it's ridiculous that he had to resign over that. It was like 17 years ago too - I just don't get what "cancelling" a person does. If it's some real heinous shit they've done then yes, I get it, but this?

Not even saying I liked Rapo; he always came across as a tool to me. But he should not have resigned over this.

>> No.14551152
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Read this GQ article. Judging by what she says, and the old yelp reviews, the reason Sohla's restaurant closed down is because she opened without investors and charged too much for pretty middling standard food, but instead of accepting and learning from her mistakes, she blames wypipo and racism


>> No.14551206

They sold grilled cheese and burgers The bodega down the street probably had better food for 1/8th the price.

>> No.14551234

>I just don't get what "cancelling" a person does. If it's some real heinous shit they've done then yes, I get it, but this?
Yeah, to me this kind of thing should be reserved for like, a school teacher who gets found with child porn or something and parents want them gone to protect kids from potential harm. But I guess dressing like a cholo at a Halloween party 15 years ago is at about the same level, so eh, what do I know?

>> No.14551253

The article doesn't even directly engage with the issue it brings up. Why do Americans not want curryniggers making hotdogs? The simplest answer is because they can go to pretty much any other white establishment and get a good hotdog there. A white person would have the same problem trying to open a Chinese restaurant in Beijing. The average Chinese person would look at them and think "Why would I buy fried rice from this dude when there's a dozen stands on this street alone trying to sell me theirs?" That same white person would probably have a much easier time selling fried rice in their home country, because they took what they learned and brought it to a market that wasn't completely saturated with (probably cheaper if not outright superior versions of) what they were trying to sell.

tl;dr It's not racism, Sohla just has shit for brains when it comes to running a business.

>> No.14551278

>$16 burger
>$6 granola and fruit
the racists must have snuck in and changed her menu prices. no wonder they couldn't sell anything

>> No.14551294

Dated a girl named Priya who was exactly like this. Down to a fucking tee.

>> No.14551305

And then when people tried to figure out what kind of twist or spin she was putting on the food to make it worth the money (you know, like all expensive hipster joints in Brooklyn do), she got annoyed, thought of them as racist, and would even lie to them so they'd stop bothering her about it.

>> No.14551329

what podcast?

>> No.14551349

>fifty fucking eight McObamas for a whole fried chicken and "fixins"
I'm pretty sure I can go down to my local Publix right now and get that for less than $30.

>> No.14551358

$9 hot dog

>> No.14551360

>Sohla just has shit for brains when it comes to running a business.
An "upscale diner" seems like a stupid business model to begin with. People don't go to diners for the culinary experience, they go because it's cheap and usually the only thing open at 2AM when you're wasted.

>> No.14551369

>I'm usually quite left leaning. I do believe POC have less opportunities than most by default and that higher ups are almost exclusively nepotism white dudebros but come on.

They have MORE opportunities you daft cunt. It's the fucking LAW that they have to be hired at a certain percentage even if they aren't the most qualified and they have so many scholarships that it's basically impossible for them to be burdened with student loans. How in the fuck do your precious Pickers Of Cotton have less opportunities?

>> No.14551372

>11 dollars for a salad


stupid bitch

>> No.14551410


Opening a restaurant is generally a pretty stupid idea. Particularly in NYC

>> No.14551418

i can guarantee you the "fixins" were something like 1 ounce of deconstructed potato salad and a single baked bean

>> No.14551430

>Pickers Of Cotton
Funny story: I work in a warehouse and we once hired this black kid, kind of twitchy, turned out to be a shitty worker, always gave us a bad attitude. We wrote him up three times for coming in late then fired him as is standard.
A couple weeks later and HR contacts us that this kid is threatening a wrongful termination lawsuit on grounds of racism. His main complain was, I wish I was joking, that we kept using the word "pick" or "picking" when talking to him and he felt like we were making fun of slavery.
Pick as in, "Hey Deshawn, I need you to go pick these orders" or "Hey man, you need to be picking these orders faster." You know, the term every fucking person in the warehousing industry uses for the task of pulling shit off a shelf and putting it in a box.

>> No.14551474

im a libtard and if you think this is blackface then you are actually a schizo just looking for shit to stir

>> No.14551506

How it go?

>> No.14551535

Nothing ever came of it because it was ridiculous bullshit.

>> No.14551558

Nobody knows what blackface is any more or why it was actually offensive.

>> No.14551575

this is no cooking show for old men

>> No.14551589

he looks like he should have been a character on the jersey shore

>> No.14551609

Personality trait?
Painted nails...
Is that it?
Welp your hired and we can say your queer for man diversity

>> No.14551617

>im a libtard
No you're not and IDK why you're lying since you're preaching to the choir.

>> No.14551637

In a way I'm glad it's gone because as a 30 year old dude it was kind of weird to be watching what was essentially a reality show

>> No.14551647

I just want to say that Claire is a fucking whiny buffoon, and this break from her whimpering because she has to try another method of making candy for thousands of dollars has been very pleasant.

>> No.14551654

I made $300 doing a commercial shoot in Baltimore as an absolute nobody fresh out of college hired off of Backstage. They brought me in for a second shoot and I got $300 more. All told probably about $600 for 8 hours of work. $300 is pretty ridiculously low for someone that skilled and in Manhattan. Keep in mind although actors/hosts get paid high if you consider the hourly rate, remember they're contractors who aren't guaranteed work, get no healthcare or ssdi or anything since they're not salaried. Anyway, all I'm saying is $300 per video is actually pretty low, especially when you consider it's Conde Nast doing it. Although I'm sure if she tried to negotiate higher they'd just find someone willing to do it for 300.

>> No.14551694

Worked for Ivan Orkin

>> No.14551755

I never claimed it was impossible, just unlikely, that she would succeed. The article mentions a couple other guys who managed to "avoid racism" but I bet if you asked them how they did it, you'd hear more about good business sense than raw culinary skill. Sohla's one of the better chefs at BA, but she's doing herself zero favors by swinging around racism accusations like a cudgel and grunting about everything she "deserves" despite not reading her contract.

>> No.14551793
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>> No.14551805

>I never claimed it was impossible, just unlikely, that she would succeed
I know, I just wanted to mention him. I admire him.

>> No.14551832

I've never actually heard of him until now. From looking him up I only really knoe that he runs a couple of successful ramen shops in Tokyo and New York, which is definitely no mean feat.

>> No.14551854
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>A half of a chicken, breaded and fried

laff and a half

>> No.14551872

can i get a quick rundown on this? I got an email from bon apetit months ago about george floyd when that whole shitshow was popping off and i severed all ties with anything and everything conde nast. when the cooking magazine starts the political anti white pandering it's time to fuck off

>> No.14551902

God I would fucking kill to see babish, brad, and delany ladding it up.

>> No.14551913

He moved to Japan and opened a ramen place. It turned out to be really good he became famous. Who would've thought that some white guy could do that in Japan?

>> No.14551914

I mean, calling them "precious pickers of cotton" just outs you as a racist at which point there's no point talking to you. Literally nothing you say matters. What do you hope to accomplish, exactly, going around telling black people they should be grateful they're not slaves anymore?

>> No.14551916

Sohla agreed to appear in videos without renegotiating her contract first, then got pissed off when she found out how much the other people in the test kitchen were making, so she turned it into a big "racial discrimination" shit fit. Long story short, she and the other unpopular POC chefs are either resigning or refusing to do more videos and a few of the less popular white chefs like Molly and Gaby are refusing as well out of "solidarity."

>> No.14551952

I'd be curious to see if Delany ever got extra pay for his dozens of dumb entrances on Gourmet Makes and It's Alive, since if he didn't that would kind of kill the entire racism narrative wouldn't it? (not that anyone involved in this on either side cares about facts)

>> No.14551953
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thanks to "woke" culture, the focus got taken right off of banks and corporations and right onto individuals and muh racists

>> No.14551968

making you mad online

>> No.14551973

>calling them "precious pickers of cotton" just outs you as a racist at which point there's no point talking to you
He's mocking the inherent racism involved in lumping all non-white people under the blanket term POC and the secretly racist nature of liberals who exalt minorities and hold them on pedestals as props for their own self-gratification instead of treating them as equals.

>> No.14551980

I don't know about the extra pay, but Delaney got cancelled during this nonsense because he dared to describe something as "gay" in a Vine video from 10 years ago when he was like 19.

>> No.14551986
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>calling them "precious pickers of cotton" just outs you as a racist
Oh does it? Does it really? But calling them Person Of Color is somehow okay now, while at the same time calling them coloreds or colored people is still considered racist. How the fuck does that work? I'm just sick of having to use a new term every 10-20 years because the pavement apes wore it out already and its connotation turned so bitterly racist that a new one is needed.

First it was nigger/negro which is literally just Latin/Spanish for black. Niger means black in Latin, there's a country in Africa called Niger. Yet somehow adding another 'g' to the latin word for black is somehow the worst thing you can call a black person. Isn't that weird to you?

Second term was coloreds but that turned racist, so then everybody had to call them blacks but that turned racist, so everybody had to call them African-Americans but that turned racist, so now everybody has to call them Pee Oh Cee, which incidentally also includes Asians, Latinos and every other non-white people lumped in together with the blacks, maybe in hopes that this way it'll take them longer to wear out the new term everybody has to use.

POC is a fucking joke of a term and spelling it out as Pickers Of Cotton is what you snowflake faggots deserve.

>> No.14552000

thanks anon. as soon as they brought on that somali lady i knew it was all going downhill fast. not surprised. If Sohla had stuck it out and not been a retard she probably would have gone very far, I actually liked her, but better just burn it down instead. what a waste

>> No.14552013

That's fucking gay, he should just make his own drink and restaurant tasting channel, i'd watch it.

>> No.14552058

Well he got reinstated and basically said I'm sorry I was an edgy teen but I'm different now. Oh btw here's what I actually get paid (it's not much in NYC of all places) and how I worked my way into this position not just gifted it because of nepotism or white male privilege.

Reddit is mostly on board with it and fine with him it's just a few twitter trannies and that negress Tammie whats her face that's obsessively seething over it.

>> No.14552059
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>> No.14552074

As it turns out I had to run to Publix to grab some shit, so I stopped by the deli counter. Lo and behold, a whole fried chicken is $8.49. Not even nine dollars. Granted it's not exactly fresh from the fryer but I guarantee it tastes better than whatever the fuck Sohla was trying to peddle. At that point, the potato salad and beans probably wouldn't even put you past $20.

>> No.14552089

Exactly, anon. Exactly.

At this point, you accomplish a lot more by telling them that they should grateful they were slaves at all, since it's the only way such a braindead population would ever be able to be part of modern Western society.

>> No.14552240

peter schiff

>> No.14552308

well I hope this never backfires on you in any way and hopefully not soon and with great force

>> No.14552322

sorry mate not reading all that because idc if it contradicts what i say then so be it

>> No.14552340

Its fucking mexican food that any grandmother cooks. Nothing special and usually the flavors in the recipe are muted to make it more accessible to the non beaner audience.

>> No.14552361

Maybe a dumb question, but how would you go about unmuting them?

>> No.14552363

Mainly it's just that she was paid $400 per video, recorded both on the same afternoon ($800 of pay for 1 day of work), it was all a test for a YouTube show she was pitching to BA (thus the pay wasn't the primary reason anyway), and then she got salty when the videos underperformed and they didn't pick up her pitch.

>> No.14552411

ah yeah sounds odd then. getting paid to pitch something is like someone paying you to interview for them lol

>> No.14552434

Reminder, westerners not being familiar with historically obscure regional ingredients from other parts of the world is literally white supremicism according to Priya and some other random women representing what this site is now
This article and the "anti-racist" philosophy behind it is literally insane and makes it hard to take the social "alt left" seriously

>> No.14552438

Okay, on the one hand that's brilliant. On the other hand, all you've done is create a de facto union of minorities who will do the exact same things unions do but for racist reasons.

>> No.14552445

Systemic racism is invisible, that's what makes it so insidious. You can't recognize it because you're in the system, just like the humies in The Matrix. Only when you take the red pill do you realize everything around you is built on the oppression and blood of the non-white, non-cis, and non-human.

>> No.14552453

She blogged about her opposition to tipping as an institution.

>> No.14552461

>the saddest thing about all this shit, is i realized just how out of sync i am with everyone else(cept /ck/). Cause like, to me it seems fucking crystal clear these people are using their ethnicity as a weapon.
You can't ever say this in public without being accused of being a Nazi, because this is exactly what /pol/ says.

>> No.14552464

to be clear since you're a leftists, cooking is not in anyway all about sharing different cultures.
you may think it is but that's because of you not because of cooking

>> No.14552468

>Systemic racism is invisible, that's what makes it so insidious.
This is literally how schizophrenic patients justify their paranoia and perceived oppression.

>> No.14552473

Its like these people are desperately trying to alienate voters away from the democrat party at a time when they should have things wrapped up, they just can't handle popularity

>> No.14552481

>1 duck egg
I mean, sure, asparagus is expensive, but really?

>> No.14552493

They're not the alt left. They're just SJWs but in the public sphere and not just on Twitter. The alt-left is still the anarchists, antifa, etc. who really do want to burn it all down.

>> No.14552504
File: 36 KB, 600x581, laughing bolsonaro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's Not Alive, with Brad Leone

>> No.14552505

I think thats the far left you describe, not the alt left. Alt left is young somewhat mainstream but anti-party establishment left wing people in analogy to the alt right

>> No.14552569

Are you new here or something? The Matrix motif has been used by /pol/ for years and means pretty much the exact opposite of what you just said.

>> No.14552575

What schizoid bullshit brought this out?

>> No.14552654

>/pol/ called dibs on the red pill blue pill analogy!
who fucking cares about that, retard?

>> No.14552686

Holy fucking shit... The audacity.
I bet they celebrate when mexicans cancle white restaurants that cook mexican cuisine with white cooks though.

Fucking stupid contemporary politics.
I mean we're easily a more racist society today, than the 70's or 80's or 90's, because of these fuckers. The hostility they show to white people is way more overt and nasty than a white person accidentally calling a black person "son" or "colored"(which by the way, is the SAME thing as person of color) which was maybe the case in the 70's.
I really hope the snap-back from this shit puts these people in their place... Cause they are racist pieces of shit.

>> No.14552698

Retarded newfags care about that. You should be more sensitive and take the blue pill so you can care about what nu-/pol/ thinks about the red pill.

>> No.14552713

Just cause /pol/ says it, does not mean its incorrect. Infact, /pol/ is probably more right than wrong on these issues, they just lack the social grace of explaining it in a way that keeps the subjects from "chimping out".

>> No.14552729

You should since you just used it improperly. You sound like a 14 year old who just blew in from reddit fresh from whatever shithole all the tankies and marxists ran to when they sank cth and t_d.

>> No.14552922

Wait what the fuck happened

>> No.14552968

To be fair, cookbooks didn't use to have measurements of any kind when they began to be published. Recipes called for "a good chunk of lamb", "some onion", and so on.

>> No.14552979

There's a reason they're not like that any more.

>> No.14552987

Because whitey isn't raised to understand cooking intuitively.

>> No.14553001

Whitey was the first to ever publish cookery books, you mongoloid.

>> No.14553021
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>deep fried burrata

>> No.14553030

>Cheeseburger same price as Turkey Pot Pie

>> No.14553033

Because 50s cookbook writers grew obsessed with consistency over actually teaching their readers how to properly taste and season. Fixed measurements in cookbooks are the bane of cookery writing.

>> No.14553046

Quoted in its entirety from Le Repertoire de la Cuisine is the following recipe for Poulet Alexandra.
>Lard with tongue and truffles, poach, remove the suprêmes, replace with mousseline forcemeat, reshape the bird, coat with Mornay sauce, glaze, garnish with tartlets filled with asparagus heads, place a scallop of supreme on each, surround with a thread of pale glaze.
Guess why people don't write recipes like this anymore?

>> No.14553049

Because they filter plebs like you.

>> No.14553056

I wouldn't own the book if I didn't use it

>> No.14553058

it was used correctly, just not in a way that fits with your /pol/ uber alles world view. no offense but you're probably autistic since you incorrectly think that it can only be applied to the world in one way.

>> No.14553061

literally all the worst hosts, they didnt need two pajeets and rick was dogshit, all he did was act like a huge dick sucking fucking faggot his nail polish is so distracting in videos like he's fucking penn gillette doing a magic trick

as long as Brad, Claire, and Chris stay theyll be fine, everyone else is okay as an accessory / assistant which is what their token pocs should have stayed and were best at

>> No.14553069

also this is super misleading, they didn't even quit, they just decided not to be in video anymore, they still work there

>> No.14553075

why are you justifying yourself to that retard? he's railing against properly written recipes. i'd be surprised if he even cooks

>> No.14553101

I like this style of recipe, but I also understand why 99% of people would find it literally useless.

>> No.14553137

Oh yeah, it's a really neat book to reference and honestly my favorite thing about it is that you can give a recipe out of it to 3 different people and get three incredibly different looking dishes.
But I'd never recommend it to people who want to learn to cook, nor for someone just wanting to try something new. There's certainly complex dishes in there that I don't think I'd put the effort into making but it's an excellent reference.
Though it's portioned out for professional kitchens so you need to scale them down like in here
>Albert Pudding - 1 lb butter, 1 lb sugar, 16 yolks, 1 lb flour, 16 whites beaten stiff, 1 lb candied cherries, cut in dice, custard, Madeira.

>> No.14553165

Bases P&T poster

>> No.14553188

Research any of the information cherrypicked for Bullshit and you'll discover they're not calling out bullshit, they're peddling their own brand ofnit.

>> No.14553241

for example

>> No.14553243

I find it to be a funny thing that Bon Appetit is so much more known for their YouTube channel than their magazine now that just about every single headline talking about Priya, Sohla, Rick, and Molly uses the word "quit," even if the article itself says "stop doing videos." That's how people see BA, most of their current fans came to them from YouTube and just sees them as a YT channel first and foremost, for all intents and purposes it's as if they did quit because no one was going to read their stupid magazine or website articles. Print is dead, they're going to have to eventually realize their future lies SOLELY in YouTube if they're going to survive a decade from now.

>> No.14553263

you just don't like based libertarianism

>> No.14553266

>Print is dead,
but they still are developing recipes for the website too, which I assume is still relevant. A lot of the videos are specifically based on recipes posted there

>> No.14553298

yeah criticism for delaney has backed off

he was just an easy target because he's a confident sort of stereotypical young white hipster. And he doesn't really have a background as a cook/chef so people were understandably suspicious.

>> No.14553299

I wish this thread was dead. This shit has nothing to do with food or cooking, and since they're not putting out new videos you can't even pretend that they are while you talk about Claire braaps or whatever /tv/ garbage these threads are about.

>> No.14553307

>This shit has nothing to do with food or cooking,
its very obviously does man

>> No.14553309

Their “magazine” is a mainly web-based. Allrecipes survives nainly on site traffic and ads than on any of their YT brands, the sole exception being FoodWishes.

>> No.14553315

It's been e-celeb gossip and waifu shit for over two years. Take it to /tv/ or /b/.

>> No.14553326

Its literally a food and cooking publication/youtube channel

>> No.14553329

Literally never seen any one of those terms being used periodically, here people call New world Africans Blacks, and it has aways been like that, how the fuck does in a matter of a decade you get to switch through a series of terms so irrelevant and small in numbers that you can only cite two with the third being a obvious doubt?
>Adding another g to Niger is somehow the worst thing you can call a black person
You made it racist, now go on with it, even the citation of the countries name in north American media is now something to be aware of, you know the reason and there is not a somehow to that question nor something to make you think about when the simplicity of the convergion is overcome by it's newly added definition, i'm glad that I live in a country where I don't have problems with what a forum dwellers posting articles thinks and pretend that it's a national step up for something greater.
Sadly the lack of proper answers means that some people here probably can't even disrupt your answer or think about one.

>> No.14553339

That's incidental. Not a single post in this thread has anything to do with food or cooking, and that's been true of every BA thread, posted every day since they started advertising here.

>> No.14553343

lol fuck off, stop the paranoid bulshit

>> No.14553365

I've been here every day for a decade. I watched these threads come out of nowhere and post almost the exact same thing with a YT link, at the same time, every day. This shit is blatant advertising, and they just went with whatever got more (you)'s - which turned out to be /tv/ shit. Literally nobody talked about this channel until they showed up one day, and started posting everyday like clockwork, and you'd get a ban if you reported it as spam or advertising. People have been saying for years, "lol, nobody is going to shill on /ck/", but BA is the one instance in which this is just blatantly untrue. You people are defending paid advertisements. That's so fucking pathetic.

>> No.14553375

>I watched these threads come out of nowhere
you realize that the populairty of their videos followed the same pattern? They came out of nowhere because no millenials or zoomers knew anything about Bon Appetit 5 years ago and then Brad and Claire suddenly turned everything around by making content younger people were interested it
Its not some fucking campaign, its talked about more now because more people know what it is now, its that simple

>> No.14553385

>and you'd get a ban if you reported it as spam or advertising
Probably because posting about cooking videos on a cooking board isn't spam, and its literally insane to just assume it is advertising

>> No.14553394

Okay BA shill samefag. Did you guys get paid for the entire year so just keep making threads everyday to keep up the quota, even though you aren't even making new videos?

>> No.14553414
File: 1.13 MB, 3008x2000, DSC_0395.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>*opens whipipo restaurant with $11 greens and lemon salad*
>*Restaurant failed*
>"It's because people are racist"

>> No.14553415

so just ignore the text of what was said and shitpost instead? great strategy, should ban you for spam and weird ass paranoia

>> No.14553421
File: 2.29 MB, 4032x3024, 50586461-1AEF-49CE-8BE4-E3C27EB5BAFE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus Christ what the fuck is going on in this thread.
Did someone let the cows out of the fucking farm? I thought y’all had your own website for this shit you cows

>> No.14553432

>so just ignore the text of what was said
Yes. Might as well waste my time replying to Kellyanne Conway talking points, except she's at least original.

>> No.14553459

People posted about BA more and more as their content became more and more popular amongst the demographic that posts here. No conspiracy required, its super fucking simple. Its very easy to explain why no one posted about BA here 10 years ago, BA was a boomer magazine that literally none of us read

>> No.14553485

>10 years ago
Last time you said it was 5 years ago. You know damn well how long you've been shilling here, and it hasn't been much more than 2 years. Nobody here talked about the channel until they started posting, "New video Up!! Literal Who makes gourmet whatever!" Every. Single. Day. And at the same time every day. Everyone who isn't an election tourist knows damn well that this shit isn't just a, "hurr, it naturally became popular with le zoomers with a growing interest in food and cooking" bullshit. This is the worst kind of clickbait, viral marketing this shithole has ever seen, and it's gotten to the point where people like Babish and Ragusa are trying the same thing, but for some reason their threads actually do get deleted as spam, even though they're usually far more on topic than Clair braaps.

>> No.14553523

BA's youtube channel has grown wildly in popularity. Even from the start of this year until when Sohla blew everything up the popularity had increased considerably

Look back any period of time and the growth is impressive and very strongly tracks with the increased posting about it on this board, plus more posting on this board surely draws a certain number of people from here there. Obviously not enough for them to care about, literally insane to think its worth advertising here, but enough that it might be noticeable for people here. I resisted watching for a while because of the waifu posting here but I eventually gave in and Brad turned out to be great which drew me into staying

>> No.14553540

>look back any period of time and the growth is impressive and very strongly
God, you sound like fucking Trump. The ratings don't matter when IT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH FOOD OR COOKING.

>> No.14553551

The ratings matter when you are stumbling over conspiracy theories trying to explain why people are posting about it more now that they did when you first started coming here. Stop spending your time whining about people talking about cooking videos on a cooking board

>> No.14553560

Except for being a literal food and cooking channel. If FoodWishes and Adam Ragusea threads are fair game, so are BA threads. Deal with it.

>> No.14553561

>Molly quitting too (rich husband nbd)

Who is Molly's husband? Claire has a rich husband as well, they literally lives half a block from Central Park.

>> No.14553577

What a bunch of rambling nonsense

>> No.14553618

All I get out of this is wondering who wants to deal with this shit that comes with fame

>> No.14553624

I thought it was funny when Al Roker was on he called it BA magazine.

>> No.14553670

Everyone from NY is jewish

>> No.14553687

how the fuck do you get more diverse than BA
they have a gay Iranian for fucks sake

>> No.14553697

That's the funny thing, the more diverse a place is the more demands for increased diversity can be heard, from the diversity itself of course. It's never enough.

>> No.14553705

>Claire has a rich husband as well
She has a fiance, not a husband. And some evidence suggests they broke up recently because Claire suspiciously moved in with her parents suddenly during the pandemic and stopped wearing her engagement ring.

>> No.14553717

Only boomers and, to a lesser extent, millennials still read website articles. Once the boomers are gone and there are only millennials and zoomers around they'll be dead if they're not focusing the majority of their efforts into producing and advertising their YT content.

>> No.14553753

He came off as super cocky in the Chefs Table special on Netflix, but I thought he had an interesting life. Probably takes alot of confidence to open up a place as a foreigner in Japan. I still need to try his restaurant in nyc

>> No.14553803

he's jewish

>> No.14553810

And all they had to do was pay their employees.

>> No.14553811

It's also possible that for other pandemic reasons they split up to their parents houses

>> No.14553828

To my knowledge, people DO pay out the ass for hyped versions of those things
I think the fact that she wasn't some young white upstart makes her closeness to those foods less apparent, and because of that, people were less likely to listen to her unless she had some sort of goat curry dish

>> No.14553832

who the hell wants to eat raw mushrooms and raw corn?

>> No.14553849


Bone Ape Tit died September 2019 after they uploaded their peak greatest video "Brad and Matty Matheson Go Noodling for Catfish Part 1".

Knowing that nothing they could do would ever top it, motivation went downhill and before the beginning of 2020 the firm has only continued to exist due to lame oldmeme status by the perpetually late-to-the-party crowd of lame nerds and Europeans.

>> No.14553851

just as planned

>> No.14553869

claire & brad could start their own channel together and would obliterate BA quickly enough.

>> No.14553872

unironically what type of person sniffs out the owner's race while shopping?
I'm sure some people do it, presumably people like yourself, but I doubt it's enough to sink a place.

>> No.14553874

It would splutter along for a few months and then finally fizzle out. They've been out of the public eye too long. Interest has waned, and the original magic has been dispelled.

>> No.14553890

>unironically what type of person sniffs out the owner's race while shopping?
Agreed. But this is more common for the world of food critics and people who follow chefs, not so much for the general public. But food critics and hardcore foodies control trends, whether you like it or not.

>> No.14553895

god, you're such a huge faggot

>> No.14553901

google is planning to introduce a black owned checkmark for black owned businesses

>> No.14553909

you're in a BA thread, queer

>> No.14553921

>and stopped wearing her engagement ring.

>> No.14553933

Why would you wear your ring when you're not with your partner so have a chance of hooking up with a bit of strange?

>> No.14553937

It was like one video autist there's more pandemic videos of her at their shared apartment (after the one with her parents)

>> No.14553942

Videos aren't released in order though.

>> No.14553947

For the regular videos that are shot months in advance yeah but most of the pandemic ones were like a week or two old tops they were really scrambling to put together content with everyone at their homes no way they just had a plan ready for that. And if they just released their back catalog of them working in the kitchen twitter spergs would REEEE about them not being at home regardless of the videos age.

>> No.14553948

Those were recorded earlier than the one at her parent's house. That's always how it works, those more loose discussion-type videos get produced and released much more quickly while they keep releasing backlogged episodes of the more heavily produced shows along the way.

>> No.14553950

No, her parents house videos are chronologically the most recently filmed. She lost her fame, lost her sweetheart, and if I was a gambler I would definitely put money on her name for the 2020 deadpool. Cause of death? Suicide.

>> No.14553956

Don't you sully steve's good name with this /pol/ shit

>> No.14553965

>group of ONLY JEWS AND DIVERSITY hires start to scramble and fall apart into smaller groups, attacking each other

Leapin' Lizards!

>> No.14553989
File: 112 KB, 843x436, 4609c89ba10b2d7b763c191ae860c3df33944bb22391d186d91e7196cfaffaff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

steve has a remove kebab decoration in his room

>> No.14554040
File: 12 KB, 220x260, 1590355502806.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I ever see a yellow curry-scented f*moid out in the wild I'm punching her right in the spice hole
indian women are cancelled. no one ever wanted them anyways, especially not now. they have officially ruined the last bastion of white cooking channels.
I will have every 'poo flushed down the toilet by the turn of the century, and that's a quote.

>> No.14554053

Indian women are the most beautiful in the world, with a rich variety of personalities ranging from loyal domesticity to fun and sporty. Most are keen to escape the deeply misogyynistic culture that their men tend to internalize. I guarantee you will find your ideal wife among the Indian people if you only take the time to look.

>> No.14554083

>Article literally only consists of complaining about western countries not liking to eyeball recipes
Not my fault we like reproducible results you faggot. Also what the fuck kind of mental gymnastics do you have to go through to say "I am a scientist at heart" and then turn around to complain about measuring out your spices. Science is all about controling every single factor to improve and reproduce results.
Because your fucking ingriedients don't exist in Ohio and people who are interested in your own fucking culture and who are willing to listen to you and learn from you ask for your help. Jesus fucking Christ

>> No.14554088

It changes for the worst when the Americans are awake

>> No.14554255

God I hope so

>> No.14554404

If you can time it right you can get it fresh out the fryer and its amazing

>> No.14554465

Of course they would act like queens in the presence of a white man. I don't dare intermingle with poo people however. I'm also racist and hate women unironically, so I would never shit on my bloodline like that.

>> No.14554577

Sadly true. Especially since both their "brands" were weakening before all this shit.

>> No.14554684


>> No.14554715
File: 195 KB, 598x762, 748C2007-48BF-4B91-AF77-12321041DB4D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s not americans, these are cows(women) herding their lolcows for fun(drama), they literally have their own forum just for shit like this, ever heard of the lolcow forum? Men don’t engage in this sort of threads. Women love destroying one another’s reputation and talking about others behind their back, aka this entire thread