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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14543252 No.14543252 [Reply] [Original]

>A pizza place where you make your own pie

Thoughts /ck/?

>> No.14543262

It kinda happened, you don't cook it yourself, but Pieology is the Subway of pizza places.

>> No.14543264

Isn't that everywhere? Just ask for what you want.

>> No.14543286

>Isn't that everywhere?
no, there are places that make only a single type of pizza a day - buy it with those toppings or don't, no substitutions.
>Just ask for what you want.
You can do this most places, but there are two different ways. The chipotle/subway setup - walk down a line of items and pick them out, the product is assembled in front of you - is different from most.

>> No.14543289

I like the idea but not this one
I want the full Kramer

>> No.14543306

isn't that basically papa murphy's? they make it right in front of you then you have to go home and cook it too

>> No.14543343

It's exactly the same, you just get to see one happen in front of you. I give it a year before you're getting evicted from your commercial property.

>> No.14543402

>I give it a year before you're getting evicted from your commercial property.
lmao, what?

>> No.14543777

There is a place in my city that has the audacity to send out "diy" kits (a completely raw unnassembled pizza in a box) for the equivalent of $40.
God I FUCKING hate hipsters
(Pls note a normal 12" pizza is like $10 here )

>> No.14543785
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Why would you make a pie in a pizza place?

>> No.14543812

too many people would burn themselves, or others.

>> No.14543890

If I recall, there actually have been some places that did this. You tossed the dough and all that, but they didn't have you put it in the oven or take it out, obviously.

>> No.14543894

So Genghis Grill with pizza? I'm down.

>> No.14543898

MOD pizza

>> No.14543936

because you're in chicago

>> No.14543994

Isn't that every pizza place? I can call and order wathever I want

>> No.14544438

>make my own pizza in your buisness
>eat the pizza
>refuse to pay because the price my labor should be enough to cover the cost of your ingredients
Good luck with your buisness, anon

>> No.14544452
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Pick one.

>> No.14544488

>this is how communism works

>> No.14544504

You're not paying for the pizza, you're paying for the experience.

>> No.14544515
File: 8 KB, 225x225, 2755b046833662a33e826d0dfde83ec2c957a703_00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not paying at all

>> No.14544556

People who call pizza a "pie" are subhumans who should die.

>> No.14544697
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Pizza is actually an open-faced sandwich, incels

>> No.14544710

Do you have autism?

>> No.14544744

It’s all supervised.

>> No.14544773

>A workshop where you fix your own car!
Great idea.

>> No.14544780

I guess you'll get to experience arrest too! What a deal.

>> No.14544813

Yea we have a place here in colorado i think its called mod pizza

>> No.14545378

The real question is does cucumber belong on pizza, as Kramer would like?

>> No.14545400

As long as you agree it's not a fucking pie then we're cool.

>> No.14545415

Would actually like this. I live in an apartment where I can't wrench on my own vehicle, so somewhere where I can pay an hourly fee to rent a space with a lift would be amazing.

>> No.14545874

>thats called my apartment, kramer

>> No.14546144

>it's another "Kramer has a wacky business idea" episode

>> No.14546153

there's actually a fair number of these places, they just provide the lifts and tools

>> No.14546175

One of the funniest TV episodes about abortion, quite frankly.

>> No.14546178

seinfeld was in new york though

>> No.14546340

i got this place near me called pizza at, its basically like subway where they get your dough and you can put whatever sauce and shit you want on it, only been there once, not because its bad but out of the way for me most of the time. the one time i went there i got a buffalo chicken pizza and it came with buffalo sauce, chicken, cheese and i think they threw some other shit (i forget, its been a while) and they threw on some thinly sliced red onion on after came out of the oven which was one of those conveyor belt units

it was like 8 bucks and pretty decent, i didn't personally cook it, but i really doubt a place like that could exist for insurance reasons

overall, pretty cool

>> No.14546551
File: 46 KB, 1200x1207, A2F57BBC-97C5-44DF-BC22-EFCCAE5FF267.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A pizza place where your raped by the delivery experts.

>> No.14546569

That logo represents 2 Muslim delivery experts against 1 white toddler. Really makes yah think.

>> No.14547390

There was a place like this in the early 90's in Wayne NJ called Bachagaloops. Can still remember the song from the commercial.

>> No.14547713

When I was at a boat and RV show once I ate at a place nearby that did this, it was only mini pizzas though.