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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14533523 No.14533523 [Reply] [Original]

y-you do keep your uncooked rice in the fridge as per the instructions on the bag, right anon?

>> No.14533528
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>> No.14533531

I don't think "store in a cool, dry place" means the fridge

>> No.14533535

only for making porridge the next day

>> No.14533536

do you want your rice to go rancid

>> No.14533538

Of course not. Do you also always follow the speed limit, shampoo your hair twice, and wash your hands after using the bathroom?

>> No.14533544

I don't live in Devil's Ballsack, Indonesia. Dry grain doesn't go rancid in my pantry.

>> No.14533546

You're not instructed to shampoo your hair twice

>> No.14533553

saya suka my dick you rancid-rice eating indo

>> No.14533564

>Do you also always follow the speed limit
Yes, obviously. Roads are designed with speed limits in mind. Exceeding those limits not only makes turns more dangerous, it also makes it significantly more difficult for traffic to merge in from feeder streets.
Literally every single time you've ever been stuck in traffic has been the butterfly effect from some asshole speeding.

>> No.14533567

>t. europoorean.

>> No.14533582

>citation needed

>> No.14533605

unlike you retards i store my rice in my freezer

>> No.14533627

My aunt does this shit
EVERY FUCKING THING goes in the fridge or freezer. Rice, pasta, snacks, etc
The worst is the bread and pastries.

>> No.14533631

Did she freeze her eggs too?

>> No.14533638

your aunt is based and freezer-pilled, is she single?

>> No.14533643


>> No.14533651

can you make her single for me

>> No.14533654

How tough is your uncle? Do you think you could beat him up?

>> No.14533655

He's 87

>> No.14533659

Oh man, I've got this. Say hello to your new uncle, sport.

>> No.14533741

... did you not learn this during your driving lessons? Or were you just asleep during that lecture?

>> No.14533753

>Driving lessons
I just showed up to the DMV, took a test, and then drove around with the examiner for 15 minutes.

Besides, what you're saying is only partially true, boot licker.

>> No.14533770

Anon, you have a pantry don't you?

>> No.14533774

>I don't think "store in a cool, dry place" means the fridge
And fridges are the opposite of "dry" as they are quite moist.

>> No.14533782

I don't want to be a boot licker so I don't follow private property laws. Stealing and trespassing is awesome!

>> No.14533813

>Cannot distinguish between Malum in se and Malum prohibitum.
Tell me what leather tastes like.

>> No.14533816

Rice rancidity is more common in brown, not white. It has to do with the bran still on the rice, and trace fats which can go rancid. I would even guess that white rice was "invented" as the longer shelf life product for longer storage if one went back and talked tol the older folks. Or simply for processing even further into other products like wine or vinegar, or drinks.

I am sure people stock up such as now, but keeping rice in a warm or moist environment is about preventing grain mill issues of pest eggs, moths and such from hatching and spoiling your product. Getting those critters in your house can really wreck a pantry's other foods, from flour to boxed foods. If you have a parrot, you know what I'm talking about, since it's a problem with nuts and seeds, as well.

The freezer is fine if your house has tropical heat indoors, but unless doomsday prepping, buying 40lb bags of grain for your home shouldn't be the norm. Rice is cheap. If you need to buy it in such extreme quantities and don't live up a river in the middle of nowhere brazil or something? Something is kind of too third world in your mindset. Spending 30 cents less per week on your grain is silliness. I spend more money on my ceiling fan in my family room on a single night. Right? Shouldn't be buying more than 10lb bags, if not just 3 or 4 1lb bags, and if you can eat that down in a single month, you need more variety in your diet. You are boring, and your nutrition is shit.

>> No.14533818

No wonder you're a shit driver. Jeeze.

>> No.14533845

I will but only if I can steal it from you!

>> No.14533854

Shhh don't make it mad, it's a nigger. It thinks the cops have no right to kneel on it if it's starting shit with them and accuses people who follow the laws as "boot lickers" when I hope it is the last thing it ever tastes before it dies.

>> No.14533868

>Implying either of you know a single thing about me.
If you cannot see that speed limits are not often arbitrary and used as a means of revenue generation, you're either blind, ignorant, or dishonest.

>> No.14533875

no I let my rice be free range
the weevils add protein anyway

>> No.14533895

traffic flow fascinates me. with laser detection and Gps technologies, we could potentially have a world where you never have to stop your car from starting point to destination. a massive network of vehicles responding to one another in real time, making slight compensations in speed and routing to avoid congestion or collision. just imagine it

>> No.14533911

>Imagine governments and corporations, not only monitoring, but controlling your every move!
>Doesn't that sounds wonderful?!

Literally just allow for more spacing between you and the car ahead.

>> No.14533932

communist, go back to the USSR

>> No.14533949

>If you have a parrot, you know what I'm talking about, since it's a problem with nuts and seeds, as well.
Huh I never had a problem with those. Mice were a issue though.

>> No.14533977
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I store my rice in a komebitsu, like a fucking human being. Respect yourself.

>> No.14534288


>> No.14534460

Lather, rinse, repeat.
The repeat means do it twice.

>> No.14534466

lol kinda based I have to admit

>> No.14534600

>buying 40lb bags of grain for your home shouldn't be the norm.
Haha back when I was a kid my mom told me to go buy rice I didnt know how much to buy and I didnt realize how much roce expanded when cooked so I bought 3 10 bags and nearly broke my back carrying them home. Some random couple helped me carry out

>> No.14534607

You really actually own this thing?

>> No.14534644

fridges dry shit out what are you talking about

>> No.14535009

>Literally just allow for more spacing between you and the car ahead.
I do, but some asshole always scooches in and then I have to back off to get space behind him. And then some asshole scooches in and I have to back away further still.
The butterfly effect of the guy behind me slowing down and the guy behind him slowing down et cetera will cause a traffic jam down the line.

The privacy concerns of fully or even semi-autonomous vehicles all meshed together in a network to smooth out traffic make me sick to my stomach, but with assholes like you on the road it's the only viable solution.

>> No.14535017

>Assholes like me
Compadre, cool it. You don't know a thing about me except I ribbed you for being a never speeding goody two shoes. Speeders are a problem, but it's not the end of the world.

>> No.14535118

My wife is on me to buy one, and we're all white flyovers (although I've travelled a bit and recognize the value of one, just haven't found a suitable one to fit the space).

>> No.14535169

>buying 40lb bags of grain for your home shouldn't be the norm.

25lb is the most common size I see.
Sure, I see white people bags at 3 and 5lbs, but the rice I really want (quality, variety) comes in 25lbs and doesn't have the horrific markup of the smaller packages, and we would use it in a reasonable time frame.

I agree that (almost) nobody should be buying giant bags of enriched long grain. That stuff is meh on a good day.
I just find it inconvenient to deal with supply chain shortages when the store runs out of all the smaller packages every other week and I know I can go to the asian store and buy a 25lb sack whenever, and the cost per pound is less.

>> No.14535181

what? no. but i do remember hearing about a guy dying because he ate cooked rice left outside of the fridge for a couple of days

>> No.14535474

I know you're a god damned asshole and you are personally responsible for any number of traffic jams.
I hope you rot in hell.

>> No.14535481

I love you too. :^)

Can you I buy you a drink?

>> No.14535488

just kill yourself now and spare us

>> No.14535530

Excess spacing is what causes traffic, retard. Slow drivers cause way more problems than people doing 10 over the limit. They'll always try to cower behind "safety", but really they are just poor drivers who lack the ability to react to even the most basic of traffic situations and tend to pay attention to everything else but the road.

>> No.14535542

If you leave enough space for this to happen, it is entirely your own fault. Cry harder about failing to protect your position.

>> No.14535588

No, vehicles which accelerate at different rates are what causes traffic.
Truck driver. 0-60 in a day and a half. If I have to slam on the brakes to avoid the paperwork that goes with putting my radiator in the back seat of a moron who cut me off, that's going to take a while for me to get back up to speed, and there will be dozens of vehicles behind me slowed to my pace.
There are a lot of moron drivers out there who do stupid things to save themselves 4 seconds but cost the rest of the highway a minute.
Chicago sucks at this. Hard.

>> No.14535639

I keep it in my wife's boyfriend's fridge. We rarely keep food at home, since she is usually at his house.

>> No.14535677

And what causes this difference in acceleration? Spacing. Thanks for agreeing with me. Saves a lot more than 4 seconds, by the way.

>> No.14535894 [DELETED] 

what is this thing? I can't find them online

>> No.14535952

Saves you a few seconds to cut through traffic.
Takes me two minutes to get back up to speed.
I've lost track of the number of people who race to be first to get to the red light at the top of the ramp.

>> No.14535956

Also, no, the acceleration difference is because I only have 3 times the engine power to move 20 times the weight.

>> No.14535968

>Chicago sucks at this. Hard.
I see your Chicago and raise you one Atlanta.
t. fellow truck driver

>> No.14535970

why do these discussions happen a food and cooking general

>> No.14536010

No, I'm not a stuttering sissy boy. Now bend over and spread em.

>> No.14536040

Putting bread in the fridge is okay if you live single.

>> No.14536130

Atlanta also sucks.
And Pittsburgh.
And Baltimore.
And Nashville.
And Indy.
And Charlotte.
... they all suck.

>> No.14537148

thats for washing your body, not your hair
you can leave room without enough for some cunt to squeeze in, dont be a dumbass bruh

>> No.14537292

This is dependent on how you store it
A fridge will/should stay at near 0% humidity
However, if you store something in a sealed container within the fridge, the water often condenses on the lid of the container, drips down, and repeats this cycle

Forming like a sealed bottle ecosystem, the water is continuously recycled

So if you don't want potential mould/mildew in your rice store it in the pantry. Unless you live in a really (>70%) humid place

Source: 15 years as a chef

>> No.14537322

From Atlanta, can confirm. Problem is the city population tripled in 30 years with barely any additions to roads, so (pre-COVID) from roughly 7 am-10 am and 3 pm-8 pm, the roads are completely full. But man, outside those hours when the roads have room, we can can finally drive at a speed above 5 mph and man do we try to get our fill.

>> No.14537444
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>> No.14537447

Fridges simultaneously dry shit out and coat them in a permanent dew. It's an awful place to keep basically anything that doesn't require it.

>> No.14537482

Oahu is surprisingly horrible.

>> No.14537485

>those freeway traffic lights
t. actual fucking retard

>> No.14537853

No, I store my rice in a wooden barrel in a dry cabinet, as God intended

>> No.14537879

nigga, I'm asian we just store it in the sack

>> No.14537954

>is too retarded to wrap things up

>> No.14538057

It is extremely common to find a traffic control signal like a light at the end of an exit ramp where you might turn onto an ordinary street.

>> No.14538066

If I'm speeding along the freeway passing people, how are multiple exit lights affecting me in any way?

>> No.14538158

shit, my weed ass needs this

>> No.14538325

I said I've seen numerous people cut into the line on the right and take the exit just so they could be first at the red light at the top of the ramp.
Huge gap behind me to merge into, but no, pass, force their way into a not really adequate space, take the exit ramp, sit at the red light waiting to turn left for a minute.
If you're zipping down the freeway and not making anyone else take evasive action, I could give a shit how enthusiastically you drive.

>> No.14539686

Hazbin has trans and gays in hell. The lefts hate it.

Hazbin has racists and bigots in hell. The right hates it.

These are the reasons why it won't get picked up. It doesn't pander hard enough to either side so they both cry.

>> No.14539692

More like because it's meme shill Tumblrite garbage drawn by a known pedophile. But don't let facts get in the way of your retarded "hurr both sides" rant, you magnanimous fence sitter, you.

>> No.14540273

uhh anon...

>> No.14540503

>just wrap rice
what does that even mean

>> No.14540507


>> No.14540536

fuck u, jasmine white rice are the best

>> No.14540972

Yes. Stops insects or mice from getting to it.

>> No.14541213

My apologise for straining to not be radicalised. That said, never knew anything about nonce stuff. But hey people still like MJs music so whatever. It's healthy to separate art and artist at times. If true though I hope they get some prison time at least.

Well that's something. I hope it's animation quality stays where that pilot was. Quite nice.

>> No.14541715

Fucking westerners

>> No.14541738

Just get some saran wrap and twist each grain like a peppermint, bro.
Just takes a quick weekend.

>> No.14541746

Yes, what else are those drawers in the bottom of the fridge for?

>> No.14541782
File: 48 KB, 646x318, D3D99F54-7705-4188-AD17-6127B40CBE5C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn’t wash his hands

>> No.14541858

I'm glad someone got the joke.

>> No.14542745

Vivziepop isn’t a pedo you idiot

>> No.14542749
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>> No.14542760

I grab my rice with a spoon from a bucket and I measure it by eye into a flimsy transparent bag before giving it to a Chinese person who pretends to not speak my language and I'm sure he is scamming me and scale weights more than the rice I'm actually getting

>> No.14542764

>Shampoo twice
Do you want some dry ass hair?

>> No.14542770

Soaking rice overnight: room temp or refrigerator?

>> No.14542774

How else would you stop the bacteria in the yeast from eating the bread?

>> No.14542778


>> No.14542954

>ironically use japanese word just for rice dispenser

>> No.14543925

>Implying these are centrists ideas.
>Implying I don't wholly believe that all of those groups are disgusting and if they do not repent, will reap what they've sown.

>> No.14544004

Based stream of consciousness poster

>> No.14545496

Only rice I keep chilled is brown, and that is in an airtight container in the freezer.

>> No.14545520

I buy thai jasmine rice in 50 pound sacks for about $33. They last me 6-8 months on average.

>> No.14546708



I'm moderate left with a few more right opinions on things like gun control. Nice try though. I understand nuance can be difficult when you just paint In monochrome, having been that way before myself. We all grow up and realise individuals are different from their blocks eventually.

>> No.14546717

>self-driving cars any year now!

won't happen and it's only downhill for modern civilization from here.

>> No.14546718

No, but I haven't gotten food poisoning yet, so its alright