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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 2.96 MB, 3264x2448, 20200802_205456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14514542 No.14514542 [Reply] [Original]

NYC unironically has great Mexican food
Why do Califags act like their (often heavily Americanized) stuff is untouchable?

>> No.14514544

Ahahhahhaa New York has good Mexican food. Get fucked loser.
T. Socal Mexican food master race.

>> No.14514550

>often heavily Americanized
California is the most populous state in the union by a good margin and like 30% is Mexican or Chicano. You can find any type of Mexican inspired food you want in even the most rural po' dunk towns. NYC has some decent Mexican food but towns you've never heard of in California have at least as good of Mexican food as NYC.

>> No.14514551

Wow you sure proved him wrong.
Dumb spic

>> No.14514561

You can get great food of basically any kind in NYC. There are millions of people there from all over the world and lots of money.

>> No.14514588

Yeah, I know California has a wide range.
I just think it's silly for white Californians whose idea of great Mexican food is carme asada fries to look down on the Mexican food of other regions.

>> No.14514612

>you can get great food of basically any kind in NYC
NYC is actually really shitty for Mexican food. Even fucking Chicago is better.

>> No.14514620

It's not shitty, boomer
NYC has a lot of great Mexican food. The ceviche tostada in my OP was 10/10.

>> No.14514623

>shithole coasties fighting over greasy slop

>> No.14514628

T. Weaboo

>> No.14514651

>NYC unironically has great Mexican food
If it does, California has better Mexican
>often heavily Americanized
Even if it does have Americanized, they still have the most authentic variation in the US. NY is still behind Texas and Chicago when it comes to Mexican

>> No.14514694

What are some top tier NYC Mexican places? I haven’t found any truly great ones. Mexican food in Mexico is a lot better and cheaper than any I’ve had in the US desu.

>> No.14514724

La Morada
Los Mariscos

>> No.14514735

NYC has decent Mexican food but you can't even compare it to southern CA. The only thing NYC does better than southern CA is halal carts

>> No.14514744

NYC is ahead of a large chunk of Texas in Mexican food.

>> No.14514752

because they have more actual Mexicans, retard
how fucking dumb are you
even I know this and I'm a fucking leaf

>> No.14514759

West Coast is where it's at.
(((NYC))) can fuck off along with all the flyovers.
We got the best of everything.

>> No.14514779

NYC has good upscale Mexican/pujol type mexican which is still considered Mexican imo, but when it comes to traditional Mexican? Yeah, no. You don't even have better poblano food

>> No.14514788

I went to Los Mariscos, it was fine but nothing spectacular. I can make better at home.

>> No.14514792

I like hearing white californians pretend like they have some kind of special relationship with the guy running their favorite slop joint

>> No.14514805

Just take a flight to San Diego if you want good mariscos. Better yet, skip that and just go to Ensenada

>> No.14514819
File: 26 KB, 403x352, 1576698071581.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>NYC has best mexican food

Nah cities in the bible belt have among the best and cheapest for what you get, especially if you can find a mexican shop shacked up next to a gas station.

>> No.14514833

r u rly arguing over who grills lightly seasoned meat, tomato, and beans the best

>> No.14514839


>> No.14514846

You have to realize that for them, this is more of an argument over who is more cosmopolitan than thou. Everyone living in an identical multicultural area all thinks THEIR boring nondescript town is special and 'does things different'.

>> No.14514847

>mexican food

That's texmex at that point gringo

>> No.14514924

Is there any place worse in the entire us than socal? These faggots are like the vegans of american geography they always have to pop in and say whatever their dumb mutt brains are impulsively thinking. No one likes you or your shitty commie city, even LA looks down on you

>> No.14514941

yes. flyover towns

>> No.14514953

>Jew York retard
>calling anyone else "the vegans of american geography"
Alright Pizza goblin. Lets not forget who started this thread.

>> No.14514957

Reminder you are a moron
Los Angeles is so cal
And yes they are fake as fuck dip shits

>> No.14514959

Are you retarded? You are aware the fucking Aztecs were using this shit right?

>> No.14514962

Please just please
If your mexican food were at all as solid as you make it sound you would not have any need to defend it

>> No.14514971

Californian mexican food is bad, it's not real mexican food at all. Tacos have fucking rice in them for fucks sake. If you see a mexican serving ""mexican"" food in california they're not from Mexico, they are chicanos that have never spoken to a true spic
t. mexican

>> No.14514972

This is the pic you use to prove it? NY fags are insufferable. You have so much great food there but not even close to the best Mexican food in the US.

>> No.14514974

We’re on the fucking border with Mexico, you really think Texas doesn’t have better food? This state was literally Mexico.

>> No.14514979

NY is leagues worse with way more cunts. SD has fucking mountains and the ocean. NY has a dog park.

>> No.14515022

>this is more of an argument over who is more cosmopolitan than thou
painfully true
>boring nondescript town
NYC is anything but
t. coastie

>> No.14515030

Because the average CA lives in a state with a bigger population than Canada, so their opinions of lesser states tend to be negative. Also, the majority of people who visit California (and other states likewise) tend to only visit the worst places, because most people who travel are little babies with some whiny cunt with them and they never want to try the amazing hole-in-the-wall, they just want to go to in’n’out and chipotle like stupid snobby rich fags in CA do.

>> No.14515352

That makes literally no difference. Your logic is boomer tier.

>> No.14515813

What’s wrong with my logic? There’s more Mexicans in Texas than there are people in NYC. You think millions of Mexicans and a history with Mexico couldn’t make the Mexican food better than NYC? lol you’re a fucking idiot

>> No.14515842


makes a huge difference because it has to do with distribution and supply chains. restaraunts outside the american southwest have to pay more for the correct ingredients or their ingredients are lower quality (brown avocados, frozen fish, etc etc). so the average mexican hole in the wall or mid tier restaraunt outside the regions where the ingredients are produced cost more money or are frozen because of the trip it takes to get to the restaraunt. Chef's play a pricing game to make a restaraunt survive so in order to hit par they either go with cheaper/lower quality ingredients or substitute ingredients with stuff thats more local, cheaper, and fresher.

So in a regional cuisine where agricultural output is year round because of the climate and soil, a place like New York City isn't going to be able to compete strictly for the fact their growing season only lasts 4-5 months and they import most of their proteins. California, Mexico, and Texas consume mostly domestic protein which means the meat is fresher.

>> No.14515892

NYC has the best TexMex in the country

>> No.14515914

Imagine thinking the US has good mexican food

>> No.14515952

Shockingly, good food can be cooked anywhere and is not tied to location. You're going to have an easier time finding good authentic Mexican food in the state sharing a border with Mexico though (shitty and Americanized places still exist but in relatively smaller proportion)

>> No.14516033

1. Mexico is part of the Americas.
2. The US has a lot of it's own "Mexican" food. Thinking that because it's from one region or another makes it more authentic is pure idiocy.
3. California is shit on many levels, and they are full of trendy bullshit with food, but what you are thinking of as "Americanized" is almost certainly more related to TexMex.

>> No.14516083

Cause they know it makes Yankees mad

>> No.14516122

Texas is king

>> No.14516164
File: 754 KB, 800x420, Carne Asada Fries.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

San Diego has the best Mexican food outside of Mexico City. Everyone who has been here for a length of time knows it. When you have Mexican food elsewhere that is "good", it's a shameful horrible experience.

This doesn't mean it can't be tasty or that you can't get good Mexican food somewhere at that one place you love or whatever. It just means likely if we ate there it would taste like fucking garbage because it probably is.

>> No.14516168
File: 590 KB, 1200x900, San Diego.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Oh, yeah, as far as "Americanized" this just means you don't know jack shit about Mexicans. They make really great fucking hamburgers in Mexico. The taco shop owners in San Diego love cheddar cheese and mix it with queso fresca into their own fusion. This is one of the reasons SD has such great Mexican food, because of the Mexicans that moved here.

>> No.14516179

>San Diego has the best Mexican food outside of Mexico City
I live in San Diego and the tacos, seafood and fine dining in Baja is superior to San Diego's.

>> No.14516185
File: 1.03 MB, 1242x922, E1252C27-8AE7-4A8E-AE44-FB193564037A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rate my tacos. I paid ~$20 for these tacos in SoCal

>> No.14516188

San Diego fine dining sucks. I'd probably split my time between taco carts and Diego style shops if I had a choice. I've been to fishing villages and eaten like a prince. So I get it.

>> No.14516207

Tourist prices
How funny
Chicken would have been one step funnier

>> No.14516208

let me guess, Haven?

>> No.14516237
File: 1.29 MB, 1242x1649, C1099FE2-232C-4DCC-BF1A-65F047FA54B7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is the menu

>> No.14516256

I think they left the tortillas on a little long

>> No.14516265

>not getting the aguachile
was it worth it

>> No.14516274

Keep seething eurotrash.
Daily reminder that you morons have illegal cutlery.

>> No.14516284

From what I can see the ingredients do look pretty good but not $20 good. It's like half of your bill is paying for the "creativity" of putting unconventional shit in tacos.

>> No.14516293

Their tacos are the reason why they have a michelin star

>> No.14516318


not gonna lie pretty based menu and worth the price. if you're talking california "date night" mexican this is a solid menu and still cheap enough to make ur date feel like ur cool but also not as expensive as fine dining. i give this menu an 8/10

>> No.14516332

Based and orangepilled

>> No.14516380
File: 53 KB, 860x726, fingerguns.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14516395

Isn't Mexican food in Texas mostly Tex-Mex? And even the actual Mexican places are mostly representative of far North Mexico

>> No.14516410

>Different parts of America arguing about who makes the best mexican food
This seems silly.

Here, have some American food.

>> No.14516548

honestly the mexican food in NY is super mediocre

>> No.14516553

No, it isn’t. You can get all varieties of Mexican in Texas including TexMex. We are on the border.

>> No.14516556


0/10 troll

SoCal has many a Mexican owned restaurant. Because you know, Mexico is right there...

>> No.14516563

Depends, hole in the wall places? Absolutely Mexican. Sit down restaurants? Mostly tex mex, but still plenty of mexican as well.

I prefer texmex

>> No.14516564


Wtf is this hipster bullshit. Gtfo with these prices. That's insane.

>> No.14516572


Fine dining fusion trash. What a waste of money. I can put oranges in my tacos at home. Lol

>> No.14516573

>no al pastor


>> No.14516574

Not everything has to be traditional you faggot. This is Mexican, just upscale

>> No.14516577

Okay but can you get a michelin star? No. Lol

>> No.14516586

lol but mexican cuisine is fusion in itself

>> No.14516590

Michelin stars are gay

>> No.14516596

Better than your shit nigga

>> No.14516600

Nope doubt that place is as good as the 24 hour gas station with mexican grandmas making the food in my hometown

>> No.14516604

Now this is cope from a flyover.

>> No.14516608

>Nope doubt that place is as good as the 24 hour gas station with mexican grandmas making the food in my hometown
sloppa shit isn't food

>> No.14516610

Cant here you over my dubs, bitch

>> No.14516632
File: 80 KB, 327x454, bestrestaurantintheus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are you getting, /ck/?

>> No.14516637

>white californians

>> No.14516656

Probably one of the tostadas, leaning towards the uni and bone marrow one

>> No.14516662

I don't know. What do Mexican ants eat?

>> No.14516686
File: 194 KB, 1249x905, B6C02DDA-E457-4F03-9803-247E8FEDA8AF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol at faggots getting mad about $20. This kind of thing is why I put up with this nightmare of a state. Pic related is Calmex bbq pork, smoked chicken, smoked tri tip tacos which triggered the fuck out of all kinds of people. If it’s good tasting I eat it, no alligence to any one style, it’s all fucking good if made with care and thought.

>> No.14516701

Have you tried making your own and not paying $20 for tri tip or bacon in a taco

>> No.14516715
File: 37 KB, 550x367, aguachile-de-pulpo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see aguachile everywhere now. I remember when the dish wasn't trendy a few years back

>> No.14516718

Duck carnitas + corn husk merengue dessert

>> No.14516721

$20 isn't that much, the people who complain are retards who think Mexican food needs to be cheap because Mexicans are poor

>> No.14516745

Had to move to Chicago last year for work. I wasn't expecting any good ethnic food, but surprisingly the Mexican food here is just about the only thing they do right, seriously pretty good. Started making sense once I realized about 1/3 of the city is hispanic nowadays...

>> No.14516759

I actually had pretty good Mexican food in Suffern NY of all places at this place.


>> No.14516853

only retards who have never left Manhattan say that. Sunset park and parts of queens have great Mexican food and weirdly there is amazing oaxacan food in the mid-hudson valley area.

>> No.14516859

I have a friend from CA that now lives in NY. every time he goes back to CA, he binges on mexican food because it's that much better than NY

>> No.14516901

Tomatoes are native to Mexico, bro

>> No.14517044

because it is untouchable unless you're in gringo area
literally nu mexico

>> No.14517062

It's more Hispanic than black but most outsiders don't know that

>> No.14517071

Maybe if he's a fat stoner who prefers stuff like carne asada fries
Even Manhattan has tons of good Mexican food. That's where I took the OP pic

>> No.14517103

literally every US city of more than 500,000 has excellent mexican food, probably a lot of smaller ones do to. Its not rare

>> No.14517128

That’s gonna be a yikes from me dawg

>> No.14517138

They share a border, brohaha

>> No.14517153
File: 109 KB, 960x717, t San Diego.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not even a competition. Not even remotely close.

>> No.14517180
File: 319 KB, 2000x1000, La Bufadora Authentico.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean I get it guys, you have some tasty place or maybe even a couple. This isn't like your whole pizza meme war going on between a few cities. Our standard fair at a whole in the wall will outclass almost everything else.

There is tex-mex in Texas, green chili in Denver, and then there is San Diego taco shops. Nothing touches San Diego taco shops because they are literally thousands of Mexican families competing with each other. We have the best mariscos outside of Baja too.

>> No.14517234
File: 191 KB, 1000x1000, Nine Seas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And yeah, yeah we post carne asada fries a lot. Because we can fucking whomp poutine posters in one shot with one dish. That's fine if you think french fries with marinated steak isn't Mexican enough. The Mexicans don't fucking care they are the ones that make it. Your finest "Mexican" dining won't even compare to what I get off our roving taco trucks and we have our own lobster fisheries.

>> No.14517239

Why doesn't Mexican food use vegetables?
(Tomatoes, avocados, and squash are not vegetables)

>> No.14517246

based retarded poster

>> No.14517249

T. Retard who thinks corn and fungii are vegetables

>> No.14517262

>nopales (cactus is a staple)
I've never seen Mexicans use mushrooms but a ton of fruits go into their diet. They put everything on fruit and I mean everything.

>> No.14517286

Are (((You))) really going to pretending that Californians are white?
Even if they're white, they're not pure kek.

>> No.14517303

Used for flavor. Nobody eats a pile of onions as the vegetable of their meal
Used in small amounts for garnish
Only used on fish tacos
A starch.

Well, you proved my point that Mexico isn't big on actual vegetables. And fruits are good but they're not vegetables.

>> No.14517304

No American is white.
Mixed race abominations at best, race mixing and inbreeding.
Fucking mutts.

>> No.14517310
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>> No.14517315

LA is prime socal, retard
OC is the only non-socal place in socal, mostly because of the chinks and right wingers

>> No.14517332

I saw them use lettuce once. Seriously though I think it's climate related. They use a ton of squash and some root veg. But mostly maize, tomatillos, beans, rice, etc. Jicama is a root vegetable but it's practically a fruit.

>> No.14517334

whiter than you mohammad

>> No.14517338

How could they not grow vegetables in that climate?
And Mexico is cosmopolitan enough to have taken other outside ingredients, so why not real vegetables like spinach, broccoli, cabbage beyond fish tacos, bok choy, green beans, etc.?

>> No.14517355

t. faggots who think they know mexicans
This is what mexicans eat :

>> No.14517360

What does cauliflower and cabbage go on? I've only seen cabbage on fish tacos

>> No.14517369

various beef stews
in escabeche, as a fritter and a oaxacan vegetarian dish called chileao

>> No.14517372
File: 159 KB, 1024x769, torta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's cheap, convenient and tasty.
you can get drive thru at 2 am on a tuesday night.
get a carnitas torta and wash it down with a horchata for about $5.

>> No.14517374

So it seems like none of your examples are really that common (like bok choy served with Chinese dishes) and only found in niche dishes

>> No.14517376

I'm pretty sure caldo de res is made all throughout Mexico.

>> No.14517383

As a white Mexican whom immigrated during the time that Mexico was a French European monarchy I am offended.

>> No.14517384

But overall, my point is correct
In Jamaican cuisine for comparison, you tend to get true veggies (cabbage, okra, spinach) with every meal

>> No.14517386

where is the squash.
where are the stink bugs
where are the ant eggs
where are the water flies
where are the maguey worms
where is the mole.

>> No.14517391

I would say the equivalent of that is cactus.

>> No.14517397

Central/Southern Mexicans don't count

>> No.14517401

>Mexico city doesn't count.
Anon..... I feel like you never been to Mexico.
also I forgot where is the green chorizo.

>> No.14517404

>true veggie
It's a fruit you collossal mong.

>> No.14517407

And even that does not appear to be universal
It's better than Ecuadorian/Colombian cuisine though, where vegetable servings are rarely if ever found

>> No.14517411

Damn. But they do eat a lot of cabbage as well as callaloo

>> No.14517412
File: 52 KB, 750x1000, fef.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss LA. They had a restaurant similar to a curry house but with moles
The only bug worth eating are ant eggs. everything else should stay in the prehispanic times

>> No.14517415

I gotta say no on that bro.maguey worms fried with salt are superior to french fries.

>> No.14518568

Dis nigga thinks nyc has the best Mexican food ahhhhhh hahahaha

>> No.14518575

Is that raw slop o shit supposed to be al pastor?
Pathetic. Also, learn to focus your camera goggleboxed kike.

>> No.14518598
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>NYC is ahead of a large chunk of Texas in Mexican food.
>A literal cattle raising nexus filled with millions of actual spics on the border with Beanville doesnt have better Mexican food in the smallest remote hamlets than Jew York
You Kikes are fucking pathetic. Shouldn't you be ogling that fucking Claire goblin in the ATK threads?

>> No.14518605

Jew York has always been the mutt cancer eating away at the bones of America.

>> No.14518615
File: 2.91 MB, 4032x3024, 20160408_100344.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tacos have fucking rice in them for fucks sake.
You have to go back lying Jew (((Gonzalez))) spic.

>> No.14518631

I imagine the best stuff is the stuff you'll find in immigrant neighborhoods

>> No.14518720

And also the most important city on the planet

>> No.14519100

>al pastor
it's obviously a ceviche tostada

>> No.14519111

The Mexican food in most of Texas is either very Gringoized or from the worst culinary parts of Mexico. Which doesn't mean that it's bad necessarily, just not as great as what you're saying.

>> No.14519121

That's not entirely true
Most of the places in immigrant neighborhoods are there to serve construction worker guys who just want something cheap and good, they're not looking for perfection by any means.
So yeah you'll find plenty of good food, but a place isn't automatically better just for being in a low income Hispanic neighborhood.

>> No.14519336

Have any of you guys been to La Morada?
If so, what would you recommend?

>> No.14519395

Caesar Salad

>> No.14519413

Nigger, nobody from new york gets involved in this "debate" about pizza. Regular ass pizza, like the kind you get when someone says "lets order a pizza", is the new york kind by default. Give it up already.

>> No.14519421

a bigger menu
jesus christ

>> No.14519435

Literay no difference between hole in the walls in socal and ones in texas

>> No.14519440

Pacific coast seafood is better for ceviche

>> No.14519448

Smoothbrain post of the year

>> No.14519455

Also what's a guisado?

>> No.14519465

Bro there's literally cartel music about chicago.

>> No.14519471

Many of the veggies you use are native to Mexico and you cant find them here. Squash flower is popular in the states.

>> No.14519478

this, what pathetic argumentation

>> No.14519485

>mexico is just one localized region.
There's literally restaraunts advertising their niche food from their small town. If sounds like you just dont really know anything about mexico at all. Its hyper localized cuisine. Maybe you should visit sometime and see how different the food can be in a 20 minute drive. I bet you think think wild game and Bush meat is uncommon in Mexican dishes too. Fucking retard.

>> No.14519809

>iceberg lettuce

>> No.14519817

Their menus are filled with Americanized stuff usually

>> No.14519904

This is gonna sound ridiculous but the best Mexican food is in North Carolina

>> No.14519960


>> No.14520233

NC has a fuckton of Mexicans

>> No.14520946

Hillsboro Oregon faggot.

>> No.14520954
File: 253 KB, 960x1200, deltac.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You'll never had Mexican as good as Del Taco

>> No.14520989

Too many yt folx talmbout my culture itt

>> No.14521001
File: 105 KB, 600x500, taco-bell-naked-egg-brakfast-taco.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14521228

A why bother shithole

>> No.14521318

>How could they not grow vegetables in that climate?
I suspect it is more of an abundance of fruit bearing plants and a lot of desertification. As for bok choy, if you knew Mexico you'd know they have a huge Chinese population and a lot of Chinese food.

>> No.14521329

Tacos doesnt have rice.

>> No.14521331

A rip off. Blue corn shouldnt affect the price. Those 3 tacos will be here only 50 pesos maximum (around 2.5 USD)

>> No.14521335

Mandarin? Die weird faggot. Muerete pinche puto pendejo.

>> No.14521350
File: 104 KB, 678x1024, depositphotos_10082856-stock-photo-down-syndrome-man-with-sausage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would you argue something that just isn't true? NYC doesn't have great Mexican food, sure there are decent places but arguing that they have the same quality Mexican food as SoCal is retarded. No place does everything better than everywhere else, that's what makes traveling interesting. Why is this even an argument?

>> No.14521354

Hipster pendejo

>> No.14521358

Pendejo... 20 USD is around 500 pesos. Thats a lot of money.

>> No.14521360


>> No.14521361

some do though

>> No.14521368

Puto pendejo hipsterino

>> No.14521372


>> No.14521374 [DELETED] 
File: 28 KB, 420x420, flat,1000x1000,075,f.u2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bros I love visiting Mexico, Mexicans are fun and everything is cheap as fuck. It would be Paradise on Earth without the whole murderous drug cartels who run the country problem.

>> No.14521406

wow yet another reason to hate jew york and all the """people""" that live there~!

>> No.14521409

Could be, but not your gringo rice. Will be rice with potatoes and carrots and meat. Will be a taco of guisado. Not USA monsters.

>> No.14521414


>> No.14521444

But I'm sure they could easily grow broccoli and spinach
And use more cabbage

>> No.14521451

NYC has lots of great Mexican food
There are 10+ neighborhoods with an LA level of Mexicans

>> No.14521510
File: 1.77 MB, 4000x2669, Mexican Produce Market.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I don't know man. They grow a lot of the food that we eat in Estados Unidos. There isn't a food shortage there and they're fatter than we are a lot of the time. I think a lot of Mexico is farm to table as their infrastructure is not as developed as most Western countries. Although that is finally changing.

Mexican markets are packed with produce. I see more fruit and strange items I've never seen anywhere else there. Including vegetables that I don't know the name of. And you can see in pic related they have asparagus.

Mexican cuisine has nuances from different regions and coastlines too. It's a big country and you can't really generalize it down to beans and rice with choice of meat.

>> No.14521538

I'm starting to think that Taco and Birria should be the national dish of mexico and not poblano/chile en nogada. Not every mexican likes mole poblano and chile en nogada even less

>> No.14521623

Yeah but chiles en nogada are more extravagant

>> No.14521630

Looks like mostly cilantro and tomatoes

>> No.14521708
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New York sloppa will never be as good as our sloppa.

>> No.14521714
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more sloppa

>> No.14521721
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but wait there's more

>> No.14521758

Imagine thinking that the US has good food. The average american eats a mixture of kraft dinner, sugar and corn syrup for every meal.

>> No.14521786

your "country" is a meme

>> No.14521795

quesadillas de huitlacoche, champiñones, sopa de hongos... we like mushrooms quite a lot

>> No.14521803
File: 63 KB, 640x480, Barbeque-House.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

American food is literally the best in the world. Most cultures have one or two things that catch on like sushi or spring rolls, but food invented in America is something literally all enjoy without exception.

>> No.14521815

Can you explain to our curios friend what exactly the fuck is going on with your vegetable situation? There seems to be some confusion on whether or not your people are "cosmopolitan" enough to be able to obtain bok choy.

>> No.14521839

Here's my contribution 1/3
>Northern Mexico
Taco de adobada/trompa
Carne Asada
Pollo Violado
Tostada de atun
Pescado Zarandeado
Almejas Gratinadas
caesar salad
caldo de queso
gallina pinta
Birria de res

>> No.14521856

>Central Mexico
Mole Poblano
Pipian Verde
Birria tatemado
sopa tarasca
Carne en su jugo
Chile en nogada
migas de hueso
chile en nogada
quesadilla de huitlacoche
Chorizo verde
enchiladas verdes
mole de olla
Carne de cerdo en salsa verde con verdolagas

>> No.14521859

>choice of meat.
At some ranches where o have stayed meat is rather uncomon

Folks may not eat beef or pork in over a month even two

>> No.14521865

We have moles in NY too

>> No.14521875

Congratulations /slowclap

>> No.14521888

>Southern Mexico
Mole Negro
Pozole Verde
mole amarillo
cochinita pibil
barbacoa de chivo
estofado de bodas
chichilo rojo
Mole de Maiz
queso relleno
escabeche oriental
pescado a la talla
mole rosa
puchero de tres carnes

>> No.14521894

We have more variety of moles and a greater amount of restaurants with moles

>> No.14521916

>hanging out in Brooklyn (before the Rona)
>meet cute, slightly ratchet Mexican-American girl
>wanted to eat her ass

>> No.14522041

Tlayuda da best

>> No.14522052

Chile en nogada its retarded

>> No.14522059

Modesto California has best meth, cocaine and taqueria on Earth.

>> No.14522166

What's wrong with it?

>> No.14522397

Regarding Mexicans and vegetables, aren't there a lot of cuisines that aren't heavy on true vegetables?
Like do Italians typically eat a huge pile of greens with every meal?

>> No.14522410

Really America is the country who heavily promoted vegetables. The concept of the meal being meat, carb, vegetable being a must.

>> No.14522428

Asians eat a lot of vegetables though
And I would say Europe does too
And Anglo-Caribbean countries + Africa

>> No.14522434

>thinks Puerto Rican turds make better Mexican food than Mexicans

>> No.14522452

There are tons of Mexicans in NYC, you tard. I know a whole group of them in Bushwick, Brooklyn
They're starting to outnumber Puerto Ricans in many neighborhoods

>> No.14522454

Lol, in Mexico reggaeton is the most popular genre of music
Latin America dickrides Puerto Rico

>> No.14522466

I see you got the mecos special maricón.

>> No.14522476

historically in the agricultural world people everywhere mostly ate grains and vegetables until modern times when normal people and even low class people finally started being able to afford meat regularly thanks to capitalism

>> No.14522484

Seems you don't know what vegetables are then. There's even a huge sign that says "calabaza" which is squash/pumpkin.

>> No.14522497

So before meat, Mexicans were mainly just eating grains and beans?

>> No.14522500

Squashes are fruits, dummy

>> No.14522522

and veggies

>> No.14522535

But most of the "vegetables" people list here are actually fruits

>> No.14522543

you do realize that pre-hispanic mexican consumed quelites, right?

>> No.14522548
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how the fuck does a restaurant in portugal have better Mexican than 90% of the stuff in NYC?

>> No.14522568

Most Mexicans in NYC are lower income, so the focus is mainly on stuff like tacos and tortas

>> No.14522572

That's just one vegetable and it doesn't seem commonly used anymore

>> No.14522580

>one vegetable

>> No.14522594

What restaurant?

>> No.14522602

frida cocina mestiza. It's basically a restaurant that looks like it was straight out of Mexico City.

>> No.14522651

Well the guy who was scouted the taquerias for the taco chronicles approves of it so it must be decent.

>> No.14522793

>18 dollars for 5 dollar piece of meat.
I mean why bother? you might as well go to Argentinian restaurant and get the same shit but at least you get Chimichurri sauce.
>12 dollar for a quesadilla.
>13 dollars for some spicy shrimp.
>shiitake mushrooms taco.
>11 dollars for a salad

this just shows nativity.

>> No.14522837

That's not that expensive.

>> No.14522851

>I know a whole group of them in Bushwick, Brooklyn
Well hold the flippin' phones, everybody... this guy knows a whole GROUP of Mexicans in NYC - a whole group!

>> No.14522901

I mean there are a fuckton more, I just meant that I already met a ton of them just from hanging out there for a few months.
You see Mexican families and taco trucks everywhere, it's like LA

>> No.14522908

lmao go back to your flyover bruh

>> No.14522916


Retard alert

>> No.14522936

Not everyone reveres your precious jew shithole.

>> No.14523106

kay sah whey

>> No.14523109

puta mah ray

>> No.14523747

Can say this is false
Methdesto is weak in basically all these things although taco places are not hard to find

>> No.14523858

"Food invented in America", elaborate

>> No.14523917

Yes it is. But you coasties are dumb enough to pay $1200 a month for an efficiency apartment.

>> No.14523931

Give it up. This is sad to read. Have you ever been to LA? You have no idea what you’re talking about.

>> No.14524420

That doesn't mean NYC isn't filled with great Mexican food

>> No.14524473

>$1200 is expensive
I pay $5000 per month in payments on my house. I do it because I can, and because every cent will be recouped if I have to sell. I’m halfway to total victory, wish me luck.

>> No.14525081

>I pay $5000 per month in payments on my house. I do it because I can, and because every cent will be recouped if I have to sell
I've heard this before.
Bankrupt default foreclosure

>> No.14525115

Dude. you can find good, authentic Mexican food literally anywhere.

>> No.14525547

Not true.

>> No.14525552

Dumb kike

>> No.14525645

Never seen such cope before are you seriously comparing metropolis to plunk hick towns? I live in Grays Harbor WA and travelled all over this state, rural Oregon and NorCal for work. (Linesmen repairing fire damage). Little towns are almost identical to the foods they serve, beers they drink, language they use and clothes they wear

>> No.14525831

Which US state has the best Mexican girls?

>> No.14526147

Thanks anon. Spent forever just trying to find a post like this one.

>> No.14526214

New Mexico obviously

>> No.14526261

that does not have rice.

>> No.14526266

may be its bitter orange ( naranja agria), the same that goes with cochinita pibil

>> No.14526277

the only good dish in this thread so far

>> No.14526283

Brooklyn legit has great Mexican. Real Mexican, Tex-Mex, and the NYC classic Chexican, we have good stuff. The Chexican Char Siu Quesadilla is the best $4 you can spend

>> No.14526354

Does NYC even have legit carne asada joints? I'm talking about cooked over the grill and not a flat top like they do in central mexico

>> No.14526393

The yummy tacos sell char siu?

>> No.14526398

So you're saying they use a flat top in Central Mexico?

>> No.14526579
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For the most part, yes. Most bistec tacos are on a flattop/griddle while most places up north are made like pic related

>> No.14526616

This. What authentic mexican dish uses tomatoes? Nobody can find one that isn't texmex.

>> No.14526654

Most Mexicans in NYC are from Puebla or Mexico City, so that makes sense.
But I think the Los Tacos Uno place in Manhattan has a proper grill. The owners are from Baja I think.

>> No.14526752


>> No.14526795

Not mexican. Ceviche is peruvian.

>> No.14526832

Pan de Cazon

>> No.14526866

Minnesota has a shocking number of illegals and they keep opening tacquerias. I don't mind it. They're fun to work with too

>> No.14526926

Mexicans make ceviche too
And Veracruz has dishes with tomato sauce

>> No.14526950

No you fucking retards, mexico has the best mexican food


>> No.14526961

Doesn't matter. It isn't mexican. Americans make tacos, does that make tacos American?

>> No.14526990

Shut the fuck up who fucking cares

>> No.14527042

Why be salty that you're wrong. Just admit it.

>> No.14527061


>> No.14527332
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NY Mexican "food".

>> No.14527397

Ahhh... the ol' taco de la basura

>> No.14527624
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you have great mexican food available at restaurants, we have great mexican food in our homes and grocery stores. Youll never beat us, were right at the source and mexicans have been living here since before it was America

>> No.14527702

Habaneros are the best pepper ever

>> No.14528467

Lies. NYC even has birria and shit

>> No.14528475

Lies. NYC has mole, baja seafood, and birria
Most of the Mexicans in states that "used to be Mexico" are immigrants and 2nd gen
You drank the SJW koolaid

>> No.14528501

*laughs in Texan*

>> No.14528538

These tards haven't even been here.
NYC is filled with Mexicans, you can't walk around Sunset Park or Bushwick without seeing tons of Mexican families.

>> No.14528543

no it really doesn't
the best mexican food in the US is in Texas btw
t. not even from Texas

>> No.14528550

>Los Mariscos
>Implying anything of worth resides in Chelsea
So you moved here, what, last year? Please go back

>> No.14528694

Los angeles has more regional cuisine restaurants, more mole restaurants, more taquerias, more seafood restaurants
This isn't even a contest. Los angeles better Mexican

>> No.14528849

I'm a native, and I would say that's the only thing of worth of in Chelsea
But I sense that you're a boomer retard who thinks Mexican food can only be good if it's cheap and in the ghetto.

>> No.14528856

LA yes, but most or California is no better than NYC

>> No.14528874

Oh and I haven't tried it's sister taqueria yet (Los Tacos) but I hear it's very good

>> No.14528954
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what the fuck is that boys?

>> No.14528975

octopus retard

>> No.14529014

forgot a comma

>> No.14529023

I didn't even read the post first and automatically knew that shit was from California.

>> No.14529061

1 out of every 4 mexican places are good in new york.
In cali, the ratio is more like 5 out of 6.
There's pretty good places in brooklyn but fuck I haven't had a decent fish taco outside of cali

>> No.14529098

Los Mariscos has amazing fish tacos
Fish tacos are usually not great in NY though, because they tend to use grilled tilapia. But at Los Mariscos, they do it baja style and it's delicious

>> No.14529119

That place is okay, I didn't find the fish particularly good. Their pork was better but they also charge over 4 dollars for a fucking taco.

The only half-decent fish I've had was in burritos at luchadores and bklyn burro (sauce choice was weak)

>> No.14529130

I thought their fish tacos and ceviche were delicious. During non covid times, they have a ton of sauces available.

>> No.14529138

>puerto ricans can cook mexican food
ok kid

>> No.14529147

All the popular Mexican spots in NY are trash
Tacombi, Chavelas, Don Chingon all trash

>> No.14529164

As a pale beaner can confirm

>> No.14529173

hot take
best mexican food in the usa is in detroit

>> No.14529249

Not him but the owners are from Mexico and so are the taqueros

>> No.14529563

There are tons of Mexicans in NYC, you boomer tard.

>> No.14529566

Yeah, even the chicks taking the orders.
They sound like California Mexicans

>> No.14529574

almost 300 posts...
someone rev up another mexican food thread. i needa post some stuff

>> No.14530165

NYC has great options for all kinds of ethnic foods but Mexican isn't one of them. It's bland and boring over there, even at the high end places. They make up for it with Caribbean food though, I can't find much of that in CA.

>> No.14530176

There was a Mexican-Caribbean place on Oahu I tried years ago that had some real tasty stuff. Extremely cozy atmosphere with some luchadore paraphernalia on the walls.

>> No.14530183

california and jew york both have shitty mexican food

>> No.14530207

Both wrong

>> No.14530263


It's kinda infuriating when I read most discussions of Mexican food and it's just a bunch of faggots from California or New York who had $15 "street tacos" once and deemed themselves experts of authenticity. Mexico is a big ass country with a big ass variety of food.

>> No.14530269
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>tfw the best mexican chef in the USA is some homo from Chicago

>> No.14530274

It's at the upper end of the scale for a small country, but it's not even a medium sized country, let alone a big one.

>> No.14530296
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He actually isn't. The best Mexican chef in the US is a Mexican from Mexico City

>> No.14530338

new york has good every kind of food if you know where to go, its a massive multinational city
los angeles does too for that matter, name a country and either city will have people making authentic versions of that food, because thats part of why people live and move to those big cities

california obviously is right on the mexican border, so for proximity and quantity, its obviously better for mexican food

they also have access to nice mexican ingredients much easier, the nyc restaurant might be able to source some of it through shipping or a small local farm, but not in the quantity and at a higher price

>> No.14530364

Bro, califags think that way about everything. Besides there's no way it could be good. There's no meat in it. And if there is it's imitation meat made from soy. Vegan shitbags. Go eat a California roll ya fuck!

>> No.14530370
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>all this NYC mexican talk
>no mention of the black ant.
What are you, plebs?

>> No.14530796

Uni tostada, never had sea urchin

>> No.14530798

Tajin isn’t everything on fruit

>> No.14532324

1200 is nothing what are you talking about.