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14513364 No.14513364 [Reply] [Original]

>when the liquor store clerk recognizes you and addresses you by first name

>> No.14513365

>doesn’t always pay cash

>> No.14513369
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liquor store clerk still cards you even though we saw each other yesterday and the day before

>> No.14513397

>doesn't get id'd
Ok boomer

>> No.14513405

Offie ticks u buccy

>> No.14513426

In current year, who IDs? Who return visits to places who ID? Genuinely curious, I live within the great Satan, N. CA, as long as you’re over 12, you’re good. If you buy party supplies, like 7 bottles of wine and 5 bottles of liquor and a few cases of beer, you might get rung up (ABC bust paranoia) but nobody is doing that for daily drinkers around here, that's for sure. Most liquor stores aren’t even enforcing distancing, masks, or anything beyond just threatening signs posted. The sign can say “TWO CUSTOMERS ALLOWED, MASKS ARE REQUIRED, 6’ SOCIAL DISTANCING IS MANDATORY” and I can walk in without a mask, while there are 10 people in the store, grab a handle, buy it, and walk out with zero fucks given.

>> No.14513454

>bragging about drinking alcohol
Grow up, faggot

>> No.14513460
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I'm not bragging I'm shameposting.

>> No.14513482

It's nice you find some comfort in being the dregs of society.

>> No.14513494

I’m the primary provider for my family, if you want to call that dregs, be my guest. I’m just trying to hang on right now, shit is very rough.

>> No.14513495

i moved a couple months ago and the grocery store i usually shop at recently stopped asking for my id. i think i should never go there again, the cashiers always give me such a weird fucking attitude and i observe them acting normal/outgoing around almost everyone else.

>> No.14513654

I got into a fight with the cashier at my local liquor store should I go back or no?

>> No.14513668

No. They don't want you back as a customer after that shit generally.

>> No.14513770

Offy tics u bucky, retard.

>> No.14513780

Depends how drunk u where

>> No.14513794

If you do go back, you'll probably have to apologize for fighting, and say you'll do better in the future.

Unless the fight got physical, then you're just gone.

>> No.14513869
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>indian lady cashier
>sank chu ser enjoy yur dae
>white lady cashier
>haha you must be having a party!
>I've never seen this bottle before!
>Don't drop all that now!