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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 150 KB, 340x222, what made me feel sorrow today.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14512630 No.14512630[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

When you consume animal flesh you integrate it's DNA, cellar memory and hormones. All the pain and anger that the animal felt before death, you feel it now. It corrupts you. You blinded. Your ego thinks it won over the vegan, you feel proud while hurting only thyself. You can never become more than the animal you ate. This is the truth. Key to eternal life is here.

>> No.14512640

better than being some damn plants in the dirt lmao

>> No.14512656


another nutrient-starved vegan thread

>> No.14512659


>> No.14512664


>> No.14512670

um, are you saying plant DNA doesn't do this?

>> No.14512715

>you integrate it's DNA
I'm pretty sure that the dna would be destroyed as the stomach acid breaks the meat down into protein, fats, and sugar.

>> No.14512743

Fuck animals. I'd eat OP if the situation was dire enough.

>> No.14512759

I'm not gonna pull some high road bullshit over vegans, but it's a sad fact that others must die and suffer for us to continue to exist. Whether that's mass destruction of ecosystem and habitats for farming, or the same plus a little bit more for meat/ranching. We must always cause others to perish or suffer to gain any sort of security and satisfaction.

Also, I work on a dairy farm. The cows there are very happy and healthy (no meme), and live long full lives before they are all euthanized and used for low grade utility beef/dog food. This is a fairly large dairy producer. I understand vegetarian, but vegan is fucking retarded.

>> No.14512776

cellar memory?
I feel like you'd be more likely to get that from a rutabaga than a cow

>> No.14512791

You don't know how much animal is in your computer components, do you?

>> No.14512798

I don't care. Steaks are delicious.

>> No.14512816

>Ooga booga eating is magic and shit
That's why no one takes vegans seriously.
All feelings and no back up.
Even plant based dietitians avoid the term vegan to no degrade themselves.

>> No.14512818

You see, that's where you're mistaken. We're here to suffer, this is hell and every bit of our pain we deserve. There is no escape, there is no free will, every choice you could make you have already made and every possibility has been exhausted. It matters not if you're vegan or carnivore, you're here for eternity living this same life over and over again.

>> No.14512848

You've just given me the excuse I need to go cannibal. Think I'll start with vegans since you're saying I can live longer if I eat stuff with longer shelf lifes.

>> No.14513126

Exactly. I consume flesh to absorb it's life force. It gives me knowledge and power not known to mortal men, and the consumption of the blood is pleasing to the dark one.

>> No.14513133

>We must always cause others to perish or suffer
Right now we don't have too much of a choice, but with lab-grown meat and stuff like that it seems like there's a chance it won't have to be this way forever.

>> No.14513141

>sad fact
No it isn't, you pussy, it's called life. Stop being a bitch and accept shit needs to die for other things to live.

>> No.14513146

You can accept something without liking it.

>> No.14514635

I'd also try OP once if the situation was dire.

>> No.14514639

>t. vegan faggots mental dillusion
kys op

>> No.14514647

>be cow
>get to hang out with your friends free from immediate predation with all the free food you can eat
>after a kick ass year and a half you go back to sleep forever just like before


>> No.14514663

Of course meat is an unpleasant experience for those devoured, and a coalescing of spirit for the consumer. That is why ipon devouring the beast do we feel its lifeblood course through us. We feel its strength, its vigour. But also do we feel the fire that shoots up the spine; those last moments of the desire to fight, the fear at the realization that we are prey. And we use it. That spiritual impression forever lies whithin us. Lest someone put us next upon the block to be victuals, or know the signs of predation if we are to accosted...by niggers.

>> No.14514674
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>> No.14514675
File: 921 KB, 1792x2048, 1590315873016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


i unironically believe this up to a point.

we are also tribal creatures that survive off of others. not just animals but other humans as well. things like body destruction date back as far as recorded history. if you study any serious worldly teaches, animal sacrifice and inevitably human sacrifice appear.

that said, having removed the predator/prey dynamic in acquiring what we eat has caused more issues than the industrial processing has.

>> No.14514820
File: 550 KB, 1080x1166, 20200804_210613.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When you consume a plant you integrate it's DNA, cellar memory and hormones. All the pain and anger that the plant felt before death, you feel it now. It corrupts you. You blinded. Your ego thinks it won over the meat eater, you feel proud while hurting only thyself. You can never become more than the plant you ate. This is the truth. Key to eternal life ishere.

>> No.14514828 [DELETED] 

Back in the old days we never tolerated vegan threads on /ck/.
The vegan mod has ruined this place

>> No.14514830

NOT THE VEGGIE PALS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.14514835

Well your prey is threads
>When you consume a thread you integrate it's DNA, cellar memory and hormones. All the pain and anger that the thread felt before death, you feel it now. It corrupts you. You blinded. Your ego thinks it won over the shitposter, you feel proud while hurting only thyself. You can never become more than the shitposter you consumed. This is the truth. Key to eternal life is here.

>> No.14514837


>> No.14514840

Das rite, you heartless plant eater monster.

>> No.14515160

Vegans have been here since like 2010 newfag.

>> No.14515169

I feel bad for eating meat but it tastes so good. Help me.

>> No.14515180

If anything, they were a lot more tolerable back then, too. I don't know where this "HEY GAIS, I'M VEGAN" meme came from, but it ruined vegan and vegetarian threads.

>> No.14515196


>> No.14515200


i forgot about this board for the better half of a decade

>> No.14515273

this is why I eat the hearts of the foes I fell in battle
I make their strength and courage mine

>> No.14515294

What a weird fantastical larp. Like some magical thinking somehow makes it true. What a silly imagination you have.

>> No.14515319

>cellar memories
I think that's a signal that OP is being abused in a cold basement someone please send him some help

>> No.14515325

That half of the decade was probably better because you had forgotten it.

>> No.14515393

You are speaking the words of the gods. True insight.

>> No.14515398

Plants have no brains, that must be why vegetarians are so stupid.

>> No.14515411

Sweet so like a space marine

>> No.14515471
File: 921 KB, 1706x760, chad_peasant.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that is why i take good care of my livestock before fulfilling their purpose

>> No.14516077

cellar spiders are fairly based

>> No.14516385

>When you consume animal flesh you integrate it's DNA, cellar memory and hormones. All the pain and anger that the animal felt before death, you feel it now. It corrupts you. You blinded. Your ego thinks it won over the vegan, you feel proud while hurting only thyself. You can never become more than the animal you ate. This is the truth. Key to eternal life is here.

He sat back on on his overly padded chair the pain he felt was constant. his lack of muscle and fat made sitting painful.

At last he had posted his magnum opus those clueless meat eaters would surely change their ways now. His brain was fogged from his constant lack of energy but he was certain his logic was inescapable.

He reached for a carrot (it took all his effort) feebly he gnawed on it. washing it down with sips of soylent.

he dreamed of his next semen shake he would get from his boyfriend. his only source of protein.

He should go for a walk but the last time he did he broke a bone in his foot. the neuropathy (from lack of B12) in his hands made it difficult to type. It had taken all day and all his strength to type the one paragraph.

Tyrone (he feebly called) I am ready for you now.

>> No.14516387

Dragons don't feel fear.

>> No.14516422
File: 615 KB, 257x387, fetish.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All the pain and anger that the animal felt before death, you feel it now.

>> No.14516445

once an animal dies any pain or suffering it felt no longer exists. without a working brain and memories there is no pain and suffering.


>> No.14516756 [DELETED] 

Only as the objects of ridicule .
Pro vegan threads were mocked and deleted.
Now anti vegan threads get deleted.
Huge difference

>> No.14516842

Id eat OP as long as I wouldnt get a disease. Why do people think humans arent animals?

>> No.14516847

>When you consume animal flesh you integrate it's DNA, cellar memory and hormones

Looks like its time to start eating spiders

>> No.14516849
File: 486 KB, 680x502, AJ_found_the_OPs_post_history.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These are the same people that tell you God doesn't exist.

>> No.14517172

no, explain

>> No.14518929

There can be only 1

>> No.14518931

That's not how food works.

>> No.14518960

Do the cows get time outdoors on pasture? What are they fed? What standards are there in general for them, and what country?

>> No.14518966
File: 56 KB, 512x335, 7979786.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14518979

>All the pain and anger that the animal felt before death, you feel it now.
>a cow "feeling" anger

The literal mindstate of you fucking libfucks.

>> No.14519600


t. mad cow

>> No.14519605

Fuck off carnie, your anger and hatred only reflect your diet

>> No.14519614

Imagine actually eating (((animals))) from big globohomo corps
