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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14502867 No.14502867 [Reply] [Original]

What's the general consensus on American cuisine?

>> No.14502898

It's some of the best in the world, and includes pretty much everything in the world.

>> No.14502905

Fucking shit. You niggers need to learn how to cook meat.

>> No.14502908

I like it better if the serving sizes weren't so fucking huge.

>> No.14502937


>> No.14502945

They don't have one

>> No.14503389

A lot of diamonds in a sea of shit.

>> No.14503393

this is the correct answer

>> No.14503400

Imagine the bitter eurocuck who made this thread.

>> No.14503424

i don't buy anything from usa or china

>> No.14503479

How naive to think this

>> No.14503516

I feel it'd be disingenuous for me to really judge it because I've never been there but I'd love to go to some proper redneck southern town to try their bbq.

>> No.14503517

>includes pretty much everything in the world
That means it's not american you dense cunt

>> No.14503547

Holy shit that's cheap. That's about $0.25.

>> No.14503590

Shit quality meat cooked in a sugar sauce.
That’s about it, good job the blacks and Mexicans have a culinary heritage.

>> No.14503598

All I know is that their candy has too much sugar in it. Especially the chocolate.

>> No.14504043

Sugary and unbalanced. Americans would be better off eating plants and supplementing with vitamins. So many people died from literally just cholesterol filled burgers. Also ban soda from all restaurants, have it only purchasable at the store.

>> No.14504067

>American cuisine
good in moderation
>average American diet
lol I can't wait to outlive 90% of my peers who refuse to learn how to cook

>> No.14504091

So tomato dishes aren't Italian then since the tomato came from America. And noodles came from Asia so I guess pasta is out too.

>> No.14504094

>the tomato came from America
lol wat

>> No.14504096

America can't even think of dishes for its native ingredients what retards.

>> No.14504105


>> No.14504121

>implying BBQ isn't the greatest cuisine in the world
>implying we don't appropriate faggy cuisines like Mexican and Chinese and then give them an American touch to make them superior

>> No.14504123

Don't have to ban soda at restaurants.
Just free refills of it.

Sweet tea is just as bad, but I think they can get away with free refills.

>> No.14504135

Don't get me wrong, we are pretty fat here in Canada, but a popular thing to get away for the weekend here is driving down to Merica and picking up a bunch of snacks that probably aren't legal here. Shit you guys have a frozen dinner version of every food, like 25 types of hot pockets, we don't even have hot pockets here yet.

>> No.14504156

You guys have the mcgriddle right? I'm always curious how wide spread that thing is. It's the greatest fast food breakfast sandwich ever made

>> No.14504171

McDonalds is fucking terrible but Ill be honest and say I like the McGriddle

>> No.14504200

I agree with you, but I have soft spot for the mcgriddle and their shitty burritos. Everything else could disappear and I wouldn't notice

>> No.14504216

Tomatoes came from North America, you dummy

>> No.14504231

Not gonna lie, it seems ok and foreigners are all jealous

>> No.14504233

>American cuisine
>posts a rack full of candy

yeah i can tell this anon actually wants to have a discussion and isn't just being a troll

>> No.14504244

>eurocuck wants to ban shit
what a shock

>> No.14504319
File: 73 KB, 960x540, 1595662799950.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it's cute other countries have a little "America" section and it's always the sinfully sugary candy and cereal horseshit. Secretly, they want it. Secretly they want the beeg fat american titties and to go bowling.

>> No.14504544

>asshole wearing scarf UNDERneath his nose

What a piece of shit. Inside is when you need to have the mask OVER your nose. I hate inconsiderate twats who think that they are so fucking special that they can't wear shit over their nose like the rest of us.

>> No.14504553

It's sad.

>> No.14504563

Shut up. I did find it funny when I walked into chipotle the other day and every single employee had their nose out but their mouths covered

>> No.14504587

Candian here. Most of us don't even wear masks at all, so you should honestly be congratulating the guy for even pretending to give a shit.

>> No.14504676

candy with to much sugar.... wtf is your candy made from. sawdust?

>> No.14504691

and the germans, and the Russians, and the poles, and the greeks, Norwegians, and the slavs, and the french and the many other groups of assholes that brought their food culture.

>> No.14504696

nah on first point, second point is gods truth.

>> No.14504700
File: 25 KB, 256x256, WHVnUDVPMnGU4yAm2ZkG_Xf7-uRR8ca4WZAmktLei5Q.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>neapolitan is the best ice cream flavor

>> No.14504710

Why is it so fucking hard to cover your mouth AND nose while in public indoor spaces?

>> No.14504712


This is your brain on america

>> No.14504717

A modern take on American cuisine is unironically the best in the world.
It's balanced, hearty, diverse, and flavorful.

>> No.14504718

US cuisine (ACTUAL US not just "this food was made by an immigrant in America so its American now") is virtually non-existent in Europe so I cannot comment. Stuff like Philly cheesesteak and Po'boys look very tasty in pictures though

>> No.14504729

I am addicted to Philly cheesesteaks

>> No.14504736

>t. Bootlicker

>> No.14504741

This is a meme. I've been to Europe several times and there's no difference in portion sizes.
The only places in the US that have huge portions tend to be Italian-American restaurants

>> No.14504745 [DELETED] 

>American cuisine?
>signs in the background are all in some shithole eastern europoor language

>> No.14504747

This is a cuck take

>> No.14504750 [DELETED] 

it actually is>>14504729

>> No.14504752

Mexican-American is meh, I prefer actual Mexican. Which is very easy to find in the US.

>> No.14504764

Tex Mex is an abomination that the entire state should be ashamed for.

>> No.14504996

Traditional American/British Isles recipes with a modern take (more herbs/spices) is god tier.
Like a nice modern beef stew or shepherd's pie recipe.

>> No.14505065

Yes theres is. Americans give you far more for the price and free refills

>> No.14505151

You only get free refills at fast food places.
And I went to Germany recently, the portions were the same. The food was actually cheaper.

>> No.14505154

>buying groceries at a lego store
do euroweenies really do this???

>> No.14505160

shut the fuck up

>> No.14505197

lmao nice bait

>> No.14505210

Suck a cock

>> No.14505214

It could be anything but is generally unhealthy.

>> No.14505321

cannot scientifically be classified as cuisine

>> No.14505355

As shitty a libtard city LA is, it's got the best food from anywhere in the world. You can't beat the best and freshest ingredients plus hard working immigrants.

>> No.14505441
File: 183 KB, 650x596, washing-hands-source.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's wigger cuisine so

- no flavor
- overcooked meat
- contaminated with feces (picrel)

>> No.14505468
File: 931 KB, 446x550, 1591027547496.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14505479

As a white guy, black people do BBQ best. Plus it depends what type of BBQ you want.

>> No.14505482


>> No.14505535

>Americans give you far more for the price and free refills
How is this a bad thing? You don't have to eat it all at once.

>> No.14505540


>> No.14505574

White America is finished

>> No.14505655

Does white BBQ tend to be too dry?

>> No.14505696
File: 31 KB, 701x292, Screenshot_2020-08-02 pol - Politically Incorrect » Thread #216542457.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly, some of the things people get mad over are hilarious.

>> No.14506056

>dating a fatty and being surprised when they act like a fatty
what a retard, no wonder Puerto Rico's a shithole

>> No.14506541


then you havent had proper bbq. worlds best pitmasters and competition are white with the exception of one pitmaster in carolina who is black but hes a nigger and believes in "secret ingredients" instead of technique

>> No.14506560

Scotland here.

Your BBQ is amazing, Pibb is pretty good and I like Mike&Ickes. Also, pastrami, spinach and sliced gherkins on a buttered toasted bagel is probably the best breakfast I've ever had.

>> No.14506566

European education, everyone.

>> No.14506714

replace blacks with muslims and bam, europe

>> No.14506736

Much like America itself, it is full of extremes. It's either extremely based or extremely shit, there's no middle ground.

>> No.14506993

give me few “candies” that, by design, don't have sugar.

>> No.14506994


>> No.14506997


>> No.14507009

This basically.

>> No.14507021

looks like someone has never been to chili's

>> No.14507031

that your picture doesn't do it justice

>> No.14508246

Corn syrup

>> No.14508286

>the tomato came from America
It came from Mexico, but you're right, it's from America, just it's from the UMS not the USA.

>> No.14508308

Are you ready for some meth and heroon?

>> No.14508429

It's cringe

>> No.14508710

no country in europe worships muslims like the US worships their niggers

>> No.14508723

Do Americans REALLY

>> No.14508739

>black people do BBQ best.

No they don't. That might have been true 50 years ago but now that BBQ is popular nationwide there are a lot of skilled chefs of all races making it, not just illiterate farmers in the south using Uncle Remus' Secret Recipe.

>> No.14508743

lol germany has courses teaching them how to romance their women

>> No.14509205

Cajun food and barbecue is delicious. Euros will try to deny it or claim its actually European, but we all know the truth.

>> No.14509231

It's shit

>> No.14509233

>What's the general consensus on American cuisine?
Considering the size, population and biodiversity of the US that's like asking "What's the general consensus on Europoor cuisine?" and posting a picture of canned eels

>> No.14509273
File: 101 KB, 1200x1800, Grilled-Corn-On-The-Cob-Peeled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Take an ear of corn
>slap that shit on the grill
>add butter

I'll bet you feel stupid right now

>> No.14509397 [DELETED] 

As a white guy, whites do BBQ best, as it is an entirely European concept.

Last I heard, the nogs were still making mud cookies

>> No.14509407

At the time it was known as the Americas to my knowledge. That's why I simply put "America"

>> No.14509419 [DELETED] 

This thread is proof that all stupid yuros hate America, when instead, they should hate our politicians and celebrities.

Hmm. At least there's one thing we can ALL agree on. The extermination of jews.

>> No.14509450

Highly processed.
Poor standards.

>> No.14509457

I like the Jews

>> No.14509481
File: 145 KB, 407x493, 1568251235434.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ill tell you what the fuck im getting sick of is these various iterations or forms of fuckin ree-see cups.
you know theres some thick rimmed reddit asshole at hershey saying what if we take a reesee cup and make it into a TWIX bar! (fastbreak)or wait, what if we make a reesee cup SNICKERS bar (nutrageous) it worked for reesee M&Ms!! (reesee peesees)


just fuck corporate assholes who's entire job is justified by the invention of these asanine new fucking products that linger for a few and vanish because they are shit. just give me a reesee cup made with chunky peanut butter and call it a day assholes, but noooo you cant find that shit anywhere even though they say it exists. fuck you

mike n ikes on the other hand are fucking pure patrician. keep those flavors rolling out man.

>> No.14509482

I posted that I like your BBQ and your Pibb. I'm indifferent to your regarded politics and Karen epidemic.

American cuisine, much like its people, is a melting pot of different influences and it's honestly great. If you had European quality ingredients because of the laws we have here, your food would taste better. The US-EU trade deal should focus on you guys coming up to meet us. How hard is it to grassfeed every cow in a country as big as the US?

>> No.14509489 [DELETED] 
File: 147 KB, 1024x1024, 1586214501502.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then you are a jew, and of course, are against your own extermination.

This is the food board, know what jews eat? Foreskin and children.

>> No.14509667


>> No.14509678

Fantastic taste but absolutely awful for your body. I had a small sized breakfast from a local diner and the calories and macros I estimated based off the food items totaled to almost 800+kcals and nearly 180gnof sodium

>> No.14509774

When I was in California I discovered they fucking love queueing up for meals, particularly brunch. They'd line up for literally two hours to eat avocado on toast, whereas in Australia I'd just go to the supermarket and buy some avocados and bacon and make the stupid breakfast myself rather than stand around in the sun with a hangover.

>> No.14510052

Not anymore, not enough black people in Kansas City for them to be the best.

>> No.14510054

>on American cuisine
Which region?

>> No.14510061

Yeah but you're still living in that shithole... I'd wait in line all day to not live in Australia ffs.

>> No.14510091

>American cuisine
>uses a pic from a polish Leclerc supermarket
Do leafs really?

>> No.14510098

i thought bacon was the American cuisine