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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14496513 No.14496513[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Will drinking alcohol all the time really do this to your body?

>> No.14496516
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And here's the before picture.

>> No.14496519

no she probably just looks like that

>> No.14496523

young lindsey is hard to beat

>> No.14496531

I dunno man, I'm beating pretty easy right now to her.

>> No.14496551

Yes, it will, alcohol is calorie dense. I dont understand why people think it isnt. Like have none of you ever drunk before? There’s a nutrition facts on the case. Just look at it. Please for the love of god just look at it

>> No.14496570

For most alcohol in the US, there is no nutritional label. Here, alcohol is regulated by the Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau, which doesn't come under FDA regulation for labels. Recently some companies have started putting them on the cans/boxes/whatever, but that's just the seltzer companies to try and prove it's healthier.

>> No.14496579

that exact thing happened to my ex gf

>> No.14496590

You just need to look up relatively average calories. Shit like those malt beverages will fuck it up because they're also loaded with sugar. But I was drinking 6 craft beers a work night, and a fifth of liquor on weekends when I was an alcholic. I just stopped drinking and went from like 265lb to 210 in a year, changing nothing else. Well, I did snack less since I wasn't drunk rummage in the kitchen.

>> No.14496592


She doesnt look like that because of the alcohol, she looks like that because of the heavy drug use.

>> No.14496600

no but being 34 will

>> No.14496681

holy shit she's only 34?

>> No.14496693

literal dnd Hag

>> No.14496803

Not only that but just like sugar it's metabolized in the liver leading to fatty liver disease and messes up with hormones.

>> No.14496836

nigga have you never heard of the wall?

>> No.14496842

nigga that aint hitting the wall thats gettin run over by a freight train

>> No.14496850

Drugs too. Her organs are probably failing.

>> No.14496857


>> No.14496922

That's what happens when you abuse the fuck out of your body for years and also have narrow ass hips

>> No.14496929

No she isn't. Even with a shitload of makeup and photoshopping that disgusting mess of freckles is on full display.

>> No.14496940
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I drink alcohol all the time and have those skinny legs that /fit/ types make fun of, and a big old belly, and the receding hairline. I haven't grown boobs, though.

>> No.14496955

Never too late to change friend. Ease on the drinking and go lift. Men can come back, women can't. Even a faltering hairline if fixable of you actually care about that.

>> No.14496984

>never too late to change
Eh, I'm not really interested in growing boobs.

>> No.14497079

no this shit is chernobyl for women but hey, you only live once

or leave once depends how you look at it

>> No.14497082

>so obsessed with trannies that xir thinks someone telling xem to not drink alcohol is a call to trans it
just cut your balls off already

>> No.14497101

>/ck/ humor goes over the head of /fit/ fatties
Why am I not surprised.

>> No.14497109

Look at most rockstars. They know how to fully indulge in drugs and booze, and they hit it harder than most. They always look fine until they hit like 70.
The ones that go to shit are the ones that sober up and start eating instead of drinking. Drinking basically makes you immortal.