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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14493893 No.14493893[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>> No.14493932

Honestly, it's better to feed kids the dry stuff. I used to eat Whiskas by the handful. Eventually, I'd just load several handfuls of kibbles into my shirt like a pocket, and then feast like a king. Was always great since parents wouldn't buy snacks, but you get such huge bags of cat food.

I used to chew up a bunch in my mouth until it became a soggy wad, then I'd spit it out and wad it up into a ball, and take bites out of it like a creme puff. Kind of tasted like wine.

>> No.14493969
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>> No.14493992


9 lives pate favourites is where it's at

>> No.14494306
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>not making Meow mix nachos

>> No.14494321

Why does it seem like every cat owner on /ck/ is having sex with their cat?

>> No.14494899

put the unopened can on a burner and have them eat it off the walls when it explodes

>> No.14495169

I always remember some pretentious /fit/ fag eating this for protein.

>> No.14495181

Sh ove the whole can up your ass and let em eat it out of it.

>> No.14495284

Just because you fuck your dog doesn't mean other people do that kind of shit.

>> No.14495298
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Based toxoplasmosis whataboutism poster.

>> No.14495303


>> No.14495309

>cat people: I prefer cats
Why are you like this reddit? Also, you're not using that word correctly, projecto.

>> No.14495338

toxoplasmosis is a meme stop hating on cats

>> No.14495343

>nobody could hate dogfags and catfags at the same time
90% of you deserve to have your animals taken away and never should be allowed to breed or possess anything more complex than a hamster.

>> No.14495347

/ck/ has always been a dog board, election tourist, and all 4 of those words are used correctly.

>> No.14495394

Don't project reddit. Unless 4chan was anti cat before I got here in 2006, 4chan has always been pro cat.

>> No.14495403
File: 246 KB, 1280x720, chef.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>flexing oldfaggotry
/ck/ isn't /b/, dum dum.

>> No.14495406

4chan is a cat site. You must be new here.

>> No.14495427

The only animal I consistently see here is the cat in the dickering threads. Claiming a cooking board is some animal or other oriented is stupid as fuck to begin with.
It can't be healthy to be so butthurt about cats. Like, I get it, a cat clawed you because your a spastic tard. But get over it, and if you can't, seek help.

>> No.14495434

What is "4chan"? Here on 4channel.org only newfriends brag about what year they started lurking. (It's always been like this, btw; trust me, I've been here forever.)

>> No.14495437

>DAE caturday? XDD
You're not special.

>> No.14495460

No, but you're still new. I don't care if you like dogs or not, just stop being such a butthurt baby back bitch that other people have different preferences. It's unhinged.
Im pretty sure reddit has a spot that's all HECKIN FLUFFERINO DOGGONE DOGGOS with no evil cats to trigger you. Maybe you should go back there.

>> No.14495464
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>your not special, now bow to my desires because i don't like cats!
the only thing worse than a newfag is a newfag who thinks his opinion is worth more than a sloppashite

>> No.14495481

>the only animal I consistently see here is the cat in the dickering threads
Why not just come right out and say you're new here? The dickered guy showed up in 2016 with the r****t invasion and made it his personal mission to kill OC on this board. I hate to give him credit for anything, but he's probably more responsible than anyone for /ck/ turning into a fast food and e-celeb board. Did you never even question why 90% of this place hates him? Here's a pro-tip: it has nothing to do with his personality, in spite of the retarded way he talks, let alone the food he posts. /ck/ has always treasured OC - all OC. Everyone hates him because he tried to make OC cookalongs into a containment general, when they used to be the heart and soul of /ck/.

>> No.14495519
File: 419 KB, 2048x1536, Autism test.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cat food Steve is that you?

>> No.14495526

Holy projection batman

>> No.14496078


>> No.14496156

/ck/ is a cat board. Get lost doggo fucks.

>> No.14496223

...Why? Were they really poor and couldn't afford regular protein powder or something?

>> No.14496246

Bro you ever read the can for this stuff? It's got CRUDE protein, not that civil pussy protein they sell to prettyboy bodybuilders. The most natural form of protons.

>> No.14496397

>makes OC
Dude, just stop and seek professional help. Not even an insult. You genuinely have a complex.

>> No.14496503

You're still not special ytmndfaggots who came here after the habbo raid.

>> No.14496585

fucking lel

>> No.14496589

I like your punctuation, padner.

>> No.14496626

Nigger mods are trying to ban this thread.

>> No.14496673

Look everyone, the leaf is projecting again

>> No.14496677

Hamsters have feelings too shitbird

>> No.14496680

You've been repeating this exact same sorry excuse for an argument for 3 years now, cat fucker. Stop pretending like you don't know why everyone hates you.
>inb4 i'm not him, but i like posting in his threads because nobody on /ck/ cares about oc so my thread will be gone after 15 minutes if i don't post in his thread
It's all so tiring at this point. I wish we had a mod who actually remembers what this board used to be like and didn't allow one troll to burn everything down before our eyes.

>> No.14496697

>he still repeats the tired old "there are le only five posters on /ck/ meme"
kill yourself

>> No.14496719

>the tired old "there are le only five posters on /ck/ meme"
That's actually kind of true, though. There are probably a couple thousand people lurking at any given time, and a couple hundred people actively posting, but the amount of regular autists who have been here every day for years, habitually reposting the same shit, is probably pretty close to 5, and I'm tired of your shit.

>> No.14496763

>tons of unsubstantiated cope to justify the fact that multiple people disagree with him
Your position is shouting "samefag" over and over again like a /b/tard circa 2009. It's trite, droll, and, given how popular 4chan is these days, completely out of touch. You're stuck in a bubble, pretending this site is still the same as it was "back in your day" like the worst type of nostalgic boomer, and it's sad. Consider therapy.

>> No.14496784
File: 48 KB, 593x340, taco bell is the only restaurant in the future.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit, I usually skip past Ragusa threads, but I've seen a few where he gets super defensive in the comments and sperges out at everyone saying anything negative about him. Is the cat fucker actually Ragusa? I take back what I said in my last post. It turns out there are only 4 people posting on /ck/.

>> No.14496790

Yes, anon, everyone you disagree with is random popular food Youtuber. I'm Chef John, Townshends, Jack Scalfani and Ragusea at the same time.

>> No.14496799
File: 52 KB, 778x960, 1570155192940.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How are you 4 different people when the IP count never goes up?

>> No.14496810

Because we are a hivemind and share the same body and IP, shifting shapes to colonize Youtube to spread the misandrist neo-Marxist agenda and destroy America in the name of Israel and the deep state. You almost fell for it, but you exposed us, gentile!

>> No.14496814

Reddit is probably more your speed Champ.

>> No.14496828

You repeat the exact same talking points as the cat fucker, but you're clearly more intelligent and generally loquacious. I'm confused.
Ah, there he is.

>> No.14496830

>but the amount of regular autists who have been here every day for years, habitually reposting the same shit, is probably pretty close to 5
>dickered threads
>mc chicken threads
>home brew threads
>that one Finnish guy who tried to emulate the dickered threads
>hot sauce threads
>restaurant/industry story threads
you're stupid and wrong

>> No.14496841

Ha ha! That's just us fooling you again, goy! Our IQ varies with the pulse of the anonymous hivemind, shifting and churning new logical conundrums to fool you into abandoning your race and marrying a swarthy man! You're wrapped around our little finger, and there is nothing you can do about it.

>> No.14496845

>webm threads
>jack threads
>youtube channels being promoted
>cast iron threads
>knife threads
i could go on, but i hope you get the point

>> No.14496847

Why are even posting? We all know you're a Reddit shill

>> No.14496859

Nope, all the same five people, and all of those five people are me. I'm responsible for all the major food Youtubers and all of the shitposts on this board. It's part of my master plan to undermine America.

>> No.14496861

>one guy
>forced meme forced by one guy for a few days that caught on
>the heart and soul of /ck/ before trying to become a general
>only a random tourist occasion and quickly redirected to /diy/ since 2014
>one among hundreds of randos who posted for a few weeks before moving on
>always been a thing
>the other side of the coin of al/ck/ threads; everyone who has ever taught you anything on this board was a drunk line-cook posting in his time off

>> No.14496865

Sure you are, schizoid

>> No.14496871

That's right, goy, just tell me to "take my meds" and sleep tight while the siren postmodern Marxist song tells you to shun your familial bonds and donate your hard-earned white wealth to Africa!

>> No.14496874

On second thought, maybe you are Ragusa. You seem to have this weirdly defensive and misplaced conception of 4channel being the same thing as /pol/. It's kind of fascinating. I almost hate to admit that however many threads you've spammed shilling your videos I haven't clicked on a single link.

>> No.14496881

Indeed, it is I! I am all the major food Youtubers and our goal is to convince you to take hormone replacement supplements and drink soymeal so you cannot reproduce! You almost fell for it, but you're too clever for us, gentile! Now let me lecture you on white privilege and tell you why cast iron isn't all its cracked up to be!

>> No.14496885

Do you actually believe regurgitating /pol/
synopsis' has an effect on me?

>> No.14496889

>I am all the major food Youtubers
No no. I accused you of being Adam Ragusa. He's a literal who youtuber who's been spamming this board for maybe the last year and a half.

>> No.14496893

Not at all, for you are the blessed shabbos goy. It is you alone who figured out the true secret of /ck/, that us all are the same hivemind and there are no divergent thoughts on this board besides yours and mine, the omni-shoggoth of all social media.

>> No.14496895

Now let me tell you how to broil your chocolate chip cookies and reveal the history of baking powders!

>> No.14496897

Eat a salad bro. You sound hungry..

>> No.14496900

A salad would be raw foodism, and you know I certainly don't like that!

>> No.14496901


>> No.14496906

Ok. Eat a raw elk that was run over by a 2010 Ford. I don't care.