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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 250 KB, 721x687, Pirouline.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14493289 No.14493289 [Reply] [Original]

When I open the tin, I literally cannot stop eating them.

What foods make you lose control?

>> No.14493337 [DELETED] 
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Here is me with the water fireman

>> No.14493345

>When I open the tin, I literally cannot stop eating them.
I'm exactly the same.. i swear to god these have crack in them or something.

>> No.14493353
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flamin hot cheetos picante limon style, oreos and milk, tortilla chips and salsa

>> No.14493354

Why do the jannys keep posting pictures of themselves?

>> No.14493360
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For me, it's Goldfish. I had to stop getting them because I would eat them all in one go.

>> No.14493571


>> No.14493697

Cheez itz. I can eat a box in 10 mins

>> No.14493746

Yogurth. I can eat a liter bottle in a span of a couple minutes. I always have to stop myself before finish before time.

>> No.14493756
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>> No.14493851
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>> No.14493926

Any bag of jerky. There is just so little and it's so good. I'd eat pounds of the stuff if I could.

>> No.14493943


I have before, and fully intend to again, eat an entire tube of these in one single mouthful

>> No.14493947

I want to know what all dressed mean but I can't see the back. What does all dressed mean?

>> No.14493961

"The flavour combines the potato chip flavours of barbecue, ketchup, sour cream and onion, and salt and vinegar."

>> No.14493972

Are these just barbecue flavour or something?

>> No.14493984

My wife's pussy. I've been married to her for 12 years, eating her out five times a week minimum, but every time I taste that glorious snatch I still become an animal.

>> No.14493997

sir this is a cooking board, at least do it in the kitchen

>> No.14494002


>> No.14494003

Describe the taste and smell for an incel please

>> No.14494008


>> No.14494010
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yabs hallo based depardment

>> No.14494383

I don't think I can. It's a combination of a strong magnet and the end of a D battery if the zaps were significantly milder and a fillet of pickled herring with more emphasis on the pickling than the herring. Also a cheap and slightly sweet gin. And also the first time you finished something difficult by yourself if that were a flavor. All combined into a creamy reception. I don't know. It's not quite right, but it's the best I can fo.

>> No.14494416

when i was a kid that was one of the first things i stuck up my ass

>> No.14494419

Disgusting fat spic

>> No.14494572

I am actually not fat surprisingly

>> No.14494581
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Dopamine in a bag

>> No.14494602

Not really big on sweets desu, but chips I could go through a bag a day. I manage to keep it under 2 bags a month, though.

>> No.14494683

And you find that enticing and tasty?

>> No.14494694

I don't see why people like this shit maybe some trauma related idk they taste like dog shit

>> No.14494722

any kind of chips, and pizza. I can eat a large pizza like its fucking nothing, as well as any family size bag of chips as long as theyre decent chips. I keep these things away from me as often as possible

>> No.14494732

It’s not spicy when ur eating but then you stop and need more to stop the burn and then u finish the bag

>> No.14494785
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These are somewhat similar to OPs. They're like cocaine to me

>> No.14494802
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Exactly. At the end you take the dust in one shot to face and reflect on your life descisions.

>> No.14494805

god these are so good and yet so bad for you...another of god's little games

>> No.14494810

True, goldfish are so simple and forgiving to eat it's hard not to literally go into a mindless flow state eating them. The paper bags also make it easier to eat out of somehow.

>> No.14494812

After smoking a bowl I could eat an unlimited number of Double Stuf Oreos, Zapp's Voodoo Chips, and Wheat Thins with pub cheese.

>> No.14494815
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Nothing beats lamb vindaloo for me. So spicy you're sweating, your nose starts running, and your eyes become watery. And yet, you can't stop eating.

>> No.14494853

Not him, but pussy is fucking amazing. I just had some half an hour ago. You should try it some time.

>> No.14494861
File: 193 KB, 1280x720, 4A0E5A4B-8F37-4D84-97B3-D2FF8C13A156.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some good hot n spicy pho

>> No.14494914
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>> No.14494934

I can't fucking find these anymore

>> No.14494981

my gas station fucking refuses to sell these and it pisses me off so bad. theyre really good with fake ass nacho cheese. hell, crush em up in the bag and put chili and cheese and whatever hotdog type toppings you like from your gas station and mix it up and you got a tasty (albeit artery clogging) meal / snack

>> No.14495033
File: 96 KB, 597x597, 1FCCDB73-E683-49A1-8044-191C0E988833.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don’t you have more than one place to buy stuff?

>> No.14495041
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I make sure to never have these in the house

>> No.14495049

Have to be ruffles too

>> No.14495059
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These little fucks. I tell myself Ill just have 10 and then its gone.

>> No.14495165

so basically a frito pie with takis
sounds good

>> No.14495186

My standards are too high

>> No.14495313

I literally drink these

>> No.14495357

i dont remember if you can use them as a straw for milk

>> No.14495363

>tortilla chips and salsa
my nigga

>> No.14495368

salty coins

>> No.14495374

based pajeet

>> No.14495376
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Yep. Physically incapable of not finishing the bag. And none of the other brands have the same blend of flavors even if they call it the same thing.
Is that the design for not-canada?

>> No.14495381

I prefer the Parmesan ones.
My guilty pleasure is Ferrero Rocher. Sad none of the grocery stores sells the realy big cases of them where I live and its eather spanish candy or weeb-shit candy. Probably for the best since ill eat them till I fucking explode.

>> No.14495425

Fuuuck, wish they still sold em where I live

>> No.14495439

Why are those so fucking rare and only sold in packs of 2?

>> No.14495445

how can people binge sugary shit. I don't get the appeal

>> No.14495475
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Those are like coke to me, I can't stop chugging them if someone a packs, I know it's shit for my body but they're just so good.

>> No.14495502

>"The flavour combines the potato chip flavours of barbecue, ketchup, sour cream and onion, and salt and vinegar."
This, and it tastes most like salt and vinegar plus mild and sweet bbq. I know ketchup vry well and it's there, but as a compoment of the sweet bbq, the sour cream and onion is minor a flavor.

>> No.14495550
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>> No.14495805

I’ve lived that life too my patriot. It’s shamefully delicious

>> No.14495837

Don’t even need dip or anything

>> No.14495844

A good s'more for me. I'm a junkie. I found an amazing recipe for s'more bars but I had to quit making it because I literally couldn't stop myself from eating half the pan before I could take it to work to share.

>> No.14495890

I thought ketchup flavor was number one in Canada eh?

>> No.14495973

Pretty much any chip, it's bad enough that I can't buy bags larger than single-servings. I have eaten huge Party Sized bags of Doritos well past the point of tasting anything through the dust and still couldn't stop until the end.

>> No.14495996

the whole fucking container?
Have you yourself turned into a cheese ball?

>> No.14496046

for me, its also chips. the worst part is my curiosity to all those fucking "novelty" flavours
teriyaki chicken chips? i wonder how similar it tastes to normal chicken?
some autsitically fancy overpriced combaintion of shit like truffle oil and fancy cheese? i'd be crazy not to find out how that comes out on chips
hotdog chips? well what the fuck does THAT taste like?
it truly is my downfall. whenever i see a flavour of chip i haven't eaten i have to buy it

>> No.14496064
File: 42 KB, 472x354, Coney-Island-hot-dog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I won't win a hot dog eating contest, but put a stack of Coneys in front of me and I'll eat myself into a coma.

>> No.14496066

for me it's more so cookies and biscuits of any kind,

>> No.14496091

mm coney dog

>> No.14496097
File: 1.12 MB, 1200x1200, 462919ED-0155-4B53-B430-CA27B96CBDF9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Call me basic but these are like crack to me

>> No.14496101

get the thin mint kind and put them in the freezer for a day. fucking God tier

>> No.14496108
File: 470 KB, 810x870, PC-WhiteCheddar_2x_4bb5c95d-ae9c-461f-be2c-d05a065255cc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally can't eat these without killing the bag. They're fucking crack.

>> No.14496121

Cherry tomatoes or cashews.

>> No.14496122

I’ll give it a try breh. Thank for the tip

>> No.14496127



>> No.14496132


They really don’t look like they’re enjoying that very much

>> No.14496137

do you still have the recipe?

>> No.14496142


Share it

>> No.14496596
File: 71 KB, 1000x1000, 133527-01_pocky-strawberry-cream-covered-biscuit-sticks-packs-10-piece-box.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everytime. Love to savor them one stick at a time

>> No.14496627


I'll even salt them up a little if the flavors aren't balanced. But those are my real kryptonite. Chex Mix is one of those though where I'll go in for a handful and finish the bag in one sitting, the Bold flavor is dangerous especially. I use it for salad croutons but have a bad habit of cheating the bag away. hrmph.

>> No.14496632

are these saami people?

>> No.14496633
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For me, it's Flamin' Hot Cheeto Fries. The best kind of Cheeto you can buy.

>> No.14496638

i would pop these open with my thumb then knock it back and 'drink' all the m&ms before throwing it on the ground like i was a max payne taking painkillers

>> No.14496640


>> No.14496647
File: 415 KB, 1486x1500, 81McH89tu+L._SL1500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bury me with these

>> No.14496648

those tiny m&m's are one of those foods that taste better with your mouth full as they say. something about the textural difference from regularsized just made it taste better somehow.

>> No.14497013

In Asian markets they have this but pandan flavor. Absolutely incredible, I have to buy the smallest package because I'll eat them all that night.

>> No.14497097

you know, i've always loved those immensely, but i keep forgetting they exist

>> No.14497107

based and healthypilled

>> No.14497132


>> No.14497140

kids always cry about their food

>> No.14497146

You think that's bad? Where I live they sell those things by weight. Fucking hell.

>> No.14497224

Crunchy Cheetos or classic Doritos

>> No.14497230
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I seriously don't even like these things that much, but as soon as I eat some I can't fucking stop.

>> No.14497232

Please share

>> No.14497243
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>> No.14497245
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>> No.14497251
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I can eat a whole bag in one sitting

>> No.14497271

I have that problem with the kettle corn version. Luckily i cant buy them where i currently live.

>> No.14497459

Beef stroganoff usually I'll eat once a day, but I'll eat this 3 ties a day until it's all gone. These days I only make it if I haven't been able to eat much.

Rendang was like that for me when I went to Thailand. I spent 2 extra weeks in Chiang Mai just because I didn't want to leave it. I used to be a bitch with spicy food too so it would kill me every time I took a bite, but the flavor was so good. Now spicy things barely affect me at all. I need to learn how to make it myself.

>> No.14497462

one of the first, euhm anon

>> No.14497466

well, it does have alot of white crystaline powder

>> No.14497468

these are very filling, so i'm not sure i can eat much of em

>> No.14497605

fucking brutal

>> No.14499079

Spaghetti, I cannot stop myself from stuffing face with it

>> No.14499881

I love these only if they're fresh

>> No.14500665
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I'll have a 100 bags of these please

>> No.14500688

I have not been able to make oatmeal raisin cookies because I keep eating all the raisins ;_;

>> No.14501058
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Goddamn these are so fucking good.

>> No.14501065

Sour candy. I've sometimes eaten up to 1kg in a day.

>> No.14501082
File: 442 KB, 1600x1200, Hot-Fries.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know those bags are meant to be eaten in like 2-3 sittings but goddamn it they're too fucking delicious not to eat the whole bag in one go.

>> No.14501126

are they less hot now? I used to eat them as a kid and they were "spicy" bought a bag from walmart last week and they're nice but no heat.

not sure who changed

>> No.14501155

Do Americans really "lose control" when presented with tasty food?

>> No.14501160

Extra toasty cheezits have been the bane of my diet going on 6 months now. Fuck those little guys.

>> No.14501182

Yes. The truth about 9/11 is those planes had some very tasty food on board.

>> No.14501184
File: 13 KB, 400x600, ci-bulleit-bourbon-ece6dc419fd8a84b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is whiskey a food?

>> No.14501369

haribo is 100% putting crack in their gummy candy, it's on another level

>> No.14501410

It's mostly grain, so yeah.

>> No.14501899

roasted seaweed. Especially because if you leave the pack overnight it's not as crisp anymore

>> No.14502041
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>> No.14502074
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Roasted, Shelled, Salted Pistachios.
At least when they have the shell on there's something there to slow me down.

>> No.14502085

deep river has some good chips

>> No.14502087

When i crack open a bag of Doritos, I usually end up eating the entire bag. My favorite Doritos flavor is Sweet & Spicy Chili. I wouldn't doubt if Frito-Lay puts heroin in their dough.

>> No.14502094

>At least when they have the shell on there's something to slow me down

ah yes,

>> No.14502364

hell yeah brother

>> No.14502434

Sorry for the delay bros. Here they are. I've made a few other things off this website and they've all been really legit actually. Just ignore the bullshit novels she writes before the recipes.

>> No.14502544
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for me it's either ceviche or xoriatiki (Greek salad). I'll make a big ass bowl of it and eat exclusively that until it's gone...just typing this makes my mouth water. lately I've really been liking milkfish as the protein for ceviche, but shrimp still claims ownership of my heart

>> No.14502548
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>> No.14502562

that sounds kinda gross desu

>> No.14502591

>food good?
>le drug xD

>> No.14502644

These are way too tangy. I can barely eat a handful

>> No.14502934

90%+ dark chocolate

I can't just not eat the whole bar

>> No.14502979

Don't look saami to me. More like some siberian asian hybrid people

>> No.14502993

Sour cream & onion and salt & vinegar mashed together, with I think paprika or something.

>> No.14503002
File: 70 KB, 668x1028, 61jGQBZyE+L._SL1028_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These spicy little pieces of work. I have to seriously pace myself but they're so fucking good.

>> No.14503008
File: 1.13 MB, 902x700, sdfgdfg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

khanty people
I included the source because I am not a faggot

>> No.14503511

i don't know, is pizza a drink?

>> No.14504513
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>> No.14504567

oh my

>> No.14504652

It is physically impossible for me not to finish the following:

An entire large pizza
Bag of tortilla chips
A pint of ice cream
A batch of cookies
King size candy bars

I'm 6'3" 240 pounds. I am obese

>> No.14504688

Those mini Ritz sandwiches with that """cheese""" in the middle. Can't stop eating them until the box is empty.

>> No.14504713
File: 223 KB, 1000x476, Penguin_Biscuits.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I ate 7 in a row one day and felt terrible. Would have eaten 7 more but i felt guilty enough already

>> No.14505106
File: 16 KB, 225x225, images (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These fucking things, I know its just a prefab sugar cookie but goddamn.

Also pretty much every gummy candy known to man, especially welches or those old shark ones.

>> No.14505185


>> No.14505194

you are all fat

>> No.14505224

Those things are fucking amazing

>> No.14505256
File: 771 KB, 1200x1200, 0070882067275_1_A1C1_1200.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

only my heartland brahs know this feel

>> No.14505406

Neighbor lady gave me big tin of them in exchange for a home grown spaghetti squash. Looks expensive.

>> No.14505416

we have crackers similar to ritz crackers, coated in miniature salt crystals.

>> No.14505538
File: 3.15 MB, 4023x2889, lo-mein.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I could eat my body weight in lo mein.

>> No.14505645

It's a salty, crunchy, juicy mess and I love it.

>> No.14505755

Fuck you just forced me to buy these in large quantity on amazon

>> No.14505833

This is way too close to home for me. Pistachios and Almonds.

>> No.14505837

First thing that comes to mind are the chocolate covered peanut butter filled pretzel bites from Trader Joe's.

>> No.14506227
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>> No.14506568
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Strawberry laces, Natural Confectionary Company gummy snakes and dinos, corn flakes and rice crispies. I'm a huge sucker for sweets when I'm off the drink.
On the drink, nachos and burritos.

>> No.14506698

I used to make a big bag of Greek salad and smash half the first night, the rest in the morning.

>> No.14508006

If you haven't been severely bulimic you don't know shit about losing control. After you binge yourself sick you go vomit and repeat the process. Some of my greatest feats:

>8 family size bags of Ruffles + 6 containers onion dip
>Spent 5 hours at a Chinese buffet just eating and going to the bathroom to vomit
>10 2 liter bottles of Coke in one day

I'd regularly get $100+ of takeout food and spend hours in cycles of binging and purging until it was all gone

>> No.14508009

kettle chips, honey dijon, jalapeno, salt and vinegar..

>> No.14508034

i don't understand the coke one - surely you are not vomitting that shit up fast enough for it not to hit your bloodstream? how does this work

>> No.14508042
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any form of chocolate bar really
doesnt help i got sugar foot disease

>> No.14508048

post feet

>> No.14508052

I can drink a 2 liter in half an hour. Some definitely gets digested, but when you're downing that much liquid that fast it doesn't all have time to leave. When I was binging 2 liters I'd usually drink around 3-3.5 liters and then vomit.

>> No.14508056

I love coke and have had to stop.
I would say "based" but it may give me ideas.

>> No.14508057


>> No.14508060

Don't do what I did, I permanently damaged my body and it wasn't a happy period in my life.

>> No.14508063

damn son

>> No.14508070
File: 192 KB, 640x853, 3F1AFC66-0B58-43C2-A976-57B0998A4FE2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can put away 20-25lbs over the course of a couple hours.

>> No.14508072

lmao just stop eating wtf its not that hard

>> No.14508074
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Anyone else smash these?
I would genuinely kill myself from the sodium if I didn't refuse to go to the store more often. I buy a bag or two no matter what when I go down to the grocery

>> No.14508099

>phone posting
You get a pass for the kino that is Low Country Boil

>> No.14508103

i ate four pounds of wings in one sitting
i actually do it like once every 2 months

>> No.14508104

Yeah I’m surprised they’re so popular, too much going on. I tried them once and didn’t really like them.

>> No.14508248

I was given a box with dozens of bags of jerky at one point, I don't think they made it a week, I would eat 4 in a sitting without thinking about it, I was told I needed more salt in my diet at the time so it was probably fine but I don't think I should do it again.

>> No.14508249
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> like i was a max payne taking painkillers

we are bros now

>> No.14508267
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>mfw these keebler niggas
I'll literally eat a whole package of each in one sitting

>> No.14508284

>at dollarama
>stocking up on shit to go to the movies
>grab like 5 things
>one of said things is a tin of piroulines
>cashier is ringing it up
>she scans them
>makes a beep
>price doesn't change
>she doesn't notice
>says something along the lines of "wow you got all this for $5? good one"
>ask for the receipt
>it just says $5 and doesn't list what I got
>try to get the same thing next time
>get charged for them

Sometime I wish I could go back in time and experience the joy of free piroulines all over again. I wonder if I got 2 tins if I would have been charged. Would she have noticed if it was 2? 3? Maybe I could have bought out the store and gotten them all for free. Maybe bribed her with a few tins to not call the manager.

>> No.14508287
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I prefer these bad boys myself

>> No.14508290
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>> No.14508403

kinda in the same vein but these chips ahoy and famous amos they are the only three cookies where i will murder the fuck out of them

>> No.14508448
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If I'm drunk, I'll inhale these.

>> No.14509735

my best friend from new zealand mails me these sometimes and i find it incredibly difficult not to polish off the whole bag in one go. i stick em in the freezer too

>> No.14509744
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oops i forgot the snack

>> No.14510086


>> No.14510106

I'm an absolute fiend for Pizza Rolls, Tim Tams, and fucking Oreos.

>> No.14510137

i never actually buy these for myself but the moment i see a tin at a christmas party or something , they’re gone within 5 minutes

>> No.14510522

I'm white so I always have self control. Sorry Tyrone.

>> No.14510529

Pretty dumb post no matter how you look at it. I'm surprised you went so far as hitting the post button.

>> No.14510534

t.seething n'ger

>> No.14510557
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keep consooming...

>> No.14510572

Chips with oriental seasoning. That's why I only buy them like twice a year. Because they don't survive an hour after I open them.

>> No.14510633
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Gotta put some water in it otherwise I cannot stop

>> No.14510691

someone's never worked in government before

>> No.14510796

be my daddy mr be bezos

>> No.14511735

Lucky lad, but its probably for the best that it went quick. I've held onto jerky for a matter of a few days and it gets moldy, even sealed.

>> No.14511819

rendang is indonesian

>> No.14511946
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makes me feel like a 70 year old chinese granny but i tear through one of these in an hour

>> No.14511995
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>> No.14511996
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these fucking things

>> No.14511998

My nigga. Those and the dark choc rondnoir ones are amazing. I don't know why they're so much harder to find than the rochers. Come on Ferrero, let me get a box full of rondnoir.

>> No.14512000

is that a dog????

>> No.14512051

>If you haven't been severely bulimic you don't know shit about losing control. After you binge yourself sick you go vomit and repeat the process.
I do that, but the vomiting is never intentional. I just don't stop eating until it's too late.

>> No.14512069

no one i know like these but i bought 5 boxes of these to "stock up" ate them within the week.

>> No.14512086

Stocking up is always a terrible idea with food that doesn't require prep/cooking before consumption.
>like to make my own nut mix, usually in batches that last 1-2 days
>decide to make a bigger batch than usual so that it could last me a week
>still end up finishing it in 2 days

>> No.14512128

I used to pop the fucker open by squeezing it pretend I was some junkie hobo

>> No.14512281

Same. Got one of these as a hotel gift and I wanted to save it for someone but I fucking ate it like a monster.

>> No.14512295

For me, it's the vanilla kind.

>> No.14512324
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Hot & Spicy Cheezits and lumpia

There was a bahn mi place that I used to go to that would sell pork lumpia for 5 for $1 and 2 bahn mis for $10. I ate so many lumpias. That place was amazing. Plus it was near a liquor store and the train station.

>> No.14512356


>> No.14512379

I stopped buying jerky in bags larger than 3oz for that very reason. One time I bought 6 9oz bags of sweet n' hot jack links (relatively low sodium) and that shit was gone in less than a week.

>> No.14512389

oh baby is that some unprocessed corn syrup and bugs?

>> No.14512392

I can only eat a little at a time, but I still like good all-dressed. Different brands balance each flavour a little differently.

>> No.14512403
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1 full tray = 1 serving

>> No.14512424

They are the most potatochip potato chip of all time and they are easy to eat an inordinate amount of

>> No.14512431

Baste and Red Dilled

>> No.14512546

bog nippers and raw cobs*

>> No.14512702

>cross eyed cat wants chips

>> No.14512953

The indonesian version is shit though, all spice and no flavor. The northern Thai do it better. I tried to get it again in both Philippines and Indonesia but it was never that good. Who knows, maybe they were putting crack in it.

>> No.14513470

Indonesian rendang is absolutely beautiful my dude

>> No.14513942
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the best doritos flavor too bad I cant find them anywhere anymore

>> No.14514019
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These fuckers. At least until I get to the bottom and its all cheetos.

>> No.14514040
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>>cross eyed cat wants chips

>> No.14514114

These just get stuck in my teeth

>> No.14514152

I think so, still decent tho

>> No.14514158

The Fudge, especially Double Fudge is too good I refuse to buy it

>> No.14514645
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>> No.14514775

I love these, and even the store brands, but fuck do I get sick after eating them.

>> No.14514810
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These motherfuckers are so good.

>> No.14514826

Rip gums.

>> No.14514827
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